Your thoughts create your perceptions/perspectives, which then manifest themselves into your reality.
For example, people who view earth's transition as something they "have to get through" are simply adding anxiety to their lives, which is a negative. They perceive it as being something they must "get through" rather than something they are living IN. Be in the NOW, the journey is the thing. Whatever happens is supposed to happen. How you RESPOND to it determines how it will affect your life. In other words, it's all a matter of perspective.
Realize that NOTHING has meaning, everything is neutral, it simply exists. Nothing has built-in meaning. YOU assign something meaning by virtue of what you've been taught. The meaning you ascribe to something determines what you get out of any given situation. Therefore, if you want any given situation to be beneficial to you, then adjust your perspective to make that situation one from which you can only benefit from - no matter what anyone else may be experiencing in the same situation.
Once I learned to put things in their proper (and positive) perspective and my perception of them, I became calm, peaceful. I no longer worried about every little thing because I knew I could change my perception of those 'every little things' from mountains to molehills. I no longer felt victimized and quit playing into the cabal game of keeping humanity in a perpetual state of 'feeling helpless' victimhood - myself included.
And when we allow our perceptions to get away from us, what happens next? STRESS.
What does stress do to the body?
How often do we rely on our own perceptions as being correct only to discover they weren't correct at all and just an illusion? More often than we'd like to admit to ourselves.
Nope, not a rock floating in midair. Just a plain old rock sitting in a pond. Even though we all know rocks don't float in midair (except in space), your perception was telling you "That's a rock floating in midair" - even though you know that's an impossibility.
Try this one...
By simply changing your point of view or perspective all of the plates now look right side up.
Whether or not we've allowed our perceptions to put things in the proper perspective is another matter entirely! By not putting things in their proper perspective we bring needless worry, fear, stress upon ourselves. We even control the physical condition of our bodies and its ability to heal itself. I'll give you an actual example of this.
In 2017 I contracted Necrotizing Fasciitis - flesh eating disease, via a cyst in my thigh that ruptured.
By the time I drove to the surgeon 1.5 hours south of me, I remembered walking into the ER and nothing after that. I was in a coma for 3 days.
What you see in the photo at left is ONE HALF my wound, where surgeons removed dead tissue, muscle, etc. I was left with a wound 30" long by 3" wide x 2.5" deep. I underwent 13 surgeries in 3 weeks' time.
If you've ever had NF, then you know it's far more painful than even childbirth.
Undergoing daily wound cleanings and dressings were so painful I'd end up screaming and begging the doctors and nurses to stop. My nurses told me later that doing these dressing changes affected them so badly knowing the pain I was in, when the ordeal was over with they'd go into an empty room down the hall and cry. Finally one of my surgeons decided they'd do the dressing changes under general anesthesia.
In spite of all this, I knew I had to put the right perspective on the situation if I was to heal as quickly as possible. I kept myself upbeat, joking with the nurses and even with the OR team when headed for the OR. My surgeons hadn't even expected me to imagine my surprise when hospital staff asked me to counsel other seriously ill patients on how to mentally and emotionally handle their own serious illness!
I healed well enough to go home within 3 weeks - much to my surgeons' utter shock. The huge wound in my leg crease had healed to half its original size in less than half the time it should've taken to heal.
I was hit by a second bout of NF the following Memorial Day weekend. My potassium level spiked to 7.8 delaying the NF surgery. The head of Nephrology came to see me, saying "I've seen someone with an 8 potassium level before - but he was dead. When I heard we had a perfectly lucid, ambulatory patient with a 7.8 level I had to come see you for myself."
Again I nearly died, having to undergo emergency dialysis via a stent in my neck the size of a garden hose to get all of the potassium out of my system before I could be operated on.
But again, I kept things in the proper perspective and this time was released from the hospital within 3 days' time.
Not only did I heal in record time, my primary surgeon told me I had the highest pain tolerance of any patient he'd seen in his 30+ years of practice.
Moral of the story: Adopt the proper perspective and you can get through anything...and even cheat death.
My perspective was "OK this happened, focus on healing as quickly as possible." And I did in very short order!
I found a neat trick to changing negative perceptions to positive ones. I got a journal and any time I was hit with a negative situation, I made a list of all of the positives that could come from that negative experience, as well as all of the positives I had to be thankful for in my life.
By doing this, I trained my mind to automatically go to the positive vs. the negative and change my perceptions accordingly.
I discovered less and less negative situations cropping up in my life as a result.
Don't ask yourself "Why is this happening to me?" Rather, ask "What can I learn from this situation?" Learn that lesson, put the negative situation behind you and move forward.
An added bonus: As you do this you will find yourself developing more and more inner strength. While we may not like adversity, it is one of the most effective teachers we have.
Perception is key in regaining your sovereignty and escaping the Matrix.