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To understand how absolutely sinister the deep black military's Milab program is, one needs to hear Olivia James' account of being in the Milab and SSP programs. Her account is TYPICAL of what Milabs go through. This is how twisted and insane earth's "controllers" are.

People have no idea the level of evil we're dealing with and just how far down the rabbit hole goes.

My friend, James Bartley is an expert on the Milab abductions. He was mentored by Barbara Bartholic and Dr. Karla (Kandy) Turner, pioneers on outing the Milab program abductions. He recently did an interview with a Milab who calls herself Fringe and they delved into Milabs.

Fringe-Deep-Dive-2James Bartley
00:00 / 33:41

From A Primer on Military Abductions by James Bartley:

Many people are coming to the grim realization that they have endured alien abduction experiences.  A significant percentage of alien abductees have learned that they are the object of extreme interest by deep black elements of the military intelligence community.  This interest goes beyond simple monitoring, surveillance and psychological warfare operations (Psyops).  Abductees are being used by the military in a variety of operational roles including but not limited to astral operators, psychic spies, covert operatives, technicians, and scientists.  Abductees who have been used by the military in this fashion are known as “Milabs” which stands for “Military Abductees.”  Milabs often describe being taken to underground facilities.  Milabs as well as Military-Aerospace Insiders have witnessed non-human life forms and human military and medical personnel working together in underground and above ground installations.

The purpose of this treatise is to fill a large gap in alien abduction studies.  Most of the “big name” researchers refuse to delve into issues such as the existence and primary role in alien abductions played by the Reptilians.  The Reptilians are the primary abducting force.  The Reptilians use “proxies” such as certain factions of the Grey aliens, Nordics, Insectoids and other ETs to do their bidding.  The Reptilians are also deeply involved in Milab Operations.

Milabs are first and foremost legitimate alien abductees.  Milabs have genetic markers which indicate DNA of non-human origin.  I have spoken to a number of abductees who served in the military and during their time in the Armed Forces, these abductees were used in Milab and Mind Control operations.  It was as if Military


Intelligence, or a deep black element thereof, knew precisely who within the ranks were alien abductees.

Milabs who have served in the military describe being used in a variety of Mind Control operations, some of them involving extremely advanced technology, very often in underground

installations.  Many report being injected with hypnotic drugs and having narco-hypnosis and memory erasure procedures performed upon them.  This is done to ensure the Milab forgets what he has seen or heard during these experiences.  Post hypnotic commands and programming are instilled into compartmented sections of the Milab’s mind.

Oftentimes Active Duty Milabs are treated by military psychologists during and even after their time in the military. Abductees in all branches of the service have reported being mind controlled during their stints in the military.  Many former members of the military continue to be used in milab operations long after their military career has ended.

Civilian Milabs can be found in all walks of life.  Some have obvious connections to the military-industrial complex whilst others have no connection whatsoever.  The obvious question most Milabs ask themselves is, “How did the military find out about me?”  Again, it is due to the unique genetic markers contained in the Milab's DNA.  The military, being a branch of the federal government, has access to any and all medical records.  Even for civilians, there is ample opportunity for the powers that be to obtain DNA samples of the general population.  Other factors which must be considered are the sensors and radar systems of the military which would allow Milab controllers to know when alien spacecraft have passed close to human habitations.  Subsequent investigation would determine if any abductees lived in the neighborhoods visited by the spaceship. 

Throughout history military regimes have utilized the special skills of allied or subject peoples to further their geopolitical ends.  Conquered peoples have been impressed into armies to fight and die for their masters.  Unique skills of people in a particular region are exploited by their masters. Slingers, Archers, Cavalrymen, infantrymen, blacksmiths, cobblers, and carpenters have all been used by conquerors to further a particular geopolitical goal or agenda.  I would argue that since the creation of the Federal Reserve and the resulting Debt based fiat currency system, this formerly great Republic is a conquered country in which each citizen is expected to make an annual tribute to the International Banking Cartel in the form of taxes.  Milabs just happen to be a 21st Century version of the aforementioned slaves.  Make no mistake about it:  For all intents and purposes, Milabs are slaves during these experiences, no matter how an individual Milab chooses to interpret his or her experiences.  Moreover, the Milab controllers exhibit an extraordinary degree of control over the Milab in areas such as interpersonal relationships, employment, and choice of residence, to name just three.

The training and tasking of milabs seems to be tailored to their particular attributes, personal strengths and weaknesses.  There are certain types of training, indoctrination and medical procedures which are common to virtually all Milabs.  Many Milabs have described the mass vaccination scenarios.  They have described walking in and out of large unisex bathrooms.  Milabs are variously clad in night clothes, ordinary civilian clothes or hospital smocks.  During training or actual physical operations (as opposed to astral ops) Milabs have worn military dress uniforms, Battle Dress Utilities (BDUs), camouflage uniforms, black or dark blue “SWAT” type outfits and gray sweat shirts and matching gray pants.  Nurses and Doctors are a frequent sight at installations where Milabs are taken.  The setting can appear like any other medical facility and the medical staff can behave exactly as a normal medical staff would, except for the lack of information given to the “patient.”  Some Milabs recall being taken to a well known above ground medical facility.  Some of the medical facilities where milabs have been taken include Letterman Army Hospital in San Francisco, Oak Knoll Naval Hospital in Oakland California, and Balboa Naval Medical Center in San Diego California just to name a few.


The training and ops are divided thusly:  Training scenarios and ops conducted whilst the Milab is in the physical body and training and ops conducted whilst the Milab is in an Out of Body State.  Remote viewing ops conducted by Milabs are usually done in the physical state.  Physical training usually involves running, swimming, and weapons training.  Survival training is emphasized.  Individually and in groups, Milabs are taught how to forage for food and water and to organize foraging parties.  Milabs are sometimes encouraged by their controllers to learn First Aid skills and to even become First Responders such as Emergency Medical Technicians and firefighters.

Milabs can be used as couriers, covert operatives, technicians, and scientists.  As couriers the Milab can operate singly or with another Milab.  Sometimes the Milab works under the supervision of a controller.  The training is given added urgency by the Milab being placed in virtual reality scenarios involving nuclear holocaust, civil unrest, a pandemic, civil unrest, martial law involving foreign troops.  The military has the capability of creating “stage managed dreams.”  These are very vivid virtual reality scenarios.  The controllers stress guile, resourcefulness and an unwillingness to surrender to the circumstances.

Many Milabs have been used in Astral Ops.  The Astral operators are trained to spy, act as a forward observer for air strikes, search for people or objects of intelligence value, and bring harm to others. As such Milabs are “multi-task platforms.” The military possess the technology to trigger an out of body experience within Milabs.  The Milab controller talks to the Milab and directs him or her to focus on particular targets during an astral op.  The Milab can be sitting on a reclined chair.  The Milab controller can talk in a normal tone of voice to the Milab.  Some Milabs have described being on an astral op and hearing the voice of the Milab controller in their mind.  Some Milab controllers themselves are psychic.  The possibility exist that the military employs technology which can “boost” the thoughts of the Milab controller so the Milab can hear the commands, wherever the astral operator may be.

Milab controllers vary in appearance and roles.  Some of them are obviously military special operations personnel whose function is to train the Milabs in survival skills and covert operations techniques.  Other Milab controllers train Milabs in astral ops and in remote viewing.  There have been numerous reports of military controllers or military personnel in general “shapeshifting” into reptilians within the confines of an underground base or secure locations in above ground bases. Milabs who have witnessed military personnel shapeshifting usually expressed no shock or surprise at these transformations suggesting that the percipient may have been in an altered state of mind or alter personality.  I cannot express myself strongly enough about this facet of the Milab experience:  The reptilians are deeply involved in Milab operations and hence are involved in the most secretive projects and operations on Earth.

Milabs are trained to be resourceful.  Psychological tests are conducted on Milabs to determine their decision making process under duress.  Scenarios include compelling the Milab to decide who to rescue from a fire:  A young boy or a young girl?  Should the Milab rescue a human child or a human hybrid alien child?  The Milab controllers have a very good idea which Milabs can be counted upon to be assassins and cutthroat operatives.  Psychological profiles and genetic studies as well as background information about the upbringing of the Milab will provide the Milab controllers all the info they need to determine the suitability of a Milab for one task or another.  In most cases, the military has been deeply involved in the life of the Milab from childhood.

Some Milabs, even in a mind controlled state, are not suitable for ops where harming or killing others is required.  Other Milabs, even in full waking consciousness, would be happy to blast away at other people if they knew they would not get in trouble.  Some male Milabs have a long history of domestic violence and frequently beat their spouses or girlfriends.  Most of these violent Milabs are Reptilian or Drac (winged gargoyle species) human hybrids.  The Milab controllers will use such individuals when remorseless brutality or other forms of mayhem are required.

Mass Milab settings have been described in which hundreds if not thousands of Milabs can be seen walking around these underground installations.  Some of these installations were designed to simulate very large airport terminals, complete with long escalators and long terminal passages.

The cloning of Milabs is a fact.  I have spoken to many Milabs who have described seeing clones of themselves. Sometimes the clones are younger, slimmer and more physically fit. Other times the clones look exactly as the Milab does at the present time.  Milab clones have been seen in suspended animation. Sometimes two or more clones are seen to be animated.  They have feelings and emotions and have expressed anguish over the things that are done to them.

Katherina Wilson described meeting two of her clones in an underground installation.  They told her they were being used as prostitutes by the military and scientific personnel and were absolutely miserable about their situation.

Cloned bodies are used for training purposes.  The deep black military has the means to transfer the consciousness of a sleeping Milab into the body of a clone.  The clone will then be made to perform a variety of training scenarios and perhaps even find him or herself used in “real world” ops, either on this planet or elsewhere.  Confirmation of the use of clones for training purposes has been provided by other Milabs.  It is quite common for Milabs who are acquainted with one another and who live in widely separated places, to see each other in underground installations, training scenarios and actual ops.

The use of clones may be directly related to the Time Travel ops that many Milabs have described.  Again, Milabs are legitimate alien abductees.  They are essentially a hybrid form of human being with enhanced metaphysical capabilities due to their alien DNA. Thus they are ideal candidates for Time Travel projects.  Keep in mind that the DNA of some Milabs may contain genetic information from a number of different ET races, not just one.  The Reptilians factor in the lives of a great many Milabs, whether they realize it or not.  The Reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and are metaphysical operators par excellence.  It is this capability that the deep black military controllers seek to harness within certain Milabs.

The mission objectives of these Time Travel projects can vary greatly. Some Milabs describe being sent on teams into a divergent parallel time line either in the past or the future.  The trips to the past in whatever time line often have as an objective the retrieval of alien technology.  These ops present their own unique circumstances and problems.  One Milab team leader told me he was never certain if the other team members emerging from an artificially created portal after him were the same team members he started out with.  It stands to reason that if time travel ops are being conducted in this timeline, it is quite likely that other Milab teams in other timelines are conducting the same or similar ops.  This means that a Milab who is a part of these time travel and timeline ops can never be sure what timeline he or she is in.

One final thing the public at large needs to be aware of is that the public is being inoculated to the reality of Milab Operations.  Note the proliferation of shows with a distinctly Milab theme. Now it has reached the level of absurdity with television shows such as “Chuck” which is a comedy, yes a comedy about a mind controlled citizen who works in a department store. His Intelligence Handler is a beautiful woman. There is nothing remotely funny about Milab operations to those having to endure them. It is deadly serious. It is not unusual for Milabs to come down with serious illnesses such as brain cancer, kidney cancer and a variety of other serious illnesses. I hope this paper will help the newly aware Milab that they are not alone and that help is available. At the very least a Milab can find compassion and understanding from other Milabs. That being said, each Milab should be judged based on their actions and how they treat others. 

You can read the Primer on Milabs in its entirety here.

An excellent lecture on Milabs by James Bartley. (Pat's sketches can be seen in the video)

Penny Bradley's graphics show everything a MILAB goes through within the deep black military's MILAB program and how we are used as assets:

Milabs utilized.png
© Penny Bradley
Penny Bradley - Asset chart.png
© Penny Bradley

Imagine not being able to feel safe in your own home and bed, that they can come for you at any time, drug you, render everyone in your house unconscious as they abduct you for years on end and these is absolutely nothing you can do to stop them.
Imagine being physically tortured, raped, gang raped, being forced to have sex with other Milabs, being locked in a sensory deprivation chamber for days, being routinely tortured with DEW until your eyes swell in their sockets and your body is covered in microwave burns.
Imagine watching mind controlled slaves standing at conveyor belts, chopping up human bodies as they roll down those conveyor belts - or seeing children in floor-to-ceiling cages that have been tortured so severely they have slipped into insanity.

Imagine being strapped in a trip chair with a portal to other dimensions and timelines beneath it. You're sent through that portal to fight the battles of others. Or you are presented with scenarios in which you must kill innocent others and even members of your own family - or be brutally tortured.


Imagine discovering you have 4-5 clones of yourself that were made without your knowledge or consent. You're injured fighting those battles, have your consciousness transferred into one of those clones and are dumped in a regen tank to heal your injuries and be sent into battle again.

This will seem like something straight out of a science fiction movie...but it's not. Our government and military possess this kind of advanced technology in the DUMBS, it has been kept hidden from you despite you paying for it, and it's used on Milabs regularly.

Interrogations at gunpoint are also routinely undergone by Milabs. Pat describes just such an interrogation she was subjected to. I can attest to this happening for I too was interrogated by this same military officer.


At the time I made this sketch (at left) I did not yet know I was from off planet. It would be several years before I'd be told this by a CIA agent. But both they and the deep black military knew.

This interrogation took place within Area 51 after they discovered I knew how to fly alien craft.

I was 'escorted' into a small office that contained a desk and a straight back chair facing the desk. I was shoved into the straight back chair.

At the desk sat an older military guy dressed in an army green uniform. There was no indication of his identity nor rank on this uniform. They were always very careful to keep their identities concealed so they wouldn't be arrested and prosecuted for their crimes.

But I intuitively sensed he was high ranking.

He stared silently for a couple minutes as though sizing me up and/or trying to intimidate me. 

Then he began the interrogation:

"You know what the aliens are up to. Tell us what the aliens are up to."
"You know how to fly alien ships. Tell us about their technology, their weaponry."

"Tell us how many ships they have, where they are stationed around the planet."

He shoved a piece of paper and pencil across the desk at me. "Draw us a map of the universe."

I always resisted during my abductions and I tend to get sarcastic with anyone who tries to intimidate me. I drew the map and shoved it back at him.

map of universe.webp

He shoved another piece of paper at me, this time the schematic of a ship that had writing in an alien language on it.


"You can read alien script. Tell us what this is, what it says," he demanded.
I pretended to study the schematic and shoved it back at him. "It's a propulsion system," I replied.
"I KNOW that! Tell me what the alien script says!"

"Tell me what happened to Atlantis," he continued. I noticed he'd now changed "tell us" to "tell me" and thought this was a rather odd question to be interrogated about - until I learned his real identity in 2022 and read his biography:

[Name withheld] describes his assignment in 1971 as an infantry officer at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, during which time he went diving in the Bimini Islands in search of the mythological continent of Atlantis.

I honestly don''t know how I came out with the answer that followed, being I knew nothing about what had happened to Atlantis at that time. Regardless I told him "We sunk it when assholes like you got too big for their britches and started playing God. We're prepared to do it if I were you I'd learn how to swim real quick."

I'd later find out from the Angelics that had been precisely what had happened to Atlantis...but for the moment my reply had obtained the required objective. He momentarily appeared startled and sat back to contemplate that one for a couple of seconds.

I don't know how long this interrogation went on but everything he interrogated about was ET related and for some reason, he thought I'd know the answers to everything he was asking me about.

Finally, he demanded "Give us the key."
"What key?" I asked.

"You know damn well what key! Now give us the key!"

"I don't know what key you're referring to," I repeated.

He glanced at my 'escort' behind me and a gun was put to the side of my head.

With that he jumped up, banged his fist on the desk so hard I thought the desk would collapse and yelled at the top of his lungs "GIVE US THE GODDAMN KEY!"

I laughed and said "Well, if you shoot me you'll never get the GODDAMN KEY now will you?"

Apparently, he didn't feel I was cooperative enough so had me thrown on a medical exam table in a nearby room and gang raped by the black ops spooks.

Years later when I posted my sketch online, 7 other Milabs immediately recognized him and told me they'd nicknamed him "Bulldog". They'd also been interrogated by him.

When I did finally learn his real identity, I discovered he invented torture devices to specifically use on Milabs. One of them was an electric rod he ordered shoved up the vaginas of the women he ordered raped. 

My intuition had been correct, he had been high ranking military, a Colonel. That had been decorated by President Ronald Reagan in 1987, which speaks volumes about the complete lack of morals and ethics within our government and high ranking military. He'd also been very highly involved in government ET and UFO secret projects."

I asked Pat if she ever found out what key he was after.
"Yeah, the key to creation the Angelics hold. Imagine what a bunch of insane psychopaths intent on ruling all of creation could do with THAT if it fell into their hands."

Often these interrogators were very sexually depraved. There was an Oriental one we called "The Professor". He would take female Milabs, dress them and make them up like dolls, shackle them to a table to have a "tea party" with him. I'll leave it to your imagination as to what happened during these "tea parties".

Now imagine you were that Milab being interrogated and tortured by that military officer above...and then seeing this. This clueless a-hole trying to make a name for himself and telling his entire viewing audience what a "hero" that sadistic psychopath military officer is!
And the clueless following him will be gullible enough to believe it.

This is a guy who invented devices with which to physically torture Milabs - including an electrified wand he'd shove up the vaginas of female Milabs as he was having them raped and gang raped.
Some "hero"!

drawing Milab1.webp

Milabs routinely found themselves in medical type facilities, where they would be used as human guinea pigs.

This included being shackled nude in some kind of biohazard containment unit.

Doctors would enter dressed in full biocontainment suits, insert an IV into the Milab and begin running substances into the Milab.

Of course, the Milab was never told what was being put in their bodies but we did manage to find out one of them was a military produced biowarfare agent designed to make one's body organs all fail prematurely. And in fact, this is exactly what is currently happening to Pat.

In his Primer On Military Abductions, James 

Bartley mentioned Milabs are often very ill as a rule. Episodes like the one above are why they are so very ill as well as advanced technology like WASP that Olivia James mentioned in her interview that leaves Milabs critically ill with "mystery" ailments no normie doctor will be able to diagnose and treat.

Because they look fine on the outside, people do not believe Milabs are as sick as they truly are, much less the reality of what has been done to them.

Often the regressive ET's and the military work hand-in-hand with one another during these Milab abductions. Therefore, the Milab will have physical contact with these regressive ET races. 
The deep black military was convinced off planet Milabs had ancient metaphysical knowledge buried in their subconscious. They were determined to retrieve that information so would drug a Milab for days on end in an attempt to extract such information.
Most often, a Milab having this knowledge wasn't the case. When the spooks couldn't extract anything, they'd force the Milab to watch 2 Draconian Reptilians tear a live human being limb from limb and devour him - accompanied by the threat "You're next if you don't give us what we want."


We Milabs just have to laugh and shake our heads when we hear surface level 'Truthers' go on and on with their tales of encountering Dracs in their dreams, how ferocious they were, how these surface level types were 'scarred for life' from seeing a Drac in their stage-managed dreams. Or alternately how 'benevolent' their Drac (Mantid, Grey, etc.) contacts are. They ought to really experience one physically, face-to-face as the Milabs do. They wouldn't survive the experience.

It was not at all uncommon to see big strapping military soldiers brought in to work in the DUMBS and have them hauled out at the end of their first day in a straightjacket after physically encountering the Dracs. Never to be seen again.

Typically Milabs are chip implanted and subjected to other forms of experimentation and medical-type procedures. The chip implanting is both alien and military in order to track the Milab's whereabouts at any given time. These chips can also be used to control the Milab, right down to their bodily functions.


Chemtrails have nano particles that may either have implants in them or trigger existing implants, and these are taken into the lungs and then into the blood stream. Water and food have chemicals and nano particles that can serve the same purpose.

Etheric Implants are in the etheric energy body and can be triggered as well. They can make diseases manifest in 

the physical or can trigger emotions that create energy that can get stuck and then manifests itself as pain or disease. Some etheric implants are called tags, and can function as a “red flag”, a mind control device, or can cause physical pain or disease in the body.

Chip implant in Pat's hand the morning after an abduction

It is not at all unusual for a Milab to have several of these chip implants - both alien and military.

The alien implants become part of the body biologically so cannot be removed. While the military implants can be removed in some cases, that is not the norm.

Very rare is the surgeon that has that expertise and most will chalk the Milab up as mentally ill or delusional if they even speak of having been chip implanted.

Many Milabs have reported being subjected to having needles stuck in their brains and eyes, by both the aliens and military.
It was just after Pat underwent such a procedure that she discovered optical implants had been placed behind both of her eyeballs, that allowed her abductors to see through her eyes.

When these optical implants were activated Pat received such a tremendous electrical shock

behind her eyes that she went totally blind for a full 20 minutes.
That same day one of the cabal's online stalkers "tested" how the implants were working,  telling Pat she'd just taken a shower and proceeding to describe her nude body and what she'd done in the shower in precise detail.

At one point, Pat experienced having a needle inserted into her brain.


"I was lying in a ship. I knew it was a ship due to the round shape and no seams in the metal walls - as though it had been injection molded.

I was nude, lying paralyzed on something similar to a metal autopsy table. I could move my head slightly but nothing else.
Above me was a futuristic looking very bright light, similar to one of our operating room lights.
I could hear shuffling behind me but could see no one.

A robotic arm came up on my right and began gliding toward my head. At that point even my head was paralyzed. At the end of this robotic arm was a huge needle. I remember realizing they were going to stick that needle in my brain. I don't understand to this day why I didn't go into a complete panic over this but I was calm.

I don't remember feeling any pain but I do remember hearing that needle go through the bone of 

my skull. At that point something went wrong because I audibly heard a female voice report the needle had gotten stuck and she couldn't get it out of my skull.

At that point, something went wrong because I audibly heard a female voice report the needle had gotten stuck, she couldn't get it out. She sounded panicked, then a whole lot more shuffling behind me. That's where my memory ended.

But the next day I had a spot under my scalp that was about the size of a grain of rice, that hurt if I touched it. I have it to this day and it moves around under my scalp from place to place. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it itches like hell and sometimes it scabs over."

Sketches made by other Milabs of undergoing similar procedures:


As if all of the aforementioned wasn't enough, the Milab's surface life is every bit as controlled as their abductions are.
It's SOP for the Milab to undergo psy-ops of extreme harassment, destruction of every facet of their life, attacks with DEW and even remotely conducted daily torture sessions.

The mind control programming is then instituted, including voice to skull transmission from the programmers to the Milab.

At the same time, smear campaigns are waged against the Milab to isolate them from any support system they might have. The Milab is "thrown to the wolves" even by their own families.

They are left to deal with all of this totally alone, save for the support of other Milabs.

As one of Pat's abducting military Generals told her, "You'll never work a job again. You are a government asset now. You belong to us."

Even their ability to hold a job and earn a living is stripped from them.

They are seen as human beings by neither their alien abductors nor their military 

abductors - but as "assets" and the "property of" their abductors, to do with whatever they please. The Milab is left with absolutely no one to turn to for help so their abductions go on unabated for years on end.

As if this weren't enough, the Milab is put in the position of discovering they are from off planet in most cases, that they volunteered for these abductions in order to help humanity out of the mess it's gotten itself into. They are the double agents of the benevolent ET's, sent to infiltrate the enemy camps and strongholds.

James and Pat discussed this briefly in one of their interviews together. James and Emily Moyer discussed it in their interview together - at 52:22 on the video timer at left.

So the Milab is both horribly abused by their abductors while at the same time being utilized in every possible manner.

The Milabs were viciously attacked, villianized and demonized by the very people they were attempting to help in undergoing the horrors they did. Yet John Q. Public will scream to high heavens if an animal abuser isn't jailed. Go figure.
Sadly, nothing has changed in that 20 years since. The Milabs still do their jobs here regardless, no one giving a damn about what's being done to them.

Were it not for the infiltration work done by the Milabs, the worldwide awakening would never have gotten off the ground, everyone would still be blind to what's been going on for decades now. 
Nor would the thousands of trafficked children that have now been rescued been rescued at all. There was a special core group of Milabs tasked with exposing the cabal's worldwide pedophile ring and the trafficking of children.

Ultimately though, the joke has ended up being on an apathetic John Q. Public for what was done and is done to the Milabs was experimentation for what the Luciferians both have planned and are already releasing on the masses. THEIR turn has come and unfortunately they will discover apathy comes with a very steep price tag attached.

Q&A adobe.webp

What are the Super Soldiers?
They're biologically and genetically enhanced humans and hybrids that have advanced abilities the military planned to use to fight the regressive aliens with. Many are very successfully programmed by the black ops spooks and portray themselves to be on the side of the white hats, whistleblowers. Caution must be exercised when dealing with anyone claiming to be a Super Soldier. To most Milabs there is nothing "super" about a Super Soldier whatsoever because many are so successfully programmed. This is NOT to say all of them are...but caution must be exercised until one figures out which side a "Super Soldier" is really on.

Are the Milabs dangerous to us?
No. In fact, your life will come to rely on them when the SHTF in earnest. Milabs receive Apocalypse survival training so your survival will come to depend on them. And if you study them as a group, they are very gentle, loving people on the whole. They wouldn't be whistleblowing as they have been if they weren't on humanity's side in this.

Why can't Milabs sue the government and military for what's been done to them?
Our cases are dismissed on the grounds they're a "threat to national security".

What happens when a Milab has outlived his/her usefulness to the military?
They used to have assassination squads for that but now they can kill us remotely. Our only defense is to get high profile enough that there would be questions if we suddenly ended up dead. Most of us have had repeated attempts made on our lives already.

Is it true Milabs have much higher IQ's than what is recorded them having and have advanced psychic abilities the rest of us don't have?
Yes to both. Our forces knew the amount of mind control programming we'd be subjected to by the military was based on IQ so we'd test out at a much lower IQ score than our actual IQ's are - so we'd essentially be subjected to less mind control programming, the military believing our IQ's were much lower than they actually are.  Our real IQ's are generally between the 150 and 160 range. 
Yes, we have psychic abilities beyond what most do. Those abilities are what the deep black military were attempting to weaponize.

Are there any lasting psychological problems that resulted from your abductions?
Oh yeah. I don't know of any Milab who doesn't have medically diagnosed PTSD. And many of us have developed odd quirks like being unable to sleep in our beds or without a TV or radio playing all night. Pat and I knew of one Milab who would go into a complete meltdown if she even saw the face of an ET. She's dead now, they killed her with the same cancer Dr. Kandy Turner had.

Is there any kind of help available now for Milabs?
Not apart from other Milabs, no. Nor are we particularly trusting of others, especially anyone in medical attire.

Why did you go along with carrying out the black ops missions?
If someone threatens to kill your spouse, children, family members or yourself are you going to do what's necessary to prevent that from happening knowing you're dealing with insane cold blooded murderers? A Milab lives under constant threat of death if they don't perform perfectly - just as Olivia James claimed.


I heard James Bartley talk about a device they have that flattens a person and disintegrates him into dust. Any truth to that?

100% true. Not only that, they sell those dusted remains of those they kill in that manner to Big Pharma to put in the vitamins you take every day.

Can the Draconian Reptilians come to the surface here?
Absolutely. Who do you think all of your politicians are?

How come we never hear the Surface Level Truthers discuss the Milabs?
Because they're very successfully programmed. They're like Dr. Stephen Greer is - "No bad aliens exist, only good aliens" - which is an absolutely ridiculous statement to make.
They aren't aware they have no real ET contact, that their consciousness has been hijacked and false "ET contact" screen memories implanted. The Milabs don't fit in with their "the aliens are all love and light" programming. They don't want to see or believe anything horrific related to the ET's.

Are Milabs like Pat who was a pilot then passed on to the Secret Space Program?
Yes, that can happen depending on the abilities and experience of the Milab. However, the CIA is who determines who gets put in the SSP, not the military. 

Are being a Milab and being in the SSP similar?
Both are brutal slavery programs.

What determines if one is put into the Milab program?
DNA. We have certain genetic markers others don't have. Possessing advanced psychic abilities also plays a huge roll in that the deep black military seeks to weaponize those abilities.


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