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The cabal is shortening people's attention spans to the point they want any research or news in "soundbyte" form. Reels for example!

But if you really want the truth about the ET presence, etc. you're not going to find it in videos, reels, social media posts. You have to READ because this whole mess earth is in started LONNNNNG before the Internet existed. It was written about in books prior to the Internet.

So I've decided to start a library page that will give you pertinent books to read if you really want to get at the TRUTH.


The "Book of Alien Races" is a mysterious book that was originally written in Russian in 1946 to inform KGB agents of the various alien races who had visited our planet. The book was also used as a notebook by secret agents as they constantly made additions and revisions to the original information over the years.

This is considered the most accurate book of alien races ever written. It appears the government censors are already at work trying to make it unavailable.

However, you can read it here for free!


Defending Sacred Ground was written by Andromedan contactee, Alex Collier. (Who is very legit!)

I couldn't find the book in print but I did find a series of 7 videos of the book you can watch for free.

Part 1

Once you've pulled up Part 1 look to the menu at right for the rest of the videos in the series.

You can also get a Pdf copy by CLICKING HERE


Bonnie Meyer is a legitimate contactee who lives just south of me and she's written 3 great books. I've read 2 and am nearly through the 3rd. She too works with the Angelics and brings messages from them in her books as well as relays her own ET experiences. They're excellent reads.

You can find them here


Secret Vows - Our Lives With Extraterrestrials by Denise and Bert Twiggs is another interesting read.

It tells the story of their awakening to the ET presence and their subsequent involvement with the Andromedans in a consensual breeding program designed to correct birth defects in Andromedan babies by virtue of using Terran partners and their


I read the book cover-to-cover in one day it was so interesting.

You can get it here


This book is a journey of discovering the truth of life and the Universe.

Are we alone in the Universe?
Are Extraterrestrials and UFOs real?
Do other dimensions exist?
Are there beings in other dimensions?
Are we more than just a physical body?
What happens after we die?
Is there a Divine Intelligence behind our reality?
Is the Universe Conscious?
Are we all One and connected to everything?
Are our Inner World and Outer World connected?
Is a Great Shift happening on the planet?
Is there a Control System attempting to keep humanity and these truths suppressed?

You can get the book here

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