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In my contact with various ET races, I've been afforded the opportunity to view their holographically recorded history of earth, especially past history. What I discovered in doing this was a shock. The truth is, we've been given NOTHING accurate about our past history.

We believe the Native Americans and African Americans were the first indigenous races on Terra - which isn't true - at least not 100% true.

Alex Collier gives an accurate story of our origins, given to him by his Androme contacts.

The information he imparts jives with what I've been told and shown by my own ET contacts.

Earth (or Terra as the ET's call it) was subjected to several nuclear wars eons before what we considered the indigenous people appeared on the planet. The original Terran inhabitants were the predecessors of the races we know now - Native American, Afro American, Orientals, etc.


We did indeed resemble our Procyon brothers and sisters - green skinned, copper based.

The invasion from the Orion star system and the nuclear wars that followed changed everything on the planet, including drastically changing us through the radation from these nuclear wars and via their own genetic tinkering with the inhabitants here in order to create a slave race that would serve them.

With their arrival our planet became a prison planet.

Over thousands of years our physiology changed as a result of the radiation from these nuclear wars. 

It was these same Orion forces that fed us the lies and deceptions our mythical belief systems are based upon. They wanted (and still want) to be worshiped as "gods".

This video sums the whole current Earth situation up in a nutshell.

My Angelic contacts told me a split had occurred between the creator forces (the Divine), the Jehovani being what we now know as the "fallen angels". The Elohim are the Angelics that work directly with Source and are known as the Bene-Elohim and they advocate humanity's free will. They are the ones referred to as "Light Beings" because they retained their connection to Source's light and energy.


Unlike the dark occult forces currently controlling the planet, the Bene Elohim have no need of being energy vampires. They remain directly connected to Creator Source and its perpetual energy. 

We are in fact, at a time mentioned in the above video where humanity has a choice to embrace free will (and our sovereignty) or continue to embrace the dark occult forces and remain in what we call their "Matrix system". 

Sadly, the vast majority of humanity is choosing to remain indentured to the occult dark forces - whether they realize it or not. They do this via acquiesence to the demands of the occult forces.

matrix quote.jpg

You'll find these spirit box sessions with Jmmanuel posted throughout this website because he comes out with so much pertinent information. But I want you to listen closely, starting at 4:36 on the video timer.

Craig asks him how we can avoid all of the confusion and consternation of our present time. 
Jmmanuel responds "That's the error of us and now."

The "error of us" he refers to is this split between the creator factions that resulted in the Luciferian Wars that have raged for 950 million years now - and earth's current enslavement by the Jehovani forces or dark forces and those forces not only seeking immortality but us worshiping them as "gods". 

The Angelics were not always the proverbial "good guys"...but a faction of them learned the error of their ways in "playing God" and getting too big for their britches. This is the Bene Elohim faction of Angelics that are now helping humanity and earth, that promote free will choice.

It is the Jehovani dark force components, Illuminati and Papacy who created not only all earth religions but the New Age Movement. You'll constantly hear the New Agers using terms like "Ascended Masters" and "Ascension" because the New Age Movement was the creation of the Illuminati. In doing so, they are worshiping the Jehovani dark forces and giving those dark force energy vampires their energy. They feed them merely by focusing on them by creating the negative energy loosh these demonic entities feed and thrive on.
See our article Absolute Solution to Earth's Craziness.

The Jehovani include the Great Nothing AI monster, "fallen angels", the spider, the Draconian Reptilians, the Zeta Reticulans, the Maitre, the Imdugud or Tall Whites, the Mantids, the malevolent faction of the Plejarans from the Pleiades, many other malevolent ET races too numerous to list, the Vatican/Papacy, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, Enlil, Marduke, Lucifer/Satan - anyone who wishes to enslave humanity and eradicate free will. They all fall under the umbrella of the Jehovani. Including the fictional "Jesus" (YHWH) and the malevolent created "God" found in the Old Testament.


Many years ago one of the very first thing Jmmanuel and the Angelics taught me was their counting system. At the time I had no idea why they were showing me this but their mathematics are indeed based on a 12 number system, not the 10 number system of the Jehovahni. This 12 number system is why all of us as offspring of the Angelics have a 12 strand DNA template.


They showed me how to use their counting system using my hand.

Each of the 3 sections of the fingers represent a number 1 through DO (pronounced doe) which is 12.

The thumb is used to do mathematical equations, rather like an abacus, using the numbers on the finger sections.

I'd later learn all of creation was based on this 12 numbering system or sacred geometry/math. All languages ET and earth were based on this math as well.
This coincides with the previous video.


This splitting of the Creator factions did indeed result in a war in the heavens, the war that is still playing out today.


“The actual history of Earth is very bizarre. It is so nonsensical that is it is incredible to anyone on Earth who attempts to investigate it.  A myriad of vital information is missing from it.  A huge conglomeration of non sequitur relics and mythology has been arbitrarily introduced into it.  The volatile nature of the Earth itself cyclically covers, drowns, mixes and shreds physical evidence. These factors, combined with amnesia and post-hypnotic suggestions, false facades and covert manipulation make a reconstruction of the factual origins and history of Earth civilizations virtually indecipherable.  Any investigator, no matter how brilliant, is doomed to wallow in a quagmire of inconclusive assumptions, unworkable hypotheses, and perpetual mystery.”

“Sophisticated technologies of entrapment and enslavement,  which were developed over millions of years in the “Old Empire”, have been applied to the humans on Earth with the intention to create a false facade for the prison.  These facades were installed on Earth in totality, all at once.  Every piece is a fully integrated part of the prison system.  This includes a religion of mumbo-jumbo double-speak. Every pyramid civilization uses this as part of a control mechanism to keep the population enslaved by force, by fear and by ignorance. The indecipherable muddle of irrelevant information, geometric designs, mathematical calculation, astronomical alignments, are part of a false spirituality based on solid objects, rather than immortal spirits, in order to confuse and disorient the humans on Earth.”

My Angelic mentors told me long ago that terrestrrial humans will never know the whole truth about this or Terran origins until they themselves [Angelics] bring it to earth. This is because (as stated in the previous video) too many documents were deliberately destroyed and hidden from us as well as simply lost over time.
You can't put a puzzle together with half the pieces missing.

Furthermore, we've been so lied to and deceived on every front and the waters so muddied, more than likely we're working with those lies and deceptions in trying to piece the puzzle together. The real truth has become a needle in a haystack, nearly impossible to find.

I have the greatest respect for Dan Armstrong. He's one of the very few people I've come across that really knows the Angelics and has put the puzzle pieces together accurately. Dan is a life long experiencer who has had ET, Milab and Alternate Reality Experiences. He is also a keen student of history and has studied Political Science. He has lived and travelled extensively in the Far East, Mexico and Europe.

Dan and James are correct that the conflict on earth right now stems from the wars between ancient 'gods'.

Michael Prince (alias James Casbolt) wrote about this Luciferian war in his Project Mannequin:


The Galactic Confederation has a policy of non-intervention in the history of a planet’s developing population; however, like any council, there will be different viewpoints. Now we get into the real secrets of the “Angels” and the ancient galactic battle known by the Pleiadians as the Luciferian Wars. The simple fact is that the beings known in religious texts as Lucifer, Michael, Azazel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel were/are physical extra-terrestrials.

Michael was originally based around Aldebaran in the Pleiades, Azazel from the Sirius, Raphael from Regulus, Gabriel from Fomalhaut, and Uriel from Antares. However, all these beings have ultimately deep connections with the Pleiades star system. Lucifer has a very complex story and cannot be covered here. At one time, before the rebellion of the being, they were all ultimately taking orders from Lucifer, and Azazel outranked Michael. Some say Azazel was the first to rebel when God told him he must serve humans, as they were created in his image. Apparently, he said, “Why should a Son of Fire (angel) bow down before a Son of Clay (human)?”

This was the probable cause of the Luciferian Wars of the Watchers.


At the time of the fall, Lucifer ordered all his forces and star ships to converge in the Lyra star sector. Michael, being the loyal soldier he is, came with his Aldebaran military forces. He was not aware their leader had rebelled against the ultimate authority and was following orders. When he arrived in the Lyra sector, he realized what had happened, and this was the first stage of the war.


Azazel and 200 Watchers opened a stargate from Lyra and were the first rebels to arrive on Earth on Mt. Hermon. They were quickly pursued by Michael’s forces; however, Michael was warned by Uriel that he and his forces would be pulled into “incarnation” cycles, because of Earth’s gravity, if they prosecuted this military campaign against Azazel and his forces on Earth. If Michael was to go through with this, he would become transfixed and trapped in this solar system and the war would rage on for thousands of years.

He could not let this evil sweep unhindered across the planet and went ahead with his plan. We are now seeing the final stages of the Watcher wars played out in front of us.

In the best-selling science fiction book series called The Horus Heresy, the Watcher wars are detailed in incredible detail. The guys writing these books are either high level masons or part of the intelligence community. Michael was the genetic father of the Tribe of Dan, as he started that bloodline with a female Watcher from the planet Hoova.

You can read hundreds of pages of proof of angels/watchers being physical ETs in Andrew Collins book From the Ashes of Angels. 


Project Oaktree was actually set up to locate the descendants of the ‘Tribe of Dan,’ which is the so-called ‘Lost Tribe of Israel’. These middle-eastern people were of white skin, and the descendants are not actually lost but kept secret. The Tribe of Dan traveled from Dan (‘Kaish’ in Hebrew) just below Mt Hermon and went up into Greece around the time of the Exodus. In Greece, they were known as the Spartans. From Greece they traveled to France where they were the Merovingian Priest-Kings and other French Royal lines. From France they traveled to Scotland, Ireland and America. They were known as the ‘Tuatha De Danann’ in Ireland and Celtic clans, such as the ‘Campbells’ in Scotland. 

The eagle is one of their symbols, and the eagle on the American coat of arms and the NSA symbol represents the Tribe of Dan.

This is a very holy bloodline with powerful PSI abilities. The Luciferian religions believe that by abusing children and people of this bloodline, they are directly attacking God. The Watchers had good and evil amongst them. Archangel Michael is named as a physical Watcher in the Middle East in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The battle between the ‘Sons of Light’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness’ is mentioned in this work. This battle still rages today. Some say Project Oaktree was ultimately looking for the human descendants of the Watchers. We have to ask ourselves why are the 12 tribes of Israel so important, and who physically ‘seeded’ these bloodlines. The answers we are given by the religious institutes of the world, such as “They are God’s chosen people,” will not suffice anymore.


People ask why are they called the Watchers. The answer seems to be because of their ability to project their consciousness out of the body and perform an ancient form of advanced remote viewing.

[My note: They're referring to bilocation, the splitting of consciousness as that ancient form of advanced remote viewing]

Stargate 11 and the Watchers


The Bene Elohim (which includes what you call the "Archangels") did in fact, seed Earth originally. Archangel Mikael and a female Watcher from the planet Hoova originally seeded the planet. 

This is why the entire terrestrial human race is the only one in existence that all sprang from that ONE Angelic bloodline and why throughout the cosmos terrestrial humans are considered to have royal DNA by both malevolent and benevolent races.

Before the split, the Creators had created this universe and Earth and knowing they were going to seed it, installed the Watchers to watch over their creations. 
When the split occurred so did the faction of the Watchers that followed Lucifer.

So you now have 2 factions of Watchers - the benevolent (with Mikael as their head as spelled out in the Dead Sea Scrolls) and the malevolent faction.

Stargate 11 - I'm going to have to give you some background here on stargates. There are 2 types - linear and diagonal. Most stargates in existence now are linear. Think of a pawn on a chessboard. A pawn can move in one direction, one space at a time. This is what linear stargates are - one can use them (if they have the DNA coding to) to move up or down ONE DENSITY ONLY.

In comparison, a diagonal stargate allows one to move like the Queen on a chessboard - any number of spaces (or densities) in any direction. This is what Stargate 11 is - a diagonal portal or stargate that if one has the proper DNA coding, can move up and down between universal densities 1 through 15. Or all the way up into the Angelic realm.

The malevolent forces attempted to use this stargate and because their DNA was not coded to use it, they met with death - and "broke" the stargate in the process.

This stargate was then repaired by the Angelics and moved to a new location for safekeeping, where dark forces could no longer access it - Aghartha. This is why Aghartha is domed with an impenetrable force field. You know Stargate 11 as The Amenti Stargate, housed in the Agharthan Halls of Amenti.

amenti stargate.jpg

Not to get off track here...but the Bene Elohim created Stargate 11 and they still use this same kind of stargate today. I'll show you actual photos of it and tell you the story behind them.

My dear friend, Rob Hulse and his friend, Dave were visiting an ancient burial site of some kind in the UK, where Rob and Dave live. Prior to entering this burial site, Rob was overcome with a feeling of dread that temporarily kept him from entering this burial site.

Our guys see everything that goes on here on Earth...and Jmmanuel's brother saw Rob was in danger in that a malevolent entity was waiting to jump Rob and attach itself to him as soon as he entered that burial site.

So Jmmanuel's brother opened one of these diagonal stargates the Angelics create to come zooming down here to protect Rob from this malevolent entity. (Yes, Rob is an Angelic human as you like to call them.)

After this happened, Rob felt safe to enter that burial site. Now his friend Dave is a photographer and snapped the following photos in which you'll not only see one of these Angelic-created diagonal stargates but Jmmanuel's brother's ship leaving the burial site. 

When they exited the burial site, Dave asked Rob "Who was the guy with the neatly trimmed beard following you around through the burial site?"
Rob: "What guy? There was no one following me around."

Well, yes there was...Jmmanuel's brother has an obsession with his beard always being neatly trimmed.

So Rob sent me the photos and he didn't even notice the stargate Teeds had opened to get to him. I had to point it out to him. Look behind Rob in the photo below. The stargate looks like a door behind Rob.

© Robert Hulse. Do not copy photo or use without permission.

You can even faintly make out the arch on top of that doorway stargate.

© Robert Hulse. Do not copy photo or use without permission.

Anyone who works directly with the Angelics is heavily protected by them, as Rob is. Jmmanuel's brother came racing down to protect Rob from being jumped by the negative entity lying in wait for him. Here is Dave's photo of that ship leaving after protecting Rob.

© Robert Hulse. Do not copy photo or use without permission.

The reason I wanted to show you those photos is so that you can see these diagonal stargates are created and used by the Angelics and to my knowledge, no one had ever captured one on film before or since.

At any rate, this Luciferian War is still going on today and is centered largely around Earth. We are the last planet in a string of inhabited planets in this galaxy to be experiencing what we are right now that will prepare us for a higher dimensional transition the planet is in the process of making. This is what the Divinely orchestrated worldwide awakening is about - the lifting of the veil and the exposure of these dark forces and their heinous agenda and our opportunity to declare ourselves sovereign beings again, free of the Jehovani matrix enslavement system and our worshiping them as gods through their earth religions.

Go back to Jmmanuel's video and he comes right out and says this and how to go about it -

Do not be subservient to him nor worship him, rather follow him and serve him. He even says to get out of earth religions and do not follow them. 

The whole malevolent forces gig is about using us to achieve their own immortality. The government even has a patent on the process below! They not only harvest our energy to keep themselves in business, they harvest our souls. Which is why they call their agenda "Harvest of Souls".

Unless humanity gets its act together, these malevolent forces will remain in power because we're allowing them to and the hell on earth insanity they're creating will continue forever. You can quit asking "When will this be over with?!" because it will never be over with as long as we keep enabling them to be immortal and using us to do that.

I hope this gives you some further insight into what's going on in the big picture of things.

We'll delve more into this war between the gods and terrestrial human origins in our article

Terran Origins.


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