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Actual Satanic Ritual

During the course of working these cases I found there were unique characteristics common among these Illuminati cases. I wrote a "what to look for" manual for investigators working these cases.
Most often these cases will be unsolved cold cases due to the fact our government pedophiles have rigged the system in their favor to not only easily carry out these crimes but to avoid their own arrest and prosecution.

Below is an investigators checklist for those investigating these crimes. This is what you look for:

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Years ago their preferred child was blonde haired with blue eyes. Back then the starting price for this child in their child auctions was $50,000. Now however, it's black children most at risk as these whackadoodles discovered black children produce a 'higher quality' Adrenochrome for harvesting.
Also at risk, any child with any kind of disability no matter how slight. Think Hitler culling 'undesirables'.

White vans are used both as surveillance vehicles and rolling abduction dens on wheels. They're usually cargo type vans with the windows blacked out in some manner. They may be made to look like service vehicles - electricians, cable TV installers, etc.

surveillance van.webp

Below: Rolling abduction van

The child they target for abduction will be under survillance 24/7 for up to 2 weeks prior to the actual abduction taking place. 
They will know that child's daily routine in detail so they know when to most successfully snatch the child.

Normally the abductor will be a male, although we also found male/female teams working together to give the appearance of the child's parents, so as to attract little attention from anyone around.

They can snatch more than one child simultaneously. The abduction will take between 30 and 60 seconds, giving the appearance the child has disappeared into thin air.


This cult is uber arrogant. We found they'd leave an abducted child's left shoe behind to taunt us. They've since graduated to arranging items of their kills to photograph and sometimes post on social media.

Tom Hanks did this with the hit he ordered on Isaac Kappy, taking a photo of a left hand glove, a cap with a pea next to it. Kap - py.

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He then posted a photo of himself taking the photo with the taunting caption "Historic Route 66. Roadkill? I hope not!"
Here you see their occult numerology coming into play, Route 66. 666

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Like most serial killers, Hanks would collect "trophies" of the kills he ordered as the head of the Thuggees - the trophies being items of clothing of his kills.

Occult numerology is extremely important to these satanists, particularly the numbers 3  5  6   7   9   11   13 and multiples of them. They believe doing things by their numbers gives them more demonic power.  Therefore, we'd find these numbers cropping up in every case - the child's age, birthdate, address, street they were abducted on, even on sports jerseys they were wearing at the time of the abduction.

Occult symbolism is equally important. Again, they believe incorporating their symbolism into everything they do gives them more demonic power.

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More of their symbolism above. You may recall a few years ago Hillary Clinton and Huma Aberdeen filleting the face off a girl they tortured to death in order to harvest her Adrenochrome. They wore her face as a mask while torturing and killing her and the whole thing was recorded as the snuff film "Frazzledrip" that was found circulating on the dark web. That's another thing you want to watch for - a snuff film being made of the kill and hitting the dark web.

But this is what the face on Hank's volleyball in the movie Castaway represented as well as Lady Gaga's 2019 Oscars dress - the filleted off face of their child victims.

Just like gangbangers, this cult incorporates color symbolism, their colors being primarily black, red and white.
(White denoting a Christian or person who walks the right hand path of good vs. their left hand path of evil.)

This video is a very simplified explanation of their color symbolism.

Lady Gaga

Very few bodies of these children are ever recovered but in the ones that were recovered nearly every one of them had died from some kind of throat trauma. We saw this in the JonBenet Ramsey case, both as a form of torture and ultimately, death. Another example, we saw it with Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy as well.

As investigators we never quite figured out what this throat trauma signifies to the cult. It may be simply that they're extremely sexually deviant so into auto erotic asphyxiation - as once the victim loses consciousness, their body goes into spasms that resemble orgasm. That's our best guess anyway.

Dump sites - They typically dump their victims in government-owned heavily forested areas: Federal and state parks, etc.
If you have a child that goes MIA, immediately look and head for the nearest heavily forested area and take a cadaver dog with you.
However, most of these MIA kids are taken into the military DUMBS or Deep Underground Military Bases to be ritual sacrifices their Adrenochrome harvested, their bodies cannibalized.


We also discovered these abductors would head straight for the nearest border be it state, national or international to not only get away with the child quickly but to cause jurisdictional conflicts between investigative agencies. The FBI will usually step in to take over the investigation in order to control it. The media will also be Illuminati- controlled, feeding misinformation and disinformation to the public to inflame them against the fall guy(s) the Illuminati set up to take the rap for their crime. We saw this in spades in with Casey Anthony. You'll see a WHOLE LOT of deflection going on within Illuminati cases.

Area Pedophile Rings - There will in all likelihood be one or more operating in the locale of your abduction. You want to look for the 'operational hub' of that ring. Often it will be in a church.
Then you want to look for a pattern - how many other kids have disappeared or been abducted in that same area previously? For example, in the Ramsey case there were 4 other children who disappeared either on the same date (Satanic holiday Demon Revels) or after JonBenet's death. Both that little girl and JonBenet attended the same dance classes with one another. Watch the satanic holiday calendar for holidays that require human sacrifice and see if one falls in line with your missing child's disappearance.

Another thing you want to immediately look for is the death of a suspect's eldest child. The ONLY way one gets a seat at the Illuminati hierarchy table is by sacrificing their child to the cult, typically the eldest child. The death will be made to look like an accident.

They also like to memorialize their kills. Examples: Dealy Plaza/JFK assassination. Twin Towers. They'll do this in a cryptic way but always right in everyone's face in order to mock "I got away with it!"
John Ramsey named his yacht TENOCLOCK - the same time as JonBenet's death. They're so arrogant they like to build monuments to themselves and memorialize their kills in some manner.

Children in this cult will be normally be sexually abused as this is generational in cult members. This will happen prior to abduction or homicide. 

Some of these children may report this abuse to a parent or friend and/or being taken to satanic rituals prior to their disappearance. 

If they talk about this abuse they will be killed (even by their own families) to eliminate the threat to cult members of being exposed as pedophiles.

Older siblings will often attempt to protect younger siblings from being sexually preyed upon and it's standard to see behavioral issues in all siblings within the family. 

The cover ups in these cases are orchestrated at the highest levels of government. Go high enough up the ladder with who is connected with whom and you're going to find a tie to the CIA and/or deep black military. Their structure is like one of a web, everyone connected.


Know that the CIA and deep black military possess technology years more advanced than anyone imagines and that they've kept this technology top secret. One of the devices they have is what we call "the Black Box" and it renders everyone in the house (including pets) unconscious. This is how they can snatch a child right out of their own home without waking anyone and without any signs whatsoever of forced entry.
Just because you discern there was no forced entry doesn't mean that was the case! These abductors can get in and out of a home without any signs of forced entry whatsoever. 

Protect credible witnesses to the best of your ability. If a witness reports they're being followed, getting death threats, TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. This cult are cold blooded murderers and will eliminate credible witnesses without so much as a second thought. Kill methods include freak car accidents, drugging, technology that causes the witness to have a heart attack, witnesses being "suicided". At the very least the cult may discredit a witness via a smear campaign designed to make them look mentally ill. 

Last but not least...I know those in law enforcement don't like working with psychics and to a degree I understand this. There are novices out there that believe they're more gifted than they truly are as well as outright frauds. But there's a reason the government has been attempting to weaponize those of us who are legitimate and they don't waste trillions of dollars doing that if they don't recognize our abilities as being legitimate and useful to them. 

These kids come to psychic mediums in droves, wanting someone here to know what was done to them and by whom. I've had dozens upon dozens of them come to me and the information they've given me is accurate.
What a psychic gives you does not replace standard police investigation and following your chain of evidence...but we can give you LEADS to follow that you might not have had otherwise that come from victims of these cases.

A helpful hint: Those of us who are legitimate will usually not approach law enforcement to help with these cases. That's something a novice psychic does. Nor will we give you novice vague information like "The body is near water" which tells you as an investigator virtually nothing. We'll give you very specific details.

It's time you put your prejudices aside when it comes to psychics helping you solve cases. We KNOW it's YOUR case to solve.  But we can give you info and leads you may not get otherwise to help you solve a case. That's how we see our job - merely to help you solve your case if we can. It's not our job to take over your investigation.


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