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The information contained in this section of the website is of a violent and sexual nature and involves children. 
Viewer discretion is
strongly advised!

I remember when the movie Sound of Freedom came out, starring Jim Caviezel. I thought FINALLY! The masses are going to be hit upside the head with the horrors of child trafficking they've been ignoring for over 2 decades now...despite our repeated attempts to expose this child trafficking.

I was disappointed after seeing Sound of Freedom. It was the softest sell of child trafficking I ever could have imagined. I read accounts of movie goers leaving the theater in tears over what they'd just seen. 

But I'd played that game before with John Q/ Public. I knew that after a couple weeks of them virtue signalling about how godawful child trafficking was, they'd forget all about it and have gone right on with their lives.

Which is precisely what they did. You never even hear the movie talked about now much less the issue of child trafficking. That absolutely infuriates me!

I worked Illuminati child abductions, homicides, SRA and child trafficking for 30 years both independently and under the radar with federal investigators. It was necessary I try to stay under the radar given the numerous attempts made on my life for working those cases and to expose the government's worldwide pedophile ring. As a Milab I saw firsthand the thousands upon thousands of DUMB stasis tubes containing live human beings, many of them children kept alive, with body parts missing the deep black military had used in cloning. I saw firsthand the floor-to-ceiling cages housing children like animals, that had been tortured so severely they'd slipped into insanity.

DUMB cages that housed children

I saw firsthand the DUMB breeding centers where they bred children to use in their satanic ritual sacrifices that routinely took place in the lowest levels of the DUMBS.
Those of us who worked these cases saw horrors you haven't yet even begun to dream up in your wildest nightmares. Those images never leave your mind once you've seen them. They're with you for life.

You ignore this child trafficking because you arrogantly think "It doesn't affect ME, why should I care?"
I've worked dozens upon dozens of these cases and in each and every one of them the parents of the missing child has said to me "We never thought it could happen to us!" But it did. If you think you and your kids are immune to it, boy do I have a news flash for you.

These satanic government pedophiles are already coming after your children! They've declared open season on your children.

pedos normalize pedophilia.jpg

I don't care about your sensibilities or if you're offended by what's in this section. I don't give a rat's ass about your political correctness or "pronouns". I WANT you to be horrified by what you see on this page so that your child and children aren't preyed upon by these psychopath and sociopath sickos attempting to brainwash you into believing there's anything 'normal' about pedophilia whatsoever.

The man in the photo at the top of the page is David Parker Ray, a serial killer. Ray preferred adults to abduct but at least one of his victims included an unidentified boy called "John Doe". That Ray mainly preferred adults is irrelevant because he epitomizes the kind of individual these satanic pedophiles are. Their personalities and characteristics are one in the same whether they're preying on adults or children.

Ray had a converted Ryder truck on his property he called the "Toy Box". When the FBI raided his property, they described this Toy Box as having any kind of torture device you could possibly think of in it.
He had drugs to erase the memories of his victims. He had a gynecological exam table rigged for torture.

toy box1.jpg
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And here's the common denominator between the 2 that makes one no different than the other.

tpy box4.jpg

Ray got so tired of explaining to his victims what he was going to do to them that he made a tape recording of it and simply played it for his victims as he casually ate a sandwich.

Whether these sicko monsters prey on adults, children or both they all have ties to satanic activity. Notorious serial killer Ted Bundy even as a child spoke of the devil coming out of his closet to talk to him and tell him to kill.

Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker was a self confessed satanist who was convicted of 13 murders but it's suspected he killed far more than 13.
The world government pedophiles have tortured and murdered millions of children as ritual sacrifices, often to harvest their Adrenochrome. They often make snuff films of the deaths of these children to sell on the dark web. Hilary Clinton is one such example with her snuff film Frazzledrip that showed her fileting the face off a young girl, then putting it on herself as a mask and dancing around before she killed the child.

face cut off.jpg

These satanic psychopaths and sociopaths are so brazen now they don't even attempt to hide their pedophilia, trafficking, etc. They flaunt it right in our faces!

These pedophiles have their own version of Ray's Toy Box.

They have rolling abduction vans on wheels as seen in the video at left.

These vans are equipped with abduction equipment, torture devices and a built-in gas system that will knock a struggling child unconscious - until the abductor is ready to begin the torture. The abducted children are killed right in these vans, completely away from prying eyes.

They are so practiced at what they do that they can abduct a child in under 30 seconds with the parent standing right beside the child. Divert your attention for a second from your kid(s) and your child can be GONE.

Not that long ago I was approached by 2 women whose kids were nearly abducted while shopping in stores with their kids right beside them. Both were preoccupied with their cell phones at the moment the abductor tried to snatch their kids.

Only quick thinking shoppers that intervened saved those kids from being abducted. And yes, both women said it scared the hell out of them and that they never thought it could happen to THEM.

Until it did.

How often would investigators like myself find an abducted child? Rarely. If we did manage to locate an abducted child, 99% of the time we were recovering remains of the child. Out of all the dozens of cases I worked personally, we only found a live abducted child twice - with the exception of trafficked babies we found crossing the Mexican border in to the U.S. - stuffed inside sides of beef.

child in beef.jpg

So if your child would be abducted, know that you stand an almost 0% chance of recovering your child, either alive or dead. That is the cold hard reality of these abductions and child trafficking.

We found abducted children being trafficked and sold on websites like Walmart and Wayfair...and being shipped to their pedophile buyers in furniture shipping containers.

children sold on websites.webp

We found foreign drug addict rings abducting children right in the presence of their parents. The cabal gets the child for their pedophile ring, the junkie gets his fix in return. This is happening worldwide now - in restaurants, stores, shopping malls, parking lots. This was a Nigerian ring below...

And what are we seeing now as a result of this parental and societal apathy?

The cabal pedophiles have turned human trafficking into a $35 billion per year industry. 
Under Joe Biden (a pedophile himself) at least 85,000 undocumented migrant children here have gone missing. That's just migrant children alone that have entered the U.S. 

According to recent data, an estimated 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States.
This translates to approximately 2,000 children being reported missing every day.

Just recently I was approached by a dad who wanted to tell me about his experience. He and his wife had gone on their weekly shopping trip to a farm store. Dad had the foresight to lock his kids in the truck as he loaded their purchases into his truck bed. While he was loading the truck, an abductor had been watching and had targeted his 2 kids. With dad standing right at the truck tailgate the potential abductor ran up to the truck to snatch the 2 kids. Only the doors being locked prevented him from getting the kids.

It's not even safe to teach your kids to trust law enforcement anymore.

In March, 2003 I did my first radio interview exposing the fact law enforcement had been infiltrated and were active participants in the cabal's worldwide trafficking of children.
I was doing the #1 radio show in Canada at the time, the Richard Syrett Show. Two minutes before we were to go live on the air I received a cabal/law enforcement death threat by phone, instructing me not to do the show or else. I felt parents needed to be warned. I did the show.

My segment starts about halfway in
Syrett Show Part 1
Syrett Show Part 2

There was a call in segment in the show. Not one parent called in, concerned about this threat to their children.!

I was furious, asking myself what I'd just risked my life for.

I don't have any kids. How could I be more concerned about the welfare of children than their own parents were?

For the next 2 decades my fellow investigators of these cases shouting warnings from the rooftops about the abductions, SRA, child sacrifices, child trafficking and government worldwide pedophile ring.
We'd found the largest hubs of this ring in Child Protective Services, followed by the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church, Washington D.C. and Capitol Hill, the White House, Disney theme parks.
Our warnings fell on completely deaf ears.

We've failed our children and we've failed them MISERABLY.
Pacifying them with the latest smart phone or violent video game, parking them in front ot the TV as their babysitter, sending them to public school indoctrination centers...where has it gotten us?

  • Countless minor children undergoing sex change operations without parental consent

  • Govt. transgender push and indoctrination of our children in our schools

  • Drag Queen Story Hours

  • After school Satan Clubs

  • Same sex bathrooms, a breeding ground for pedophiles on the prowl

  • Govt. defining pedophiles as "minor attracted persons" as though pedophilia is not a crime

  • Infiltrated law enforcement agencies with psychopath, felon, etc. cops that aid in these abductions


When do parents say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!?


Child abductions in this country and worldwide have grown by leaps and bounds in the past couple of years. They will continue to increase by leaps and bounds as long as we put up with government and pedophile insanity.


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