Derren Brown:
Hero At 30,000 Feet
My fellow veteran experiencers and I get a lot of people who are TI's, abductees, Milabs, etc. coming to us for help in dealing with the roles and negative situations these types of people often find themselves in.
The question I'm asked most often is "How do I make it stop like you did?"
Not to disparage these types of people asking for help...but most often we veterans end up throwing our hands in the air, knowing the individual is not READY to do what's necessary to put a stop to it, for whatever reason. Or the person is mentally ill and we aren't qualified to give them the professional help they need.
Many thrive reveling in victimhood, virtual signaling and consistently creating drama around themselves. The first thing to be destroyed in a mass mind control program is one's self esteem and sense of self. Therefore, the above types of individuals use victimhood, virtual signaling and drama as a means of identifying themselves, having lost their sense of self and self esteem and having been demoralized by said mind control programming.
This harassment becomes the focus of their lives, many report feeling no emotions whatsoever the longer the harassment, abductions or whatever go on. They lose interest in life itself, contenting themselves with living in an alternating rut of hypervigilance and disinterest.
How often do we allow fear and a lack of self esteem and belief in ourselves prevent us from being all that we can be? Or from freeing ourselves from situations we don't want to be in?
In 2010, an absolutely brilliant motivational movie came out called Derren Brown: Hero At 30,000 Feet. It's an absolutely incredible story about the transformation of a rather unmotivated young man who turned himself into a hero by learning to believe in himself and overcoming his fears.
Here's the movie in full:
(Some of you might want to have a box of tissues on standby while watching the ending! Don't worry, they'll be tears of happiness.)
When people ask me "How did you manage to stop the TI harassment and get out of the deep black military programs?" I always tell them there's no big secret to it:
1. Empower yourself. BELIEVE 100% you have the power to make it all stop. If you don't believe you have that power, you won't be successful.
2. Put it out into the universe 'I DO NOT CONSENT WITH THESE DARK ENTITIES..." and list precisely what you don't consent to.
3. Realize these dark force entities have no power over you apart from what you yourself ALLOW them to have. You allow them to have power over you by acquiescing to their nonsense.
4. Lose ALL FEAR - over pain, death, everything. These dark forces use fear to control people and as long as you give them any fear whatsoever to work with, they'll use it against you in order to continue to control and harass you.
That last one is key to your success, just as it was Matt's key to success in becoming the hero at 30,000 feet and overcoming his fears to land the plane. Yes, it was all done in a flight simulator but to Matt IT WAS REAL. He truly believed he was landing that plane and worked through his fears and self doubts to do so! He put his fellow passengers (actors) lives before his own self doubts and fears in order to get them to the ground safely. In doing so he changed his life dramatically and climbed out of that rut he'd been in, in the beginning of the film. He empowered himself and realized his true potential.
It took me many years to finally learn the lesson the Angelics had been trying to pound into my head:
Think about that one because it's really true. Our minds can be our own worst enemy. It took my believing the only way out of my being targeted and out of the deep black programs was death for me to finally lose all fear. I welcomed the Draco Reptilian that was threatening to kill me to do so, believing that was the only way the harassment, physical torture, etc. would stop. My abductions both alien and military ended that same day I showed no fear, 15 years ago now.
I used to be Matt as he was at the beginning of the movie. Now I know I can overcome anything thrown in front of me. Our adversaries know it too, which is why they no longer mess with me.
Would I have stood up and tried to land that plane had I been in Matt's shoes? HELL YEAH!
What's the worst that could happen? I'd fail and we'd all die anyway? At least I would've tried and gone to my grave knowing I gave it my best shot. I wouldn't have gone to my grave knowing I'd been a spineless coward who'd been unwilling to even try to save the lives of my fellow passengers.
The point is we all have a Matt inside of us. And like Derren Brown did with Matt, we have to do the work on ourselves necessary to bring that Matt out. We have to stop absorbing the cabal's fear mongering that paralyzes us from being all we can be and realize that we all have worth, that we aren't a "powerless nobody". After all, this is what our dark force adversaries fear above all else, knowing that WE hold the power over them and they have none if we give them none. It's why the worldwide awakening has the cabal desperate and running scared as they are now, as more and more people come into their own power and see their slight of hand illusions for what they are - ILLUSIONS.
And regardless of their enslavement, there's a freedom that comes with discovering that Matt inside us.