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We've written in the past about NWO resisters being under attack by the dark forces and especially, the deep black military. Now they've come up with a new top secret "project" called Project Oblivion.

Listen to the following video...

As far out as it will sound to most of you, what Olivia James is saying is the reality of a Milab "asset".  We deal with occult attacks on a daily basis. We can't live "normal".

The cabal is on its dying breaths. They are DESPERATE to hold onto their power and to stop the worldwide awakening from happening.  This is why targeting is now so prevalent and widespread. As Nathan said, they're trying to purge all resistors to their agenda as a last gasp effort to retain their power and control. 

We've seen how successful they've been with infiltration and creating dissention among the ranks of the Disclosure movement members, with their Divide & Conquer - and the masses in general.  We need to nip their plans in the bud RIGHT NOW! 

While it sounds like an impossible battle given we're fighting an advanced technological enemy we can't even see much of the time, Laura Leon made a great point - they needed US to create what they wanted to create. They couldn't do it themselves without us. Therefore, it's US that really hold the power against them. They need US to do what they're doing! They can't do it themselves in spite of their advanced technology.

Therefore, we need to stop seeing ourselves as POWERLESS against this occult onslaught. We are anything but powerless. We certainly don't need them...they need us. And as Nathan pointed out, they can control our consciousness only for so long.

This is the primary reason for the chemtrail spraying - to block out the light of the sun. These occult entities operate in the DARK. Light acts like a toxin to them so they figure by blocking out the sun they can stop the worldwide awakening and LIGHT in its tracks.

The first step we all must take is to STOP playing their Divide & Conquer game. A mature person does not block and "unfriend" or isolate themselves from another simply because they may have differing viewpoints!  Nor do they isolate themselves from their fellow human beings. That's doing precisely what these occult dark forces want us to do. It's playing their Divide & Conquer game. Ask any of we assets that were subjected to their mind control programming. The very first thing they did to us in order to attempt to successfully program us was ISOLATE US from family, friends, any kind of a support system at all. 

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As extensions of the Creator Source we all have that Light within us and it radiates outward from our bodies exactly 6'.

When we're within that proximity of one another and our "love fields" connect with one another that Light doubles in strength and intensity. Which is toxic to these dark entities!

And what do we now know about that 6' social distancing mandate?

As Nathan suggested we need to start something like Project Unity, where we support one another and pick up those who have fallen (if they want help!) rather than tossing them aside and shunning them. 

The love we have for one another is the most powerful weapon we have in our arsenal. Like the Light, it acts like a toxin on these occult dark forces.

If you doubt this, go back to their Scamdemic and their 6' social distancing mandate! Why did they choose 6' specifically? 

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Anthony Fauci showed ‘no remorse’ for ‘made up’ social distancing rules

We need to start physically re-engaging with one another! We need to let our heart field energy physically connect with one another again. 
Being different, having differing thoughts and opinions is what makes us unique as humans. It does not make one an "enemy" simply because someone has beliefs different than our own. It's by sharing differing opinions and ideas that advances in civilization are made - for the benefit of humanity - not what we've been seeing from our adversaries camp with their censorship, etc. that stifles any beliefs apart from their own insanity.

The targeting of podcasters bears this out. The really good podcasters host a variety of guests, all with differing viewpoints and beliefs and they do so without judgement. They are perceived as a threat that must be eliminated by our adversaries for this very reason! 
Ask any podcaster how many different platforms they now have to post their videos on just in order to ensure their videos air and sidestep Internet censors and controllers.

It would be to our advantage if we figure out a way to keep them "on air" on an increasingly censored and controlled Internet BEFORE this targeting is successful and their voices silenced. Tech geeks out there...ideas as to how to go about this?

Another crucial step we all need to take is to stop avoiding unpleasant emotions or spiritual bypassing in our awakenings. Olivia has the right idea...we can learn a lot in listening to dark forces provided one has the experience and expertise to do that without harm coming to themselves. These dark force entities are UBER ARROGANT so have no problem bragging about their plans and often, telling us things they shouldn't.

Even if one does not communicate with these dark force entities, one needs to confront negative anything head-on. That's part and parcel of a spiritual awakening and doing spiritual work on one's self in order to evolve spiritually. If we throw up a road block to protect us from feeling that negativity our spiritual awakening stops in its tracks and comes to a standstill.

It's by confronting the negative that we release any trauma associated with it and make important discoveries about ourselves that are necessary to spiritual growth. We can't heal and fix what we refuse to confront.

Everyone needs to listen to this because we're all guilty of spiritually bypassing at one point or another...

Lastly, we need to stop focusing on all of the dark forces negative surrounding us and start FOCUSING ON THE POSITIVE. No, I'm not saying become New Age "LOVE & LIGHT!"

Just stop focusing on cabal hijinx. Be aware of what they're planning but don't absorb it like a sponge. Remember, these occult entities feed on negative energy loosh - which only makes them stronger! We want to cut off their all-they-can-eat loosh buffet that only makes them stronger and strengthens their resolve to stay right here on earth and continue to run their prison planet.

Every time we draw our own and others attention to them, this creates loosh and at the same time, lowers our vibrational frequency - which is the exact opposite of what we want and need to be doing in order to drive them off the planet and make it inhabitable to them. 

As Olivia stated, there's not going to be an appreciable resistance to these occult forces for a good 15 years yet and that will be the job of the 3rd wave of volunteers who are in their teens now. (This is why their wave contains all of the reincarnations of America's Founding Fathers., compliments of the Divine.)
They're going to party like it's 1776 again and they came 'specially equipped' specifically for that task of overthrowing the cabal and pounding the final nail in its coffin.  It's why their brains operate like computers. They'll be facing an advanced tech adversary so must be able to outwit the employment of that technology used to enslave humanity.

In the meantime, we must do what we can to prepare the way for this 3rd wave, just as the 1st wave of volunteers laid the groundwork for the 2nd wave of volunteers to come in and do their thing. All 3 waves were designed to work hand-in-hand with one another which is why we must put a stop to this Divide & Conquer nonsense among ourselves and start working together as a united team. 

Project Unity? Count me in, Nathan! 


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