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With all the negativity we're surrounded with as of late, it's essential to keep one's mind, body and spiritual self in balance in order to deflect that negativity. 
Beata is a practiced healer in many modalities that can help you keep yourself in balance.

Jikiden Reiki
Inversion Therapy
Sound Healing & Vocal Toning
Chakra Dowsing


Tinfoil Hat Lady can:

  • Encourage DNA and subtle Body healing with Jikiden Reiki treatments.

  • TURN YOU AROUND on an Inversion Table. Tinfoil Hat Lady has an article on Inversion Therapy in 2016 Jan/Feb Wholife Journal of Health and Wellness.

  • Tinfoil Hat Lady offers a safe space for Chakra Singing Bowl treatments, Healing Holy Harmony Frequency Experience. Allow time to get to know your Healing Voice or Explore Original Self Created Rhythms.

  • She shares the power of natural micro-currents and frequencies for Heath Relaxation and Wellness with proven Electrical Therapies.

All to help you think things differently about boosting your Health and Wellness with Natural Science. She would love to meet with you to create a personal plan in order to Turn Yourself Around.



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