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If you've read the previous sections, then you know what people think of as "Heaven" is not a physical place as we've been lead to believe and the terms "Heaven" and "Hell" describe STATES OF MIND. Jmmanuel himself states this in a video previously posted (below left). 

At 5:03 on the video timer Craig asks Jmmanuel "Do we create our own Heaven or is it an established place?"
Jmmanuel responds "Make it".

We make or create it because it is a state of mind or being - and not a physical place.

So here's the good can quit worrying about whether or not you're going to "Heaven" or "Hell"!

If you haven't read the previous article What Happens When We Die, I suggest you read that before tackling this article.

The notion of Heaven and Hell being actual physical places was the creation of the Papacy and Roman Catholic Church, as a means of controlling the masses. They publicly admitted this years ago.

Pope Francis reportedly denies the existence of hell. Vatican panics.

Church Invented Hell And Heaven To 'control The Masses', Says Retired Bishop


Bishop reveals that Hell was invented by the Church

Now before you go getting your undies all in a twist, what DOES exist is far better than any fictional "Heaven" your imagination conjures up.

On my first trip back in the early 1990's, I had absolutely no clue where I was or who the beings that inhabited the place were. 

How Jmmanuel ever kept a straight face dealing with me, I'll never know. For example, there were angel statues everywhere...and forgetting Jmmanuel was telepathic, I thought to myself "Man, whoever lives here must REALLY LIKE angels!" [DUH PAT!]

I've had 5 full fledged NDE's in which I've gone all the way back home - in addition to "field trips" home Jmmanuel took me on. So I know firsthand what I'm talking about here. LOL

The videos at left are comprised of the accounts of those who've had NDE's and gone back home to the Angelic realm. They give one a very accurate picture of what the other side and Angelic realm look like.

It might surprise you to learn that earth is an exact duplicate of the Angelic realm - although the Angelic realm has everything in perfect condition - our 7 Wonders of the World, Garden of Gethsemane, the unsunken islands of Atlantis and Lemuria.

It's an absolutely beautiful place, especially its gardens. Colors are more vivid there, the flowers are always in full perfect bloom.

My sketch of the Angelic realm gardens

As I said in my previous article about death, the Angelic realm is comprised of the 7th through 15th densities.

As you enter the Angelic realm you pass through pearl white ornate gates of light - which is where everyone got the notion "the pearly gates of Heaven".

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Inside those gates on either side of you are some of the magnificent gardens I just told you about.

What you'll see looks very much like a large city. The streets are literally paved in gold. There are buildings everywhere you look and those that stand out are all of the different Angelic Halls - huge white marble looking structures.

The Angelics have Halls for everything:

HALL OF RECORDS - This is the main Angelic library which houses everything ever written by anyone, anywhere. There are floor to ceiling shelves holding ancient looking scrolls and books as far as the eye can see. In the foyer of this library there is a huge statue of a man holding Earth over his head.

HALL OF KNOWLEDGE - This is the Hall containing the scanning machine one's life review is conducted on and where the Angelics conduct their work with Earth and other planets in the cosmos.

HALL OF JUSTICE - This is where the Angelic Council presides from and where cases in the High Court are heard. It has its own beautiful garden called The Garden of Grace.

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The Angelic Council are 12 in number, the power they radiate is staggering - as is their appearance.
Imagine yourself as an ant standing in front of the Sears Tower. That's what being in the presence of the Council is like.

They are the most spiritually elevated beings in the cosmos. The Council includes the Angelic King and Queen, a couple of what you call "Archangels" and other highly advanced spiritual beings.

They are very business-like yet at the same time have wonderful senses of humor.

HALL OF TONES - The Angelics are charged with the accounting of every soul ever created. The Hall of tones is where they assign each soul an identifying tone for eternity. This is a 3 syllable tone, the first syllable being OHM. For example, my tone is OHM KI YA.

HALL OF VOICES - This is where the Angelic choir sings from and you'll hear them in the background anywhere you go in the Angelic realm. They have been heard, recorded and analyzed on earth here several times.

The recordings were analyzed and it was determined the Angelic voices went well beyond the range of human voices and human ability to sustain a note without taking a breath.

These are just a small sampling of the various Halls in the Angelic realm.

One enters in the 7th density onto what is known as the Adjustment Level. This is where you go when you "die" to adjust to having left earth and your physical body behind and being in pure energy form again. It is where the Orientation Center is located that you report to in order to have your soul accounted for.

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Everything in the Angelic realm is manifested into the physical using one's consciousness and energy.

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At left, the Angelic Hall of Records. At right, earth architecturre

Would it surprise you to learn that the Angelic realm is identical to earth except that it exists in a state of perfection? It's true. We subconsciously copied home in building earth.
The Angelic realm has our 7 Wonders of the World, the Garden at Gethsemane, the unsunken islands of Atlantis and Lemuria...
It is identical to earth but colors are far more vivid there and it is always a constant sunny 73 degrees.

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Outside of the 'city proper' are beautifully flowered fields, streams and lakes, hills and mountains as far as the eye can see. However, the Angelic realm has neither a sun nor a moon. Its light is generated by the crystal rods jutting up out of all of its gardens.

Animals roam freely, playing with one another while your pets stand ready to greet you at the moment of your passing from earth.

If is far more beautiful than anything you might imagine a fictitious "Heaven" being. But if you think you're going to sit on clouds eating bon bons for an eternity, you're in for a bit of an awakening. LOL

The Angelic realm is a WORKING community, in service to all of the inhabitants of the cosmos and everyone freely engages in that service to the cosmos.

As you've learned, the Angelics work directly with the Creator Source. That Creator resides in the 15th density at the very top of the Angelic dimension in what's called the "Throne Room".

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Yes, there's actually a throne room! 
It is gianormous in size and you know you're in a "room" yet have the feeling of walking through space at the same time.

At the far end of the throne room are 3 thrones, the middle throne larger than the thrones to either side of it. The middle throne is the Creator's throne, the other 2 are for the Angelic King and Queen.

It's important here to differentiate between Creator Source and the malevolent-created "God" of the bible's Old Testament. The Creator Source is not a person with gender. It is an energy source possessing consciousness. Rather like a super-sized Angelic in their pure energy form.

Jmmanuel calls Source "My Father", while I call it "DAD".  ("It" sounds like something from the Addams Family and a tad on the disrespectful side.) 

My Father/DAD radiates unconditional love. "He" does not punish anyone for anything. "He" has an absolutely wonderful sense of humor and for the most part, we amuse the hell out of him. He is very father-like in demeanor and addresses everyone as "Child".  And if you think he won't speak to you, guess again. In fact, you are free to visit the throne room at any time to speak with "Him".  (He's quite the charming, very funny conversationalist) Simply ask your Angelic guide/mentor to take you to the throne room.

So that's a quick tour of the Angelic realm and what you can expect when you return home. It's truly a wonderous place.


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