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How many of us never think or thought we had anyone in our corner to help us when needed?
*Raises hand*  Boy, were my Angelics about to teach me a lesson!

At the start of our journey, Jmmanuel had said to me "Ask and ye shall receive. I may not give you everything you want but I will give you everything you NEED." 

At the time I was targeted by the shadow government, who'd destroyed every facet of my life. I was too sick from what they'd done to me to work a job, nor would my Milab abductors going to allow me to ever work another job, telling me "You won't ever work again. You're a government asset now, you belong to us." 

They'd financially bankrupted us so when they murdered my husband I was left literally penniless. I was facing homelessness and couldn't even afford to put food on my table. My car broke down, there's no public transportation where I live so I was stranded. My life was an absolute shambles.

Then I discovered Jmmanuel hadn't been kidding when he said "Ask and ye shall receive". He'd deliver every time, very often in what one could only term "miraculous" ways.

I'll give you a few examples so you can see what I'm talking about.

When my husband was murdered I was so beat up from being targeted I knew I could no longer go it on my own. The shadow government had completely isolated me from family and friends via a smear campaign they'd waged against me.


I asked Jmmanuel to bring me a friend, one who would believe and understand what I was going through.

When I moved north my best friend, Rose had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and been given less than 6 months to live. Although I'd given her my new address we'd lost touch. She was also moving at the time and I had no idea where she'd moved to even try to contact her.
So many years had passed I believed Rose had died.

That same night I returned home to find a message on my answering machine - from Rose! That afternoon she'd been cleaning out a closet and found my address in the bottom of a box. She immediately drove north for us to spend a few days together.

"Rose," I said. "What the hell happened? I thought you were dead!"

"I told the Lord I knew I was here on a mission but I felt I hadn't completed that mission yet. I asked him to let me to stay and finish it if that was his will."

The next time she went to her oncologist, all of the tumors in her lungs had disappeared completely. Doctors called her a medical miracle...but Rose and I knew who'd cured her of cancer. Being reunited with me to help support me turned out to be the part of her mission she hadn't completed. She passed away the next year.

At the time Rose and I were reunited, I'd asked the Angelics to help me get a car as mine bit the dust.
It was through Rose that I got that new car. The Angelics didn't get me a new car once, they got me a new car TWICE! The second time a part in the back end of my car went, leaving it unsafe to drive. The second time the Angelics got me a new car within 3 HOURS TIME. Here's both of those cars...


When I had no money to buy food, I again asked for help. The next day I found a blank white envelope in my mailbox with $400 inside of it. NO ONE knew I'd been targeted at that point, I hadn't told anyone so no one that lived near me would've known to slip $400 into my mailbox in a blank envelope. Yet I checked with everyone I knew but no one knew anything about the envelope containing $400.

Then another funny thing happened. I'd ask Jmmanuel just to let me have fun. I guess Jmmanuel thought my idea of having fun was having money dropped in my lap. $2800 here, $600 there, another $800...
This went on for a full year! Mind you, I never asked the Angelics for money.

At the same time, I'd been battling Social Security for disability benefits. Even though I was legally entitled to them, I was denied for 5 years. More string pulling by the shadow government. I'd exhausted all of my appeals. Suddenly out of the blue a letter arrives from Social Security stating they were now giving me benefits and back pay. This was years after I'd exhausted all of my appeals. I now had an income again.

This still left the nearly homeless problem to deal with. I didn't ask them for help with that. I'd wanted to buy my dad's lake house for years but a family member blocked me from doing so even though the house sat vacant for years. I was literally writing out an offer on another property when I got an email from that family member asking me if I wanted to buy the lake house. It's where I now live.


The Angelics literally rebuilt my life from scratch. Not only that, they'd tell me how to sidestep all of the horrific things the shadow government was doing to me and would help me stop my abductions completely and escape the Milab program in 2012.

Several attempts were made on my life by the cabal. Again, the Angelics stepped in and made each of the 7 cabal attempts fail. 

I've had 20 major surgeries in the past 4 years due to all the damage done to me during my Milab abductions. Each time as I was wheeled into surgery, I'd be shocked to see Jmmanuel in the OR, scrubbed in on the surgery.
He'd wink at me each time before they knocked me out, then pull up his surgical mask. I have not a clue how he did this but he did.

When my dad died I really wanted him to come down and be with me. I never asked knowing how busy he was. I'd scored VIP tickets to a 2 Cellos concert for myself, my sister and brother-in-law.  All the funeral arrangements had been made, there was nothing more we could do so decided to attend the concert. It was sold out, the only empty seat in the entire theater was one beside me. At the price of the VIP tickets I figured that ticket holder had gotten stuck in traffic or something and would show up eventually.

2 Cellos concert.webp

The concert had already begun when a man sat down in the seat beside me. I was into the concert so paying no attention to him whatsoever.

Stjepan and Luka had just begun playing My Heart Will Go On when suddenly this guy next to me grabs my hand and holds it.

I'm getting ready to haul off and punch him a good one when I turn to look at him.
It was Jmannuel sitting next to me.

Those of us who work with the Angelics know the benefits of asking them for help...

He's not kidding about asking for help with parking spaces! The Angelics do that for me constantly and I get a space right up front if all of the handicap spaces are taken.

Now you may be saying "Well, they never hear and answer ME when I ask."

First of all, they do hear you. They hear everything whether you want them to or not! Secondly, maybe you aren't asking them correctly or maybe what you're asking for isn't for the good of ALL involved. Everything that happens in our lives affects others. The Angelics always work from what is good for ALL, not just yourself.

I discovered there was a certain way to go about asking them for help:

  • Don't see them as anything but being equals to yourself.

  • Don't demand. Have a conversation with them and explain why you need the help you're asking for.

  • When you ask, tell them "But do what's best for all involved." Then know if you don't get what you want it wasn't the best thing for you or anyone else involved.

  • Be patient. They do things in the right timing. For example, I asked them to give me a job that I really wanted. I didn't get the job. But a few months later I got my dream job of being in law enforcement. If I didn't get what I'd asked for, something better always came along.

  • Don't tell them you want them to make you win the lottery. They won't do that.

  • Pay it forward. They respond better if they see what they do for you being paid forward.

  • Be sure to thank them when they answer you with a helping hand.

Don't be afraid to ask them to help others in need. Each and every time I asked them to help someone else who was struggling they came through and helped that person.

Give it a try! They are there to help us and you may find like I did, that they're pretty dang good helpers!


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