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I've written about Drac parasites, cloning & droning before. It's a subject that doesn't get much attention when discussing the Dracs because most aren't people familiar with it. Now however, someone has captured video of an actual Drac Vril parasite or what the videographer is calling a "brain worm".

Caption: Reptilian parasite removed from a person who abducted multiple times.
(No, it's not a Reptilian in the larval stage and the child at the end of the video has Harlequin's Disease.)

The Reptilians don't truly shapeshift, they one way body snatch. They take over a host and the host dies, and the old lizard body becomes an empty husk. The lizard (or Archon) in the human body is called a drone.


They do this by protruding a wormlike bundle of nerves that contains its consciousness, which enters the victim through their left eye socket to the brain. It then releases its parasitic cells and like a virus, takes over the body - as seen in the ancient Egyptian statue at right.

Suddenly the Eye of Horus takes on a new meaning. The squiggly line below the eye is the proboscis, and the thick straight line below the eye is the blood seeping out as a result of eye damage.


Were the ancient Egyptians trying to warn us of this droning process?


Could the droning process be the reason for this scene in “The Island"?

The Illuminati supervisor with his pyramid computer mouse, interrogates the protagonist, who voices his dissent to the programmed reality presented to him. For this he receives a high-tech MRI. The tiny brain scanner bots enter through his optic nerve to his brain:

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Blood coming from eye

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This process is called "Droning" and the left eye bleeds and then turns reddish/black after the parasites have entered through the eye.

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Is Hollywood's one eye symbolism making more sense to you now? The one eye that is covered is usually bleeding in some way, because there is always seepage from the eye during this droning process.

Arizona Wilder, MK Ultra victim and whistleblower, in her interview with David Icke, revealed at 1 hour 46 minutes (video below) that in a special deep underground area of France, “They (the Illuminati) have smaller less developed little reptilians that are kept down there and are kind of pets.” Well this corroborates Marshall’s testimony completely, he talks about Queen Elizabeth and other top cabal members keeping Vrill Type 1’s in cages as pets.

And in fact, this is the Joe Biden the world is seeing now - the Vril parasite version.

In the recent October 2020 Vice-Presidential debate, Mike Pence got some media buzz around what appeared to be a “blood-shot left eye:”

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The 2019 movie Replicant with Keanu Reeves, (which discloses the whole shebang of cloning, consciousness transfer), shows how they transfer neural data from a dying brain through the eye socket, and then input that data into a fresh clone brain:

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I don't think there's a one of us who's a MILAB that aren't familiar with human cloning. The deep black military made at least 4-5 clones of each of us without our knowledge or consent.

The deep black military used them when sending us on black ops missions. In case we were injured or killed during those missions, a backup was readily available. They would also place them into our daily lives during our abductions so no one would be the wiser when the real us went MIA during an abduction.


This was how I came to find out about my own clones. My friends down the road owned a supper club. When they were short on help, I'd often go and give them a hand. One night a gal came into the restaurant my friends thought was me. They went up to her and began talking to her as though it were me. When they discovered she wasn't me, they even sent someone looking for me so I could see this gal for myself. Of course, I was MIA during an abduction so they couldn't find me. They said she looked exactly like me, talked exactly like me, even had my same name and mannerisms. She told them she worked at our local hospital.


For about 2 weeks prior to that, friends had been saying to me "Hey, I saw you at [such and such a place] on [this date], I said hi and you acted like you didn't even know me!" This happened at least a dozen times and I'd have to explain to them it hadn't been me they'd seen. They'd then say "Well you have a twin!"


I did some investigation. Due to my husband's many health issues I spent a lot of time at our local hospital. I knew many people who worked there in different departments. I also live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. No one I spoke to at our local hospital had seen or knew of this gal. Human Resources had no record of her whatsoever. She disappeared as mysteriously as she'd appeared.

Yes, there are cloning centers all over the world. Both Area 51 and Dulce have cloning centers in them. There are at least 15 cloning centers in the U.S. that are known.


There are 2 principal kinds of cloning. REM cloning is when one is cloned during REM sleep and you get zapped, your consciousness gets transferred into a clone. You don’t have dreams anymore, The clone just walks around, talks and acts a little dumber than the real person normally would. Britney Spears shaving her head was her REM clone.

When the original wakes up, the clone drops limp, the clones stay seated most of the time because unexpectedly waking has made clones drop and break body parts.

REM cloning was used for the idea to make the movie Avatar.


Duplication cloning is where they duplicate a person to make fully formed duplicate bodies. The bodies are grown in 5 months from a tissue or blood sample. They make multiples of the same person each time in case of deformities. They're grown in big glass rubes full of liquid or gas. (I've seen both). They call the different advancements of the duplicate clones "Marks". There are 4 kinds. The mark 3 and 4 just stay on all the time and are not REM driven. Mark 1's are primitive and aren't used anymore, although there are still some in existence.


A clone beyond mark 2 needs a chip in its head to work as does a mark 3. I was told a mark 4 also needs a chip but I'm not sure that's true. I believe the clones have become more advanced when it comes to a Mark 4.

The cloning just got more and more depraved over the years. They clone children, leaving them memory repressed and messed up. They get random symptoms of known syndromes. These sickos use them for meat, for perverts to rape and tear apart for the entertainment of the rich, famous and politically powerful.


Not only is this the elites main method of meet-ups in the modern world, but also the technological solution to their blood lust and desire to torture and abuse children to no end. One of the men outspoken about human cloning is Donald Marshall. Since Donald's come forward as an Illuminati whistleblower he hasn’t been shy about naming those from the political and entertainment realms that he has met down below, from Queen Elizabeth to Henry Kissinger, Hilary Clinton and Obama, to Bernie Mac, Tila Tequila, Kurt Cobain and Mila Kunis. But as odd as this all sounds there is a recent trend of celebrities actually tweeting about cloning centers and their own abuses. Most of the high profile people you see now are clones, especially politicians and Hollywood celebrities. The Biden you erroneously think is President is a clone named Baden. Baden is on the right.

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The way you tell the difference between the real deal and a clone is the earlobes. On a real person, the earlobes hang free at the bottom of the ear. On a clone, the earlobes are attached all the way down to the bottom of the ear.


Biden had at least 16 known clones. However, these clones break down over time and that's what happened to both Baden and in Hillary Clinton's case. Biden does not have dementia, that's Baden breaking down. When the clones break down they appear to spaz out and begin talking nonsense.

They keep running into the same problem - the clone comes into existence as an evil, gay child molester. They have neurosurgeons all over the world trying to fix this problem - unsuccessfully. Could they stop cloning themselves? Sure. But they're TERRIFIED of death so keep trying to re-animate themselves to avoid death. They seek immortality.


Why so afraid of death? Two reasons... 1. Mega-death. Basically in a nutshell they torture your clone to death and upload your consciousness back into another copy of yourself and repeat the process, again and again. It's and endlessly looping torturous death. Hence it’s not just death by torture, but mega – death, or multiple deaths by torture. This technique is precisely what they hold over all the celebrities and politicians who go there and wish they didn’t have to anymore, who wish to talk, to get this out there. They can’t because of fear of mega-death.


2. They fear judgement. Unlike you, they KNOW what awaits them upon death at the hands of the Angelic council (who are waiting for them with baited breath) and that they're in for the a**-whooping of their Reptilian lives. The council yelling "MANY HEADS WILL ROLL!" wasn't lost on them. You do NOT "play God" with human life - and they have done just that. So they figure if they can just keep transferring their consciousness from clone to clone, they'll escape punishment. They actually fear this facing the Angelic council more than mega-death.

But this cloning also fuels their blood lust. This is called the dirt pit, an arena in which clones fight to the death to amuse the rich and powerful, Think Hunger Games.

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The Netflix show, Altered Carbon shows a similar scene. At a party they watch a fight to the death but its not really death, because the slain just wake up in a new clone body.

‘Altered Carbon’ takes place in the near future where people are chipped with a back-up Souldrive, which can transfer their consciousness to a new body should they ever die. The elite are all backed up, in this way.


But for the rest of the populace life extension becomes the main form of barter in their society. Costs money to get a new body. But for the elite, multiple clone bodies of themselves are in storage, which can kick in if they ever die. It's what really goes on with these "elite" globalists on a daily basis.

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Xenobots: Cell-Based Living Robots That Can Self-Replicate



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