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Meeting the Yellow Bellies

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As Milabs we were often forced to go on black ops operations. During this op, I was in the sea, paired with a dolphin. The sea was somewhat choppy but it was sunny out. Military guys in a black Kodiak raft were giving me instructions about a message/ultimatum I was to deliver to some undersea base. What I remembered most vividly was that I did NOT want to be delivering this ultimatum but at the same time I didn't want to 'blow my cover' so had to proceed with the op.

I was an advanced certified scuba diver so am very familiar with scuba equipment and all that. I was wearing only a wetsuit and weight belt. To this day, I can't explain how I didn't drown. I should have several times over. However, the military does have technology to make a person able to breathe water so I think it's safe to assume that's what they'd done to me being I do have a clear memory of being locked in some kind of sensory deprivation chamber full of water.

The dolphin and I swam a long ways down to this base. The entrance had been camoflauged to look like part of the sea floor. The entry opened into a tunnel the dolphin and I swam down. We surfaced in a pool. In no way was I prepared for who I would be delivering this ultimatum to.

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Before me was an alligator that was about 9 to 10 feet tall, stood upright, communicated telepathically and was very intelligent. It stood there and grinned at me.

To my left was some kind of tube-like structure and there was a man in a white lab coat working at some kind of computer.

I thought OH DEAR GOD! Just deliver the message and get the hell out of here before this thing turns you into Purina Pat Chow. I delivered the message, all the while this alligator dude grinning at me. My dolphin and I got the hell out of there. 

As it happened, one of the experts who'd reviewed my case was online that day so I told him about my experience, leaving out the part about the 10 foot tall alligator. I'd just established my credibility and I was afraid if I mentioned this alligator my credibility would go right out the window. Eventually I worked up the courage to tell him about the alligator and sent him a sketch my experience in this undersea base.

"Oh the Yellow Bellies," he said, sounding not the least bit surprised at this alligator.
"The WHAT?!!" I asked.
"That's what the military calls them...Yellow Bellies."

On my sketch, I'd drawn the alligator dude with a yellow belly.

Another thing I remembered vividly from this ops was the word SIMI. However, I could make no sense of this word. Nor could any of my fellow Milabs. SIMI remained a mystery for a few weeks until I had my first Andromedan contact, an Androme name Maelto.

He explained the Andromes had 'hijacked' the black ops mission for their own purposes. The unpredictability of human emotions scare the daylights out of them and they'd needed to see how I would emotionally react to the alligator dude, being the alligator dudes are their security force.

Maelto would clear up the SIMI mystery.

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"You only remembered part of the word," he explained. "AsSIMIlation."

"And just what am I being ASSIMILATED into?" I asked.
"We'd like to make you the offer to train in security on one of our biospheres (ships) for an event that will take place in the future. You're be training with the "alligator dudes" as you call them. You'd be assimilated into Andromedan life as well as our security force if you choose to accept our offer."

All I could think of at hearing this was that Yellow Belly grinning at me and thinking I was about to become Purina Yellow Belly Chow. 

"I'll think about it," I told Maelto.

Two things happened that cemented my decision. The first was finding an article on another contactee's blog about the very future event Maelto had laid out to me.
The second was my trip to Hawaii.

Swimming with dolphins (apart from the black ops) had always been #1 on my bucket list, so I began looking for swim with dolphin programs in Hawaii and ran into Joan Ocean who runs a swim with dolphins program on the Big Island. Somehow she and I got to talking about dolphins being ET's. She told me about her best friend, Kinsley Jarrett who'd died the previous year but had been a contactee himself. He too had been taken by benevolent ET's to an undersea base and his and my experiences sounded so similar that Joan sent me a sketch he'd made of his trip to an undersea base. Joan and I were absolutely shocked when we saw the two sketches.

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Same tube-like elevator to the left, same guy working at a computer, same dolphin tanks. Yet Kinsley and I had never spoken to one another, never met to compare experiences but made nearly identical sketches years apart.

I told Maelto I'd train with the Yellow Bellies in security on their biosphere.

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I spent a month on the Andromedan biosphere training in security with the Yellow Bellies.
I needn't have feared them eating me...they were very friendly to me and have wonderful senses of humors. I consider them my friends.

Yes, they exist. In reading the book Secret Vows - Our Lives With Extraterrestrials authors, Bert and Denise Twigg wrote about their own meeting with the Yellow Bellies. I also ran across another contactee's blog in which he described his own encounter with the Yellow Bellies.

As things turned out, I'd encounter my friends, the Yellow Bellies again.

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Trip to the Ichaboid City

Many people foolishly believe that just because they don't physically see the benevolent ET's that they either don't exist or are not involved in helping earth at all.

Nothing could be further from the truth and this is the case with the Ichaboids.

The Ichaboids never had Terran contact before they met me nor do they disclose their location to anyone here. They have no desire for contact with terrestrial humans at this point in time. However, they have been working to protect earth's oceans, especially from the military attempting to weaponize our oceans, for several decades now.

We got a report from the Ichaboid base that they had made a discovery on the ocean floor that they wanted one of the Commanders to see for himself/herself.

Naz decided to send his brother, Teeds.

Of course, I asked to go along. 

"Absolutely NOT!" Naz said. "They do not wish to have contact with terrestrial humans."
"Well, now hold on..." Teeds said. "Gracie is an advanced certified diver and I may need a second set of hands down there. What is going to hurt to ask the Ichaboids?"

A whole lot of channel clearing went on but the Ichaboids finally agreed to me accompanying Teeds.

"You be on your very best behavior! You hear me?" Naz instructed.
I promised him I would be.

Teeds and I got to the Ichaboid city via a UFO/USO, the interior of which resembled a luxe conversion van. The outside was clear, made out of some ET material that looked like glass but could withstand the pressure at those depths. It also generated its own light which is very handy when you're in basically the pitch black of extreme depths.

As we were nearing the Ichaboid city, we were suddenly surrounded by Merpeople! I'd always thought they were mythical up to that point. They are intelligent and were friendly. If I put my hand up against the USO wall, one of them would put their hand up against mine.

Actual photo of a Merman taken by an oceanographer and made public by his daughter. After seeing the Merman she developed a profound fear of the water and won't go into water.

I don't know if they're telepathic communicators as I was so gobsmacked I never thought to attempt to telepathically communicate with them, nor they with me.

The top half of the Merpeople is somewhat human looking. There is a ridge the runs along the top of their heads, they have very pronounced brow bones.

Their bottom half looks just like a fish with a tail. The one thing I did find odd is that some of them had no hair but the females did have long, flowing hair. So I don't know if it was a case of males didn't have hair but females did...or there were 2 species of Merpeople present.

Teeds explained to me that land dwelling terrestrial humans were evolved from the Merpeople. This isn't the least bit odd, many ET races have aquatic species, some of which evolved into land dwellers - the Andromes and Sirians among them.

The Merpeople escorted us all the way to the Ichaboid city.


The city was massive in size, constructed out of the same glass-like ET material our USO was constructed of. Teeds guided our ship onto a platform that then rose to bring us to ground level in the city. A group of Ichaboids was waiting to greet us.


The Ichaboids stand between 7 and 10 feet tall. They look half fish, half frog. From the waist up they look like fish with a dorsal fin on their heads and pectoral fins at their waists. They have gills that lie flat against their heads and have two respiratory systems - one for land, one for water. Their eyes, noses and mouths like like a fish's.

From the waist down they look just like a frog. They do walk upright but have a bit of a hopping motion to their walk.

They are extremely intelligent and master geneticists. They communicate telepathically although they do have a verbal language.

Our human mouths and vocal chords are incapable of replicating their language so we agreed we'd call the spokesman for the group "Ichabod". (Seemed fitting)

Often when Terrans and ET's meet one another for the first time some amusing events end up taking place. I was the first terrestrial human they'd ever seen up close and personal.

Being they're master geneticists, they were curious. Before I realized what was happehing Ichabod reached out and felt up my boobs. I could see Teeds struggling to keep a straight face. I'd promised Naz I'd be on my best behavior so I let Ichabod feel away. I knew there was no sexual motivation behind it, merely curiousity.
What the hell...I'd had worse Wednesday nights than have my boobs groped by a fish/frog.

In fact, they were quite curious about human reproduction so Teeds and I had to explain the whole process to them. I don't think Ichabod was too impressed with our way of reproducing because he commented "I think we'll stick to egg laying."

They took us on a tour of sections of their city. There was an enormous area full of various pools. Around the circumference of these pools were computer-like devices. Cetaceans like dolphins and whales are ET's here to record the history of our oceans. That's what a whale song is...the transferring of pieces of that history from pod to pod. At any rate, the cetaceans work with the Ichaboids, surfacing in these pools and the history they've recorded is uploaded onto the computers. In this manner, the Ichaboids know what's going on in our oceans at any given time. In fact, the dolphins had alerted them to the devices Teeds and I had come to see.

From the pools, they took us to their genetics lab. There were rows of long lab tables from which rose live holographic replica bodies of many various species. Stupid me....I offhandedly made the comment "You don't have any human model." 
It was on! 

Would Teeds and I allow them to make replicas of our bodies for their geneticists to study?

All we'd have to do is get naked, stand in circles on the floor and a scanner would scan us.

This is one of those instances where you don't want to insult your hosts, causing a galactic we said sure, they could make replicas of us.
The scan took less than a minute, we got dressed and Ichabod lead us over to one of the lab benches. Within seconds two life-sized replicas of Teeds and I rose up on top of the lab bench.

They were actually pretty cool...we could see our hearts beating, our lungs inflating and deflating, the blood running through our veins.
As we left the genetics lab, a group of Ichaboids were already circling our body replicas, examining them with a fine tooth comb.

From there it was on to their breeding pools. There's a pool for the Ichaboids and a separate pool for the Merpeople. 
The female Ichaboid lays her eggs and she's responsible for the until the offspring are 2 months old. At that point they move onto land and the father takes over their care. 

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They're very spiritual and once they move onto land is when their spiritual education begins.

These birthing pools resemble nicely landscaped very large swimming pools.

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Leaving the birthing pools, we continued on to their huge aquaponic gardens, where the Ichaboids grow all their food. 

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The ET's are very gracious hosts so they'd prepared a meal for us.

I'm adventurous in trying new foods - to a point. Seaweed? Uh that would be a resounding NO! But like I said, in these kinds of instances it's best not to start a galactic incident by insulting one's host(s). I'm wondering how I'm going to eat this stuff and keep it down.
God love Teeds, who came to my rescue telling Ichabod "She's not used to diving at the depths we're at so it would probably be best if she didn't eat anything much."
I did taste the seaweed, it wasn't revolting but not something I'd make a habit of eating.

It was getting late and Teeds and I still had to examine what we'd come to examine. (All I can say is that it was a weapon). Now silly me...I assumed we'd be examining this thing in something like a submersible because the pressure at those depths would've crushed us both.


Ichabod and his cronies had made special suits for us. I took one look at this suit and thought WE'RE GONNA DIE DOWN HERE!

This suit was the thickness of Saran Wrap. I kid you not. There was a helmet to it that looked like a jellyfish with its tentacles lopped off. Ichabod is explaining to me that this jellyfish helmet and suit will provide all the oxygen I need and should this weapon explode or be some kind of concussion device, the suit would protect me and I'd only be thrown a few inches backward when it went off. Oh ducky! Of course, the way I saw it Teeds and I would instantly be crushed to death before this Saran Wrap could do its job against the detonation of any explosive device!

We did take a USO to the site but I'm giving myself the Last Rites the entire way. I let Teeds go out first. This was his mission, let him be the first one to die. He had to PULL me out of the USO. And I'll be damned! I felt no pressure on my body, I had no problem breathing, the suit was very easy to move in even at those depths. If I introduced one of those babies to scuba divers I'd make a fortune.

Teeds and I returned to the Ichaboid city and were about to leave when who shows up?
My Yellow Belly friends! (I think I may have scored some points with the Ichaboids on already being friends with the Yellow Bellies.)

Teeds and I returned to Naz's ship to be debriefed. Word travels fast when communication is telepathic. Naz already knew about me being groped and allowing them to make a replica of my body and told me how proud he was of me for behaving the way I had. Ichabod had told him that I was welcome to come back to their city at any time. 

Now, one can be fully conscious while having these kinds of experiences but the 3D brain always throws that "Could that really just have happened?" at you. My guys know I want proof of everything and they always provide it.


About a month later I was surfing the web when I came across the story of Siberia's Lake Baikal Swimmers.

Seven Russian divers were diving Lake Baikal when they encountered the Swimmers - who very closely resembled the Ichaboids. (And check out the jellyfish helmets!) 

Well, these Russian divers apparently weren't the brightest light bulbs in the factory...or maybe their superiors weren't...but they decided they were going to net one of these Swimmers to capture it. A really STUPID thing to try to do with any ET.

The Swimmers set off some kind of concussion wave that sent all seven divers hurtling to the surface and developing a lethal case of the bends in the process.

The story of the Lake Baikal Russian divers and Swimmers starts at 3:49 on the video below.

The nearest decompression chamber was an hour away and was designed to hold less than four divers. As a result, three of the divers died and four were left permanently disabled. If I remember correctly, the four surviving divers were placed in mental institutions and forbidden by the Russian government to speak about encountering the Swimmers. Incidentally, Lake Baikal is a hotbed of USO activity.

The Ichaboids and Swimmers don't look exactly alike. The irises in the eyes of the Ichaboids are round and black like a fish's. The Swimmers have the vertical iris of the Reptilians. Nor do the Swimmers have the pectoral fins at the waist that the Ichaboids have. My guess is they might be "cousins" of sorts.

It's also interesting that the Swimmers were described as wearing thin suits of some kind of advanced technology and that they set off a concussion wave to send all seven Russian divers hurtling toward the surface. Ichabod had explained to me about the suit they'd put me in protecting me againt an explosion OR CONCUSSION TYPE reaction if the weapon detonated.

The Mexico Mission

I hadn't had a vacation during all the years I was targeted and was exhausted having had the living snot beat out of me by the cabal. I decided I needed a vacation and planned a cruise to Roatan to do some scuba diving. All the arrangements were made.

Shortly before I was to leave on this cruise, Naz came to me.
"Gracie, I need to ask a big favor of you," he said.
"I need you to cancel your trip to Roatan and go to Mexico instead - and take your niece with you."
"WHAT?!!!" I hollered. "Naz! I have all the arrangements made for Roatan!"
"I know and I wouldn't ask if this wasn't really important."

After all Naz had done for me how could I say no? He said he'd help me with the Mexico travel arrangements and I cancelled my entire Roatan trip to begin planning a trip to Mexico. (I'd been to Mexico three times already by then so really had no desire to go back to Mexico again.)

Usually we have a crew unit on the ship that handles any of these surface missions but there wasn't time for that this time. In fact, the only thing Naz told me is "All eyes will be on the two of you down there." Well, I knew well enough what that meant - cabal eyes.

Naz did help me with my travel arrangements, in fact the dude should be a travel agent. He got my niece and I booked into an all-inclusive luxury resort at less than half price, plus we got a same-as-cash $1500 resort credit to spend during our stay. We had a seaside suite with hot tub and full bar plus 24/7 valet service and a choice of 4 restaurants to eat at. It was also a diving resort.


Back then, I had a website that Naz and I would use to set traps for the cabal, knowing they had 24/7 surveillance on us. We set a trap for the cabal for this Mexico mission...what dates my niece and I would be down there, that Naz would physically meet up with us down there - when and where. As soon as the cabal walked into that trap ALL HELL BEGAN BREAKING LOOSE!

Our inner circle came under unrelenting demonic attack day and night and some of them were being watched 24/7 and followed by black government cars everywhere they went.

Then the government proceeded to do some very odd things.

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For the first time ever, the government shut down all public access to viewing space and threatened that anyone caught viewing space would be imprisoned for crimes against the state.
What were they so afraid of everyone seeing? I imagine they thought Naz was going to come zooming in with a fleet of UFO's and there would go their ET coverup. That's not how we operate but then these cabalists are as dumb as a box of rocks to begin with.

Then it was leaked Obama had secretly sent military troops to Syria. This report was confirmed as being legitimate.

Then FEMA issued rush orders for Region 3.

Region 3 contains Washington D.C. the cabal's most occult capitol in the world, from which they planned to launch their New World Order. What were they so hurriedly preparing for?

These orders included things like:

FEMA purchase orders for over $14.2 million for MREs and heater meals to be delivered to Region III by October 1st;

FEMA purchase orders for 22 million pouches of emergency water to be delivered to region III by October 1st;

2800 MRAPs must be delivered to DHS by October 1st;

No leave for any military personnel from Oct. 2nd to Nov. 5th.

Nine-week training course for UN Peacekeepers in CONUS to learn Urban Warfare, English, and US weapons systems for 386,000 troops to be completed by October 1st;

United States National Guard will complete riot control and disaster assistance training by September 30th.   Source

The very odd thing about these orders were that they coincided precisely with the days of our trip - Sept. 28th through Oct.5th.

Then the hurricanes were spawned. One hit the Yucatan where over 130 people were killed and another was brewing in the Gulf off the coast of Florida, directly in our flight path. By this time I knew the cabal was behind all of this so contacted our Council. I kept transcripts of any communications with them and this is a direct transcript:

Me: They're spawning these hurricanes with HAARP to prevent Naz and I from meeting up.

Council: We have been monitoring energy disturbances in earth's ionosphere that lead us to believe they are once again manipulating the weather.
Me: To prevent me from getting to Mexico, right?

Council: They are desperate but their efforts will be in vain. However, be prepared for an extended stay.
Me: How long of an extended stay?
Council: Until it's safe for you to return. Know that we will not allow any harm to come to the two of you.

All cabal eyes were on us just as Naz had told me they would be.
We were followed through all three airports.

Ruth and I checked into our suite a couple of hours before the dinner hour so decided to have a cocktail on our balcony.
The cabal believed we'd be meeting up with Naz the following morning.

Suddenly Ruth was pointing out at the sea, saying "AUNT PAT! LOOK!"

Here came a USO exactly like the one pictured at right gliding toward us.

In the top photo you can see the railing on our balcony. Just over that railing was about a 5 foot wide ledge.

If we'd climbed out on that ledge we could've touched this USO. That's how close it came to us. It hovered in front of us for probably a good 2 minutes - until I flipped its crew the bird to let them know "Yeah we see what?" and it glided off to our left and disappeared into thin air.

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Or appeared to. I looked down at the three huge swimming pools directly beneath us. It appeared not a single person in those crowded pools had seen the ship. So the pilot of that ship was making it visible to only Ruth and I.

The next morning Naz was a no show. Naz NEVER skips out on showing up down here when he tells me he's going I knew something big was up.

Because there are multidimensional psychic spies on both sides and I was under 24/7 cabal surveillance, Naz and I had developed a kind of "code" using music.

He'd sent me a video right before I left for Mexico but I simply hadn't had time to listen to it. I should have because I would've realized what was going on.

While you won't understand our code in it, check out the Spanish music and the title.

Later that afternoon, Naz popped into our suite and put a finger to his lips as if to say SHHHH! I knew what he meant. Just like our forces can, the dark forces can also monitor the energy in, on and around Earth and Naz has a very powerful energy signature they can pick up on when he teleports up and down. So he changes up his energy signature to fool them and slip down here undetected. 
He stayed only long enough for me to see he was dressed in military desert camo - that was a first. I could only wonder what he was up to.

While Ruth and I were both bummed he wouldn't be joining us as planned, we weren't wasting a good vacation. 

At one point I telepathied Naz "Do you want me to go to Chichen Itza?"

Okie dokie boss man.

Just as the Council had predicted, we almost had an extended stay in Cozumel.

The morning we were to fly out we got hit with a tropical storm that nearly grounded us. The cabal had brought Hurricane Karen ashore in Florida - directly in our flight path. We just managed to take off but had to fly an alternate route home to avoid Hurricane Karen.

It was only after we'd returned home that I got the story of why Naz had sent Ruth and I to Mexico. It's a damn good thing I'd cancelled that Roatan trip.

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I need to give you a little background on pyramids here. Yes, they were built by ET's and are still used by the ET's. A pyramid is basically a power generator, used to 'refuel' ET craft among other things - as seen in the tourist photo of Chichen Itza below.

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Ship refueling

One pyramid or power plant can only produce so much energy. But what would happen if you linked a whole bunch of pyramids together to create one huge power plant that put out a massive amount of energy?

The earth is covered in an EM grid. It is the life force of the planet. If that grid were to go down, within two month's time everything on this planet would be dead. This grid is made up of POSITIVE energy. 

Now look at the map below.


The island in the yellow box is Cozumel, where Naz put my niece and I. The black triangles are all of the different pyramids. The blue lines indicated the pyramids the cabal was attempting to link up to create that super power generator to flip the earth's grid to negative energy - taking it down.

Had our guys upstairs not been on the ball, neither you nor this planet would be here right now. You and the planet would be dead.

As you can see from the map, Naz got us close enough to the pyramids the dark forces were attempting to link to get all cabal eyes on us, distracting them long enough for our forces to slip in their and undo their pyramid linking, while keeping my niece and I out of the line of fire.

As it turns out, Snakey (what we called Lucifer) was down there in the flesh with 3 of his unwitting New Agers, having them perform I'm sure what they didn't realize was a satanic ritual in an attempt to access the higher dimensions, at the same time. Believe it or not, one of those New Agers was a PhD! Of course, they were blocked from doing so.

Where was Naz and what was he up to? Obama had sent those troops to Syria to try to start WW3. Naz was in Syria putting a stop to that, which is why he'd appeared to me in military desert camo.

Why did I ask Naz if I should go to Chichen Itza? Well, at one time the cabal had a fake Second Coming of Jesus planned. Snakey had begun laying the groundwork for that down at Chichen Itza in 1961!

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Above is a pretty close depiction of what Snakey (Or Sananda-Jesus as he liked to call himself) looked like in physical body. Yes, he was here on the planet in physical body - although he spent most his time hiding underground.

You can see he looks NOTHING like the Jesus-Sananda photographed in Chichen Itza in 1961. This is because he always got someone else to do his dirty work for him by any devious means necessary.

This is an example of the surface missions our forces routinely conduct. And not a one of you knew it had happened, did you? Our guys work very quietly behind the scenes.

There was a postscript to this story. I'd arranged a dolphin swim on my birthday for my niece, Naz and I. Right before I left for Mexico, Naz told me "The dolphins know you're coming and who you are, they're excited. Mamas will bring their babies to you and they'll perform healing on you while you swim with them."

These swims were set up to last one hour, 12 people to a swim. No one at the dolphin facility knew it was my birthday until after we'd been in the dolphin pool a good 30 minutes.
My niece and I arrived, our guide gave us her name (that had special significance to Naz and I), my niece and I gasped "OMG IT'S A NAZ SIGN!"
There were no 12 other people, my niece and I had our own private swim that lasted 2 hours instead of 1.

We were taken to the nursery pool where guests were never allowed to swim with the dolphins.
Mamas brought their babies to me just as Naz had predicted they would.


Apparently they did know who I was and were excited to see me because Electra (below) smiled and chattered the entire time I gave her belly rubs and her trainer said he'd never seen her do that with anyone before.


I hadn't told my niece they'd be doing healing on us...but as we were walking back to our resort she said to me "Aunt Pat, this is so weird...I feel so ENERGIZED, like I have electricity tingling through me!" 
I'd been limping badly all week due to a bad hip I have. After I got out of the pool, the pain had completely disappeared and I walked normally for weeks after that. So apparently they had done healing on us, just as Naz had predicted.

As we were walking back to the resort, I heard Naz say "Happy Birthday, Gracie!" He'd orchestrated the best birthday I've ever had as a thank you for helping him out down in Mexico.

[Just a note to all you animal lovers: These dolphins were NOT captured from the wild specifically to be put in this dolphin facility with the purpose of entertaining people. Every one of them were found injured in some way that prevented them from successfully being returned to the wild. These were all rehabilitated dolphins that would have died had they been released back into the wild and the care they are given on a daily basis is phenomenal.]

Shaid 'A and the Tau Cetians

This visit took place the night after the cabal engineered the Fukushima nuclear incident.

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i can't explain how I knew but I did know what the cabal was planning to do - control the jet streams to drag the resulting radiation around the globe. Which is precisely what they did.
I don't know if my knowing this prompted Shaid 'A'x visit?

I'd falled asleep on the sofar watching TV. I was in a deep sleep when I heard this telepathic "Get up. You must get up now."

WTH???  "It's the middle of the night! Go to sleep like sane people are doing!" and I rolled over to go back to sleep.

More insistent this time. "No! GET UP! You must get up now!"

I look at the clock, it's 2 a.m. I look around the house and realize the bedroom door I'd closed earlier was now standing wide open. A silhouetted figure stood in that doorway.

My first assumption is that the military spooks were screwing with me with holograms again.
Earlier that evening, I'd been restoring all the flashlights in my house so I had flashlight parts scattered all over the coffee table. I picked up the cap of a flashlight and threw it, thinking if this was just another military hologram the flashlight cap would pass right through it and I could go back to sleep.


I heard the flashlight cap hit something soft, drop to the wood floor and roll. 

The voice said "You really shouldn't throw things at me," in the tone of voice an exasperated parent would use with an unruly child.

Okie dokie. NOT a hologram. Houston, we have a problem! 
As though to show me anything I could do he could do better, he levitated my TV remote control off the coffee table in front of me and set it spinning wildly in midair. I decided I wouldn't throw anything more lest I join my remote control in spinning wildly in midair.

Picking up a lantern flashlight, I walked over to the silhouette in my bedroom doorway and shone it in the face of my visitor. At first, I wasn't sure if it was male or female due to its funky Roman haircut and almost feminine facial features...but by the time I got to his chest, I had things pretty well figured out.

This guy was EYE CANDY. He was ripped! That flashlight beam wasn't moving any too quickly, lemme tell ya. 

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"Are you FINISHED yet?" he asked impatiently.

I was tempted to say "No, give me a few minutes" but thought better of it. This guy was clearly no nonsense.

He launches into this spiel "The ONLY way to save the planet now..." and lays out this whole plan whereby all of humanity would band together, chip in a couple bucks each and buy the Amazon rainforest from the cabal wo that we privately owned it.

"What's your name?" I asked.
"Shaid 'A."

"OK Shaid 'A...well, that will never work because you can't get 10 Terrans to do one thing successfully together much less 8 billion of them. Besides, you'd never get the cabal to sell the rainforest."
"Of course you would get them to sell it. They're greedy and no matter how much money they have, it's never enough. They'd sell the rainforest if the price was right."
"That would be great but there's still the fact you wouldn't get 8 billion Terrans to unite for anything and work together if their lives depended on it."
"I must go then," he said.

He walks THROUGH my plate glass window overlooking my front yard and as he's walking, he's disappearing into my lawn while leaving a trail of perfectly bloomed flowers in his wake.


This is all illuminated from above by a beam of white light. I didn't look to see what was making this light, who cared? I was scoping out Shaid 'A's butt. (And what a fine butt it was I might add!) 

Just a head's up for all of you if and when you meet an ET in person...
A few days later I met Naz coming out of a meeting. He said to me "Just ran into an acquaintance of yours."
"Oh yeah? Who?" I asked.
"Let me put it this way...he wanted me to ask you if you enjoyed the view from the rear."
"Oh Shaid 'A! Well, tell him it depends on which view from the rear he's referring to. The flowers were a nice touch but that butt of his? WHOA MOMMA!"

Oops. The ET's are telepathic so what you think they don't know? They know!

Eight years later, I would come to understand why Shaid 'A was laying out the plan for us to buy up the Amazon rainforest when the cabal torched it in 2019. In doing that, they depleted the planet's oxygen by 20% with that one fire.

Then they set half of Australia ablaze, followed by fires in Africa and the western U.S. I can't imagine collectively how much they depleted our oxygen supply setting all those fires. 

I don't know why Shaid 'A came to me to tell me how we could save the planet...but I learned when an ET comes to deliver a message, one best take it seriously.

Meeting the Arcturans

Often different ET races would make contact with me and I'd have no idea what race they belonged to or who they were. This was the case with G'Kar.

I live among thousands of acres of forest. One very early morning I awoke to find myself standing in a forest clearing near my house. A woman named Joanne was with me. She recognized me from abductions, called me by name but I didn't recall ever having met her before.


As we stood there a ship appeared on the horizon, coming in our direction. Joanne immediately became hysterical, screaming "DON'T LET THEM TAKE US! DON'T LET THEM TAKE US!"

I knew whoever was in that ship were friendlies because they were telepathically transmitting their history to me at such a rapid pace it felt like my head was going to explode.

I tried to tell Joanne to calm down, explaining that they weren't here to abduct us, but she was too far gone. There was no snapping her out of her hysteria.

The ship was now hovering directly overhead and its occupants informed me they were going to trance Joanne to bring her aboard, that they'd come to give her healing. Joanna immediately went into a trance and floated up into the ship. Then its occupants brought me aboard.

arcturan male_adobespark.png

These were little guys, about the size of the Zetas, maybe 4 feet tall and very slender build.
I couldn't stand upright without hitting my head on the ship's ceiling so they telepathically raised the ceiling height so I could stand upright.

They had very large elongated skulls, more human facial features than the Greys do, their skin was a bluish aqua color and they had no hair anywhere. There were two of them, both males and they wore long white robes with stand up collars. I noted the one doing all of the talking had the red geometric collar design that indicated the

rank of Commander.

He informed me he was called G'Kar and said he'd made contact with me because he wanted my opinion on something. Did I think terrestrial humans were ready for physical ET contact?

I could feel how much G'Kar wanted the answer to be yes. They'd already informed me they'd been working with terrestrial humans for over 4,000 years - always behind the scenes. But I wasn't going to lie to G'Kar.
I told him "At the most, they might be ready for contact with an ET race that looks exactly like them, like the Alpha Centaurians. But in no way are they ready for physical contact with any race that isn't like them in appearance. You'd end up with bloodshed on both sides because the Terrans live in fear of absolutely everything and the vast majority of them are not the least bit open-minded. They'd be shooting at you first and asking questions later."

I could tell he was disappointed but he thanked me for my honesty. Then he asked if I'd like him to take me to his ship for healing. I'd been sick as a dog for the last 3-4 days due to the last DEW attack on me so I was more than happy to take G'Kar up on his offer. We set off for his command ship.

arcturan mothership.webp

Once again forgetting the ET's are telepathic the first thing I thought when seeing his ship was My lord, it looks like a big turd.

Realizing he'd just picked up on that thought, I could've kicked myself. Here G'Kar had been nothing but loving toward me and I insult him by thinking his pride and joy ship looks like a turd. Way to go, Pat.

If the exterior was nothing to look at, the inside certainly was!

The Arcturan ships are the most advanced out there. Even the Dracos fear them. These ships are like living biological entities in themselves. When you step foot on the ship it's almost as though you and the ship become one. It's instantly monitoring your mind and body and providing for or adjusting to what your body and mind need for your maximum comfort aboard. If you have any kind of disability it disappears the minute you set foot on the ship. If you were a quadraplegic you'd be up and walking again.

The inside of the Arcturan ships are also beautifully designed on the interior, even having something we'd call "carpeting" and artwork decorating the ship walls. 

G'Kar lead me to one of their healing bays. I'd later learn the Arcturans are the master healers of the cosmos. 
The healing bay was just a white room with what looked like perforated white padding on the walls and ceiling. This would be my first time I experienced ET healing. I was instructed to simply stand there for a few moments.

Lights came on that would change color and these were accompanied by tones being played. 

The entire process took less than a minute and I felt better than I had in years.

This is what the tones sounded like...

G'Kar then returned me to the forest clearing where he'd picked me up. I don't remember getting home from there but I'd mowed my lawn the day before, there was a heavy dew that morning and I "came to" on my couch with wet grass all over my feet, so I walked through my front yard at some point.

I still had no idea who these little guys were so I called Naz and asked.
"The Wise Ones" was all he'd say. He knows I learn more if I research myself.

When I found an illustration of them, I knew immediately who they were - the Arcturans. Everything I read about them fit. They were telepathic whizzes, able to transmit at 100X the rate the human brain can comprehend. (No wonder it had felt like my head was about to explode!)
They were the master healers of the cosmos. They had been helping humanity for over 4,000 years just as G'Kar had told me. And they were indeed known as the "Wise Ones".

My friend, James was online so I told him what had just happened. 
"Wow!" he said. "Normally the Arcturans don't make physical contact! They usually only communicate with people here via telepathy."


Since then, I've had constant contact with them as they work very closely with the Angelics and Naz's personal healers on the ship are Arcturan. 


My sketch of G'Kar and his ship

arcturan sketch elena danaan.jpg

Another experiencers's sketch of

Arcturan and his ship

The Angel in the Library

During my awakening journey Naz would use an entire cast of characters to bring me to the point where he could reveal his true identity to me. The visit from my angel in the library came at the very beginning of my awakening journey, when I knew nothing about the Angelics and still believed they were "angels". Kind of. I thought angels made nice Christmas tree toppers but that was about the extent of my thoughts regarding angels. Naz was going to change all that.

My niece, Laura was making her First Communion and I decided I wanted to give her something that was one-of-a-kind, that no one else would give her. Don't ask me what prompted me to think I'll write a story about angels! being I didn't know a damn thing about angels, having never had any interest in them.

I sat at my computer for three days with writer's block. I finally decided it might help to know something about angels to write about them. That Saturday I went to our local library to get some books on angels. I was also looking for a book with a particular style of illustrations to use in Laura's story.

I stopped at the card catalog and looked up angel books and headed for the stacks, passing an older woman in the brightest floral print dress I'd ever seen. She smelled like she'd bathed in perfume smelling like a garden. She was perhaps four feet from me, where the angel books were housed.

library angel playform.webp

When I'm in a hurry as I was that Saturday morning, I develop laser focus on the task at hand and block everything else out.

"Good morning, dear," this woman smiled at me.
"Morning," I smiled, not wanting to appear rude.
'You have to be careful which books on angels you read," she continued. "So much is written about them that isn't true."

Great. The last thing I want to do is get involved in a conversation with this woman. I just want to get my angel books and be on my merry way. But I don't like appearing to be rude either.

At this point, one of the librarians had come up right next to the two of us and was reshelving books.

"Oh, you know a lot about angels, do you?" I asked the woman, simply to be polite.
"Well, I certainly hope so, dear! I AM an angel."

Ducky. I'm now trapped in a conversation with some nut job who thinks she's an angel. Well, I thought to myself, maybe she has Alzheimer's or something. Be nice, Pat.
"Really," I smiled, burying my face in a book in the hopes she'd take the hint that I really wasn't interested in having a conversation with someone who thought they were an angel.

"Well dear," she said. "I must go. The book of illustrations you're looking for for Laura's story is in the children's section and is titled [insert title]. And by the way, Patricia...I do NOT have Alzheimers!"

The books I have in my hands hit the floor with a THUD! that echoed through the entire library. Which isn't saying a whole lot because at that time our library was the size of a shoebox.
How had she known Laura's name, my name, that I was looking for books on angels, that I was writing a story for Laura?!!

In the couple seconds it took me to scoop the books up off the floor, she'd disappeared. I ran to the librarian's desk, which afforded one a view of the entire library. She was nowhere to be seen. Impossible! I ran out into the building lobby and out the front doors. There was absolutely no way she could've made it to the sidewalk much less to her car. Yet she was nowhere to be seen!

I ran back to the librarian's desk. "Where's that woman that was just in here?"
The two librarians exchanged confused glances. "What woman?" the librarian who'd stood right next to us reshelving books asked.
"That woman that was just in here! Older, gray hair, real brightly flowered dress, smelled like she'd bathed in perfume! You were standing right next to us reshelving books!" I was nearly yelling.

The two librarians now exchanged a look that clearly indicated I was the one looking like they had Alzheimers.
"Ma'am," she said. "You've been the only person in the library this morning! I wondered who you were talking to..."

Oh holy shit. I knew I hadn't imagined seeing this woman! Then I remember the title of the book she'd told me contained the kind of illustrations I was looking for. I raced to the children's section. Sure enough...there it was and it contained the exact style of illustrations I'd been looking for. Proof I hadn't imagined this woman!

I was a cop. I'm used to keeping a cool head when dealing with crisis situations. I was so rattled, I cried all the way home.
My husband took one look at me and asked "Pat, what's wrong?!!" He knew I never cried.

I told him what had just happened in the library.
"Well, sounds like you saw an angel," he said matter-of-factly.
"Well, appears this one did," he said.

That evening I'd finally calmed down so I sat down to make another attempt at writing Laura's story, called The Tiniest Angel. Laura had been born on Thanksgiving Day and the surprise ending to the story was that she was the tiniest angel, sent to remind us what we had to be thankful for every Thanksgiving.

This time the story poured out of me, as though someone were dictating it to me in my head. Within half a day I had the story written and illustrated. I put it in the mail to Laura with a note about the angel in the library. I suspected it was that angel that had dictated that story to me.

The day of Laura's First Communion, my brother held a party of about 30 people at their house. He phoned me in tears, saying they'd just read The Tiniest Angel to everyone there and there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
A few days later, he phoned again. Their parish priest wanted me to publish The Tiniest Angel.

Laura had read the story to her class at school. Then it was read to the entire school. From there The Tiniest Angel traveled to Puerto Rico to be read in schools there. I didn't feel I could rightfully publish the story and take credit for it. I knew the angel in the library had dictated that story to me.

Not that Naz and the Angelics were through with me on the angel front. They'd just begun spinning my head in 360's.

That night I fell asleep watching TV. I dreamed 2 huge angels appeared to me, they had their wings wrapped around something, concealing it. Slowly they opened their wings to reveal Laura. 'TEACH HER!" they commanded. This command was so powerful I was instantly awake, sitting bolt upright.

I looked at my TV screen. I'd been watching a local station that goes off the air at midnight. The vertical multi-colored bar pattern that appears when a station goes off the air was on my TV screen. Suddenly that disappeared and the 2 huge angels in my dream were on my TV screen! The screen began to scroll down until it revealed a picture of the Virgin Mary. My mind is screaming "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! THE STATION IS OFF THE AIR!"
I stayed up every night that week until midnight and each time that station went off the air at midnight and the multi-colored vertical bar pattern appeared on the screen. 

I began awakening each morning to soft voices speaking to me, offering me encouragement, telling me they were at my side.
"Who IS this?" I finally asked after several mornings of this.


Great, now I had Christmas tree toppers talking to me! As if that weren't bad enough, all of my psychic friends (and even some who didn't know me at all) began telling me "There's 12 HUGE angels surrounding your house to protect you!" and "I see Archangel Michael standing behind you in full battle gear." Over a dozen psychics told me this, all independently of one another.
All I could think was Their cheese has collectively slid off their crackers.

Yes, my angel in the library had been Naz. I made him promise not to appear in drag again.
I should have added "And no little shepherd Hummel figurine either!"

Oliver the Bingo Angel

The Angelics had at least gotten me interested in angels with their hijinx. I read a book saying one could ask for an angel to handle specific things in their life. I test I tested this theory out.

The financial destruction the cabal had exacted on John and I was so bad that we often didn't have money for food and had to rely on our local food bank. The only relief I had from the horrific beating I was taking was a weekly Bingo game. I knew my husband didn't like me spending that money on Bingo because each time I came home, he'd sarcastically ask "So how much did you win this time?" But those weekly Bingo games were the only way I was staying sane at that point.

I decided I'd ask for an angel that would just let me have fun at Bingo the following week.
Enter Oliver.

I never won anything at Bingo. The night I asked for Oliver to just let me have fun, I won $2800.
I got home and as usual, John sarcastically asked "So how much did you win this week?"
"$2800," I said.
"You did not!" John said.

I pulled the wad of bills out of my pocket and began counting them out in his hand. He was in shock.
I gave him half my winnings and he never gave me grief about going to Bingo again.


I never asked Oliver for anything but to let me have fun. Every time I asked money would get dumped in my lap.

John and I went to a Packer party at our friends bar/restaurant. They were raffling off a basket of Packer items. 
"I'd sure like to win that," John commented to me. "But I only bought one ticket so there's no way I'd win. There must be 300 tickets in that drum."

I asked Oliver to let John have fun and told John "You're going to win the basket."
Mike spun the drum, reached deep into it, pulled out the winning ticket and announced "And the winner is....John Jackson!"

"How did you know I'd win?" John asked, shocked.
"I asked Oliver to let you have fun," I said.
"Oliver? Who the heck is Oliver?"

I told him the story of Oliver.

Besides my husband, the only other person I told about Oliver was my great aunt. I told her he appeared as this little shepherd boy that had a face like a Hummel's. My aunt collected Hummel figurines and gave me her little shepherd boy Hummel figurine because it reminded me of Oliver.

"Do you think Oliver would let me have fun?" my husband asked.
"I don't have to ask him," I said.

The next day we went down the road to help a neighbor install fans in his bar. When the job was finished, John sat down at one of the gambling machines and put a buck in the slot. He asked Oliver to let him have fun. John won an $800 jackpot, then moved to another machine. He won the $600 jackpot on that machine.
"Holy shit," he said to me. "This Oliver thing really works!"

We decided that any money Oliver gifted us with, we'd give 1/3 to charity to "pay it forward". I knew it's what Oliver would have wanted us to do.

The following week I went to Bingo and won 4 games in the first half of the session.
"Gee, you sure are lucky!" the woman sitting across from me said.

I had my Hummel figurine sitting in front of me on the table. "No, I'm not lucky," I told her.
"It's Oliver doing it."
"Who's Oliver?" she asked. So I told her.
"Do you think Oliver would let me win a game?" she asked.
"I can ask him," I replied.

The next game the woman got one number away.
"Well," she laughed. "At least I got within one number. Tell Oliver thanks for me."
"That's not the game he's going to let you win," I said. "It's the next game."

The woman nearly fell out of her chair when she won the next game.

There was a group of obviously well-to-do older folks sitting at the other end of the table. They'd been talking about nothing but their upcoming trip to gamble in Las Vegas. They' apparently been eavesdropping on our conversation about Oliver. One of the women got up, marched over, grabbed my Hummel figurine and was rubbing it like she expected a genie to pop out or something. 
"Tell your angel to let me win the jackpot so I have more money to gamble with in Vegas!" she demanded.

This ticked me off. I told Oliver not to let her win, let someone who needed the money to win.
I looked around, pointed to an older man in the crowd and told this hussy "You're not going to win the jackpot - he is!"

He won the jackpot.

On my way out, this gentleman stopped me and said "Your woman friend told me about you and your angel. I just wanted to thank you. My wife is in hospice with cancer and tomorrow is her birthday. Because of all the medical bills, I couldn't afford to buy her a present. Thanks to you and your angel now I can buy her a birthday gift."
He had tears in his eyes. I pulled my winnings out of my pocket and put them in his hand, instructing him "You buy something really nice for your wife for your birthday on Oliver and I."

Years later I would say to Naz "You were Oliver, weren't you?"
He grinned and said 'BINGO!"

A Unique Visit with Santa


Every year the food bank, run by my friend, Pam would sponsor a Christmas dinner for those of us who used the food bank. This dinner was put on by various area churches and each dinner had some cause we'd pray for. That year it was Lyme disease. 

This hit home in that I was being treated for Lyme as were several of my friends, and Pam's daughter, an Olympic silver medalist in judo, had also just been diagnosed with Lyme. Pam knew I headed up a local Lyme chapter so was pretty knowledgeable about the disease. As a result Pam and got quite close.

Santa was scheduled to appear at this dinner to hand out gifts to the children. Their parents weren't financially able to buy them much of anything for Christmas so I was glad Santa would give them at least one gift.

Normally there's at least one little kid who cries at the prospect of sitting on Santa's lap. Didn't happen with this Santa. He was absolutely wonderful with the kids. I decided to get in line to go up and thank him for doing this for the kids.

Finally, it was my turn with Santa.
I laughed and said "Don't worry, I'm not going to sit on your lap. I just wanted to come up and thank you for what you're doing for these kids."

Santa said nothin in reply. He leaned back in his chair and cocked his head, just looking at me with the oddest smile on his face. Next to him he had a box of candy canes. As each kid finished their visit with him, he'd pull a candy cane out of this box and give it to the child.

"Well, that's all," I said. "I just wanted to thank you."

There was something SO FAMILIAR about this Santa but I just couldn't place what it was. He made a show of sticking his hand into this box of candy canes and grabbing as many as he could hold. When he knew I'd watched him do this, he dropped them all and handed me one candy cane. What an odd thing to do! I thought.

I began to walk away and he said "Wait! You haven't told me what you want for Christmas! Come whisper it in my ear."

He hadn't asked anyone to whisper in his ear so I'm thinking OK this is getting downright weird! Pam had told me the minister of her church was playing Santa. But I figured well, a minister can't do much of anything with all these people I went over and whispered in Santa's ear "A cure for Lyme disease would be nice."

He looked at me, smiling and whispered back "Remember, I'm always at your side."

I went back to my table. Where did I know this guy from? And then it hit me...the eyes and "Remember, I'm always at your side". It was what Naz always told me and he has unique blue eyes I've never seen on anyone else! OMG! IT WAS NAZ!

I got up and ran through the entire place looking for "Santa" but he'd left the building.

I went up to Pam and said "I know this is going to sound like a really strange question...but what color eyes does your minister who was playing Santa have?"

Again, years later I'd say to Naz "You were Santa at that dinner weren't you?"
"HO! HO! HO!" he laughed.

Be Careful What You Wish For

During the time I was targeted at the Sheriff's Department, all of my fellow cops turned on me and acted like I didn't exist because they were afraid they'd lose their jobs if they associated with me. Our chief deputy was literally a psychopath and would screw with people just because he could. We all called him the "Ax Man'.

Our K9 officer and I were friends because his K9 dog had bonded with me. When he turned his back on me and shunned me it really hurt.
I wasn't yet aware of the kind of power I was dealing with when it came to the Angelics. I said to Naz "You all need to teach that boy a lesson as to which camp he's allied himself with!"

The Angelics are really big on synchronicity and doing things in 3's.


The next day was my wedding anniversary. That morning Ted (an alias) hit a logging truck. As you can see from the photo, he shouldn't have even survived that accident.
His dog wasn't hurt, Ted walked away with only a broken leg.
The accident happened very close to my house.

The next time I ran into him at the local 

medical clinic he was acting like his old self to me. He said to me "Someone was really watching over me that morning!"
I said to him "Well, I'm glad you realize that now! You might want to give some thought as to why you've been shunning me and just who you've allied yourself with in doing that!"

But as I said, the Angelics do things in 3's. A week or so later, a bobcat had been reported in Ted's neighborhood. His niece decided to prank him, hiding while playing an audio recording of a bobcat growling. He shot her, the bullet luckily only hitting her in the shoulder. He was suspended while under internal investigation but eventually cleared. The incident scared the hell out of him. That bullet came too close to her heart and he could've killed her.

Shortly after that, he had another car accident. This time he hit a tree head on when he fell asleep at the wheel of his squad. Again he walked away without injury when he should've been severely injured.

I now realized the enormous power I was dealing with in these Angelics and vowed to be careful what I wished for!


Not that this was any isolated incident either! Most everyone who'd jumped on the 'help beat the snot out of Pat to save our jobs' had something happen to them. 

The first of the Lieutenants who jumped on the bandwagon and was really nasty to me, got up the next morning to watch his wife drop dead right in front of him of a brain anneuryism.
The officer who was bucking to fill the jail administrator vacancy (and was the nephew of my neighbor no less!) had the Chief Deputy do the same railroading job on him that they'd done on me and he too was run out of the SO.
One of the female CO's I'd warned "If you play along with this, it's going to happen again to someone else!" but had played their game anyway ended up being sexually harassed just as they'd done to me.
My sargeant was railroaded out of her administrative position after she lied for the chief deputy to trump me up on false charges. The Illuminati cell in the SO then killed her husband.

The second lesson I learned is what Naz had been pounding into my head: "The weight of our decisions must be endured."  You may not think karma works but it does and sometimes in some very unpleasant ways. The Angelics have an atonement process they aren't afraid to enact based on decisions you make.



One of the women who'd accompanied on my trip to earth to incarnate here also became my best friend in my life here. Her name was Rose.

When my husband and I moved north, Rose had just been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Oncologists had given her 6 months at most to live as she had a number of tumors in her lungs that hadn't responded to treatment.

She was in the process of selling her house and moving when we moved north.

Rose and I lost touch over 20 years as I had no way of finding

out where she'd moved to in order to contact her. As the years passed and I hadn't heard from her, I assumed she'd passed away.

After the Illuminati murdered my husband, I said to Naz "I'm too beat up to go this alone anymore. You need to bring me a friend who will stand by me and believe what is being done to me."

That night I came home to find a message on my answering machine. It was Rose! She immediately made plans to drive north the next morning so we could spend some time together after our 25 year separation. She'd been cleaning out her closet when she found the slip of paper she'd written my new address and phone number on in the bottom of a box.

"Rose, what the HELL happened?" i asked. "I thought you were dead!"
She said "Pat, I said to the Lord that his will be done but that I knew I'd been sent here on a mission and I felt I hadn't completed my mission yet. I asked him to let me stay to complete my mission. The next time I saw my oncologists, all of the tumors in my lungs had disappeared. I was completely cancer free. They called me a medical miracle."

Rose and I both knew who was responsible for curing her cancer - even if the doctors didn't.
We were reunited for a brief period of time before Rose passed away from a stroke.
I believe to this day that I was the part of her mission she hadn't finished yet, in being that friend I needed after losing my husband.

Hurricane Katrina

I had a friend living in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina was getting ready to hit. Like many New Orleaners, she and her family were evacuating. She contacted me and asked me if I'd ask Naz to keep she and her family safe and preserve their home from destruction.

Katrina hit and we lost touch with one another. She spent the next 3 years tracking me down simply because she wanted me to thank Naz for her. She sent a photo on her email of her neighborhood post Katrina.


Her entire neighborhood had been reduced to matchsticks, every home on several blocks completely leveled. 

Standing in the middle of all the rubble was her house, virtually untouched except for some water damage from the flooding.
Not even a window had been broken.

In addition, a huge tree in her front yard had been uprooted and fallen. It should have fallen on the roof, yet by some miracle had missed the house completely with but mere inches to spare.

Her house was the only one left standing within a several block radius and no one in her family had been hurt in any way.  "Ask and ye shall receive".

The 2 Cellos Concert

2 Cellos concert.webp

When 2 Cellos came to town, I bought VIP tickets for my sister, brother-in-law and I to go see them.

Sometimes I wished Naz and I could be like normal people so that he could have attended the concert with us, but I know that's not possible.

Right before the concert, my dad passed away unexpectedly. He and I were very close.

My sister and I debated should we still attend the concert or not? All the arrangements had been made, his funeral was the following day, there really wasn't anything more either she or I could do for him. We decided to go to the concert given the price of these VIP tickets, knowing that's what my dad would have told us to do. 

My dad's passing made me want even more for Naz to be there with me. But I never said a word to him about the concert. I didn't want to make him feel guilty for having to say "Gracie, I just can't come down, I'm sorry."

As was always the case with 2 Cellos concerts, it had sold out the day tickets went on sale. I looked around the packed theater and saw not an open seat except for one right beside me. I figured the ticket holder for that seat had gotten caught in traffic or something but would show up eventually.

The lights dimmed, the curtain rose and the concert began. I wasn't paying much attention when a guy finally took the seat next to me. I was wrapped up in the music.

Stejphan and Lukas began to play the Titanic theme. I love that song. Usually it's uplifting to me but that night it just made me feel a bit sad.

All of a sudden this guy sitting next to me grabs my hand and holds it.
This is not something that's wise to do with me.

I'm sitting there contemplating how to break his fingers for him without disrupting the entire concert when I look over at him. He turns toward me and smiles.

It was Naz.

The Doves

Naz excels at working with signs, as he did with the doves.

The beating I was taking at the hands of the Illuminati was so bad that each morning I'd have coffee at my dining table and watch two mourning doves that appeared in my yard every day.
I'd think to myself I wish I could fly away like them at be at peace.

Our work often necessitated Naz and I going off to do our own thing for awhile and we'd be incommunicado during those times. I soon realized that if I watched these 2 doves, I could tell when one of these splits between Naz and I was coming up because the male dove would disappear for a time. When Naz returned the male dove would reappear.


Things took a turn for the hilarious when Zara came over from Australia to visit. She began watching the doves with me and named them 'Naz and Gracie" after noticing they interacted with each other exactly like Naz and I interacted with each other. In fact, she did a running comedy routine putting dialog to what the Naz and Gracie doves were doing that was beyond hilarious.

Interestingly enough, while she was visiting 4 mourning doves suddenly appeared in the yard - and disappeared forever again the day she left to return to Australia.

Little did I realize what the Angelics were leading up to with this dove business.

I normally don't watch religious movies. But when Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ came out, I watched it simply to see what everyone was fussing about. I never told a soul I watched that movie, not even my husband. 

As I watched it, I realized for every character in that movie, I could insert someone from the Sheriff's Dept. that was involved in my railroading. I thought Man, they crucified the poor guy for having done nothing wrong whatsoever...just like I'm being crucified for having done nothing wrong.
This wasn't a literal comparison between myself and him, it was just an offhand observation.

There's a scene in the movie where the Christ is carrying the cross and he looks up to see a dove flying above him. Everyone said that represented the Holy Spirit being with him. I thought No, that's not what it meant to him. He was wishing he could escape what he was going through and fly away like the dove to be at peace. 

At the beginning of the 1980's I'd received a message from the Council through another psychic.
The message was: "It was written well before your time that you are the Keeper of the sick, the ill fated, of those who follow you for answers. Your time on the earth plane is one of being in chains.
But from this will come a reunion of two with the love of your life."

The night of the same day I'd watched Passion of the Christ, I was chatting with my psychic medium friend, Lisa when she said "I have someone here with a message for you."
"OK, who's it from?" I asked.
"Well that's the weird thing...usually I see who it is but I'm not seeing anyone this time. I'm just hearing this really powerful voice."
"OK, what's the message?"
"He wants to know if you think there was a message for you in that movie you just watched."

I hadn't told ANYONE I'd just watched that movie!

"WHO IS THIS?!!" I demanded.
"Who this is isn't important. Do you think there was a message for you in that movie you just watched?"

"Who I am isn't important. Do you think there was a message for you in that movie you just watched?"


How was I to answer this? I wasn't comparing myself to the Christ! It was just an offhand observation. "I'm not sure I got the message right," I said.
"You did."


"I am not one of the guys as you call them."
"Then who are you?"
"Even the guys must report to someone." POOF! He was gone.

I don't know who was more of a mess, Lisa or I.

"Patty? Was that who I think it was?" she asked.
"You tell me and we'll both know," I sighed, feeling like my life had turned into an endlessly looping episode of the Twilight Zone.


It was then I remembered the message from Council..."Your life on the earth plane will be one of being in chains"...and the following scene from the movie.

Passion of the Christ.jpg

"But from this will come a reunion of two with the love of your life."
At the time they delivered that message to me I remember thinking Jesus?
Which was very odd for 2 reasons: First, I was an Agnostic at the time and didn't even believe in Jesus. Secondly, why wouldn't I have thought my husband, who was the love of my life at the time?

My doves remained with me until I moved to my new lake house. I was sitting on the deck one day just enjoying the sunshine when I said "Naz? I miss my doves..." when what appears landing in a tree right in front of me? Two mourning doves. Just for old time's sake I guess because I haven't seen them since. "Ask and ye shall receive" as Naz had told me.

But we weren't done with the doves just yet.
Just prior to Naz revealing his true identity to me, he came through a friend of mine in Scotland by the name of Mo Ironside. Mo knew the story behind my doves.


I was about to get an even bigger bombshell dropped on me, one akin to the Hiroshima blast...
A part of it was Naz telling Mo "Tell her to read Psalm 55 and come back."

"HOLY SHIT!" Mo I were yelling simultaneously.

Psalm 55:6

It said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest."


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