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While I've not met the other 4 races of the Council of Five, I did just recently meet the Emerthers. I don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time. These little guys stand between 4-5' tall and are built much like the Greys. They're related to the Solipsi Rae but are a very ancient race that has both been on earth and helped terrestrial humans since humans were still a 1 cell marine organism. Not much is known about them and that's the way they prefer to keep it. 

They are very intelligent and very advanced but they play dumb on both fronts so that others will think them weak and underestimate them. In fact, they often act very childlike in many respects.

It is generally agreed that the Emerther is the most important race not only of the Council but also amongst all known races. They take everything VERY seriously.

They met with USA President Dwight Eisenhower in 3 different occasions...they also met with 2 High-Ranking USSR leader in 3 occasions...and they tried (they do not "force" anything upon humans) to meet with USA President Richard Nixon but he refused claiming that it would be too dangerous as they could maybe read his mind and find out about delicate national security secrets concerning the relations with USSR.
They have treaties with all of Earth's superpowers - the U.S., Russia, China, etc.

What's so entertaining about these guys is their addiction to very strong black tea with milk and honey. It acts like a drug on them, making them "high" and they love it. They're also the only ET race I know of that eats most of the foods we do - and this particularly applies to cupcakes/cakes. A single Emerther can eats pounds of cupcakes in one sitting. And for heaven's sake don't get in their way when they're hungry or eating because they will go off on you.

They tend to be very excitable especially when high on black tea and when they get this way they love to dance to our disco music. Yes, you read that right - disco music. They are very agile and easily contort themselves in a number of ways when disco dancing - which is is hilarious to watch because they resemble Olympic gymnasts on meth. And whatever you do, don't turn off the disco music or you will have an Emerther riot on your hands. 

These guys are the race I've had the most fun meeting. Don't confuse them with the Zetas, they are 2 entirely different races and not in any way related.



The Maujra are another race that play a very important role in the conflict taking place - that of keeping the 3+1 balance in the right mode. 3 being the 3 powers - electric, magnetic and gravitational and +1 being elemental particle of matter.

The Maujra are another very ancient race and like most ancient races, they don't know their origin or planet of origin. They now come from all over this universe, inhabiting several planets they've colonized.

They are human in appearance. Most have red hair, vibrant blue or green eyes and freckles all over their bodies.
(If you're a redhead with freckles, you likely have some Maujra in you.) They have very complex DNA.



The Azez are another human-looking race but they stand about 6 inches taller than terrestrials do.

They are similar to a universal police force but one that doesn't engage in any conflicts. The role they play is monitoring the balance between races, timelines, universes.

They are also involved in helping the MILABS here but only with the agreement of each MILAB they help. They provide this help on the astral level so if you want to reach out to them, simply meditate and ask them for help.


The manner in which they help is their ability to telekinetically "break" tech the military possesses among other things. For example, the military must use equipment to physically abduct a MILAB. The Azez can make that equipment fully dysfunctional, preventing the abduction.


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The Ichaboids have the appearance of being half fish, half frog.

The Ichaboids are an aquatic species that are related to Siberia's Lake Baikal "Swimmers".
The inhabit cities in Earth's oceans and seas in locations they do not want disclosed.

They are half frog, half fish adapted to living either on land or in water by virtue of their 2 separate respiratory systems. They stand between 7 and 9 feet tall.

They are extremely spiritual and intelligent and are master geneticists. They work closely too with the Merpeople and benevolent Yellow Bellies. They do not wish to have contact with terrestrial humans at the present time.

Their role is working with the ET cetaceans to try to protect Earth's oceans and seas from military weaponization. If the oceans die, humanity follows suit very shortly afterwards.



The Centaurians are your closest ET neighbors. They're known as the Great Star Union of Centaurus. Their planets/stars are similar to Terra in some respects - they have vast seas but the land is all islands (versus continents) and are climate controlled. 

They resemble Terrans so closely in looks that you could pass a Centaurian on the street and not even know you had. (They have been visiting the planet.) However, they are taller than humans and somewhat better looking.
They are a gentle, considerate, loving, very spiritual people - not at all aggressive or violent.
They eat and dress more simply, at 2000 Earth years they'd still be considered young because they have no illness, they're in perfect health. They are highly intelligent and some of the best scientists in the cosmos. They're very goal-oriented and constructive/industrious. Everyone is free and abides by a code of ethics, so like most ET civilizations they have no police force of any kind as crime doesn't exist. They live in complete harmony.
Nor do they have any kind of financial system, everything is free and in abundance.

Because of their code of ethics, the government head-bashing taking place on Earth disgusts them and for a time, they ran a shuttle between Earth and Alpha Centauri to give asylum to those targeted by the shadow government. They also share their advanced technology with Earth scientists by telepathically linking with them. The Sirians help them with this process because the Centaurians are so advanced and so highly intelligent, Earth scientists have a hard time grasping what it is the Centaurians are attempting to share with them.

The Centaurians love beauty and make it a point to surround themselves with it. Their homes are magnificent, made of a transparent material which allows one to see out in all directions but not into the home. They don't have schools of any kind, all education is done visually via a small phial inserted into a wall of their home. A 3D holographic image fills the room and this is how they learn. They do not have books. The children travel the galaxy as well, in order to learn by experience. These phials can also be placed in the wall of a ship to create a kind of "traveling classroom". 
Their homes are decorated with exquisite paintings and they love/create beautiful music as well.

Like the Andromes, they are animal lovers (particularly of birds) and they also communicate telepathically with their animals like the Andromes do. Predatory or wild animals are kept on a separate planet.

Their way of thinking is very different than a Terran's. They are telepathic but they feel the meaning behind words. They think in concepts and aren't dependent upon language.

Their ships range from the smaller completely circular (roughly 60 feet in diameter) with 'portholes' and a flattish dome on top or diving bell shaped to the cigar-shaped motherships. The skin of the ships produces a glow when the ship powers up and the walls will change from blue to green when creating the differential the ship moves within. They can travel instantaneously from one place to another.  Their ships are powered by the electromagnetic wavelength of the universe.

Their ships are created from pure light energy into atomic substance and this is done in space to construct the exterior of the ship. This atomic substance is not metal, it's more like a porcelain material. This part of the process takes around 15 Earth minutes to complete.
The ship is then brought to the surface to construct the interior and that takes about 2 Earth weeks to complete. 
The interiors are simple but beautiful and some are even 'carpeted'. 

Unlike many other race's ships, the Centaurians do not arm their ships. Rather they have a deflective ray 'shield' that will immobilize any threat to them - from missiles to an atomic/nuclear blast. This 'shield' will come on automatically if one of their ships is threatened. 

Their motherships (called 'carrierships') are self sufficient. They can hold up to 5,000 crew members including women and children. Their carrierships will hold about 24 of their smaller landing craft. The carrierships are completely enclosed but have 'portholes' that can be opened as well as a viewing lens. This viewing lense is so precise it can make out the details on the face of a dime here on Earth. It picks up sound just as precisely.

To say hello to a Centaurian, you'd say "Zamaya". (Zah my ah)


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The Andromes prefer to be called Andromes (pronounced And row mees) rather than Andromedans.

The Andromedan Galaxy is the closest large galaxy to the Milky Way galaxy - about 2.2 million light years away. It consists of about 1 trillion stars. The star Antares is a bridge or doorway to the Andromedan energy.

There are 4 main inhabited planets: Ventra, Nikotae, Toleka and Ritol. Ritol is very similar to earth in its landscape and being a "melting pot" of races. 

There is no time, time is measure by seasons although there's no extremes to their seasons like there are here.

The one thing I did find odd is that their homes resemble Earth 1980's homes, although their homes are circular or ovoid in shape, rather similar to Pleiadian architecture. They can even have plumbing problems like us, believe it or not.  All construction materials are organic-based, natural fibre or crystaline in nature. Absolutely everything on their planets gets recycled in some manner. 
Transportation is via teleportation or small above ground craft. 

Because they are community oriented, the Andromes do not have cities. They have villages and community activities are very important to them. They live in small to large family groups.
Family is extremely important to them. Whether you are Androme or not, you are considered family. For example, Aron and his family consider Naz and I to be their family and vice versa. 

Several higher dimensional species call the Andromeda galaxy home (from human to plasmic light beings) but the two best known are the blue-skinned Androme and the Oriental-looking Androme. (Terran Orientals are descended from the Oriental-looking Andromes).

The average age of an Androme is 800 (Earth) years but they can live to be 20,000 years old in their years. (Their years are different from Terran years.)
They are the oldest race in our galactic vicinity, having migrated to Andromeda 3 million years ago. (Earth years)

They have a human body shape but are more slight and less muscular than Terrans - standing 5' to 7' tall. They do have hair (head, eyelashes, eyebrows) but no body hair. However, when traveling to Earth they shave the head hair so none of their DNA accidentally gets left behind for scientists to tinker with and so that they don't carry any Earth viruses back to Andromeda. Their eyes are the same shape as a Terran's but more elongated. Eye colors range from a turquoise blue to a light green and their eyes are exceptionally beautiful. Their blood is blue and copper based. Their ancestors are the Lyrans.

Upon meeting Andromes for the first time, I found them to be very reserved (but extremely polite), almost afraid of me in a sense. They're far more emotionally reserved than Terrans and the unpredictability of human emotions tends to frighten them. Nor do they pretend to begin to understand "human logic" - completely illogical to their way of thinking. Terrans baffle the crap out of them, to put it bluntly. LOL
However, once they discovered I wouldn't go emotionally "postal" on them, I found them to be very spiritually evolved, extremely loving and very eager to share their knowledge and way of life. They're beautiful people in every respect.

Family is everything to the Andromes. They realize their children are the future of their race so their children are schooled in every subject and trade imaginable for the equivalent of about 250 Earth years. Then they're free to pursue whatever "occupation" makes them happy. For this reason, the Andromes are highly, highly intelligent beings.

Their children are raised with the instilled value that all in the community are their family, so they can expect help, advice, support from anyone. An example of this: when I met Aron's son for the first time, I noticed he had a typical pet of Androme children - a puppy worm.  Naz was explaining to him that I had a dog too that I'd just lost. Without a moment's hesitation, Achille sensed my sadness at this and said to me "Then take my're family." It was all I could do not to bust out in tears at this gesture. (No, I didn't take his puppy worm.)
For the curious, a puppy worm has a body much like a caterpillar but the head of a puppy dog and it acts, barks, etc. exactly like a puppy dog. 

Children are conceived just like Terrans are, gestation is 9 months but this is accelerated via technology to around 5 months. Childbirth is pain free and trauma free due to Androme healing technologies. Although children are looked after by the elders, they are treated as equals - not children.

There is no government. Andromedan planets are governed by a council of elders who work together by consensus.

There is no financial system, everything is based on a barter system or free trade exchange. For example, if you go into a 'grocery store', you take only what you need and leave without paying anything. At periodic intervals, the community holds a celebration to the Creator (which they call the "Isness") that is much like a Terran fair or carnival, at which everyone freely exchanges handmade goods and with which their 'stores' are restocked. Just a note...the Andromes invented the first replicator but like the Angelics, they can manifest any object desired with their minds.

The Andromes are fantastic artisans, especially sculptors. They make a sculpture using technology to "bend light waves" to which they add color and intensity and then program music into. Incredible! Some of these sculptures are large enough to walk through. Communication is telepathic but the Andromes consider music and sculpture a form of communication.

While very industrious, the Andromes are also fun-loving and into relaxation and they seemed to have achieved a perfect balance between the two. I found some of their children's "toys" a hoot - particularly one I call a skycycle. It's rather like a small crotch rocket, but it levitates through the air. You stop it by the equivalent of 'hand brakes' but you wear a gravity belt so that when you stop it, you don't go headfirst off of it. (The carts in their 'grocery stores' levitate as well...)
They would never dream of having the equivalent of Earth TV...some homes do have what you'd term "TV" but it's all educational type programming.

The Andromes have several different types of ships. Their smaller scout ships are disc shaped with a flattened dome on top; their scout ships are sombrero-shaped. Transport ships used to shuttle humans involved in the 4 way marriage program seat 8-10 people and are similar to an advanced conversion van in interior appearance.
Their motherships are called "biospheres" and are either slightly oval in shape or the newer cigar-shaped. Their ships are conscious entities and will appear much larger on the inside than on the outside. This is accomplished via holographic technology which expands time and space via the mind. Their ships are holographic replicas of Andromeda. The Andromes live more on ships now than on their home planets.
The average size for motherships is anything from a mile to a hundred. Some are as big as moons at hundreds of miles, or as big as planets at thousands of miles. The parks alone in them are about 20 miles in size. Like all Federation ships they create their own gravity field and utilize electromagnetic energy to power them. There is no night or day on a mothership, Andromes recharge their energy from the Source, so need very little sleep.

The motherships are self-sustaining, they grow all their own food in an environmental dome as the Andromes are exceptional agriculturists and are vegetarians.
They are huge animal lovers and have an entire deck that's like a wildlife sanctuary, as they routinely pick up injured and dying animals (including from Earth) and rehabilitate them. Despite having this deck just for animals, some animals also roam freely around the mothership. It's not uncommon to walk down a hallway and have birds flying overhead. While you might think "Oh what a mess that must make!" it's not the case. Their ships are spotlessly and hygenically clean nor is there any animal smell to them.

Everyone on board an Andromedan mothership is given a job to do, even if that person is a visitor. Their ships run the same way their society does - everyone contributes to the maintenance of the whole. 
If you are a 3D being traveling on one of their ships, you'll be given a belt to wear and a pill to take. Basically, because 3D humans vibrate at such a low level compared to their ET relatives and 5th density Andromes, this belt raises your vibration and the very vibration of your atoms to that near the level of the Andromes. The belt essentially holds all your atoms together. The pill (at least in part) is so that you don't spend the entire trip vomiting.

To say hello to an Androme, you'd say "Acharaya"  (Pronounced Ah cha rye ah)


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The first misconception we need to clear up about the Lyrans is that they're completely benevolent, have a vested interest in Terrans and have 'Starseeds' here on earth. None of the aforementioned is true. In fact, they're one of my least favorite races among those people here consider benevolent. 
They are very isolationsist as a whole and pretty standoffish. Why, I don't know...but that's the fact. 
I've even heard some say Lyrans eat humans. I won't substantiate that as being accurate because I've never seen a Lyran consume a human being. It is because they are largely isolationist that there are no Lyran 'Starseeds' on this planet.

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The photo at left was taken by one of Trump's Secret Service agents in the Oval Office.

This guy right here?

That is MALEVOLENT Lyran Commander Pralt Ahn next to MALEVOLENT Plejaran Commander 

I ila. Note the black clothing the malevolents typically wear vs. our royal blue.

So if you think all Lyrans are benevolent and here out of an undying love for Terrans, WAKEY WAKEY! Not the case.

Nonetheless, the Lyrans are your direct ancestors and are the cousins of the Plejarans.

The Lyrans are the Angelics first created human children.

During the Lyran Wars with the Greys and Reptilians many thousands of years ago, a mass exodus of humans left the system and escaped to the Pleiades, the Hyades and to Vega, which is also in Lyra. This region is still a battleground between humans and saurian Greys. Some inhabitants within the Lyra constellation are now of reptoid descent.
However, the Lyran system was the origin of the human species, evolving there for 40 million years. Lyrans were agricultural in nature, peaceful and lived in abdundance.

From an Angelic's perspective: "Kids will be kids" which is why we have that scanning machine that acts like a baby monitor. LOL  Your ancestors (like you are currently) brought their civilization to a very high technological level, factions of their culture fell into disagreement with one another, went to war and destroyed much of their society. Not just once...several times. In other words, you come by your "antics" honestly...the acorn didn't fall far from the tree. 
However, your Lyran ancestors have long evolved past their warlike stage of evolution, they see their Terran descendants heading down the same path of destruction they took.

Physically, the Lyrans look just like you although they're slightly taller. Most have the original Angelic blonde hair and blue eyes so are often referred to as "Nordics". They are not Nordics, that's an entirely different ET race. The Lyrans also have a feline race.


Like their parents the Angelics, the Lyrans too became great historians and can be considered the galactic historians for the human species, having a detailed understanding of human origins, galactic history and "the human spirit".

The Lyrans’ main activities are in disseminating the unique history of the human race in the galaxy, and assisting in understanding human motivations and potentials. The global solutions the Lyrans provide include accurate information about human history, understanding galactic history, discovery of the human essence, diplomacy and conflict resolution. 

Their ships are so similar to Plejaren ships, just read the Plejaren section regarding their ships.

To say hello in Lyran, you would say "Shama 'an".  Pronounced Shah mah ahn

PLEJARANS (They do not like being called Pleiadians!)

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The first time I met a Plejaren I mistakenly called him a "Pleiadian". I was immediately corrected - "We are Plejarens. [pronounced Play are ens] Our star system is called the Pleiades." Duly noted. They don't like being called "Pleiadians".

The first misconception people here have about the Plejarans is that they're all benevolent, blonde haired and blue eyed. No. There are many different varieties of Plejarans depending on where they're from in the Pleiades system. 

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For example, Alcyone Pleiadians are indistinguishable from Earth humans and appear Nordic. Females are five foot five to six feet. Males are five seven to six two. They have an array of skin colors. Dependent on the dimension they live in, their skin color ranges from white, to pale blue, violet, or red.

Other Plejarans have several different hair and eye colors.

The Pleiades is their star cluster in the Taurus constellation, about 500 light years from Terra or Earth. One of their solar systems is called Tayget (Mispelled above as "Taygeta"), which has 10 planets, 4 of which are inhabited by human beings. 

Alcyone Plejaran

I'm going to concentrate on Erra, the most populated of the 4 inhabited planets, as this is where the "action" is, so to speak.

Erra has a population of 500 million. The population never exceeds that amount as the Plejarens believe in strictly balancing population with Creational Law so practice permanent birth control. A Plejaren couple may only have 3 children as the population cannot exceed 12 people per square kilometer of fertile soil. This keeps everything in balance.

​Erra is similar in land mass to Terra. Families live in rural spherical or semi-spherical single family homes constructed of a synthetic material similar to silicone, which is extracted from the soil. The typical Plejaren home will comfortably house 5 people and has its own garden (in which they grow the food they eat in large part), water and energy provisions. Families are self sufficient for the most part. The Plejaren diet consists of both plant and animal foods and is well balanced. They do not kill animals for food, they are genetically and artificially created and "raised" from cell cultures.

The Plejarens enjoy "pets" or domesticated animals just like Terrans do however, their pets are not allowed in their homes because of the diseases they could bring into the home. Pets are kept in special preserves, separate from any human housing.

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Any industrial and/or factory buildings are built underground in order to protect the environment (top priority) and preserve the beauty of Erra. (A side note here: If you're going to visit the Pleiades, there are no bathrooms. The Plejarens emit waste through the skin in a process similar to perspiration. So bring your Depends along. LOL)

Plejarens do perform manual labor to "earn a living" and balance their spiritual studies. There is no form of currency or any kind of financial system. Everyone works free for the subsistence of the whole society. In exchange for "earning a living", each Plejaren receives everything they need to survive free of charge. Adults and adolescents work 2 hours per day.
Unlike on Terra, they are free to move around from job to job, planet to planet so they are not stuck doing the same thing day after day after day. It's not at all uncommon for a Plejaren to be well versed in 25 trades or more. Nor do they retire, they continue to work as long as they live, usually helping others learn different trades and disciplines. When they have finished their "work day", they are free to do whatever they please and their free time usually consists of continuing to study and improve themselves.

The Plejarens are highly evolved spiritually and this is evident in their unions/marriages. Divorce is virtually unheard of except in very rare, special cases. If you were to date on Erra, it would go something like this: Marriage is not permitted until the age of 70. That may seem old to you but take into consideration Plejarens live to be about 1,000 years old, so this is young by their standards. They remain celibate until they reach the age of 70 in order to focus on their spiritual development. During the first 2 years of the "dating" process, the couple is permitted to see each other for several hours once a week. This allows the prospective couple to thoroughly think through the experience in a meaningful way and eliminates any emotional decisions being made. At the conclusion of this 2 year "dating" period, the couple is not allowed to see each other AT ALL for the period of another year. At the end of that year, the couple is tested by spiritual marriage specialists who determine if the couple belong together. Only if they pass this test are they allowed to become a union or married. Yes, they practice multiple unions. However, there are none of the negative aspects experienced here (as in divorce or separating) in Plejaren multiple unions. It is simply understood that a person leaving a union is a necessary step on their spiritual path of evolvement and "no hard feelings".

The Plejarens have a central government (the result of their overthrow of politicians who were replaced with spiritual leaders) but their central government or "High Council" is actually located on a planet in the Andromeda galaxy. These spiritual leaders of being live on their own planet there and they possess an extraordinary amount of wisdom and knowledge. For this reason, they live in a light body state and are the only ones capable of coming in contact with pure spiritual forms.
They serve in an advisory capacity and each planet's administrative body is free to accept or decline their recommendations.

If there is one notion Terrans have that the Plejarens would like dispelled, it's that they're "Terran saviors" here to save the planet, super human beings or any other such nonsense. They are very much like you just more advanced. They make mistakes and occasionally break laws. Nor are all Plejarens benevolent. There is a malevolent faction of Plejarens that have allied themselves with the malevolent Orion front. There are good and bad Plejarens just like there are good and bad Terrans.

Terrans would do well to learn by the Plejaren humane penal system for it operates based on the universal law "Every life form has the right to total freedom regarding its body, psyche and its material and spiritual consciousness." Their penal system is designed to teach the offender to recognize his/her mistakes and "rehabilitate" themselves. For that reason, there is no death penalty, imprisonment in jails or torture for that would negate that universal law and prevent the offender from recognizing their faults and correcting their thinking.
Offenders are banished off planet, by gender, for a length of time consistent with their "crime". They are given no tools or machines by which to subsist or survive, they must accomplish this on their own. During their banishment, they are allowed no contact with other life forms. Once they correct their faults and thinking, most are brought back into society except the most extreme cases. Unlike Terra's penal system, the punishment achieves its objective.

Language: Plejarens speak primarily 2 telepathic languages - Sarat (used on Erra and amongst themselves) and Kosan, which is used multi-universally. It might interest you to know that Earth English is actually a composite of extraterrestrial languages, namely Westan, Suman, Trjojn, Ramar, Arjn, Kjdan and Hebjrn. The Plejaren telemeter ships are here actually recording and studying Terran languages because the above languages became intermingled and resulted in current Terran languages.

All in all, the Plejarens are very much like Terrans. They are the cousins of the Lyrans, so no surprise they are very much like you.

Why are they seemingly more involved than other ET races in the current affairs of Terra? Well, I'm going to go out on a limb here and probably get myself in they are a very proud race so this isn't talked about much. However, I did ask one of their ambassadors was there any truth to it and she admitted there was.
Way back in history, the Angelics knew the SOD was a threat to their "Planet of the Children" here, especially the Reptilians. So they put the Plejarens in charge of essentially "babysitting" Terra to protect it from the malevolent ET's, stationing their ships around Terra. I'm not sure where the Lyrans were...

At any rate, the Plejarens (being every bit as adventurous as their Lyran cousins) got tired of watching humans learning to walk upright, discover fire and invent the wheel (HO HUM! Yawn) so decided to abandon their babysitting duties and go off exploring in their ships. And well, you know the rest. Needless to say, the Elohim Council wasn't too damn happy about the Plejarens involvement now is (in small part) "atonement" for their ancestors hijinx. They're basically working to restore their cosmic reputation. But you didn't hear that from me...LOL

The Plejarens are the "cosmic pioneers" of space travel. They are the ones who discovered how to jump null time, among other things, and their pilots are the best in the cosmos. Most ET races ships are based on Plejaren prototypes and their pilots have had a hand in training most of the other Galactic Confederation pilots. They're the "Top Guns" of the cosmos and have a larger variety of ship designs than most other ET races. They're the inventors of the "beamship", although the beamship is now considered outdated by some 400 earth years. 

Their ships utilize 2 different propulsion systems - one for normal propulsion and one used for hyperspace or jumping null time propulsion. All energy used to power the ships is recycled from the bottom of the ship to the top. Their ships are protected by an energy screen that automatically rejects any resistance and every bit of matter. The screen is identical with the specific gravitational field built up around their ships and allows them to neutralize the gravitational pull of any planet the pilot wishes to approach.
The door or hatch on the ships automatically detects whether or not the atmosphere on any planet the ship lands on is conducive to the life support of the Plejaran crew and it will not open if that atmosphere is not conducive.

When the ship powers up, the inside walls and "windows" change to an orange color and everything seen outside the ship begins to take on a washboardy ripple effect that dissipates as the ship gains altitude and speed. 

The insides of their ships are plain compared to some other race's ships - basically control panel and 2 or 3 seats that will fold down into a bed for sleeping, lower deck housing propulsion system in the smaller ships.

They have different styles of motherships as well, the newest and their pride and joy is Erra. The main body of the ship is egg shaped with three smaller sections in a triangular formation attached to the bottom. Erra is over ten miles in diameter and stands 17 miles high. The smaller sections at the bottom house their smaller craft and a maintenance section. The Plejarens are sticklers on ship maintenance, every ship is inspected for every 2 hours of flight time it logs - without exception. The main body of Erra is a city for the 140,000 Plejarens stationed on the ship - including parks, animals and vegetation found at home.
The control center is located at the top of Erra, the "ceiling" is invisible (made so by a molecular projector) so that open space overhead is easily seen in any direction. Organic intelligence Androids handle most of the related work duties and maintenance of the smaller ships carried on board. 

To say hello to a Plejaren you would say "Shala' am".  Pronounced Shah lah ahm

NOTE: All Plejarans are not benevolent. There is a malevolent faction:



Renegade Pleiadians are powerful beasts, evil Titans standing eight to thirteen feet tall. They manipulated their gene pool to produce warriors built like tanks, and to alter their original hair and eye color to black or dark brown.

Renegade Pleiadians believe in service to self. They believe in their dark undermonic laws to gain power, technology, and material wealth. They defile all that is good and righteous, and mock the Cosmic Law of One. They have no clue how their afterlife will be confined to the dark astral universe, imprisoned in oppressive consciousness. If they choose to correct their karma, they will reenter reincarnation cycles. Those new challenging lifetimes will be designed by their celestial sentries.

Renegade Pleiadians are aligned with and work alongside the Orion Empire. Even though they want to please their reptilian comrades, the renegade giants will someday try to overthrow them, and wipe out as much of their race as they can. Their ultimate goal is to control the universe and rule it with an iron fist.

Angelic Corps psychic detectives monitor the thoughts of highly dangerous malevolent beings in the universe through a cumulative monitoring known as reflectivating. This monitoring is not an invasion of private thoughts; it's heightened intuition. They have monitored the Orion Empire as a whole, and their intuition is that the renegade Pleiadians, who are building up their army in great numbers through genetic engineering births of males, will someday make their move to defeat the Draconians. The Greys are next on their extinction agenda.


The renegade Pleiadian's dark telepathic chatter is aligned to undermonics, the opposite of harmonics. They use a hive mind to interact as a race, to see who can come up with ways to undermine the Galacterian Alignment and its subdivision the Star Seed Alignment, and diabolical scenarios to gain control over worlds and outdo the Draconians, while pretending to be their allies.

The renegade Pleiadians use the dark matter universe for travel, and create temporary dimensional pockets for their craft to take refuge. The renegade Pleiadian fleet is oval-shaped and black. Motherships look like thin wafers with dome protrusions on the underbelly. These podlike facilities are designed as genetic labs, prison cells for captured species, sleeping quarters, food preparation areas, farms, etc. The main floor is the command and weapons center. Inward grooves on the roof of the mothership store the fleet, which are able to take off at a second's notice. These fleet craft can be manned or unmanned.



I consider the Agarthans to be one of the most important groups of ET's involved in Earth's transition, for they are the ones charged with ensuring you return the to divine being you were before incarnating here. The Agarthans are the earthly arm of the Angelics.

Agarthans are interior Earth inhabitants. They are a highly advanced society comprised of ancient Lemurians and Atlantians that went underground forewarned of the destruction of their surface civilizations. They chose to isolate and evolve in tranquility and peace. The Agarthan Network is a unified governing council made up of ancient elders and councils. Agartha's capital city is Telos, located beneath Mount Shasta in Northern California. Another major city in its culture is Catharia.

The Agarthans are indistinguishable from Earth humans except for one point: they are much taller, with some reaching fifteen feet or more. They are giants and everything in Agartha is super-sized. The size of one of their peaches is the size of our cantaloupes. They even have dinosaurs and wooly mammoths roaming around down there.

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Being a spiritually elevated society, Agarthans believe in the Cosmic Law of One. They are students of the Angelic Hierarchy and the Melchizedek Order. The Angelic Hierarchy is comprised of various classifications of angelics and their universal duties. The Melchizedek Order is the universe's spiritual university of the most advanced.


There are 490 planets that stretch across outer space; a magnificent city of spheres. Each world teaches a different subject to cosmic students. When students finish their planetary schooling on Earth, for instance, their soul will return to Melchizedek for further education. Then it's off to another world, another adventure, which will satiate what the soul craves to learn. 

The Angelic Hierarchy and Melchizedek Order are Divine Administrations. The inner Earth civilizations say every planet is hollow and advanced civilizations live in the interior of those worlds. They also say the sun is hollow.

Telos is just one of 120 subterranean cities whose unified mission is to help us realize our fully conscious selves and evolve. At that time, all the above and below civilizations will become one United Earth. The Agarthans also want us to know that a multitude of beings from cultures across the universe are here to assist us in raising our consciousness, so that we too will become members of universal society and know the splendor of unity. 

Agarthans are fully conscious, sovereign, and telepathic beings. They are of unity consciousness and have a powerful saying: “Harmony restores the flow of abundance.”

The Agarthan Network councils say Earth will move directly into the fifth dimension because the fourth will no longer exist, as it is being removed by the Angelic Corps as a part of our accelerated planetary transition plan.

Aghartha is the last remaining angelic mystery school on earth. You already know the Angelics are the historians of the cosmos and by extension, so are the Agharthans. 


Mikos, a fifteen-foot-tall man, is the guardian of the multidimensional, 456-square-mile Library of Porthologos in the city of Catharia, located in the center of the hollow Earth, beneath the Aegean Sea.


The steps leading up into the library are white alabaster embedded with crystals and diamonds. These gemstones are a staple in architecture in Catharia, as the spiritual properties in them add energy and life to the atmosphere and the people's auras.


This library not only holds the entire history of the Earth, but of the universe as well. Records are stored on crystal slides or telonium plates, an ancient indestructible metal, and can be viewed on an advanced crystal projection system either on a small holographic screen or in a mini theater.

Agarthans and cosmic citizens may review the records, and once the people on the surface have become fully conscious, they too will have access to the library. There are portals within the library, a way station of sorts, for travelers across the galaxies to come and go. 

Note: Aghartha is domed with a force field to prevent entrance. This force field is impenetrable, even to the astral body. While you can get a tour of the library via Mikos, you will not be able to access its information unless they have you 'on file' as being one whose DNA is coded. One does not get into the library contents/information unless one possesses spiritual keys that give one access to that information. [On my first visit to Aghartha I had not yet studied with them to possess these keys, so Naz had to bring me to Aghartha and into the library to give me access to its contents - which is what I was to study with the Agharthans]

The reason for this is simple: The dark forces and human military have been trying to force their way into Aghartha since Admiral Byrd's visit there because that library contains some pretty crucial stuff - like the keys to creation itself! There's also what you call the "Gates of Amenti" which is a unique stargate that leads directly to the Angelic realm - which the dark forces tried to use once before to gain access to the Angelic realm.

It's because of the coveted material in the library that one can't simply waltz in and go browsing through it and why spiritual keys are required to access it.

Agarthans’ silver fleets are discus-shaped craft that venture out into Earth's atmosphere to survey the world using an amino-based organic computer system classified as conscious entities at the avatar level. These biological computers are linked throughout the solar systems in our galaxy and the Agarthan Network. The readouts are fed to their entire fleet, those in command of Earth operations, as well as the Galacterian Alignment for processing and consultation.


At the North and South Poles, openings are protected from unwanted visitors by a magnetic force field and camouflaged with cloud covering. The openings are so wide, Agarthans’ largest motherships are able to glide into Earth's interior with grace and ease.


Their spaceports are just inside the polar openings and are spread out for miles and miles, and celestial gardeners have created a virtual paradise using circular designs interspersed with flowers, grasses, bushes, trees, ponds, and waterfalls.


Electromagnetic vehicles are used for travel within cities, and electromagnetic bullet trains connect underground cities to one another. All vehicles levitate a few inches off the ground. The subways and city walls have a built-in elasticity that is sturdy enough to hold up against the strongest earthquake.


Besides the natural central sun that emanates from the core of the Earth, Agarthans use free energy to light their cities, homes, and tunnels. To create natural sunlight in cities where the central sun is not available, they couple crystals with electromagnetism to generate a small sun. This full spectrum of lighting delivers an abundance of power.

Just a side note: Mothers-to-be would find Aghartha fascinating from the perspective of their birthing process. I was allowed to watch a birth while studying there. Ladies, we are doing a whole lot of things wrong in our own birthing process. First of all, like many ET races the Agharthans have eliminated the pain of labor. And like most ET races, they give birth in water, a High Priestess overseeing the birth. Also in attendance are 10 pair of 'godparents' that will spiritually mentor the child throughout its life.

Once delivered, the baby is floated in the pool for 30 or so minutes before the umbilical cord is cut. This is because the Agarthans discovered cutting the cord too soon lead to health problems later in life, especially respiratory problems. Nor do they give birth lying down. The will squat or stand to help the baby make its way down the brith canal. 


You'll read more about the Angelic Corps in the Angelic section of this site but I'll give you a quick rundown here.

The Angelic Corps is from a constellation of 3 stars located near the Andromedan Galaxy.

The Angelic Corps is a multiplicity of universally created beings whose physical appearances mirror cultures from across the universe.

Angelics of all classes work for the Source of All Existence, for the Invisible Architect of Creation, the Creator, no matter what your belief is. Every being was given a body to perform right action to expand their spark from the formless to form.


Accepting angelic guidance is a brave feat for the student, as it means life will be without ease. But to choose to climb a steep mountain with the lesson at hand, and then reaching the mountain top, is gratifying for the soul. Confidence is built and spiritual rewards are plentiful. Mortals are also assigned guardian Angelics, who oversee the oversoul's journey and assist from the unseen realms. Ministering Angelics minister daily to the individual from behind the veil.

The Angelic Corps maintains the calibration and Living Light across the universe, and also assists its creatures by delivering curriculums of Living Light to worlds ready to rise up and out of duality.

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The Angelic Corps oversees the Galacterian Alignment. They labor in unison with the University of Melchizedek in the Mira System, the realm where Living Light programs are dispersed.

The Angelic Corps are the architects of advanced spiritual technology and incorporate them into worlds ready for an upgrade.

Angelics (created beings) have full divine power and will. They can think anything into existence, teleport anywhere, heal with a thought, bring back the dead with a touch, and send a telepathic or holographic message across the superuniverses. Their divinity, their power, and their unconditional love are limitless.


Created beings are not born of man and woman but created from the godhead. They do not have belly buttons or nipples. Some created beings are created as adults, while others are created as infants and assigned to dedicated, celestial parents to rear. It takes special parents to raise a created being. The children's advanced consciousness and power require proper development and nurturing.

The Angelic Corps, dependent on their classification, can enter multiple dimensions, universes, or superuniverses. Once they are assigned to a specific universe, they will stay until their mission is complete, although they may travel through space and time to gather information relevant to their tasks.



Created being are essentially Angelics. Created beings are defined as magistrates of the heavens and throughout Earth's history have also been known as the Elohim, in their plural form.

Depending on their universal mission, if traveling to a human world, created beings will generate a human body to inhabit. If traveling to a nonhuman world, they will create a form to match that species. Their voices are serene, but with an almighty strength behind them.

Created beings follow the Cosmic Law of One. They are spiritual and devotional beings of the highest. They are in constant communion with the godhead and perform the will of the universe.

Some created beings are mighty messengers whose hierarchal duties are performed for the benefit of all universal-kind. They may activate a Living Light program on a world ready for advancement, or educate an individual whose purpose is to teach the masses about cosmic reality. Some created beings are commanders of motherships, starships, and fleets.

Val Valiant Thor was an Angelic Created Being. (No, he was not Venusian, he was based on Venus for his mission in this galaxy.) 


Created beings use higher vibrational spiritual/light technology and integrate it with tech on advanced worlds ready for an upgrade, designed with higher purpose, knowledge, and wisdom at the next tier of consciousness.

They have full divine power and do the work of heaven, and exercise their own will and discernment in planetary disputes.


When in the presence of a created being, once they look beneath your eyes, into the depths of your soul, you will feel them scan your spirit history and instantly know all about you. It is then you feel the love they have for you and your journey. Their bodies and aura have a most pleasing and indefinable fragrance that vibrates with peace. You'll cry in their presence (Literally!) - they are inwardly that beautiful, filled with so much love and divine spirit. Created beings are able to disassemble and reassemble their molecular structure from place to place with a mere thought. They are advanced telepaths and may also employ coagular wave bending.

Created beings have multirealm commandership. They can sweep an entire civilization from the ground up into a mothership in less than a second.


Created beings are able to interact, peer into, feel, and travel within every dimensional layer, past, present, and future.


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They're called ArcturANS. Not ArcturIANS.
And again, to all those saying "I'm an Arcturan starseed!" no, you're not. The Arcturans very rarely come to this planet, they help behind the scenes and 99.9% of the time their contact is strictly telepathic in nature. I still don't know why they physically appeared to me, but I'm honored they did and I would have a lot of contact with them after that first meeting.

Next to the Angelics, the Arcturans are my favorite ET race. They are very much like the Angelics and work very closely with us, especially with our White Brotherhood which they call "The Great Brotherhood". They have been helping humanity behind the scenes for over 4,000 years now.
Throughout the cosmos they are known as "the Wise Ones" and they are the master healers of the multiverse. They are higher 5th dimensional beings and up.

The Arcturans closely resemble the Greys physically with a couple exceptions - their skulls are much more humanoid than a Grey's elongated skull and while their eyes closely resemble a Grey's, they have no lens-like covering nor are they used to see. An Arcturan sees telepathically with the back of his skull. Their eyes are a very dark gray with no pupils and their facial features lean more toward human than Grey. Their skin is a light aqua color. Their hands have only 3 digits. Other than that, they are like a Grey in stature - about 4-5 feet tall, very slender bodies, no hair anywhere. All Arcturans look very much like one another. They pride themselves on this as a sign of the equality between themselves and other races. They typically dress in long robes with stand up collars.

The Arcturans live to be 300 to 400 years old and age very slowly as sickness does not exist on Arcturus.

In the Arcturan civilizations, professions and life’s paths are chosen by one’s spirituality level. This is used to decide which female is suited to give birth. The birth process is not unlike that of ours, it consists of a female and male mentally bonding and thus a clone of the bond is produced as a result. In other words, they reproduce the same way Angelics do.
And like Angelics, their offspring are immediately assigned a life teacher.
Like the Angelics, Arcturan evolution is based on teachings of spirituality, and thus as one evolves, one becomes more spiritual. If one fails to reach his allotted goal, that individual is then tutored more so the individual can succeed. 

The Arcturans ingest energy instead of eating like Terrans. They also live off little sleep, they rest only once a week. They can also ingest knowledge therefore they can intellectually advance faster than any human.

They are absolute whizzes at telepathic communication, transmitting at 100 times what the human brain can comprehend, yet they still overcome this when communicating. Telepathic communication with them makes you feel as though your head were going to explode even if you're proficient at telepathic communication. They're also telekinetic.

They are the most loving, compassionate beings you could ever hope to meet and they love humanity as much as the Angelics do. They are completely non-violent (unless directly attacked and forced to defend their lives) and share the Angelic credo that "All life has value".  For that reason, they will not engage in the Watcher Wars directly (as in doing battle) but they do lend their ships' presences to us because the Dracos fear their ships. They also perform healing on our crews as needed using advanced technology that utilizes light, color and sound. They were the head diplomats behind the scenes on the First Contact event, working with the government but finally threw their hands in the air on that one.

Their ships are the most technologically advanced out there, which is why the Dracos fear them. Their ships are actually like living organisms. When I was taken aboard one of their motherships for healing, the minute I was inside the ship, it automatically began monitoring my heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, what every organ in my body was doing. It also picked up my thoughts ( but not in an intrusive way if that makes sense). It helped raise my vibrational level even though I am used to doing this on my own - gave me a "helping hand" so to speak.  It was as though the ship and I had become one living organism.

Prior to the healing done on me, I'd been rather ill for 3-4 days. I was taken to one of their healing bays and suddenly surrounded with light and color while hearing tones that accompanied the light and color. This lasted mere seconds and I was done. The next day I felt better than I had in years.

The interior of Arcturan ships are simply beautiful.

The Arcturans also have a variety of different ships as depicted in the slideshow above. They generally range in size from 40 to 75 feet in diameter to the lense-shaped command motherships that are over 14 miles in length. All Arcturan ships are capable of "disguising" themselves in whatever form the crew chooses.



The star Sirius is known as the Dog Star, and is a member of the constellation of Canis Major. Sirius is a triunal stellar system, which consists of three Solar Deities: Sothis, Satais and Anu (identified by your astronomers, respectively, as: Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C.)

According to the Sirians: "Sothis is the fifth nearest star to your sun, a mere 8 light years from yours, and is inextricably connected to your Solar Deity, RA. At a point in the space-time continuum so distant from your reality as to be undefinable in your terms, a great cosmic exchange occurred in our stellar system. At the time of this cataclysmic change in our complex stellar body, the Deity, Satais, collapsed, passing through her own astral chords and onto higher dimensional planes. What was left behind in the world of matter was, in stellar terms, a minuscule dwarf star of super dense matter, which was eventually pulled into an elliptical orbit around the dominant sister star, Sothis – as was the distant cousin, Anu.

The collapse of Satais – its ascension beyond material space – caused a monumental chain reaction through the entire Sirian system, out across the constellation of stars known to you as Canis Major and, indirectly, your solar system became involved in the dynamics of our evolution. This is one of the most significant reasons why we are so linked to you and why we are so focused upon your evolutionary process.”


The Sirians are largely benevolent but there is a group allied with the SOD and Orion front.

The Sirian I usually have contact with is from the race Katayy. (Slide #5 in the slideshow above)

There are many different species of Sirians - humans descended from the Lyrans, a feline-like lion race, red-skinned, etc.  The Sirians are a very diverse group of different ET races.
The human element of Sirians stand around 6 to 8 feet tall, complexion is tanned to dark skinned color and some blonde haired with pale complexion, some have a natural dark eyeliner much like the ancient Egyptians. Some have hair, some are naturally bald. 

The Sirians gave the Egyptians much advanced astronomical and medical information as well as helped to build the pyramids. The Mayans and the Inca also had a very personal relationship with the Syrians. They were instrumental in helping Earth at the time of Atlantis. The Sirians have mixed genetically with terrestrial humans in the past. 

The beings from Sirius who are visiting Earth are very good at the practical application of very advanced theoretical ideas that are being brought forth from other very advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. They are here to ground and make usable these advanced ideas and technologies.

They are probably the most "laid back" of the ET races. They're artistic, musical, connected to nature. They're builders specializing in terraforming planets.  They're the original builders of the Earth grid, the architecture on which Terra is based - making them excellent allies in the strategic design work that lies ahead as far as altering that bio-magnetic energy grid to construct New Earth systems.
Their governments are based on spiritual technology which uses color and sound and they are not a very political race.

The main activity that can be attributed to those extraterrestrials from Sirius is to assist in building a suitable ecological system for (human) evolution on Earth by altering the ‘bio-magnetic energy grid’ of the planet. Those from Sirius can assist in global solutions such as environmental protection, promoting biodiversity, assist in consciousness raising; and evolution of the biosphere.

Human Sirians have Galacterian motherships, starships, thought-ships, fleet ships, and scout ships. All their craft and command centers use biological supercomputers. The smaller Sirian ships are beetle or pyramid-shaped, motherships are circular.

To say hello to a Sirian you'd say "Selamat Ja".  The pronunciation on this one is a little trickier. It's said almost as one word and the "t" becomes almost silent. Sell ah maht Jah



Tau Ceti (pronounced seat-eye) is the home of the Galactic Confederation. They're known as the Star Nation of Tau Ceti. Tau Ceti is a yellow orange star like your sun, Sol and is located in the Cetus constellation, about 11.9 light years away.

I wasn't quite sure what to make of Shaid 'A, the first Cetian I met. (Who also happens to be an Ambassador, I found out later.) The Cetians come off as being very business-like and no nonsense upon first meeting. It's only now that I've gotten to know Shaid 'A much better that I realize the Cetians can have a somewhat humorous side as well.

Physically, the Cetians have a tanned or Mediterranean look to them. They generally stand around 5'5" tall. (I'm 5'6" as is Shaid 'A)  They have very dense muscular bodies due to the atmosphere on Tau Ceti. This applies to Ceti women as well - rather on the buxom side one might say. The men tend to wear their hair in a Roman style haircut, which makes them easily recognizable among other human ET races. Their facial features tend to lean toward being "pretty", even the men's, especially the eyes. Their eye color can range from blue to brown.
They do differ from Terrans in the following ways: Their ears are slightly pointed, slightly broader nose, higher physical density for their size. 

The Cetians have suffered greatly at the hands of the Greys. The Greys wanted Cetian DNA so would essentially kidnap Cetian children for their DNA. The Cetians went to battle against the Greys/Dracs so now are closely allied with the Plejarans, who've also battled the Greys in the past. The Cetian alliance with the Plejarans and ’other’ Federated societies who have been ’victimized’ by the ’Grey’ predators is based on a desire to establish a common defense against their reptilian nemesis. 

The Cetians have also been victimized by U.S. Intelligence agencies. In Phoenix, Arizona in 1961 a Tau Cetian who came to be nicknamed "Hank" was captured by U.S. national security from his downed craft and was later tortured to death by a U.S. Intelligence Agency. This nearly sparked a galactic war according to Shaid 'A as the Cetians were none too happy "Hank" had been needlessly tortured to death. As a result of their battles with the Greys and this incident, the Cetians became specialists in intrigue and determining motivations of cloaked societies. They understand the ways that subterfuge can cripple a system. They're excellent when used in undercover work. 
This is also why they will and have contacted abductees in order to try to help them deal with the abductions. Normally, it is always the Cetian males who make contact.

The Tau Cetians main activities lies in raising awareness of how to deal with the subversion of societies by extraterrestrial races, identifying corrupt elites and institutions, uplifting human consciousness, and developing strategies for negating advanced mind control techniques. The global solutions they can assist in include exposing government/financial corruption and elite manipulation, monitoring extraterrestrial infiltration, deprogramming mind control and implant removal, promoting multidimensional consciousness, diplomacy and conflict resolution.

Like the Plejarans, the Cetians are crack pilots. Their scout ships are huge, diamond-shaped or rectangular plasma craft about 200 to 250 feet long. Motherships are usually the command ships of the Federation exploration fleets. They resemble a series of multi-layered, stacked blood cells and vary in size from 4 miles to 44 miles in diameter. Their motherships are usually the command ships of the Collective.

Now you'll have to excuse me if I don't get this precisely right. Shaid 'A taught me how to say hello in Cetian but I neglected to ask him how you spell it exactly. So I may have gotten the spelling incorrect here.
To say hello to a Cetian, you would say "Haut Ajh".  Prounouced howt-ahshz

Accurate info on the Cetians...


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They're known as the Procyon Star Nations. Procyon is a binary yellowish/white star that rises before Sirius in Canis Minoris, about 11.4 light years from Earth. They have a very strong positive spiritual attitude towards the humanity of Earth.

There is a Human species from Procyon that has had a hand in the genetic development of humans and were involved with the initial interbreeding with primitive humans. Thus the sudden emergence of Cro Magnon human and they were one of the 22 et races that colonized the earth.

Procyon basic purpose: The Law of One is service to others. They feel that All That Is will benefit if man can develop as a true social memory complex, i.e., an Aligned mass consciousness or integrated biospheric entity. To them, 5 billion beings integrated as One “Awareness of Awareness” Unit in Creation is a natural state. Each separate entity still maintains the individual unique nature, which is the sum total of its integrated experiences, its basic differentiated identity as a spiritual entity aware of its immortality despite the use of an organic genetic entity (body).
Their aim is to help us to help ourselves by bringing humans to their full potential.
Failing goal #3 above, they will reap the smaller harvest of human souls and relocate them for advanced schooling elsewhere ( or “elsewhen” in the event of a natural disaster ).

The United States government was not interested in negotiating with the Procyons because they would not give them new weapons systems.

The Procyons have crossbred with Terrans at many stages in your evolutionary development and this was done for a much more noble purpose than the Greys. The Procyons have a philosophy of service to others rather than service to self. They have been involved in trying to protect terrestrial humans from the Greys and Reptilians. They are "gung ho" when it comes to dealing with the Greys, having tangled with the Greys themselves.

Procyons have been nick-named 'Swedes' and are on the average between six and six and a half feet tall. They are from the fourth planet in orbit around the Procyon double star system.
These Procyons are muscular with slender necks and agile bodies. Their eyes are alert and of high intelligence. Physically they are almost identical to humans. The main difference is that by human standards their blood circulatory system is under-developed, while their lymphatic system is over-developed. This gives them stronger immune systems than terrestrial humans.

Some Procyon Blondes have high intellectual and verbal abilities, while others are mute and telepathic. The Procyons with speech abilities will respond violently if attacked or threatened. But, the telepathic type will not. Both types are careful to avoid exposure, and usually encounter humans in quiet isolated places. They contact females more frequently. They may just stare and observe humans, then retreat. The Procyons do not seem to age, and consistently appear to be from 27 to 35 human years old, no matter what their real age may be.

They have been associated with earth's most ancient history, including a war with Draconian reptilians for territorial control more than 300,000 years ago. The war went on in and around earth's orbit that took an end when the reptilians lost. In order to justify their attempt, the Draconians exploded a gravity bomb on earth resulting in mass devastation of the planet, causing global climate change, which eventually killed off the remaining survivors of the dinosaurs.

They are able to travel in time and between dimensions of reality. They frequently use mechanical vehicles for this, but are not dependent on them. The term Procyon translates into English as "The home of those who travel through time."

The Procyons main activity is in effectively resisting the extraterrestrial subversion by developing a ‘multidimensional consciousness’, using mind imagery to protect oneself from extraterrestrial mind control, and monitoring unfriendly extraterrestrial activity. The global solutions that the Procyons can assist in include exposing extraterrestrial subversion, helping end global secrecy of the extraterrestrial presence, promoting multidimensional consciousness, deprogramming mind control, promoting universal human rights, and developing the internet and global communication.

Their scout craft resemble either large teardrops or large beetles and range in size from 45 to 200 feet across.
Their motherships are shaped either like enormous jellyfish or huge snowflakes and range in size from 100 to 4,000 miles long.


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The brightest star in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus (the southern fish). Piscis Austrinus is found between the constellations of Aquarius and Grus. Fomalhaut is 23 light years from earth.

Two different races inhabit Fomalhaut.

The first variety of Fomalhaut humans closely resembles the so-called “Nordics” type of ETs, and are usually blonde with very blue, hazel or steel-gray eyes. Men are muscular, and around six feet (1.85 meters) tall. Women are very buxom and range from 5 feet, six inches to just under six feet (1.68 to 1.83 meters) in height. The second type is darker-skinned and looks almost tanned, with dark hair and brown, gray or black eyes. Same relative height and appearance as the first so-called “Nordic” type.

The Confederation’s Dinoid-Reptoid inhabitants are a hybrid originally from the star Bellatrix in Orion. Very scaly and bony. The upper head is surrounded by large bony crest. Large red or dull yellow eyes (resembling those of Earth’s reptiles), are large and set forward just above, and to either side of, a very small nose. The mouth has thin lips that run from one side of the head to the other. Ears are non-existent: the only sign of them is an extra-smooth 3-inch (7.62 cm) circle on either side of the head and just behind eyes. Skin is scaly like crocodiles and green, yellow, brown or red in color. Small crest of bony material runs up the middle of back and is connected to larger crest found on the top of head.

Each race have their own style ships.

Human scout craft look like dew drops and like beetles and vary from 100 to 400 feet in length or are ovid. They range from 60 to 85 feet in diameter. Motherships look like huge multi-layered cigars and are from 2 to 1200 miles across or look like tadpoles.

Below: Dinoid Reptoid scout ships are also beetle-shaped and are approximately 100 feet in diameter. Motherships are shaped like amoeba and are some 8 to 900 miles across.




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The brightest star in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus (the southern fish). Piscis Austrinus is found between the constellations of Aquarius and Grus. Pegasus is 23 light years from earth.

There are three major types of humanoids located in this star league. The first type strongly resembles the Sirian human in height and appearance and is divided into the same white and blue skin types. The second type is a thinner human type with red or orange skin. The final type is a hybrid formed from the dinoid and second humanoid race.

The beings from Pegasus are known for their prowess as innovators, scientists, and diplomats.

Three types of ships are operating in or near Earth. The first type is a defense ship that resembles a rounded equilateral triangle. Each of its sides is approximately 74 feet (22.56 meters) in length. They VERY closely resemble the USAF's TR-3B so I'll show you how to tell them apart.


The TR-3B below showing the large plasma ring on its underside...

The second type is a scout ship that is oblong in shape with an average diameter of about 85 feet. The third type of ship is a double lens atmospheric command ship that is roughly 1300 feet in length.


There are billions of different ET races out there, most of them very unique to say the least. The following audio recording and videos describe many of them that one seldom hears about.

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00:00 / 58:14


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