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Would it surprise you to learn your purpose for your existence is to be a student in a cosmic educational system? It's true!


We have all of the knowledge of the cosmos embedded in every cell of our body, in our DNA. However, we lacked the experience to fully comprehend this cosmic knowledge. For example, we can give someone a verbal definition of what love is...but unless we've EXPERIENCED love, its ups and downs, joys and sorrows, we lack fully understanding the verbal definition of love we give. So we (our higher selves) set about devising a cosmic educational system in which to gain that experience.


The principal hub of this educational system is on a string of 490 planets in the Mira galaxy. Each of these planets has a school devoted to teaching a different aspect of spirituality and metaphysics. You attend these schools between your incarnations within the cosmos.


The schools are run by the Angelic Order of Melchizedek and you attend them between each of your incarnations throughout the cosmos. 

However, other inhabited planets serve as schools as well. 

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For example, earth is the school for learning how to master energy - what one can do with it, how to direct it with the mind, how to use it to manifest objects into the physical, and most importantly the consequences of manifesting it negatively and irresponsibly - which is the lesson we're learning right now with manifesting and building the NWO agenda for the malevolent entities that have enslaved us.

Earth is the toughest school in the entire cosmic educational system and it's true - only the bravest of souls sign on to attend this school to further their spiritual evolution.

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We chose our Angelic "School Board", the ECCO. We chose our professors (Angelics) and lesser instructors (advanced ET races),

the Lightworkers and Volunteers signed on as the teaching assistants to come here and help our instructors teach humanity.


In addition, we drew up our own lesson plans or soul contracts that include the lessons we contracted to learn while here.

Yeah, we've all done one of these since....

We can only plead temporary insanity, although that's not going to fly with either our ECCO "School Board" or the Galactic Court. LOL

If there's any consolation to be had, know you are part of a first as far as making galactic history.

(And no school term lasts forever!)


The other main hub of this educational system is in Aghartha, the earthly arm of the Angelics. Like the Angelic realm Hall of Records, Aghartha's Library of Porthologos contains everything ever written by anyone, anywhere.
All of this material is stored on crystal slides one can view with a hand held device or in a theater within the Library.

Library of Porthologos.jpg

However, due to what is stored within Aghartha, it is domed with an impenetrable force field (even prevents astralling in) so you must ask your Angelic guide to take you into Aghartha. A set of keys is required to be admitted.

The reason it is domed is that the dark forces and human deep black military have attempted to access it multiple times before - without success. There is one item in particular they wish to get their hands on - the key to creation itself. Imagine what would happen if THAT fell into their hands!
This is why Aghartha is so heavily protected.


The Library of Porthologos is the prototype for future libraries on New Earth.

If you walk into the library currently, you will find yourself stepping into the middle of the Milky Way galaxy.

Instruction is performed by the high priests and priestesses of the Order of Melchizedek.
You'll likely run into Melchizedek himself at the Library.

It is the Agharthans that are tasked with ensuring we return to the sovereign Divine Beings we all once were before incarnating on earth.


Our cosmic educational system works pretty much just like the earth school system was designed to work before the dark forces turned our schools into Luciferian indoctrination centers vs. educational centers.

One must complete the lessons of 3rd grade (3D) and 4th (4D) grade before they can graduate and move on to 5th grade or 5D.


As we have in schools here there are the "gifted students" who learn at an accelerated pace, there are the average students who learn at a somewhat slower rate and there are the school drop-out's who've decided for whatever reason not to engage in their soul contract lesson plan and their cosmic education.

Those who don't complete their 3D and 4D lessons and the drop-outs simply are "held back a grade" and will transfer to a new 3D/4D location to complete their lessons. - as Alex Collier stated in his video. Those who've completed their lessons will be the ones participating in the 5D transition process.

By Angelic calculations, 80% or more of earth's population will remain 3D/4D at this point in time. You don't determine if you go 5D or not...they do and only they do. 

How do we complete our spiritual lessons? By doing the necessary work (Shadow work) on ourselves spiritually, especially when it comes to manipulating energy and learning how to raise and maintain our personal vibration rate beyond the low vibration rate earth is currently at.

So that's a look at our cosmic educational system.


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