Relating to Pat's ET Experiences
Were you ever scared by any of the ET races you've met?
No, I wouldn't say scared. More apprehensive initially due to their appearances and until I figured out friend or foe.
But none of them scare me now, even the Dracos.
How many ET races have you met and which ones are they?
Oh man...I have to count them up. LOL
Benevolent: Agharthans, Alpha Centaurians, Andromes, Angelics, Arcturans, Dolphins, Emerther, Ichaboids, Lyrans, Merpeople, Plejarans, Procyons, Sirian A's, Tau Cetians, Yahyel, Yellow Bellies.
Malevolent: Draco Reptilians, Rigelians, Zeta Reticulans, Imdugtk or Tall Whites/MIB.
Pat, how many alien languages do you speak?
This is a tough one to answer accurately. I've been told by both my ET contacts and my deep black military abductors that I speak a great number of ET languages. However, I don't remember speaking these languages - which is why I have Aron as my ET languages instructor.

I do know at the start of my awakening journey Naz took me home to the Hall of Records to show me a book written in alien script. I glanced at it and said "How do you expect me to read that?"
He said "You can read it, you have before."
When I really looked at it I found I could read it. Don't ask me how!
According to Naz, I spoke thousands of languages fluently but they got erased when I incarnated here - which is why I'm starting from scratch with Aron.
I did find the above video interesting as when I heard John speak the ancient Plejaran and Arcturan languages, I immediately thought I've heard these before! So there was a glimmer of recognition on my part. (John begins speaking these languages at 21:07 on the video. I did check with my Plejaran and Arcturan contacts and they are indeed legitimate ancient languages.) The best answer I can give you is apparently I used to speak many ET languages fluently but not anymore. I know a few words in a smattering of them.
Do you believe in God?
Not the malevolent created God of the Old Testament, no. Do I believe in the Creator Source? ABSOLUTELY!
Will you ever write a book about your life and ET experiences?
No, I have no desire to write a book.
Do you consider yourself an expert on the ET presence, NWO agenda, etc.?
Good heavens, NO! I don't think anyone (Terran or ET) can be considered a true expert. There's just too much involved in this mess, the greatest portion of it conducted under an impenetrable cloak of top secrecy and duplicity. I can only relate my own personal experiences and anyone is free to accept or reject those experiences. But no, I'm no expert and have never professed myself to be.
When do you think we'll get Full Disclosure from the government?
NEVER. They spent the last 75 years or more murdering in cold blood those who threatened to expose their ET coverup. Why would you think they'd suddenly disclose everything???
Say "See? I told you ET's existed!" So what? Pretty much everyone has figured that one out. LOL
If the govt. discloses anything, it will be deceptive and done to advance their agenda.

How many UFO's have you flown and been on and whose were they?
I've flown SSP UAP's, Plejaran and Tau Cetian scout and transport ships. I spent a month on a Andromedan biosphere and been on Arcturan command ships. And of course, on the New Jerusalem.
Is 5G a trap in your opinion?
It depends on the person and their perceptions. In the New Age Accension meaning? Yeah, most definitely a trap. However, if you see the planet transitioning as the natural occurrence that it is, then no 5G will not be any kind of trap. Basically, it's only a trap if that's how you perceive it and you leave common sense out of the equation.
You said you saw mermaids. They're really REAL?
Oh yeah, they're real. Many ET races have land dwelling species that began as aquatic species. So did we humans. Some life here began as a 1 cell marine organism.
The U.S. government had 3 live mermaids in captivity at one time. One of the Presidents (forget which one) saw them. All 3 mermaids ended up dying in captivity.
I've tried both telepathically communicating with the ET's and verbally communicating with them. I never get an answer. What am I doing wrong?
You're not necessarily doing anything 'wrong', per se. They communicate with those most like them and that they've prepared for communication with them. That preparation takes place over several years. It's not a short term thing.
Why were Milabs used as "double agents"? Why not someone who was on the inside all along?
James and I discussed this in an interview he and I did together but he explained it more thoroughly in the next video interview he did with others. Slide the timer to 52:22 and listen to what he says. He explains the whole thing very well.
As he said, we were the only ones who COULD successfully infiltrate these deep black programs and work within them because our abductors operated under the assumption they'd dragged us in from the outside,
kicking and screaming. They had NO CLUE who they were actually abducting until it was too late and we'd done what we needed to do within cabal strongholds.
What's the difference between abductees, contactees and experiencers?
Abductess consider their ET experiences to be negative in nature. Contactees consider their experiences to be positive ones. Experiencers consider their ET experiences to be neither positive nor negative but just an experience.
Can't you Milabs sue the government?
Our cases are dismissed on the grounds they're a "threat to national security".
Is Q a psy-op like many claim?
Just because the many say it doesn't mean there's a kernel of truth to it. Q was no psy-op. During the JFK presidency, JFK realized how corrupt the system was, especially the CIA, whom he planned to abolish. Since corruption surrounded him, he trusted a group of friends as his advisors. They called themselves "Q".
Kennedy was assassinated before he could abolish the CIA, McNamara had already founded the DIA, a military intelligence agency that would have taken the place of the CIA had JFK managed to abolish it. "Q" continued on within the DIA. Today it is comprised of about a dozen individuals who act in a military intelligence capacity and particularly deal with nuclear affairs. Q is one of the highest security clearances one can have in the military. My own husband had a Q security clearance in the military.

Both JFK and JFK Jr. had Q's incorporated into their gravesites. Ask yourself why?
Now that we know JFK Jr. is still alive, I believe he was the voice of the modern Q movement.
One of the first Q drops said something to the affect "If you knew who this was talking to you, you'd be shocked."
Remember, he vowed to take down his father's assassins even if it meant taking down the entire government.
How do you know JFK Jr. is still alive?
His cousin, RFK Jr. confirmed it during a video interview. Then JFK Jr. and Carolyn were filmed by the mainstream media boarding Marine One. Photos also surfaced of he, his wife Carolyn, her sister Lauren, JFK's son John and the rest of the Bessette family at some of the Trump rallies.
I never bought he'd died in that plane crash so did my own investigation including reading the original FBI file and even talking to one of the divers that supposedly recovered his body.
I'd also found flight records of a Cessna 182 Skylane (the same plane JFK Jr. flew before the Saratoga) with the same registration number unique to JFK Jr. When a plane crashes and the pilot dies, their registration number is retired. Therefore, only JFK Jr. could've been flying that Cessna 182 Skylane from his home to a military base near Quantico - where JFK Jr. was first photographed years after the crash.
When RFK Jr. confirmed JFK Jr. was still alive, I got another copy of the FBI file. All pertinent (incriminating) evidence had been removed from the original file, photos had been replaced with fakes of plane reconstruction that didn't even match his Saratoga, and much of the original file was missing.
I'd dated a pilot and none of the 'official cover story' made any sense from a flight and pilot perspective. Nor did the cover story of how the remains of the Saratoga were reported being found or the bodies that were supposedly recovered. And the body photographed being brought out of the water absolutely did not match that of a body that had only been in very cold water for 5 days.

The rate of decomposition on the body brought up was FAR too advanced for it to have been JFK Jr. or anyone who'd only been in the cold water for a mere 5 days.
I also performed biometrics on photos of JFK Jr. taken right before the crash and a very recent photo. The facial ratios matched exactly - meaning it was 100% JFK Jr. in both photos.
Biometrics are 100% reliable in identifying a person using unchanging facial ratio points.
So there was more than ample evidence JFK Jr. faked his death.
Have you ever been in a re-gen tank?
Not that I recall...but that doesn't mean I haven't been given the black ops spooks were always sending us into battles of one kind or another. I have seen them though. If you've ever watched the movie, Starship Troopers, advance it to 1:09 on the timer and you'll see one of the characters in one style of a re-gen tank.

What's your opinion on us ever getting medbeds?
PFFFT! Wishful thinking. The cabal's goal is to eliminate 9/10th's of humanity. They've done everything possible to poison and kill us as it is. That being the case, why would anyone think they're going to haul out medbeds for John Q. Public?!! They're not going to suddenly decide to heal the same population they're desperately trying to cull.
The only way the masses will ever see medbeds is if friendly forces capture them and release them to the public. And then they'll make the cost of using one so ridiculous only the rich will be able to afford to use them.