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Mass Abduction with Jim Sparks

In the following video, contactee Jim Sparks relates the story of a mass abduction he underwent. (He also does a great job of explaining why the ET's don't just land, knock on your door and say "Let's have coffee together!")

I was a part of that same mass abduction Jim Sparks was a part of - although I had no knowledge of Jim Sparks at the time of that mass abduction, apart from seeing him there and acting to keep everyone calm. I'd learn who Jim Sparks was years after this abduction had taken place.

Like Jim, I've never needed hypnotic regression to have detailed memories of my ET experiences because I too have had 99% of my ET experiences while in a fully conscious state, even meeting my ET contacts in their physical bodies here on the surface.

My recall of this abduction is the same as Jim's. I came to on what looked like a gymnasium floor with bodies all around me, moaning and in various degrees of semi consciousness.
There were hundreds of us and yes, the Greys were conducting this mass abduction.

We were seated at 'desks' with small monitors on them. Some kind of IV apparatus was attached next to my knee. It was a 3 pronged IV. Photo below of the marks left by this 3 pronged IV. The scratch at the top puncture mark was from me resisting them attaching this IV device to me.


One of the IV lines did contain an emotion enhancing 'drug' of some kind. I don't know what the other 2 lines held. 

Images of earth in its pristine condition appeared on the monitors we were watching. They were breathtaking.

Slowly earth began to decay as it was destroyed until it looked like a nuclear wasteland.

The Greys gave us the telepathic message repeatedly "YOU ARE KILLING YOUR PLANET! YOUR PLANET IS DYING!"

I don't know about the rest of the abductees, but one of the Greys told me why they were abducting people - to ensure not only their own survival but that of the human race as well.
Not that I agreed with the way they went about this...and I told a Grey this. I texplained to him "You guys went about this completely the wrong way. If you'd said to Terrans "We need your help" and not abducted them without their permission, you would've had a line of volunteers willing to help you." 
However, the Greys in general are rather like emotionless little robots so comprehending this concept proved difficult for them - at least the one I was explaining this to. 

I came to understand that this didn't make them "bad", it was simply the way they were created. They did nothing we as humans wouldn't have done (and far worse!) to ensure our own survival as a species. They aren't the bloodthirsty, prone to violence species terrestrial humans are as a lot. Any ET who has landed here or been captured has been tortured to death and/or killed by our governments. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

As with Jim, this mass abduction kind of served like a turning point for me. I realized that terrestrial humans want easy answers to everything and conceptualize things in a very simplified black and white manner - evil is evil and good is good. The reality is, these simplified conceptualizations don't exist out in the cosmos among our far more advanced ET relatives.

I began to see things through their eyes, how they conceptualize things.

Because of doing this, I was able to forgive those who'd attacked me and done horrific things to me. No, I didn't excuse their behavior but I unburdened myself of the loathing I had for them. I learned that positives come out of negative situations like the one I was in for several years during my abductions and that we don't usually see these positives except in hindsight.

Pat fixed adobe.png

The Lincoln Letter

Naz used a variety of disguises in taking me through my awakening. Had he not done this and simply come out and said "I'm an Angelic, we're extraterrestrials and I'm your partner" I would've laughed in his face and said "Yeah, surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you are! Get lost whacko" and that would've been the end of that. So he had to nudge me a little at a time to get me to the point where I'd know that anything was possible and reveal himself as himself.

Not that he was above spinning my friends heads in 360's as well with his antics! He delights in shocking people - especially me.


I've had this Lincoln thing going on in my life since I was a little kid.


It all began innocently enough with a visit to his Springfield home. I was just a little kid at the time but felt an odd 'kinship' with that house.

When the tour reached the front parlor, I stopped the tour guide dead in her tracks when I blurted out "Eddie died in this room!" "Why yes he did," she confirmed, when she'd composed herself. "But how did you know that?"

"He just told me."


I had no idea who Eddie was apart from a little boy that appeared to me during the tour and began talking with me.

Lincoln parlor.webp

The Lincoln/Civil War experiences would continue with the ghost of a Confederate soldier appearing to me in Gettysburg when I was around 10 years old. When my dad took us to Washington D.C. the only thing I was interested in was the Lincoln Memorial. When I was asked to write a paper in grade school about who I felt was the most important American to have lived, I wrote about Lincoln. So I shouldn't have been surprised at what happened in the early 2000's. It was a summer day and a bunch of my psychic friends and I were just hanging out, shooting the breeze together. Among them was my South African friend, Mike who was an extremely gifted medium. Mike was sick with terminal cancer but nonetheless, continued to be the biggest practical joker I'd ever met. So I initially chalked up what happened that day to Mike pulling a practical joke on me.


"Patty," he said. "I have someone here with a message for you."

"OK, who's the message from?"

"Some American dude."

I laughed. "Well that certainly narrows the field down! Can you be more specific?"

"Says his name is Abe."

I searched my data banks. I didn't know anyone in spirit named Abe.


"He says you wrote a report about him in 6th grade and when you went to visit him you were eating a red lolly and tried to sit in his lap," Mike continued.

This stopped me in my tracks. I'd never told a living soul about trying to sit in his lap when my family visited him...and yes, I was eating a red Tootsie Roll Pop at the time. BUT HOW COULD MIKE POSSIBLY KNOW ABOUT THIS? Surely Mike had to be playing one of his jokes on me.

"Uh huh. You're saying you have ABRAHAM LINCOLN for me?"

"I don't know, some American dude. Who's Abraham Lincoln?"

We explained to Mike who Lincoln was.

"Oh. He's nodding yes," Mike said.

"Uh...huh. And pray tell what does Abe want with me?"

"He says an important letter he wrote was lost. He wants you to try automatic writing and he'll dictate this letter to you." I was then to send this letter to the Natl. Archives.


"Yeah...and I should tell the Natl. Archives what? That Abraham Lincoln dictated this letter to me from beyond the grave? Yeah, I'll get right on that. NOT!"

"He says that proof that what you've written is legitimate will be uncovered."

"Yeah, well you tell Abe I don't do automatic writing."

I figured that would put an end to Mike's practical joke. It didn't. "Abe" then went to every single person in the room, delivering messages of a personal nature Mike couldn't possibly have known, to each person present. As I'm watching their shocked expressions it's beginning to dawn on me something very odd is going on.

Mike's voice and demeanor then changed completely. Mike wasn't Mike anymore. We found ourselves listening to the most eloquent speech we'd ever heard about our Civil War - how it nearly tore both our nation and Lincoln apart and how if we didn't learn from history about (quote) "men's blood being spilled in the sand" we would be doomed to repeat that history. By the time "Abe" finished his speech, there wasn't a dry eye among the dozen of us.


It took us several minutes to compose ourselves - and only then did it dawn on all of us that that afternoon was the 4th of July, Independence Day. Now I suspected what had just happened wasn't a joke...but "Abe" had left the building so there was little I could do about agreeing to write this lost letter.

A couple days later I did run into Mike and asked him if the whole thing had been a practical joke he'd been playing on me. He assured me it wasn't and that he really hadn't known who Abraham Lincoln was. In fact, "some American dude" became a joke between us until Mike's death the following year.

I eventually gave up trying to figure out what had happened that afternoon - until July, 2007.


My husband and I were eating dinner while watching the TV news. Suddenly the news anchor announced "A lost letter written by President Abraham Lincoln has just been found in the National Archives..."

My husband had to literally dive over the table to perform the Heimlich maneuver on me as I'd choked on my dinner hearing this.


Just as Abe had said almost 10 years earlier that July 4th afternoon, "Evidence that what you've written is legitimate will be uncovered." And it had been uncovered in the exact place he'd instructed me to send his dictated letter - the National Archives.


Here's the story from the Natl. Archives own archives.

I now realize I've screwed up BIG TIME in essentially telling Abe to piss off about his letter.
Any medium who deals with those in spirit can tell you this is not something you ever want to do. 
And now I'm faced with a horrible realization because that year our government had begun preparing for a second Civil War here in the United States.

Lincoln letter.webp

If we didn't learn from mens' blood being spilled in the sand we'd be doomed to repeat that history. If I had done as Abe had asked and taken dictation of that lost letter, sent it to the Natl. Archives, could this second Civil War have been averted? Try carrying the weight of something like THAT on your shoulders!

There was nothing I could do. I couldn't turn back the clock to do a do-over. So I did the only thing I could...that evening when I was alone I said "Abe, if you're listening I am SO SO SORRY! I honestly thought Mike was playing a joke on me." I never expected Abe to hear me.

Suddenly I heard that same voice from years ago say "That's ok, love. You didn't know."



" I dare ask is this really you again?"

"It is. But I know how you like your proof, Patricia. Go to a website about me and look at the pictures. And by the way...please call me Lincoln. I never liked the name Abe and everyone called me Lincoln." Poof, he was gone.

I'd screwed up once already so I wasn't taking any chances. I went online and pulled up a website about Lincoln to look at pictures like he'd instructed me to. This is the first picture I came across:


HE BEING DEAD YET SPEAKETH?!!! Apparently Lincoln wasn't one to pussy foot around! Not only that, I found a blurb that said he hated being called Abe so everyone had called him Lincoln, even his wife.


Now my mind is Jello for the most part. What to do next?


Laughter, gales of shrill laughter. "You don't have to shout, love. I'm dead not deaf!"

"Yeah okay...sorry. Why did you come to ME about your lost letter?"

"Because we share a bond."

"What bond?"

"You're a smart cookie. You'll figure it out." POOF and Lincoln's gone again.

For 3 weeks I tried to figure out what the bond between he and I could be. Certainly it had to be more than the fact I'd always admired Lincoln. Lots of people admired Lincoln. I came up with an idea. I'd ask Zara to channel Lincoln for me without knowing who she was channeling. She agreed to give it a try.

"Gee Sis, this man has wonderful energy!" she began.


So far so good, she got his energy right and that he was male.


"Ask him what the bond is," I instructed.

"Sis, did he have a son?"

"Four of them, why?"

"He's saying you're the second and showing me a BAKER?"


At my end, papers were flying through the air as I scrambled to find the slip I'd written the names of Lincoln's sons on. "Oh Sis, he's laughing so hard at the look on your face right now!"

Sure enough...second son: Eddie BAKER Lincoln.


"Wait a minute! Is he saying I'm the reincarnation of his son, Eddie?"

"Yup, that's what he's saying, Sis. He's laughing so hard at the look on your face right now..."

(I'm sure he was)

"Sis, who is this I have?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told ya."

"Try me."

"Abraham Lincoln."

"Oh. (long pause) Wasn't he one of your American Presidents or something?"


I guess Australians know just slightly more about Lincoln than South Africans did.

Was I buying I was the reincarnation of Eddie? Not for one minute and I set out to disprove I was. If I was the reincarnation of Eddie, there would be carryovers from his life into my life now. I was sure I wouldn't find any carryovers. I threw my hands in the air after listing 3 pages of carryovers.

Eddie died just days before his fourth birthday of pulmonary tuberculosis. At his same age I nearly died of pneumonia.

Eddie's mother's name was Mary, my mother's name was Mary.

At Eddie's age I went to LINCOLN school and my dad's practice was above the LINCOLN Pharmacy - that was owned by a man named ED Wavro, that treated me like his own daughter.

My maternal grandparents lived on BAKER Road. (At right)


And on and on the carryovers went.

As it turned out, Eddie's life and my own mirrored each other's precisely - right down to the two of us pitching a hissy fit over our mothers not allowing us to adopt stray cats we'd both found - only to be overridden by our dads allowing us both to keep the cats.

Still not believing I was the reincarnation of Eddie, I contacted a renowned psychic. I told her nothing about this Lincoln/Eddie business going on.

She hit on the fact I was the reincarnation of Eddie Lincoln. She also told me I should give automatic writing a try.


Lincoln and I decided I'd call him "Linc". Lincoln seemed a tad formal at that point.

Soon Linc would drop another surprise in my lap.

"We're related by blood," he informed me.

"Get outta town! We are not", I protested.

"Check it out for yourself!"

My husband was a genealogist so I did have him check it out. Linc and I were indeed related by blood through my mother's side of the family - that lived on BAKER Road. Linc was my 5x great uncle.

baker road house.webp

Nor was Linc shy about appearing to my friends. My girlfriends and I used to hold nightly 'chick chats' and Linc made himself right at home in these chick chats, the first time turning the room upside down by appearing to my friend, Janet White.


She had no idea who she had but I knew immediately. 'Linc' (Naz) went around the room to each one of my friends giving them makeup tips after instructing Janet to tell me to put some red nail polish on. (Naz knows my favorite color is red but that I don't wear nail polish). Finally, Janet asked "Who is this I have?"

I told her "Ask him."

Long pause...



It took a full ten minutes to calm her down before she said "Wait a minute. Why would ABRAHAM LINCOLN be coming through with a message for you?"

"Ask him."



My girlfriends loved him and having him in our chick chats.


Linc was full of surprises. One evening he told me "I'm going to reincarnate."

"You are? You coming back with the same name?" I asked innocently.


"Jesus!" I said "Don't get your undies all in a twist! I was just wondering how I'd know it was you! So just calm the hell down!"


A few weeks later I realized why Linc had blown that gasket and told me "Be careful what you put online."

I'd had eyes on me and the cabal had picked up on the fact Linc was in contact with me. So they hatched a plot to use Lincoln to try to win the American people over to them. Dubya Bush was the first to try it when the American people began comparing him to Hitler - and he came out comparing himself to Lincoln. Which really pissed Linc off. Then Obama jumped on the bandwagon when he was President.


Linc did tell me I'd recognize the reincarnation of him because he'd reincarnate within my family and I'd know him by the name they gave the baby. As it happened, my niece was pregnant so I told my sister about the reincarnation of Linc, figuring that's the only baby he could reincarnate in since no one else in the family was pregnant.

My sister thought I'd lost my marbles. Until one day she nearly broke my door down running into my house yelling "GUESS WHAT THEY'RE NAMING THE BABY! LINK!"

I'd told her this reincarnation would be born on Eddie's birthday - March 10th. Sure enough, on March 10th my niece began going into labor. My sister was in the process of redecorating her house and laying new carpet in the living room. So she shouted out "Linc, you can't come yet! Give me a couple days to finish the house before you come!" My niece's labor stopped and exactly two days later on March 12th Link was born. (No, I kid you not!)


Every year on March 10th, Naz still does something Lincoln-related for me as this was Eddie's birthday. 

Linc was always around when I needed him too. One extremely hot summer day my husband and I were driving the 2 hours north to our home after a medical appointment, when the water pump on our conversion van went, leaving us stranded on the side of the highway. Both my husband and I were disabled so hiking to the nearest town miles away was impossible. We didn't yet have cell phones and no one would stop to see if we needed help.

Out of ideas to get help, I said to my husband "Well, there's only one other thing I know to do and you're going to think I'm nuts."
"What's that?" John asked.

John looked at me as though I'd lost my mind. Until a LINCOLN County deputy pulled up behind our van roughly one minute later and phoned a towing company for us. 

linc deputy.webp

John just stared at me for a couple minutes before saying "Je-sus Christ! You really DO talk with him!"  

When Naz finally did reveal his true identity I asked him if I'd had him as Linc or the real Linc.
Apparently I'd had BOTH and they'd just taken turns at spinning my head in 360's.

We're Going To Reincarnate You Male

There were some events that took place during my awakening journey with Naz that I didn't find the least bit amusing at the time, that when I look at in hindsight I now find nothing short of hilarious. Naver let it be said the Angelics don't have a sense of humor!

Zara and I were chatting one night when someone from the Angelic ranks popped in on us.
Whoever it was, he had really powerful energy but he wouldn't reveal his identity to us. I recognized the voice as the one who'd gone to my friend, Lisa to ask "Do you think there was a message for you in that movie you watched?" (Story in the previous section)

Not knowing what to call him, Zara and I just called him DAD.

"We're going to reincarnate you male," he informed me.

I'd just had the living snot beat out of me by males so I was none too enamored with the male species in general at the time.


(DAD's comedic timing definitely needed some work)

DAD insisted that's precisely what they were going to do. It was part of the Divine Plan.


"But we are, love. We operate according to the Divine Plan and this is part of the Divine Plan," DAD said matter-of-factly.

This argument between us went on for a full hour before it dawned on me there was no way I could stop them from doing this. "FINE!" I spat. "And just how do you propose going about doing this?"


DAD showed both Zara and I a young man (30ish) dying on a hospital operating table. He was put on a gurney and wheeled to the hospital morgue, toe tag on his toe and covered with a sheet.

After he was alone in the morgue, he suddenly sat up on the gurney. Toe tag still on his toe, he strolled buck naked up to a nurse's station. All hell broke loose. The nurses were screaming, was sobbing at his feet. 

"Wait wait wait!!! I am NOT going to stroll through a hospital buck naked with a bunch of male junk swinging in the breeze!" I stated in no uncertain terms.

But of course I was! It was part of the Divine Plan after all!

"Then you better make sure I'm hung like a damn horse!" I growled.

"Getting the list of your demands out," DAD replied calmly, while unfurling a scroll about a mile long.

He showed us his hand writing


"Got it," he said. "Not that anyone's going to be looking at your Yankee Doodle under the circumstances..."


For the next couple of months the first thing I did upon awakening each morning was check to make sure I still had all the right equipment in place. 
I'm sure DAD and the rest of the Angelics were having a good 'ol laugh at my expense.

It took me years to figure out that what DAD was doing was getting my consent to undergo a physical merge with Naz. He could've told me at the time I'd made the wrong assumption but what fun would that have been?!!

When undergoing an awakening journey with the Angelics keep one eye on them at all times and question everything.


During my friend, Zara's visit to me here in the States, Naz had a good 'ol time pulling fast ones on her. 

Zara had always had an interest in John Dillinger. As it happens, my house is right down the road from Little Bohemia Lodge, where Dillion and his gang got in a notorious shootout with the FBI. Johnny Depp would film the movie, Public Enemies up here at Little Bohemia.

little bohemia.jfif

Zara wanted to see Little Bohemia so we decided to go have a cocktail there. While she proceeded to the bar, I made a visit to the restroom. I came out to find her running across the bar to me, asking "Where was Dillon shot? Where was Dillon shot?!"

"In the back. Why?" I asked.

"Sis, we have to get out of here! I have Dillion and my back's killing me!"
(Zara and I are both psychic mediums)

We left Little Bohemia. There's a very long driveway leading into the lodge and we were driving down that driveway when Zara yelled "SIS! DILLINGER'S IN THE BACK SEAT!"

I looked in the rear view mirror and sure enough, there sat Dillinger.

"WHAT DO WE DO?" Zara's yelling.
"I suppose ask him what he wants," I suggested.
"He says he's looking for his girlfriend, Mary."
"Well get the guys upstairs and ask them to send Mary forward."

Zara did this and sure enough, Mary appeared in the back seat next to Dillinger.

"Thank you, Ma'am," Dillinger said, tipping his hat to Zara. "If there's ever anything I can do for you, just call on me."

With that, the two of them disappeared.

What had happened was so bizaare that Zara and I laughed about it all the way home.

We mentioned the incident to my neighbor, Robin.

As it happened, Robin's grandmother had known Dillinger personally. She'd been his favorite waitress at Little Bohemia, always asked for her and tipped her $100 every time she waited on him - a lot of money in those days!

Robin phoned her grandmother and she gave us the lowdown on Dillinger since neither Zara nor I knew much about him apart from the fact he was a gangster.

He did indeed have a girlfriend named Mary - but few people knew her full name was Mary Evelyn "Billie" Freschette.

billie freschette.jfif

She also told us that Dillion was very polite to people and if you treated him with kindness and respect, he always made sure to repay that kindness. I guess the only time he was really a bad guy was when he was robbing banks and having a shoot out with the FBI.

Zara and I would come to find out she did indeed have the real Dillinger in the bar...but Naz took over in the backseat, posing as Dillinger to prank Zara.

Lions, Tigers & Bears...Oh my!

Not that the Dillinger appearance was the only time Naz pranked Zara during her visit.

Zara was TERRIFIED of encountering one of our bears. In Australia, they only have those cute, cuddly Koalas...
Robin and I told her a million times "You won't even see a bear while you're here, so CALM DOWN!"

Zara and I were driving back through St. Germain from a dinner cruise when she brought up the subject of bears again.
"Oh for Christ's sake!" I said. "Would you quit worrying about the damn bears? You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than seeing a bear while you're here!"

What happens at that precise moment? Not one but 4 bears come running out of the woods in the direction of our car. 

I pull onto the shoulder to stop, getting ready to get out of the car and take a video for Zara.
She's screaming at the top of her lungs "NO DON'T STOP! GO SIS! GO! DRIVE FASTER!" while all but trying to crawl in my lap.

And I hear Naz just cackling away.

Piloting A UFO

TR3B cockpit.jpg

While the experts were dissecting my case, I was asked to draw sketches for them of my experiences. What came out in those sketches astounded all of us.

During one of my MILAB abductions I'd learned of something the black ops spooks had planned, yet another deception to lay on humanity that infuriated me. Sufficiently that I went off half-cocked and decided I was going to forward this intel to our Commander myself.

This was a really stupid thing to do on my part, given all the battles raging around the planet at that time.

I won't go into how I "borrowed" a ship to do this...but "borrow" one I did, an alien Grey ship.

I was alone in the cockpit, standing in front of a slightly curved instrument panel. Inset into this instrument panel were multi-colored, small round lights. The only illumination in the cockpit came from those lights. Beneath these lights were alien symbols.

In front of me was a viewing screen that was visible from the interior of the ship but not the exterior. I must have had the pedal to the metal as I was racing through a star field.

star field.gif

I distinctly remember feeling a sense of real urgency, thinking If they find out what I've done, they'll come after me and kill me.

This sense of urgency was so great that I never even looked at what I was wearing. All I knew was that it felt one piece, very snug fitting and lightweight.


I was also very conscious of the fact that I hoped our forces wouldn't disintegrate me, mistaking me for the enemy since I was in a Grey ship.

Soon I could make out our command ship in the distance. Its hatch opened and a group of smaller ships came pouring out. I thought OK this is it, they're going to blow me to pieces and my atoms will be floating around space for ever more.  Instead they safely escorted me the rest of the way to the command ship. Whew!

Upon landing on the flight deck, I was met by one of my escorts - a kid that looked to be no more than 20 years old and reminded me of a CA surfer type.

"Outta my way, KID!" I said, rudely shoving him aside. "I need to see the Commander right away!"
He didn't respond, simply fell in step behind me as I made my way to the pilot's deck.

The Commander must've been expecting me as he met me halfway there in the ship hallway.

Mikael Commander_ccexpress.png

Mind you, Naz had not yet revealed himself to me so I had no clue who this Commander was I was delivering this intel to. I'd only heard everyone loved him and that he always made it a point to show his crews how appreciative he was of them.

I delivered the intel to him. He stared at me for a moment and yelled "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED, WOMAN?!!" FACEPALM.

What the hell???  I'd just risked life and limb to bring him this intel! 

"You're welcome ASSHOLE!" I spat over my shoulder as I stomped back in the direction of the  flight deck. Surfer Dude was standing there with his jaw on the floor, I suppose at the audacity of my calling the Commander an asshole.

"Go escort her safely back to the base," the Commander instructed Surfer Dude.
Surfer Dude began to follow me back to the flight deck.
"I don't need any damn escort! You just stay where you are!" I bellered.

Surfer Dude turned to walk back to the Commander.

"No, you go escort her safely back," the Commander said again.
Surfer Dude headed back in my direction.
"You tell that ASSHOLE I got here on my own and I can get back on my own without any help from him!"

Poor Surfer Dude was being bounced back and forth like a tennis ball at Wimbleton. The Commander finally got his way only because I had that sense of urgency to get back before they discovered what I'd done and came to kill me. I wasn't wasting any more time arguing with Commander ASSHOLE.

Of course, years later I'd come to realize Commander ASSHOLE was Naz and his partner getting her ass shot off in space wasn't part of the Divine Plan. Which is why he'd had a cow about the whole affair.

But some very interesting things emerged in my sketch. 

The first was my description of this ship to the panel of experts and how one operated it - by passing one's fingertips over the instrument panel small circular lights in certain sequences.
I'd later find the following photo of an instrument panel of an alien Gray ship that crashed at Roswell. Note the small circular lights and the fingertips poised over them.

roswell panel.webp

At the time, I didn't even know the Galactic Confederation of Worlds or Collective existed. Yet I drew myself wearing the uniform blue compression suit of the Collective! Even though I'd never looked at what I'd been wearing while flying the Grey ship.

I drew myself standing. I wondered why I'd done this since ships have seats. I got the answer watching an Area 51 documentary featuring a man who'd worked on backengineering those Grey ships. According to him, those seats were built to accommodate the small stature of the Greys. I would not have fit in one of those seats so had drawn myself standing.

Did they eventually figure out what I'd done? Yeah eventually...and having discovered I knew how to fly ships proficiently made me a pilot in their MILAB program.

That would prompt this next incident...

The Propaganda Movie

This event took place at Area 51. One of the black ops spooks was escorting me through an enormous hangar filled with black, triangular UFO-looking ships. There were a whole lot of them and I was so close to one I could've reached out and touched it.

The black ops spook was dressed in a black flight suit as was I. They'd made me help them make a propaganda movie with these black ships. I remember being really angry but I couldn't 'blow my cover'. 

He lead me down several levels to what I could only call a pilot's ready room.


A large screen was inset into one of the walls. In front of it were several rows of movie theater style seats. At the back of the room was a chair behind a table. I was shoved into this chair.

Other pilots entered the room. I immediately sensed these guys were evil. They all looked almost identical - blonde to light brown hair and blue eyes - a kind of "boy next door" look to them. They sat down in the movie theater style seats.

The propaganda movie we'd made began to play. I don't remember any of the movie. At the end of the movie, the credits began to scroll on the screen. As each pilot's name appeared they'd all congratulate one another. It made me want to puke. At the very end of the credits my name appeared in type so small one could barely read it.

At that point, all the other pilots began mocking me: "Who are you? You're NOBODY!"

I wasn't buying into their BS and told them "If I was such a nobody you wouldn't be kidnapping me several times a week!"

At the time, I'd never heard of a TR-3B yet I described them accurately to my expert panel. I'd learn the other pilots were human clones and had also described them accurately. My experts told me the movie I couldn't remember was actually a failed mind control programming session.

Mind Reading Facility

This incident took place underground but I'm not sure in which of the DUMBS. 

I'd been less than cooperative with the black ops spooks in that Naz had clued me in on how their mind control and reading one's thoughts technology worked so I'd blocked them from reading my thoughts. This must've upset them a bit because they took me to one of their mind reading facilities to make the point RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! Well, no it wasn't or they wouldn't have taken me there to try to convince me resistance was futile.

I knew from Naz they needed both facial expression and verbal language for their tech to read your thoughts so I'd been giving them neither to work with.

In this room, there was a huge screen that took up one whole wall. It could be subdivided into several smaller screens. There were long rows of tables with some kind of computers on them.

The computers would pick up one's facial expressions and verbal language and turn them into thought images that would then be displayed on their computer screens and the large screen at the front of the room.


Other MILABS who were shown these same kind of mind reading ops centers reported either actual Greys or small humans wearing Grey masks occupying these centers. However, I saw only human military in the one I was taken to.

I'd later get pissed off during one of their nightly torture sessions and decide to teach these military idiots a lesson - that directing energy worked both ways. Using my mind, I blew up every computer in their mind reading center. Their reaction was actually rather humorous but that was the last night they attempted torturing me. (The fact I told them "Mess with me again, I'll blow your hearts up right in your f***ing chests!" might have had an impact.)


Yes, there are those of us who can do this kind of stuff. Watch the movie, The Men who Star At Goats - listed as "dark humor" but it's the true story about the CIA having psychics that they were making into "Super Soldiers". 

Don't Mess With Gracie!

While at the SO, I was subjected to an Alien Love Bite prior to my Rep rape. If you're not familiar with an Alien Love Bite here's how it works:
The malevolent ET's will pair up a male and female in very early childhood. Normally the two will grown up in cose geographic proximity to one another. They will take them aboard a ship routinely so that the two psychically bond with one another. They'll also bind them together romantically but this is done so their emotions can be manipulated like flicking a switch. One minute they can be lusting after each other like two dogs in heat, flip that switch and one of the partners will viciously turn on the other out of the blue, for no apparent reason.

This creates so much negative energy between the two that the Dracs feast on the resulting loosh. Simply put, death is preferable to being subjected to an ALB.

My ALB partner was one of the lieutenants at the SO. He was 10 years younger than myself, married with two kids. I'd been happily married to my husband for going on 25 years. I knew nothing about the existence of ALB's at the time so had no idea what was happening to me.

Nor was my ALB partner (I'll call him Tom) my type at all. He was very good looking and knew it. He was a bodybuilder and reminded me of a parakeet who was always staring at itself in the mirror. It wouldn't have surprised me to learn he was a successfully programmed Super Soldier

and to this day, I believe he was one.

Tom began flirting with me - shamelessly. He didn't care who in the department saw him. It got so ridiculous I called him on the carpet about it. That didn't deter him in the least. He ratcheted up the flirting. Before I knew what hit me, I was lusting after him 24/7 even though at the same time, I was asking myself What the HELL is wrong with you?!!

Luckily for me, Naz knew precisely what was going on and that it was an ALB so I never acted on it, never did anything with Tom, not even meet socially outside of work. Naz kept me on the straight and narrow, he didn't like Tom one little bit.

After about a year of this, the malevolents flipped Tom's switch and suddenly he was just vicious to me for no apparent reason. The ALB was still in effect so I was absolutely devestated, brokenhearted. 

I knew from one of Tom's friends (who felt Tom had been a real chit to me) that there was a song that reminded Tom of me. I'd made a musical birthday card for him with that song.

When this friend told me what happened to Tom after he'd turned on me, I nearly died laughing.

They'd been driving somewhere when the song Hero came on the radio.
Tom immediately changed the station. Only to hear Hero playing on that station as well. And every station he tuned to after that!

His friend said Tom was so rattled by this that he narrowly avoided rear ending the car in front of him. 

Didn't take much to figure out whose handiwork THAT had been, making Hero play on every single radio station. Chalk one up for the Nazster!  Don't mess with Gracie...

The Ghost Dance OBE

One of the worst freak out's Naz (posing as DE) did to me during my awakening was the

Ghost Dance Out Of Body Experience. He not only freaked me the hell out, he sent my friends into an absolute panic.

My friends and I were audio chatting one night when I began to hear a faint pounding noise.
"Do you guys hear that?" I asked.
"Hear what?" they replied.
"That pounding noise."
"We don't hear any pounding, Patty."

The pounding stopped and we resumed our chat. A couple minutes later the pounding began again, louder this time.

"You guys really don't hear that pounding noise?" I asked again.
"NO PATTY! We're not hearing any pounding noise."
"I'll be right back. Maybe a tree branch is hitting the side of the house or something."

There was no tree branch hitting the side of the house. I couldn't find anything that would be making the pounding noise I was hearing so I returned to my computer. We'd just begun chatting again when the pounding started again! This time is was loud enough that I could tell it sounded like drumbeats! 
"What the hell? You guys really don't hear that?"
"You hittin' the bottle over there, Patty?" they laughed.
"No I'm..."

WHAM! I'm standing in a Native American village. DE is next to me with an eagle perched on his shoulder.
"DE! WHAT THE HELL!" I hollered.

"QUIET. Pay attention."

There was a bonfire raging in the middle of this village, the tribe was seated around it. From the woods bordering the encampment came two rows of braves, carrying what appeared to be a travois of some kind on their shoulders. Their faces were painted black, white and red.

"DE, what the hell. What's the travois thing..."

I looked at the travois thing again and suddenly I FELT DEATH. The travois was for my dead body!
"No. It is your time."

And suddenly I'd died. DE and I had become one with the eagle, soaring through the sky. I was seeing everything through the eagle's eyes, could feel the wind blowing through our feathers. I felt a freedom I'd never experienced, had not a care in the world. I was completely at peace.
It was like the lyrics of the John Denver song..."I slipped the surly bonds of earth."
I could see the canyons below us, a tiny ribbon of a river winding through them. It was incredible!

And suddenly I was back in the Indian village. There was now a kind of very rythmic music playing to drumbeats and the tribe was in a circle, dancing feverishly around the fire in an unusual sidestep.

Then I was back at my computer. My friends were yelling "Patty! Patty talk to us!"
"I'm here," I answered.
"What the hell just happened to you? It was like you were just GONE for nearly 5 minutes and you were mumbling something about an eagle and Indian village and soaring over a canyon!"


I tried to explain what had just happened when the drumbeats began again.

WHAM! I'm back in the same Indian village. The chief of the tribe was standing there. A brave stood beside him, wrapped in a cloak of eagle feathers that nearly touched the ground. To my left a young woman emerged from a lodge and walked toward the brave. He opened the cloak of eagle feathers, took her in his arms and wrapped the cloak around the 2 of them. The chief began saying something in Sioux. I realized I was watching a wedding. I have no idea how I knew that, I just did.

Then I was back at my computer again. My friends were more frantic this time, saying I'd been GONE for a full 8 minutes. "What the hell is happening with you, Patty?"
"I don't know," I said. "One minute I'm here at my computer desk and the next minute I'm in this Indian village! I think I just witnessed..."

The drumbeats began a third time. WHAM! Now I'm inside the lodge where the woman I'd just seen married is about to give birth. DE is nowhere to be seen but I know he's standing right outside the lodge entrance. A holy man is chanting and sprinkling some kind of dried herbs(?) over the woman, who's in hard labor. An elderly tribeswoman is delivering the baby.
It's a girl.

I walked outside to DE. "Who's the baby?" I asked.
"Don't ask dumb questions you already know the answer to," he said.

With that I was back at my computer again. Now my friends were beyond frantic. They claimed I'd been GONE 10 minutes that time and were so frightened they'd track down one of my Native American friends to try to figure out what was going on.
I explained to her what had happened.

"I've seen the groundhog around you for months now," she said.
"What's a groundhog got to do with anything?" I asked.
"It's the sign of death and rebirth. You died and were reborn as the baby girl you saw. You went through the Ghost Dance. Your psychic abilities will be greatly enhanced now."

She was right. I was a strong psychic before the Ghost Dance OBE. Now my abilities had doubled - to the point they scared me. I quit reading people for a full 6 months before I found the courage to try to read again. We tracked my accuracy rate at 97% accuracy. A professional psychic normally has an average accuracy rate of 76%.

A few days after my Ghost Dance OBE one of my friends who'd been in our chat that night told me "You have to talk to this gal in Australia! Her name is Angi. Patty, she had an experience that sounds exactly like yours!"

I got in touch with Angi and we compared notes. Our experiences were identical down to the smallest detail. Her experience had been a dream unlike my actual OBE. We even experienced them on the same night, down to the same minute.


A few nights later, Angi contacted me. "You have to listen to this!" and began playing a video for me.
"Holy shit!" I yelled. "That's the music from my OBE!"
"Yeah, mine too. Guess what the name of the song is."
"What?" I asked.
"Ghost Dance."

The following video shows the only 1894 surviving footage of the original Ghost Dancers and gives you a bit of history about the Ghost Dance. It was indeed a dance of death and rebirth, Native Americans believing the Ghost Dance would bring back the spirits of their deceased ancestors, who would rid the land of the whites and "rebirth" the Native American's way of life.

And here is the Sioux Ghost Dance music Angi and I heard. Although I hadn't yet known a Ghost Dance existed, I had how this dance was performed right as I saw it during my OBE.
A counterclockwise circle around the fire consisting of all the members of the tribe doing an unusual sidestep dance.

Angi and I never did figure out why we had the exact same NDE and dream at the same night and time, down to the minute. That remains unexplained to this day.

My Visit to the Throne Room

Naz loves shocking me. I was on my way up to the ship when suddenly I found myself...well, I don't know where the hell I was!
I was in this massive room you could tell was a room but it looked like you were walking through space at the same time. 

At the far end of this room sat 3 thrones, the middle throne larger than the ones flanking it on either side.

throne room.jpg

In the throne to the right of the middle throne sat Naz, lit up like a fricken Christmas tree.

"WHAT THE HELL?!! WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" I shouted at him.

"Throne room," he replied getting up and gliding toward me.

I wasn't going to ask whose throne room. I was in one of those 'the less I knew the better' frames of mind. It saved me a lot of time questioning my sanity.

"What the hell am I doing in a throne room and where exactly is this throne room?"
"I wanted you to see it since you don't remember it," he explained. "And it's in what you call the 15th dimension currently. Besides, there's someone I want you to meet."

Grabbing my arm he walked us up to the thrones and instructed me to have a seat. No way was this peon butt sitting in one of those thrones! I knew too well by then how the Angelics worked and I wasn't taking any chances. I sat on the steps leading up to the middle throne.

Suddenly this massive white energy and light appeared in the middle throne. Male feet began to form, then legs...I saw about up to his knees. The rest of him was hidden in a white cloud or fog.

"Hello, Grace my child," a now too familiar voice said.
"OH...DEAR...GOD!" I gasped, more to myself than anyone else.

He laughed. "Well yes, some do call me that..."
"DAD?" I somehow managed to squeak.
"The one and only..." 

As if I wasn't enough I was already in a state of shock he then began THANKING ME for his service to him! Can you imagine?!! 
Within seconds my shock disappeared and we were yacking away like long lost friends. I don't know if he did something to cause this to happen but we talked for over an hour. He allowed me to ask him anything I wanted to and answered all of my questions. All too soon our conversation had to come to an end.

"And by the way Grace," he said. "We shall make good on all of our promises to you, including that hung like a horse request you gave me."


It was one of those moments when you wish the floor would open up, suck you into the vacuum of space, The End.

I glanced over at Naz. He had a "PLEASE TELL ME YOU DIDN'T!" horrified expression on his face.
Oh yeah...I did. 

Luckily for me DAD was chuckling and told me he found me quite entertaining. 

One of the most surprising things DAD told me was that he never has a normal conversation with people anymore. They beg him for help, they assault him with demands...but seldom does anyone just TALK to him. I begin every day now with "Morning DAD!" and just have a normal conversation with him even if it's about nothing more than the squirrels playing in my yard. And each morning I'll hear "Good morning, child!" in response.

The created vengeful "God" in the Old Testament is complete bullshit. DAD does not punish one or judge one, not for any reason or under any circumstance. That fact came straight from his mouth and he put it to me like this:

"What is your planet earth?"
Me: A school.

What do you do in school?

Me: Learn lessons.

Say your teacher gives you a math problem to solve and you get the answer wrong. Are you learning by making that mistake?
Me: Well, yeah...because that's how you learn what the right answer was and how to arrive at it.

Then why would I punish anyone for learning by making mistakes when that's precisely what they incarnated on earth to do?


Yeah, why would he? Think about it!


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