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I just did an interview with Rob Kalil and a very astute viewer left a comment asking how to defend herself if approached by lower vibrational dark entities. What a great question!
Especially in light of dark projects like Project Ibis and others that specifically cause negative entity attachments and attacks on those of the Light, which are very prevalent right now.

if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my own personal experiences it’s that just because we aren’t always able to understand other realities doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Just because you can’t “feel” any entities around you doesn’t mean they’re not there.

This is the first step in defending yourself against negative entities. These AI entities are extremely devious. Many are in parasitic form so you can't visually see them with the naked eye. Most who have entity attachments don't realize they do or refuse to acknowledge it could happen to them. In reality, if you're of the Light (and especially if you're a contactee or experiencer) it CAN happen to you and odds are, you will encounter these negative entities at some point. I don't know of any legitimate contactee/experiencer who hasn't dealt with both the negative and positive entities simultaneously. 

It's important to understand why those of the LIght encounter these entity attacks. The following video gives a good summary explanation of why these attacks happen - by both the dark entities themselves and by those humans who are entity-attached.

Once on of these negative AI entities attach themselves, their human host quickly succumbs and their personality changes to become like the entity itself. The entity takes control. 

Case in point...I have a friend who was turned into a Surface Level Truther. I actually saw the negative entity "jump" him. He got very ill as a result but blamed it on another person he became furious with, claiming the stress of her rescheduling an appointment with him is what had made him sick. I attempted several times to explain to him what had actually happened...he wanted nothing to do with my explanation, refusing to even listen to it. This was the attached entity in control. 

Recently, I sent him a video to watch made by a fellow Lightworker (Olivia James) about these attacks on Lightworkers and Project Oblivion/WASP. I'll post that video below.

© Robert Kalil & Typical Skeptic

This was my friend's reaction to it:

"ill know more once i watch. so confusing. dont know what's real unless your deep in it. can you tell me at what time they talk about it they seem to talk on various stuff. i had nathan on my show but didnt put the interview out. his story was too dark i felt ill after and had to eat out for supper lol"

These entity attachments can make one physically ill, especially if their host is onto something or some truth they don't want the host to know. And my friend himself illustrates this when he says he didn't air Nathan's interview because it was "too dark". 

We humans tends to see ourselves in rather glorified terms. I personally take no chances with these entities and have a few close friends constantly watching me for any personality changes these dark entities cause. If they tell me something is amiss in my behavior I take them at their word to prevent entity attachment. Those who know you well are going to see a change in you before you do.

The next step is to keep one's ego in balance with mind, body, spirit, soul.
These entities use one's own ego against them to get their foot in the door into your consciousness. This is a difficult daily task to do in that we live on a planet that is lower vibrational ego-based so are surrounded by those whose ego is in their driver's seat. 

Do whatever it takes to keep your ego balanced. For example, I'll spend time in nature every day with no distractions, focusing on everything I said and did the previous day. Did I allow my ego to jump into the driver's seat? Was I kind or at least respectful to everyone I encountered even if their opinion and beliefs differed from my own? I examine my own behavior on a daily basis to keep my ego in check. Yes, we need ego - just not in our driver's seat running the show.
That throws the welcome mat out for these negative entities if we operate from ego.

Realize these negative entities must operate under the same universal law of non interference the benevolent ET's adhere to. They only have what power over you that you yourself give them.
Again, they're very sneaky and devious in how they go about this. Unless you verbally and/or telepathically tell them "NO!" they take that as consent to mess with you. Rob illustrated this in our interview together when he talked about a negative entity messing around inside his body.
He told it "STOP!" and it stopped, despite the fact Rob had allowed this entity to mess with him for some time, not realizing it was a negative entity. 

In doing this, I make it very clear to them they cannot interfere in any way with my free will - knowing they must abide by the universal law of non interference. I have not been bothered by any negative entities since I began making this affirmation.

Pay attention to the energy of any entities who attempt to interact with you....even those you assume are benevolent.

It's routine these negative entities deceive those they attach to by presenting themselves as "benevolent ET's" to their potential host victims. And they are masters at imitating benevolent ET's! But if you pay attention to their energy signatures, you'll find their energy has almost a flat line EKG feel to it. They feel dead. 

By contrast, genuine benevolent ET's have a very powerful calming, uplifting energy to them.
Hint: The Angelics have a pretty neat way of letting us know it's really them. A person in contact with them will suddenly start crying tears of joy and not even realize why they are crying. They've done it to me countless times and I've seen them do it with many others. 

Ask for the protection of the Angelics to keep these negative entities away from you.
They protect those of the LIght and I'll show you an actual example of this. My friend, Rob Hulse and his friend, Dave (psychic medium and photographer) decided to visit a UK burial site.
Before entering the site, Rob was overcome with a feeling of dread that prevented him from entering the site. One of the Angelics I work with picked up on this, knew a negative entity was waiting to jump Rob in that site and came down to get rid of that entity and protect Rob.

And here are the photos of that event. The Angelic opened a doorway portal behind Rob to get to him and at that entity. You can faintly make out even the arch on that doorway portal.

© Roberrt Hulse. Do not copy or use photo without permission
© Robert Hulse  Do not copy or use photo without permission

And here's that Angelic's ship departing after getting rid of the negative entity, as photographed by Dave.

Rob ship with arrow.jpg
© Robert Hulse  Do not copy or use photo without permission

There was a rather humorous ending to the incident in that Rob was completely unaware of the entire "Angelic rescue mission" taking place at the time - until Dave asked him "Who was that guy following you around the burial site?"
Rob asked "What guy? There wasn't anyone following me around!"
Dave: "Yes there was...he had a real neatly trimmed beard..."

When Rob told me the story I busted out laughing for I knew exactly which Angelic with the neatly trimmed beard had come to rescue Rob from that entity. (And yes, that Angelic has a THING about his beard always being neatly trimmed.) Rob never even saw the portal behind him on the photos until I pointed it out to him.

At any rate, the Angelic got rid of the entity and Rob and Dave were able to tour the burial site, Rob's feeling of dread having disappeared.

I start and end each day in saying my affirmation with including asking my Angelic contacts to protect me. They've directly thwarted no less than 7 cabal attempts on my life so they do a magnificent job of protecting me - and they will with anyone who asks them for protection.
Getting rid of negative entities is child's play for them. If you feel you have an entity attachment ask them for help in getting rid of it.

Listen to your heart and intuition vs. your thoughts and what your brain is telling you.

Because these dark forces can read thoughts, manipulate and control the mind, our side works through the heart and intuition. If your intuition is telling you "Something isn't right here" then listen to it. These dark force entities can't control your heart and intuition but they can control your thoughts.

​If a negative entity would approach you, do not interact with it in any way.
That's just opening the door to it and asking for trouble. Tell it in no uncertain terms to F OFF!

Keep yourself in a positive state of mind.
The entities are attracted to and feed off negative energy loosh. They depend on it for survival.
If you're constantly negative, that acts like a beacon, they're drawn to it like moths to a flame. Your negativity is like an all-they-can-eat buffet to their way of thinking and it makes you a prime target.

It's difficult to keep yourself positive when we're literally surrounded by evil and negativity.
I found for myself a trick I used to train myself to look at everything in a positive light. Any time I encountered a horrific situation I'd make a list of the positive "silver cloud linings" to that situation. What I discovered is that there were far more potential positives to the negative situation itself and so began to look at adversity from a new, positive perspective. Now my mind automatically goes to those potential positives and I no longer view things from a negative perspective.

Most importantly, do not succumb to fear!
This is the #1 weapon these negative entities have in their arsenal, it's why they're always fear mongering. Understand what my Angelic ET mentor taught me - "Fear doesn't exist unless we create it ourselves. Fear is nothing but what we make our own minds believe."

It took me years to understand what he was trying to teach me by pounding that into my head and the importance of it. It was when I became completely fearless that I defeated the December 2010 Drac threatening to kill me that I spoke about in my interview with Rob. It was in becoming completely fearless that they knew they'd lost all control of me, lost interest in me and I escaped the Milab program. Here are those Drac scratches I was left with (I referred to in the interview) when the Drac became enraged at the realization they no longer controlled me and I wasn't giving it the fear reaction it needed.

Drac scratches.jpg

Neither the malevolent ET's or the deep black military messed with me after that - nor did any negative entities.

There are plenty of others that are easy pickins' for them to mess with and attach to, who give them the fear reaction they need.

They don't bother with those who won't give them that fear reaction they need.

Too much energy expended for their liking.

Remember that ALL entities are nothing but energy! What energy you decide to accept or allow is entirely up to you and these dark force entities can't force you to accept them or their energy.

Signs of Entity Attachment

There are specific signs of entity attachment and knowing them helps you defend against them.

Attachment can ultimately happen to anyone, but tends to occur most frequently to people who:

  • Are lightworkers, healers, empaths, intuitives 

  • Have experienced trauma or abuse in their life (especially in childhood) 

  • Are overindulging in alcohol or recreational drugs (this tends to open the auric field allowing energies into our space) 

  • Are going through spiritual awakening or are following a spiritual path in life

  • Anyone embarking on some sort of spiritual purpose e.g starting a healing business or spiritual social media channel, writing a spiritual book etc.

  • Have advanced psychic abilities of interest to the deep black military

  • Podcasters in particular are being targeted now in order to shut them down

Common Signs & Symptoms Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment

Entity or spirit attachment generally shows up in 6 key areas – physical, emotional, mental, psychic, environmental and life. Lets break them down for a closer look so you can know for sure if you’re currently experiencing this phenomena…


Physical Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment

  • Feeling chronically tired, drained and depleted of energy (often with no seeming cause)

  • Sudden onset of aches, pains and discomfort in the body

  • Discovering scratches, bruises and marks on the body (often unable to identify the cause) 

  • Peculiar feelings or sensations such as buzzing, crawling or tingling sensations

  • Sleep paralysis 


Emotional Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment

  • Bursts of negative emotion such as anxiety, fear, guilt or panic attacks (again, seemingly without any real trigger)

  • Low mood, depression or persistent sadness or sense of grief

  • Relationship conflicts – uncharacteristically fighting, arguing or frequent miscommunication

  • Feeling attacked or that someone or something is out to get you

  • A gut feeling that something isn’t right (sometimes you just KNOW)


Mental Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment

  • Brain fog – inability to focus, feeling confused or dazed

  • Disturbing dreams or nightmares (Dreamhacking)

  • Persistently noticing images of faces in unexpected places (e.g in a pattern on the wall, or leaves on the ground)

  • Inner negative self talk and criticism, thoughts that don’t feel like yours

  • Repeating patterns of self sabotage or negative behaviors

  • Feeling detached, disassociated and unplugged from Source


Psychic Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment

  • Sensing a presence or feeling watched (even if there is nobody there)

  • Seeing lights, orbs, mists, shadows, figures or silhouettes 

  • Feeling that you are being touched or tapped

  • Feeling ungrounded or being unable to ground your energy no matter what you do 


Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment In Your Environmental Surroundings

  • Cold patches or areas in your home (even if your home is actually warm)

  • Pets growling or looking at something that you can’t see

  • Noises – tapping, knocking, footsteps or voices

  • Bad smells that can’t be located – e.g sulfur, body odor, cigarette smoke

  • Electronic items glitching, malfunctioning or breaking

  • Losing items that unexpectedly show up later


Signs Of Entity Or Spirit Attachment In Your Life

  • Feeling blocked, unlucky and stuck or obstacles, challenges and setbacks constantly put in your way

  • Life constantly being reset (finding yourself falling back to the beginning again no matter how much progress you make)

  • Healing always interrupted or nothing works or lasts

  • Attempts to remove entities always thwarted (it either doesn’t work or doesn’t last)

A word of caution here: If you think you have an entity attachment, beware of self-professed 'spiritual gurus' who claim they can remove these entities - usually for a price. They're extremely difficult to remove on a permanent basis, even for trained demonologists. Ask anyone you approach to remove such entities for their professional documentation that proves they're qualified to do the job! Many in the spiritual community make up fancy titles for themselves in order to sell themselves but in reality, don't know squat about removing these attached entities.

Above all, remember these negative entities are nothing to fear! They're an annoyance that's a pain in the a** to deal with but they have no power over you unless you give them power over you.


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