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What is astral projection?


Simply put, astral projection is a term that describes the soul or ‘astral body’ intentionally leaving the physical body while asleep or meditating, and traveling to wherever it likes. It’s sometimes called an ‘out-of-body experience (OBE)’ too – a state in which consciousness can operate independently from the physical body and traverse the astral plane.


There are various techniques and beliefs surrounding astral projection; it has been a topic of interest in many spiritual and esoteric traditions throughout history. Some believe that astral projection or OBEs provide an opportunity for personal growth, spiritual insight, and expanded consciousness. On the other hand, scientists view OBEs as experiences stemming from mental states similar to dreams or altered states of consciousness. Psychologists and neuroscientists suggest OBEs are related to pathological activity patterns.


Meanwhile, online communities have grown to support others who experience this, with many giving quick tips for people to identify what they see as signs of someone astral projecting, and advice on how to harness this ability:

The practice itself, in its modern iteration, traces its roots to the birth of theosophy, a movement from the late 19th century that came from the experience of Henry Steel Olcott and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s interactions with Tibetan, and other, cultures. Indeed, much of this practice is based on different cultural backgrounds that go back much further than this movement.


Historical references to the practice can be seen in older literature such as The Secret of the Golden Flower, a Chinese handbook on alchemy and meditation, and also has roots in Hindu, Inuit, Taoist and Waiwai belief systems. In these, the practice and the manner of projection may differ some, but there is a general shared consensus of being able to leave one’s physical form to achieve other feats.


With so much cultural background, and differing opinions on modern applications, it can be a hotly contested area of discussion. But, is it simply another form of out-of-body experience, or is there something more to this practice?

It's time to set the record straight on astral traveling...

Thank you David Icke for doing just that!

Let's go back to our space/time torus and review. 


The coils are the various amplitude densities or timelines

The spaces between those coils are the AI astral realm, where lower amplitude demonic entities hang out.


LOOSH creators that feed the demonic entities.
Where does this negative energy LOOSH go? Straight up into the astral realm!
Monsters Inc. indeed!


Simply put, one does not want to go 'joyriding' around the astral realm unless one wants to get demonic entity attachments.

Negative people

A couple of years ago I had a young gal come to me whose uber ego told her she was able to travel to the astral realm in order to control both hers and other people's dreams. She'd made up a label (nonsensical) for herself - dreamwalker.

She did not possess even basic knowledge much less enough to even be in the astral realm so didn't even recognize that the thing that approached her WAS a demon, despite giving her its demonic name and multiple clues it was a demon.

Due to her overinflated ego, she'd convinced herself that she was stronger than anything she'd encounter astral traveling - even though she didn't even recognize the thing was demonic.


Long story short, this demonic entity attached to


her and within 2 weeks took her completely down. This despite many far more knowledgeable than herself warning her what she was dealing with. She ignored their warnings.


As Icke said, you are not going to be able see and hear these entities unless they allow you to and lower themselves to your vibrational level in order to get their foot in the door with you. Their spectrum is beyond your human seeing and hearing spectrum.


Furthermore, if one's ego, mind and spirit aren't in balance with one another, these demonic entities use your own ego against you in order to attach to you. And as any demonologist can tell you, once they attach it's extremely difficult to get rid of them.


Bottom line, astral travel is not something to experiment with and really, no one cares if you think you can astral travel or not! And most novices who do experiment report seeing beautiful creatures, etc. and any truly experienced astral traveler can tell them this was only their own imaginations at work. There are no "beautiful creatures" existing in the astral realm. However, these demonic entities can present themselves as "beautiful creatures" to lure you in. In fact, they'll often present themselves as children in order to deceive you.

Remember, these are very devious and intelligent AI critters! Unless you're very experienced in dealing with them, you aren't going to outsmart them. 


There are many different ways our spiritual bodies can leave our physical bodies without having contact with the astral realm. Nor does being able to astral travel do anything whatsoever as far as your spiritual evolution or making you a more spiritual person - contrary to popular belief and the plethora of self-appointed Internet "spiritual gurus" who encourage you to astral travel and risk demonic attachment.


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