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Mass Abduction


Often the Greys would perform mass abductions. You may recall Jim Sparks speaking of one such incident...

I too underwent such a mass abduction, one in which I remembered seeing Jim Sparks present.
He wasn't one of "them" but was helping in keeping those of us abducted calm.


In my mass abduction I came to on what appeared to be a gymnasium floor. Around me were hundreds of other abductees, all in various states of unconsciousness or semi consciousness.

We were seated at small desks or tables on which sat a computer monitor of sorts. The Greys then inserted 3 pronged IV's next to our knees. (Photo below)


One of these IV lines carried an emotion enhancing drug. I don't know what the other 2 lines pumped into us.


We were instructed to watch the screens in front of us.
Pristine Earth appeared on the screen, I imagine how it looked before it was inhabited. It was absolutely beautiful.
Gradually the images changed to that of Earth deteriorating, until it appeared as nothing but a nuked, uninhabitable wasteland.

We were told this was what was going to happen to Earth unless we began taking care of our planet.


As with Jim, this mass abduction kind of served like a turning point for me. I realized that terrestrial humans want easy answers to everything and conceptualize things in a very simplified black and white manner - evil is evil and good is good. The reality is, these simplified conceptualizations don't exist out in the cosmos among our far more advanced ET relatives.

I began to see things through their eyes, how they conceptualize things.

There was one other mass abduction I underwent and it would turn out to be a very strange one indeed. Especially since I hadn't experienced any kind of abduction since 2010.

We were all in what reminded me of my grade school church basement - lots of concrete. At the front of the room were long tables at which sat military personnel. They weren't in uniform, which I found odd. They were all dressed in civvies. They were handing out work assignments.

As we were waiting in line to get our work assignments I was told we were going to clean the DUMBS. My mind went immediately to clean as in houseclean. They'd never used any of we Milabs before to clean the DUMBS...but then one never knew what we'd be expected to do next being we were treated as slaves.


I got up to the table and the military guy seated there instructed me to go to my assigned area of the DUMB. When I got there, I found it completely deserted save for another military guy overseeing the work detail. I found it very odd my section of the DUMB was deserted.
He showed me what area I was to clean and left.

I came upon a pile of items that were long and tube-like, almost resembling one of those bank containers that come down the drive thru chute. But they were more technical looking. I thought they were some kind of explosive device so I took them to the miltary guy overseeing the work detail and asked him "What should I do with these?"
He just smiled at me and said "What do you THINK you should do with them?"


The light bulb came on as to what they meant by clean out the DUMBS and why my assigned area was deserted.

What was so strange about this abduction is that around that same time, a huge training exercise involving all military branches of Special Forces had taken place at 29 Palms.


'Unlike Any Exercise': A Massive Marine Corps War Game Is Happening at 29 Palms


This was written up on the Internet as an exercise involving only Marines but that wasn't the case. One of my contacts is a Brigadier General and confirmed to me all branches of the military were involved.


Then Gene Decode came out with the following video about the DUMBS being cleaned out:

Within days of having this abduction experience (if you could even call it an abduction) the Brigadier General confirmed to me that yes, what I'd experienced was actually happening in real time. In fact, another Milab posted he'd had the same experience I'd had where he was helping clean out the DUMBS.

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