In 2022, CIA disinformation agent Luis Elizondo did an interview in which he stated the existence of the DUMBS was (quote) "Bullshit". That video has since been censored and deleted (surprise, surprise) but you can see it here. Just scroll down the page. )
I imagine the government deleted it when people started calling Luis Shillazando out as the CIA disinformation agent he is, having been partnered with Chris Mellon as their UAP/UFO threat disinformation campaign front men. If you don't believe that, then I suggest you listen to the Dark Journalist interviews with Chris Mellon's cousin, whistleblower John Warner IV.
Several years ago, I did an interview with one of our former Selamat Ja team mates, Kat.
I spent 10 years in the DUMBS and to state they don't exist is just plain ludicrous. The camera lens doesn't have an opinion, it doesn't lie...it merely records what it sees. We have an abundance of photographic and video evidence the DUMBS do exist. Not only do they exist, there's much more to them than people think, from a satanic aspect.
As you just saw, there's plenty of concrete evidence that the DUMBS do exist - and they were a secret the government was perfectly willing to murder in cold blood anyone who threatened to, or did attempt to expose them.
Kat: I urge you to make the time to view the following videos. Ted Rice was a friend and colleague of the lat Dr. Karla (Kandy) Turner and Barbara Bartholic, who were pioneers in the field of abduction, Milab abductions and the Draconian Reptilian presence. What you hear will horrify you and both Pat and Niko have verified much of what Ted Rice speaks about as being legitimate fact.
© James Bartley & The Cosmic Switchboard
© James Bartley & The Cosmic Switchboard
Cleaning Out the DUMBS
In our original interview Kat had asked me about there being any truth to the fact the DUMBS were being cleaned out. Yes, there was definitely truth to that.
Kat: What evidence exists that the DUMBS are now being cleaned out?
Pat: In 2021 a military exercise took place at 29 Palms that involved all branches of the military, especially Special Forces. The cabal is now censoring everything so they've "rewritten" what this exercise was really all about and that it only involved the Marines.
In reality this was one of the training exercises to prepare the military to clean out the DUMBS.
For over a year US Special Forces had been in training for the rescue missions which began on Oct. 16 2019 with the rescue of over 2,100 caged babies and children beneath the China Lake Navy facility in California.
Gene Decode is a military veteran now serving the Resistance and who was involved in the military Special Ops mission to clean out the DUMBS and take control of them.
The following video is an update on the DUMB cleaning from Gene Decode.
+ = Under Alliance White Hat Control
- = Under cabal control
^ = Battle for control of the DUMB
Our Special Forces cleaning out the DUMBS...
And these were the abducted, trafficked and other children those soldiers were attempting to rescue from the DUMB tunnels.
DUMB Child cages
I saw myself several times these floor-to-ceiling cages many of these children were kept in. They'd been tortured so severely many of them had slipped into insanity.
Gene DeCode then released a video in which he said the military had enlisted the help of the Ashtar Command in cleaning out the DUMBS.
I literally jumped out of my chair, yelling "OMG NO! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS THINKING?!!"
Sure enough, Gene then released a subsequent video stating the Ashtar Command had doublecrossed the military. They not only restored 22 of the DUMBS our Special Forces had cleared out, they set off a booby trap explosive device that killed 200 members of our Special Ops forces. READ STORY HERE
You saw many of these children yourself, didn't you?
Yes. I saw both the floor to ceiling cages holding children caged like animals in the Pine Lake DUMB among others.
I was also shown the stasis tubes containing live human beings, many of them children, missing body parts the military had used in their cloning experiments. Many of us who were Milabs saw these stasis tubes - hundreds upon thousands of them, level upon level of them. [Slideshow below] The first sketch is my sketch of the stasis tubes.
They also have breeding centers in the DUMBS where they breed kids for their satanic ritual sacrifices, to harvest their Adrenochrome, etc. These kids weren't able to be rescued and brought to the surface, never having been exposed to daylight. Their eyes couldn't handle surface light among other things so they'll never be able to live on the surface.
And many of the kids came out of the DUMBS in body bags.
​I know many people have been so lied to that they believe nothing without seeing physical proof: "Where are these children? I want to see them to know this is really happening!"
You will NEVER see these children for multiple reasons:
By law, these children are minors so their identities cannot legally be revealed.
This is a military operation and the Armed Forces do not disclose their military ops to the general public.
Many of these children were generationally bred underground by the cabal. They have never been to the surface or seen the night of day. Their eyes cannot take sunlight, their eyes turn pink and painful if exposed to surface light.
Their skin lacks the melatonin to be able to handle the UV rays of our sun.
They are not used to the atmospheric pressure of the surface. When brought to the surface these kids developed the bends, like a diver would get surfacing too fast, and they die. Therefore, many of them will have to continue to live their lives underground.
It's not worth a child's life to satisfy someone's skepticism, especially a child as horribly abused as these kids have been abused.
Kat: Is it true they're creating hybrids in the DUMBS?
Oh hell yes! They're making alien-human hybrids, human-animal-hybrids. And I'm also of the opinion they've begun releasing some of these hybrids out onto the surface, among us.
I was utilized as an asset briefly in Project Seagate. They injected us with Merck's KLT White II 'vaccine' in an attempt to turn us into dolphin-human hybrids.
I'm sure you remember the "alien" that showed up in the backyard of the Las Vegas family...
As soon as I saw that, I thought "One of their hybrid creations escaped!"
But yeah, they're making hybrids of anything you can think of. I know at one time, they were training their werewolf-human hybrids on a CA military base. A family was out hiking and encountered them. The wolfmen went after the CA family, throwing rocks at them.
And again, there's photographic and video of these hybrids within Dulce and other DUMBS.
These are the tanks containing alien-human hybrids. Before you start the video, if you look at the image there on the lower right you can see the alien hybrid head turned toward the camera and the big black eyes the Zeta 'Grey' aliens have.
DUMB Construction
Kat: How many of these DUMBS exist worldwide?
Pat: It's impossible to say - thousands. As the Special Forces were cleaning them out they kept finding more tunnels and hubs previously unknown to exist. In the U.S. we can estimate there are over 800 hubs.
One can go to this link to find out what DUMBS exist in their state. Scroll down the page a bit:
List of DUMBS by state
The worldwide network of DUMBS is all connected and they even run under the oceans. It's a vast, vast labyrinth. Just one DUMB alone is massive in size and consists of many different levels. Some run 40 levels or more deep.
Each DUMB employs between 10,000 and 18,000 workers and costs around $26 billion to build. The Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross national product of the United States & currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year–the DUMB projects consume 90% of this.
Just in the U.S. alone the KNOWN DUMBS number at least 800. But as they're being cleaned out, they're finding many additional DUMBS that were unknown. And this doesn't include all the ancient tunnel systems.
Kat: How deep are these bases and how were they constructed without any of us being aware of it?
Pat: The average depth is a little over 4 miles deep but some run much deeper. There are several levels to most of them. The deeper the level, the higher the security clearance needed to access that level.
Many of the underground sites are close to railroads, airports, seaports and have entrances trucks can drive into as well as ships & submarines can sail into. Some of the entrances for trucks are protected by holograms that look like the side of a mountain but allow vehicles to just drive through them. These DUMBS are usually in very remote locations so as not to be easily located.
Subterene boring machine
They're built with conventional & neutron bombs (these leave no residual radiation), hydraulic rock hammers, lasers, masers, DEW (directed energy weapon beam guns), forced flames, nuclear powered boring machines, dustification guns that break the atomic bonds, to mention a few.
And this train the DUMBS are all connected by?
It's called the MagLev train and it travels at 17,000 mph. It's a levitating train that runs on electromagnetic energy.
Our forces "upstairs" attacked the U.S., UK and Australian DUMBS some years ago with scalar weapons and took out the MagLev from coast to coast. Within 3 months the cabal had rebuilt the U.S. MagLev system.
They look something along the lines of this:​
Kat: What extraterrestrials did you encounter in the DUMBS?
Pat: I personally saw Zetas, EBENS, JRods, Dracs, Imdugud. I also saw a couple ET's (don't know what races they were) that were apparently captives/slaves themselves.
Those were just the races I saw but there's been Mantids, Cryptids, Insectoids, etc. down there.
But like Ted said, Dracs changed their appearance to that of different ET races to try to fool the Milabs. And the Greys would often try to pass themselves off as humans. They were also beginning to experiment with consciousness hijacking, which they've since perfected.
Kat: Is it true they eat humans?
Pat: Yup. At least the Dracs and Mantids do. I personally saw the Dracs eat humans. I also saw the conveyor belts manned by mind controlled slaves, chopping up human bodies as they came down the belts to feed the Dracs with.
The military whackjobs thought we had ancient metaphysical knowledge buried in our subconscious so they'd drug us for days with hallucinagens trying to extract that knowledge. During one session they weren't getting anything out of me (because it didn't exist!) so they made me watch a Drac tear a live human man limb from limb and devour him. They told me either I give up the info they were after or I'd be next.
Kat: Who ultimately controlled the DUMBS?
Pat: From what I experienced myself and what my fellow Milabs reported, the Dracs and Mantis beings. It appeared the Mantids outranked the Dracs.
Kat: Were you and other Milabs always escorted around these bases by military personnel or what not?
Pat: Usually. The level of security in them is out of this world ridiculous. But sometimes after we'd "behaved ourselves", we'd be allowed to walk around unescorted, at least on certain security levels. Not all of them, of course. Most of the time I was escorted by the black ops spooks but after I became a pilot I was allowed to move about unescorted some of the time.
You couldn't get anything in or out of those DUMBS without literally risking your life, security was that tight.
Kat: I saw this story on Bob Lazar and what he claims is a hand scanner from Area 51. Legit?
Legit. That was just one of many security devices. Like I said, security in these DUMBS is unbelievable.
Kat: ​Did you see recovered UFO's in the DUMBS?
Pat: Not only saw them, flew them because they utilized me as a pilot once they discovered I knew how to fly alien craft. At one point I was taken through a huge hangar full of TR-3B's. Described them accurately to the panel who reviewed my case before I even knew what a TR-3B was or that they actually existed. I'd later fly them too.
The TR-3B is outdated tech now, they're on something like version TR-16 now.
Kat: I'm curious. Why would they need submarines going into these DUMBS? What was their function?
Pat: Transporting contraband into them - laundered money, drugs, weapons, nuclear stuff, mainly trafficked children. Ghislane Maxwell had a submarine license and owned a submarine company, TerraMar financed by the Rothschilds and Clintons. Epstein, Bidens, etc. all owned islands so could bypass customs to bring the contraband in through the Port of Red Hook, which they controlled.
Kat: Why wouldn't the personnel working in the DUMBS report all this criminal activity going on within them?
Pat: Several reasons:
The employees in these DUMBS were as mind controlled as anyone else and everything was so tightly compartmentalized, they'd only know what was going on within their own little "compartment".
Nor I'm sure did any of them want to end up dead along with their families...because that's what happened to anyone who talked, leaked info, etc.
Money, greed...you going to report the one who's signing your big fat paycheck?
Even if you wanted to, report it all to WHOM? The entire government is so totally corrupted who do they report anything TO without getting themselves killed, who would actually do anything about what was going on? Our government built the damn things! You think at $26 billion a crack they're going to shut them down?
Those of us who were Milabs sounded the alarm as to what was going on in the DUMBS over 2 decades ago. No one gave a damn, we were completely ignored. So what good would reporting anything have done? We tried and were completely ignored (or attacked) and called crazy.
You had a pretty freaky experience at least a year before anyone learned the DUMBS were being cleaned out. Tell us about that?
Yeah it was during what turned out to be the time frame in which my abductions ended. And I'm not sure this experience was an actual abduction. I think our guys sent us in there. I'm not sure where we were but it reminded me of the church basement at the grade school I attended - underground, lots of concrete around us. We were in lines in front of long tables, at which sat military personnel in civilian clothing - which was weird in itself that they were dressed in civvies. So I approach the military guy at the table and I'm assigned a work assignment in such-and-such a sector of a DUMB.
I go to this sector and there's another military guy there overseeing operations and he tells us we're going to start cleaning the DUMBS. LOL And I'm like WHAT?!!! I'm picturing scrubbing toilets with toothbrushes given how we Milabs were treated.
So I'm looking around my sector and I find these weird tube-like things. And I realize these are explosive devices. I take one back to the military guy overseeing our work detail and I say to him "I found this thing in my sector. What do you want me to do with it?
He grins at me and says "What do you THINK you should do with it?"
The light bulb finally comes on...ohhhhh CLEAN OUT THE DUMBS!
I have a very close personal contact that is a Brigadier General. A few days after that experience he told me the military was beginning to clean out the DUMBS.
Kat: Did you set off the explosive devices?
Pat: Yeah, once I knew my sector was empty, no one in it that would get hurt.
Kat: I have Niko on video chat, he's laughing at the fact you like blowing sh** up once in awhile. LOL
Pat: Bring him into the convo! Hey Niko!
Niko: Hey hey Gracie!
Pat: You're a Milab, jump in here.
Niko: I never got to blow any sh** up! How do YOU rate? LOL
Kat: Cleaning out those DUMBS is a pretty risky job, isn't it?
Yes because they're not only infested with Drac parasites but also Kuru because so many down there are cannibals. Not just the Dracs, the satanists as well. That's why they have to torch the DUMBS in cleaning them out.
If you looked at video below of the Special Forces that were cleaning out the DUMBS they all had heavy respiration equipment on so they weren't breathing the air down there.
Niko: That we never caught anything down there is beyond me...
Pat: We didn't need to, they injected all that sh** into us.
Kat: What do you mean they injected it into you?
Pat: They strip us naked, shackle us to a metal table similar to an autopsy table in what I can only describe as a biohazard unit. Doctors in full biohazard garb would come in, hook us up to IV's and run deadly biowarfare agents they were testing into us.
Niko: And on the surface they were always trying to poison us...
© Melinda Leslie
Pat: Oh yeah. I found out from an ex-military intel guy one of the last things they ran into me was a biowarfare agent designed to make all of our body organs fail prematurely. And that's exactly what's happening to me now. I suffer from several life threatening illnesses that involve my body organs failing.
Kat: You've both told me about military interrogations you were subjected to. Can you go into those a bit?
Niko: Well, we were both interrogated by Bulldog. I don't know about your interrogation with him but he had me tortured after mine.
Pat: Yeah everything he interrogated me about was ET related. They knew I was from off planet as did the CIA.
Since my ET memories had been erased I couldn't tell him anything.
I was being "uncooperative" so he had the black ops spooks gangrape me.
Niko: Didn't you gals have that interrogator...what was his name? The Oriental guy...
Pat: Oh! The Professor. Yeah he'd dress us up like dolls, shackle us to a table and have "tea parties" with us. I'll let you use your imagination as to what went on during these "tea parties".
Niko: We had a male version but he was into guys like most of those sickos were. This is PG site so I won't go into what he made us do to him.
Kat: What all is in the DUMBS we don't know about?
Pat: They're entire underground cities - including satanic living quarters, satanic temples; they contain advanced tech like mind reading centers and tech way more advanced that the public hasn't even dreamed up yet in their imaginations. Alot of labs for genetic experiments and cloning. Alien living quarters. Thousands upon thousands of stasis tubes and cryo tanks. They're completely self sufficient.
Kat: Patty, didn't you see some experiment take place that was just horrific?
Pat: Which one? LOL We saw many that were horrific.
Kat: The one involving the group of young men that died. Can you tell us about that?
Yeah. I don't remember now what the actual experiment they were doing was...but it involved a group of about a dozen young guys under the age of 25. The experiment didn't work the way they wanted it to so they pulverized all of them into dust then sold their dust remains to Big Pharma to put into the vitamins people take every day.
Kat: While I have both of you, I have to ask. How did you handle being repeatedly sexually abused?
Niko: You just had to lie there and take it or be killed.
Pat: What Niko just said. I'd take my mind elsewhere while it was happening. After so many times the mind just goes into "Oh here we go again" mode.
Niko: Right, it just became part of the daily routine it happened so often. I think you just go into survival mode in the only way you can since you're not going to escape it.
Kat: How in God's name did both of you keep your sanity?
Niko: Just survival instincts.
Pat: I agree. I mean it wasn't at all uncommon to see them bring in big strapping military guys to work in the DUMBS. By the end of the day we'd see the guys in white coats hauling them off in straightjackets, never to be seen again.
Niko: Oh yeah, saw that happen many times.
Kat: Do you think Milabs will ever be able to sue the government for what was done to them? Niko, you're in law...
Niko: Hell no! Our cases are dismissed on the grounds they're a "threat to national security".
Pat: We'll never see any kind of justice. We all know that.
Kat: Do either of you feel anything has changed on the public front? That people are more aware now of the Milab abductions and something will be done to stop them?
Pat: Nah. They may be more aware of them but I have yet to hear anyone in John Q. Public say "These Milab abductions and depravity have to stop!"
Niko: No. We're entertainment fodder for the ET craze and nothing more. The public won't care until they unleash on them what they did to us - which they're in the beginning stages of doing. Then they'll be screaming at the top of their lungs - but not before it happens directly to them.
And honestly, the masses as a whole can't even begin to wrap their heads around the level of evil we're dealing with. It's beyond their comprehension at this point.
The Orion & Nazi Connections
The DUMBS were laid out in the same configuration as the Zeta Reticuli and Orion star systems constellations...
The DUMBS are identical to the Nazi death marches...