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Our perceptions form our thoughts, which manifest into what we consider to be our reality. Our perceptions determine what our daily lives are like.

Let's take anxiety for example...

Anxiety can be a negative or a positive thing, depending on your perceptions of it. You CHOOSE whether to live with anxiety or not via your perception of it.

Once I learned to put things in their proper (and positive) perspective and my perception of them, I became calm, peaceful. I no longer worried about every little thing because I knew I could change my perception of those 'every little things' from mountains to molehills. I no longer felt victimized and quit playing into the cabal game of keeping humanity in a perpetual state of  'feeling helpless' victimhood.

How often do we rely on our own perceptions as being correct only to discover they weren't correct at all and just an illusion? More often than we'd like to admit to ourselves.

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Nope, not a rock floating in midair. Just a plain old rock sitting in a pond. Even though we all know rocks don't float in midair (except in space), your perception was telling you "That's a rock floating in midair" - even though you know that's an impossibility.

Try this one...


By simply changing your point of view all of the plates now look right side up.

Whether or not we've allowed our perceptions to put things in the proper perspective is another matter entirely! By not putting things in their proper perspective we bring needless worry, fear, stress upon ourselves. We even control the physical condition of our bodies and its ability to heal itself.

Warning: Graphic photo ahead

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In 2017 I was diagnosed with the biowarfare agent, Necrotizing Fascitis or Flesh Eating Bacteria.

I'd developed a small cyst in my thigh that ruptured.

Someone upstairs was looking out for me as my doctor could see me the same day this happened. 
She immediately sent me to a hospital 2 hours south of me, even phoning the ER to alert them I was coming. She did not tell me I had flesh eating bacteria in my leg, probably not wanting to alarm me and spread those bacteria faster.

I remember walking in the door of the ER. I remember nothing after that, of the next 3 or so days due to being in a coma.

My surgeons later told me they didn't think I'd live.

I had no less than 15 surgeries and spent a month in the hospital recovering. 

I ended up with a wound that measured 3" wide x 2-1/2" deep x 30 inches long.

There is nothing more painful than Necrotizing Facsicitis. The pain of childbirth pales in comparison.

I could've adopted the perspective "Oh poor me, I got NF" but I didn't. In spite of the excruciating pain, I kept myself in a positive state of mind and positive perspective. 

I survived what should have killed me. Within 3 days of coming out of the coma I was off heavy duty IV painkillers.
The surgical staff told me they looked forward to seeing me on the surgical schedule because unlike their other surgical patients I was always upbeat and joking with them.

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I healed way faster than anyone expected me to. My surgeon told me I had the highest pain tolerance of anyone he'd ever seen in his 30 years of practice. 
My positive outlook resulted in hospital personnel asking me to visit with other seriously ill patients to teach them how to use their perceptions of their illness to not only keep their attitudes upbeat but heal themselves faster.

A year later I would endure a second round of NF in my other thigh - and survive it again.
This in spite of 3 doctors nearly killing me by prescribing 3 different medications that created the perfect storm in my body, raising my potassium to a deadly 7.8 (8 is dead) and sending my kidneys into end stage renal failure.

Emergency surgery to remove the flesh eating bacteria and dead tissue was delayed by my having a catheter the size of a garden hose inserted into my neck in order to perform emergency dialysis to remove the potassium overload from my body.

Yet I came through the second round of NF as quickly and successfully as I had my first round simply because of my perceptions.

I have this friend in the UK. Beautiful person but always focused on the negative. Her perception of herself being a victim is off the charts. She's constantly complaining and focusing on what the 

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cabal is doing, seeing herself as the Awakener of Humanity via posting outdated, irrelevant posts about every little thing the cabal has done. Then she complains she's losing friends and followers. 

She never takes any actual ACTION toward helping to fix what she constantly complains about.

I tried to explain to her about perceptions but she wasn't having any of it, even though she admitted she knew I was right. And then she wonders why her life is always so negative.

If your perceptions are constantly negative, that's what you yourself are making your life - constantly negative. Thoughts manifest into your reality.

So how do you go about changing your perceptions? In addition to the video at the top of the page, I found a really simple way to do it. I got a journal and whenever I was hit with a negative situation, I made a list of all of the silver linings to that cloud. Gradually I learned to focus on those silver linings to change my perceptions to positive ones vs. thinking of those negatives as negatives. I ultimately found fewer and fewer negative situations cropping up in my life.

And by changing your perceptions, this in turn raises your individual vibration and frequency out of the lower dimensional vibration our enslavers seek to keep us trapped in and frees us from their Matrix system.


Perception is your ticket to sovereignty and freedom.


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