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If you think your thoughts are always your own then you really need to listen to this interview with Jerry Marsinsky...

© Cosmic Switchboard
© Cosmic Switchboard

We've written several times before about the Archon AI demonic parasites and their takeover of the minds of humanity.  Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the field of Psychology/Psychiatry.

I have a couple of friends who are psychologists. I asked them "What is the definition of the mind in your diagnostic manuals?"
"There is none. We can't define the mind."
Me: "Then how can you possibly diagnose and treat that which you can't even define?"

They admitted to me that psychologists/psychiatrists get together and basically "vote" a new mental illness into existence - that then feeds the mafia Big Pharma huge profits as these shrinks treat the symptoms of these fictional "mental illnesses" in their patients, by prescribing psychiatric drugs.

Even 20 years ago we didn't have illnesses like ADHD or the plague of "anxiety" that has now consumed many people. That's because psychiatrists hadn't yet made up these "mental disorders". 

How many are currently on psychiatric medications for "anxiety" or "depression", convinced by false science that they actually have a real mental condition?

I had my own personal experience on this front. For over 5 years I was denied the disability payments I qualified for under several illnesses which were the direct result of my military abductions. Those illnesses were completely ignored by SSA as legitimately entitling me to disability benefits.

I was ordered to an SSA psychiatric evaluation by a shrink who'd never met or even spoken to me before. Within literally under 60 seconds of speaking to me he said "You're no paranoid schizophrenic!" No, I'm not...and who put the idea in your head before even meeting me that I WAS schizophrenic?

Cops make very good witnesses because we're trained in observation and writing factual reports. Despite telling me "You're no paranoid schizophrenic!" what did he diagnose me with?
PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA. One more "threat" discredited.

They ordered me to another shrink...who spent the entire 15 minutes (before I walked out in the middle of the appointment) doing her best to convince me to say my father had sexually abused me as a child. No such thing had ever happened. But this is how corrupt the field of Psychology/Psychiatry has become.

The LAST thing I'd advise someone struggling mentally to do would be see a shrink.

As Jerry said in the videos, we need to recognize that if we're having negative thoughts about ourselves, that THEY ARE NOT OUR OWN THOUGHTS!  They are these AI Archon parasites.

It's not difficult to connect the dots across the board between all aspects of these AI parasites.

As Jerry said about his own experimentation with "schizophrenics", these demonic parasites are agitated by religious things like Psalm 23:

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Why? Because the last thing they want is anyone turning to Jmmanuel, the Divine and faith that would free them of these parasites, the Divine acting like a toxin on them.

We saw this in 2005 with Bill Gates' presentation to the CIA re: Eliminating the God gene via vaccination. 

When we connect to the Divine and the Creator Source we raise our vibrations out of range of these demonic entities. They don't want to relinquish the control they have over their host victims.

We saw this in the COVID shots...
I had several people come to me personally, saying that after they took the first jab they suddenly felt a spiritual void within themselves. They no longer felt any connection to "God". That connection had been severed. And yet, our direct connection to the Creator Source is the very way to take these demonic entities out of power!

Same with government mind control programming. The first step in that programming is to destroy the targeted individual's self esteem. What do these AI parasites do? "You're no good. You're worthless. You're ugly. No one would ever love you. Why don't you just kill yourself?"

What is the Theata program/alter in this mind control programming? The SUICIDE PROGRAM.
The dark forces don't want to kill us themselves. They want us to do the dirty work for them and kill each other and ourselves for them. Hence, the Theata mind control alter and why there is such a high incidence of suicide among "schizophrenics".

What's the highest level CIA mind control program that utilizes V2K voice-to-skull technology?
The Voice of God. 

If you can convince a person "God" has abandoned them, you can get them to commit any crime.

I had it used on me in the deep black military's attempt to mind control me. They also created a Theata suicide program in me, which was almost successful. In my own experience it was just as Jerry described: You have 2 demons sitting on one shoulder and 2 guardian angels on the other, battling it out.
Thankfully, my guardian angels won that battle with the demonic telling me "Go kill yourself. Go out to the garage and hang yourself. Do it right now!"

I'd never had any previous thoughts of suicide and I've never had any since having asked my Angelics to disable any aspects of mind control programming and/or parasite infection I'd been subjected to. Nor do I suffer from anxiety, depression, schizophrenia or any other "mental disorders" these parasites cause or suffer from negative thoughts about myself they inflict on their hosts. Just the opposite. I'm calm, at peace and enjoy my life despite all the Luciferian insanity that now surrounds all of us. I don't worry about it because their days are very numbered now.

At Selamat Ja, we stress the importance of learning to master energy and perceptions, which in turn makes your personal vibration rate higher and puts you out of vibrational range of these demonic entities. Learning to control your own mind is the first step in protecting yourself against these parasitic energies.

Healing yourself of any past traumas is also critical.

If you're interested in the Causative Institute that Jerry recommended, then visit their website by clicking on the box below.

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Get your ego-mind in balance with your spirit and soul. These entities use one's own ego against them to attach to their hosts. 

If you're on any toxic psychiatric drugs, do yourself a favor and get off of them. They don't cure anything and you don't need them to do what your mind is capable of doing itself.

Most importantly, recognize the fact that when you have negative thoughts about yourself

The Creator doesn't create junk! You are every bit as worthwhile and valuable as the Creator itself, being you are an extension of that Creator. Don't allow yourself to believe otherwise.

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