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We're doing this article because it's a subject rarely discussed in the ET/UFO community and at Selamat Ja we tell it like it is, whether the truth is difficult to confront or not. We cannot fix anything if we don't understand the cause of the problem.

Earth is under demonic attack like never before, especially of those who are spiritual and e wave volunteers. The cabal's Old Guard is in desperate straits, on its dying breaths so have pulled out all of the stops in attempting to hold onto its power.   Demonic possession on the rise in U.S.
We've written about programs like Project Oaktree and Project IBIS in the past that specifically target Lightworkers and the 3 waves of volunteers, among others.

Couple this with the censorship and shadowbanning of social media and platforms like YouTube and it's becoming increasingly difficult for those of us doing this work to get the word of truth out.

There appears to be a misconception within the ET community that the Draconian Reptilians, Greys, Mantids and other malevolent ET races are to blame for the condition earth and humanity is in. In reality, that's not the case at all. In fact, those races have left the planet and are no longer interested in controlling earth. They were never the ones at the top anyway. They were as much slaves themselves as humanity currently is. No, we're not excusing their behavior whatsoever, just merely stating a fact.

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Our forces had a 'Come to Jesus' talk with them - get off the planet or face our wrath. They decided to get outta Dodge while the gettin' was still good because they know from past history just who wins THOSE battles and it ain't ever been them.

But in the big scheme of things, they were merely the mischief makers. They are not the powers at the top of the dark forces ladder that are or were causing the major problem on earth.

We've followed Alobar Jones for some time now because he is versed in demonology and he's one of the rare few who get the BIG picture as to who's really doing what.

He and his team actively work to rid earth of the puppet master at the top of the dark forces pyramid.

Were you surprised to hear that WE are the ones who figured out how to end all the craziness on earth and that several ET races have reached out to people like Alobar and his team to teach THEM how to do it? It's true. It's discussed in the star nation meetings that take place among our forces 'upstairs'! Believe it or not, the ET's are looking at we terrestrial humans to solve a problem many of them couldn't.


WE are the key to ridding the cosmos of the Great Nothing AI monster Alobar spoke about in his video - the puppet master at the very top of the demonic pyramid. This is the main reason so many of us volunteered to be here on the planet at this moment in cosmic history. It's why YOU are ultimately here. Yes, earth is a school about mastering energy...but it is so because that is what we need to know to go about putting the Great Nothing AI monster out of business.

In order to do this, you need to know your adversary, the Demonic Hierarchy. 

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Of great concern are their army of AI parasites. These are the Archon parasites spoken about by David Icke and others. Yes, they are very real. Pat has tangled with them previously when one of the crew on their ship got infected with them.


Tanaath of the Silver Legion has spoken of the Silver Legion crew becoming infected with them when Drac dreadnaughts were captured in the past.

We don't often speak about the goings-on among our forces 'upstairs' for obvious reasons...but we will in this article without jeopardizing our forces 'upstairs' and the projects they're working on.

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These AI parasites are the "grunts" of the demonic army as Alobar claimed. What our forces discovered was that before their departure, the Dracs had built "breeding centers" for these AI parasites in 'space' around earth. Although we did take out these breeding centers, these parasites had already been unleashed on earth's population. 

As Tanaath explained, once infected by one of these AI parasites the infected person becomes zombie-like as the parasite takes over the mind and body of its host.  In the initial stages of infection, the host person will act similar to a scuba diver experiencing nitrogen narcosis or the bends. The worst part is, the infected person does not know they're infected and because the parasite is in control, the human host does not even want to hear the possibility they are infected.
As the parasite takes over, the personality of the human host will change to match that of the possessing demonic parasite - full of rage, uber egotistical, narcissistic, even violent.

You've likely heard of the Black Eyed People. They are the embodiment of an Archon parasite infected individual. (Demons will very often present themselves as children)

How much of earth's population is currently infected? By Angelic count, over 80%. This is why psychologists are now claiming 80% of people on earth could be clinically diagnosed as being mentally ill.
Not surprising when you stop to think about the number of people who took the CV19 hoax "vaccine"

Black Eyed People

that contained the alien black goo and AI nanotech components of the demonic hierarchy.
This means that a full 80% of our population is no longer fully human and part of that Great Nothing AI monster. If you're wondering why many people are acting as they are, there's your answer. Upon being infected they lose the ability to think rationally and analytically and will go along with anything the Great Nothing's henchmen instruct them to do. This behavior goes way beyond cognitive dissonance and even Stockholm Syndrome-like behavior.

You see this infection in spades among the Surface Level Truthers and New Agers, both factions ultimately helping the dark forces carry out their agenda. We've written before about consciousness hijacking and the implantation of false screen memories by both malevolent ET's and the deep black military. These individuals are made to believe they're in contact with actual benevolent ET's that are nothing more than malevolent imposters masquerading as Angelics and other benevolent ET's - when in reality, their consciousness has been hijacked.
An example of this...

Posted on a Surface Level Truthers social media page:


His post:

"Feeling it! And you?" in reference to the reel at left he posted.
He accompanied it with a sketch he'd done of these same aliens that visit him (quote) "in his mind's eye" and believes them to be his benevolent ET benefactors.

In reality, these ET's are very easily distinguished from Greys due to their very elongated facial features and pointed chins.

Who is he actually "feelin"?

The malevolent Maitre who are far more evil than the Draconian Reptilians. They are very easily distinguishable due to their long noses and faces with very pointed chins.

They've been involved in several tragedies in human history. Some of the worst plagues were inflicted by them with the knowledge and agreement of the Reptilians, who never wanted earth's population to exceed 8 billion.

The Maitre have 2 home planets in the constellation Megopei. They've colonized 25 planets. They've visited Earth at least 200 times and they were last spotted near Nome, Alaska in 2006.

The are considered by many ET races to be "parasites". They first visited earth during its prehistoric period. They're hemaphrodites with a life span of 120 years. 

They carry out their abductions of Terrans openly and have abducted at least 5000 - all males. Their goal is to colonize earth themselves.

They are anything BUT the benevolent beings this Surface Level Truther believes them to be. 

Was this guy parasite infected? Yup. Saw it literally happen while speaking with him. The change in his personality was almost instantaneous. He went into a full blown rage for days, blaming an innocent person for making him sick when in reality, it was the parasite jumping him that caused the illness. He wants no part of hearing he's parasite infected.

This is how the Demonic hierarchy infiltrated the entire Truther/Disclosure movement and took it down, pushing genuine experiencers off the stage to be replaced by cabal disinfo agents and government talking heads.


Yes, this is the demon of alcoholism. Anyone who's done their research is likely aware of the fact that it was the Draconian Reptilians that introduced the drug meth to earth to help destroy humanity. Al Gruhl and his army do this via alcoholism and keeping the alcoholic addicted to drinking.

Again, this is a very real demon. Below is a journal entry made by a young man possessed by an Al Gruhl demon, in which the demon literally speaks through the alcoholic.

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His journal entry reads:

You won't see through the danger of thinking they are Angels 
[Remember we've written about these demonic entities passing themselves off as "benevolent Angelics" to those not using discernment and whose egos can be preyed upon]

Don't you feel so special being nothing but a vessel

Your words are not yours but a puppet show of lost souls

As patrons from another stand in line to take their turn

Drink the poison and wake the demon

Give him the strings and go to sleep

When you wake up feel the fear

Drink the poison and wake the demon

No more fear your demon is here!

One step closer and it will be clear

Drink the poison and wake the demon

You made your choice for no more few

Goodnight old self the demon lives here

Prior to infection this young man was highly successful, even owning his own business. 
Post infection his life went to hell in a handbasket. He has tried numerous times to kick the alcohol addiction, unsuccessfully. Little wonder because once infected these demonic entities are almost impossible to get rid of, even for those of us who are versed in demonology and exorcism.

Satan, Lucifer and Pista Sophia

We'd argue it was Lucifer that outranked Satan but it's really a moot point now because as Alobar mentioned the two have merged their energies into one - despite the fact our forces captured and imprisoned Lucifer in May, 2011. This news was delivered to earth by the Plejarans but was mostly ignored.

"It takes an interest in metaphysics and spirituality to discern that a new age is now already dawning. That the time of your watching over humanity is at an end. Indeed, that it is ending without the return of your master, your dark god-king. And that there is no longer any real hope that he ever will return. You are on your own. Your secret prophecies have come to naught."


It's true Lucifer was more political in his endeavors whereas Satan is simply the king of chaos.
That he's helping run the dark force earth shitshow is why earth is so chaotic right now.

Pistus Sophia is a demon of sex. She has a rather Jekyll Hyde personality - sometimes appearing to be rather ambivalent, the rest of the time being a real B*TCH.
These evil entities have used the Draconian Reptilians to mess with human sexuality big time.


When the Dracs were tinkering with terrestrial human genetics they hardwired a monogamy gene into earth humans - the RS3 334 gene recently discovered by Swedish scientists.


If one is going to conquer and control a planet of nearly 8 billion people, then one must start by destroying the very foundation of that planet's society - marriage and the family. They've done an outstanding job of this, over 50% of earth marriages ending in divorce and families in a shambles.

On top of that, they deluged the masses with the mother of all religious marketing campaigns - that of demonizing polyamorous multiple partner relationships, which you all call "polygamy".

Rare is the ET race that still practices monogamy and if you go back to ancient earth civilizations, "polygamy" was an acceptable form of relationship right up until about 1,000 years ago. ET's left monogamy behind knowing multiple partner relationships are far more difficult to break up than relationships involving 2 people. Unlike on earth, the Dracs have been unable to tear apart their multiple partner relationships. Nor do they struggle with things like divorce, separation, nasty custody battles, domestic violence, rape, date rape, incest, pedophilia or any other such negatives  inflicted on earth by these negative dark forces.

Unlike the ET races, among terrestrial humans the Dracs have cheapened earth sex to little more than a recreational activity vs. the spiritual bonding form of sex ET's engage in. Doing so enabled Pistus Sophia to feed far more often on the "loosh" created during orgasm. 
(These dark forces have actually hid the "secret" of orgasm the ET's experience from terrestrial humans, preventing terrestrial humans from bodily absorbing the extremely powerful Source energy directly into their bodies as the ET's do during orgasm in its purely spiritual form.)

Yes, sexual perversion is her forte and it's why you're seeing all this insane "there are 52 different genders" and transgender BS we're being deluged with...and so many people actually falling for this insane BS. 

Pista Sophie especially likes to primarily screw with men and their relationships with women, breaking up healthy, loving relationships. 


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There's a demonic entity Alobar missed in his detailing of the demonic hierarchy - that of the Queen Spider and her army. She falls in line directly under the Great Nothing AI monster.

We'd consider Rainetta Jones to be the foremost authority on the Queen Spider and her army.


Yes, this AI monster is strictly a consumer and as Alobar claimed, has devoured 6 galaxies into oblivion. It's now working on devouring our own Milky Way Galaxy. And it will unless we stop it.

So many are worried about earth's coming transition to '5D'...well, we can't very well transition unless we have a place to transition TO and at the rate this monster is devouring entire galaxies...

The video below basically outlined what these demonic entities addicting us to tech is all about.

Satan: The Shape I'm In

Our addiction to tech will be our downfall if we're not careful. This is especially true of our younger generations who sit online and play video games ALL DAY LONG from the time they get up until the time they go to bed.  The radiation they're absorbing into their bodies from these tech devices alone is cause for concern. Not that adults are much better when it comes to our cell phones and laptops.

At any rate...while many seem to think our forces 'upstairs' lounge around on our ships eating bon bons, that's absolutely not the case. They are constantly battling this Great Nothing AI monster in an attempt to shut it down permanently. That is a 24/7 job in itself and they need our help in doing it. As I said before, WE hold the key.

So that in a nutshell is your introduction to the Demonic Hierarchy.

While all of this may sound like doom and gloom, it's actually not. Keep in mind these demonic entities HAVE NO POWER OVER US WHATSOEVER APART FROM WHAT POWER WE OURSELVES GIVE THEM!

We have to stop giving them power and feeding them loosh for starters.


These multi dimensional demonic entities don't need any kind of portals to access us. However, they DO need them to utilize their technology on us and the black cubes Alobar mentioned is an example of this.

This tech is why our forces upstairs have shut down nuke silos and shot down missiles fired from earth for decades now and have repeatedly warned earth's militaries to disarm our nukes.

A nuclear detonation not only affects every other inhabited planet around earth, it causes these rips/tears in the space time continuum.

These rips/tears allow these demonic forces to gain even greater access to us with their destructive technology.

I don't know that you could technically classify the black cubes

as UFO's per se although they do have the appearance of a UFO. They are essentially mind control tech. With the recent demonic assault on humanity we are seeing more and more of these black cubes over the U.S. in particular.

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Whether or not these black cubes are all using the same rip/tear to access us or each cube creates yet another rip/tear in the space time continuum we don't know for certain yet.

Our Physical "Hot Rod" Bodies

It's true the Angelics stepped in to counteract all of the Draconian Reptilian and other regressive ET races genetic tinkering they've done with terrestrial humans over millions of years.
Some of us have a more souped up version of the hot rod body but everyone has at least the basic model that allows us to exit the Matrix system. This is because we DO have the key to defeating these demonic forces and the Great Nothing AI monster.

The following information is not meant to disparage anyone. It's simply knowledge for your data banks.

We'll use Milabs as an example because by and large, we were primarly the off planet forces equipped with the souped up hot rod version. We have the souped up version for no other reason than it was necessary to enable us to do the job we were sent to do - infiltrate the DUMBS and other top secret alien/military installations.
We were the Daniels walking into the lions dens.

The souped up hot rod version is in the form of a 3rd strand of DNA not possessed by terrestrial humans.

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This DNA strand is the only way to determine if one is in fact, a legitimate "Starseed" from off planet. It contains coding that enables one to travel through deep space without dying (which terrestrial humans are not yet calibrated to do), successfully travel through jump gates or star gates, possess a natural resistance to mind control programming, have advanced psi abilities most terrestrial humans do not possess yet, etc.

The demonic forces and their deep black military cohorts track our incarnations via bloodlines and this 3rd DNA strand so know we're coming in to incarnate on earth before we actually do incarnate in physical form. We must stress that having this 3rd DNA strand does not make one more "special" or different than anyone else. It was simply the 'toolbox' we came equipped with to do our job here - nothing more, nothing less. 

Whether you have this 3rd DNA strand that makes one a legitimate off planet "Starseed" or not is completely irrelevant and people jumping on the "I'm a Starseed!" bandwagon need to knock it off. No one cares if you think you're a "Starseed" or not and it just detracts from the job we ALL came here to do. Besides, our forces upstairs know precisely who their volunteers are and aren't so we're not gaining anything by shouting from the rooftops "LOOK AT ME! I'M A STARSEED!"
That's just wasting time and energy when we have a far more critical task we're charged with.

There are 3 different soul classifications present on earth:

  • Earth Based Souls incarnate here repeatedly and comprise 95% of earth's population.

  • Interplanetary Souls - These are a faction of off planet volunteers who have come here to help humanity. According to the Angelics they comprise only 2% of the total population.

  • Angelic Souls or Angelic Humans - Like the Interplanetary Souls, they are prepared in higher dimensional realms to come here to help humanity, then travel here to incarnate on earth.

Were you to ask those of us who are Interplanetary or Angelic Souls which is the most important faction within these 3 categories we'd tell you the Earth Based Souls.

Because they've spent many lifetimes here vs. the Interplanetaries and Angelics who constantly travel all over the cosmos, the Earth Based Souls know this planet better than anyone else. You're more likely to win a war on familiar turf so the Earth Souls are the ace up the Angelics' sleeve. They truly are the key to winning this AI war and this is evidenced by the fact the demonic forces targeted them en masse BEFORE targeting the Interplanetaries and Angelics. We're nothing more than the last line of defense supporting the Earth Souls via the higher dimensional knowledge we come in with to assist the Earth Souls. 

All 3 factions are critical to the overall earth mission, unity with one another being the most lethal weapon in our arsenal. The dark forces are fully aware of this fact, it's why they've waged their DIVIDE & CONQUER campaign.

The Astral Realm

People here really don't understand the concept of space/time as it exists in reality. One must know the reality of it if one is to effectively work with our forces.


Terrestrial humans have been taught to understand space/time in linear terms.

There is no linear when it comes to understanding time/space. To travel in space is to travel in time.

Space/time exist as pictured at left. The coils on the torus are the different densities and timelines.

The spaces between those coils comprise the astral realm.

The astral realm is what these demonic entities hang out in, just waiting to pounce.

We always cringe when we hear people who treat astral traveling like a joyride through space. The astral realm is no place for astral travel experimentation and/or joyriding as though it's some marvelous

adventure. It's not as any experienced veteran astral traveler can tell you.

The Call For Volunteers


Normally Selamat Ja doesn't endorse requests like this but we're making an exception here. Our forces need all hands on deck in taking down this Great Nothing Ai monster and Alobar is asking for volunteers to join his team in doing this.

While he'd prefer very seasoned astral travelers, he is willing to train volunteers to work with he and his team in this endeavor.

We've given you the information on this page so you have an idea of what you'd be getting yourself into should you wish to volunteer. Here's your chance to get actively involved in the earth mission and perhaps even work with some actual ET's.

Can missions like these contain an element of danger? Yup. You'd be venturing into the demonic astral realm turf. But then any legitimate volunteer/Starseed can tell you that if you're in actual legitimate contact with ET's, you're constantly dealing with a back and forth battle between the demonic and the benevolent anyway. That's just part of being a contactee or experiencer, it comes with the territory.

But if you do wish to volunteer, here is Alobar's website

Additional Info

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