For those of you wondering (if any of you are) why I've reformatted my website...
I've left the ET/experiencer community in my rear view mirror. I'm sick to death of the juvenile, disrespectful and hateful behavior taking place between members in that community recently and want no part of it. That's not how I roll.
Nor do I care if anyone believes in my ET/Milab experiences or not. I have NO reason to lie about them whatsoever. Telling my story and experiences has resulted in my being mocked, ridiculed, attacked and shunned so I've gained nothing from sharing my experiences. Just the opposite.
I spent two years having my case dissected by a panel of experts in the fields of alien/Milab abductions, UFOlogy, the alphabet soup agencies, military intelligence, other well known experiencers.
They unanimously concluded I was being honest about my ET experiences and that they were legitimate. If people can't accept their decision, that's their problem and I'm tired of it being made my problem.
I've furnished what proof it's possible for me to furnish, including videos of one of the ships of my ET contacts filmed over my Big Arb lake house by the UFO hunter group, Human Initiated Contact.
I'm leaving a few of my ET experiences up on a trial basis for anyone genuinely interested.
But I will take them down entirely if the nonsense I've been subjected to lately by members of the experiencer community continues.
To my loyal experiencer friends/followers my apologies...but I have to leave the community for my own welfare and piece of mind. I'm still open to contact with all of you who have been those loyal friends/followers and thank you for your valuable friendship and support. It means more to me than you know.