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If you have a question for Pat, simply email us and she will answer your question here.

We've tried to organize questions into categories so that if you're looking for the answer to a specific question it will be easier for you to find.

Relating to Pat's personal experiences

Were you scared by any of the ET races you've met?

I wouldn't say scared...more startled by their appearances never having met them before, like the Dracs and Yellow Bellies. I'd be far more afraid of terrestrial humans than any of the ET's.

How many ET races have you met and who are they?
Oh man, I'd have to count here...  I only count the ones I get to know personally and work with because I meet thousands at the star nation meetings.

Benevolent: Agharthans, Alpha Centaurians, Andromes, Angelics, Arcturans, Dolphins, Emerther, Ichaboids, Lyrans, Merpeople, Plejarans, Procyons, Sirian A's, Tau Cetians, Yahyel, Yellow Bellies. Malevolent: Draco Reptilians, Rigelians, Zeta Reticulans.


What do you say to people who claim there's no such thing as extraterrestrials?

aliens are real.jpg

Pat, how many alien languages do you speak?
This is a tough one to answer accurately. I've been told by both my ET contacts and my deep black military abductors that I speak a great number of ET languages. However, I don't remember speaking these languages - which is why I have Aron as my ET languages instructor. 

I do know at the start of my awakening journey Naz took me home to the Hall of Records to show me a book written in alien script. I glanced at it and said "How do you expect me to read that?"
He said "You can read it, you have before."
When I really looked at it I found I could read it. Don't ask me how!

According to Naz, I spoke thousands of languages fluently but they got erased when I incarnated here - which is why I'm starting from scratch with Aron.

I did find the above video interesting as when I heard John speak the ancient Plejaran and Arcturan languages, I immediately thought I've heard these before! So there was a glimmer of recognition on my part. (John begins speaking these languages at 21:07 on the video. I did check with my Plejaran and Arcturan contacts and they are indeed legitimate ancient languages.) The best answer I can give you is apparently I used to speak many ET languages fluently but not anymore. I know a few words in a smattering of them.

Do you believe in God?
If you're referring to malevolent Sirian created "God" in the Old Testament, no. I do believe there is a Creator Source that is to be respected but not worshiped and that all of us comprise this Creator Source by virtue of being extensions of it. But I absolutely believe in a supreme being.

What does your family say about your ET experiences?
Nothing. They're the ultimate normies so don't even know about any of this. It's not something I share with them. 

Do you believe in synchronicity?

Oh absolutely! In fact, I just had a wild one today. The other day my uncle, Chuck Kremer passed away. I went to the grocery store, while waiting for them to bring my grocery order out was thinking about my uncle. He'd been one of my favorite uncles. A car pulled in opposite me, the license plate read C KREMER. I just started laughing and said "Very funny, Uncle Chuck!"
The Angelics are big into synchronicity so yeah, I absolutely believe in synchronicity.

Have you ever been in a re-gen tank?
Not that I recall...but that doesn't mean I haven't been given the black ops spooks were always sending us into battles of one kind or another. I have seen them though. If you've ever watched the movie, Starship Troopers, advance it to 1:09 on the timer and you'll see one of the characters in one style of a re-gen tank. Here's the movie on Tubi  There are different styles of re-gen tanks.

Will you ever write a book about your experiences?
Everyone and their brother has told me to do that but I have little interest in writing a book.

Do you see yourself as an ET or a Terran?
Both, although more ET in that I operate from the viewpoint and knowledge of the ET's and now work far more closely with our ET forces than with Terrans here. A Chicago psychic many years ago told me "You're not of this world. It's like you walk with one foot in each plane."
That really kind of best describes it.

Do you consider yourself an expert on the ET presence, NWO agenda, etc.?
LMAO!!! Good heavens, NO! I don't think anyone (Terran or ET) can be considered a true expert. There's just too much involved in this mess, the greatest portion of it conducted under an impenetrable cloak of top secrecy and duplicity. I can only relate my own personal experiences and anyone is free to accept or reject those experiences. But no, I'm no expert and have never professed myself to be.

Do you feel the elites will succeed with their agenda?

That depends on the mass consciousness of humanity. We write the ending to the prison planet - or not. Let's just say I'm getting less and less optimistic that it will end in our lifetime.

I'm wondering if you watched Childhood's End. If so, what was your opinion of it?

I have seen it, yes. [For anyone interested, it's on Tubi here] I think it's rather prophetic. It's what's happening right now...evil disguised as good. The "overlords" taking of our children. And the cabal's plan is to offer the world a false peace - which everyone will want after all the insanity they've caused. But it will be short lived before they enact their final plan. It's only to keep us complacent so we don't resist the "overlords". 

Pat, overall do you think alien abduction is a good thing or a bad thing?
Me personally? I personally think overall they're a good thing. I know even with my negative experiences I learned a lot from them and became a much stronger person beccause of them, even if that wasn't the negative ET's and/or human military abductors goal in abducting me. And I became much more aware of what's actually going on in the world vs. sleepwalking through life as I had been before the abductions.

On the benevolent side, they don't abduct but my interaction with them opened up a whole new cosmos to me and that's been invaluable! I've seen and experienced things I never even would have considered possible before my interaction with them.

It comes down to an abductee's/contactee's/experiencer's own perceptions and what they wish to make of their ET interaction experiences.

Thank you for the consultation and going way over the time allotted. I knew you were the real deal, especially when you admitted you didn't know the answer to one of my questions but would try to get the answer for me. I've found many try to BS their way through something like that. I loved the information on your ET family! I understand your reservations about posting much about them but I wish you'd do an article on them? Thanks again!

I'll think about it and discuss it with them.

I'm confused about something. The Angelics had mystery schools on earth, initiations were part of these mystery schools. How are those any different from the dark side mystery schools and initiations that exist now? Seems to me they're the same thing!
Great question! Remember the goal of the dark forces in this battle - to genetically BECOME the Angelics themselves. This is why they have imitations of absolutely everything Angelic - the Shadow Principle.
The Angelic mystery schools that existed at the time of the Christ were infiltrated around that same time by the Illuminati. When that happened, they flipped those mystery schools and initiations to the negative left hand path. Prior to that, the Angelic mystery schools would be very similar to attending say, a seminary today or taking a class in the paranormal at an educational facility. 

Those who trained in the Angelic mystery schools were not into practicing the occult. These deep state secret societies were and are into preserving the ancient occult practices. That's the difference between the two.

Can you consciously astral travel?
I've done it but didn't particularly enjoy it. I wouldn't recommend anyone astral traveling due to what resideds in the astral.

I notice when you write, you write at some times like you're human and other times like you're ET. Why?
Because any of us who came here are BOTH. We're incarnated in human bodies and have shared a lifetime experience with all of you so in one sense, we're every bit as Terran as you are. On the other hand, we tend to see and experience things from an ET perspective because we are ET.

What do you say to the following?

angels vs aliens.jpg

I say I'm confused as to what it is you're asking. LOL I believe you'll find this quote from Project Mannequin on this website:
The Galactic Confederation has a policy of non-intervention in the history of a planet’s developing population; however, like any council, there will be different viewpoints. Now we get into the real secrets of the “Angels” and the ancient galactic battle known by the Pleiadians as the Luciferian Wars. The simple fact is that the beings known in religious texts as Lucifer, Michael, Azazel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel were/are physical extra-terrestrials.

I believe we've stated everywhere on the site that those you call "angels" are extraterrestrials so I really don't understand your question being they're one in the same???

Pat, what's your opinion on the Gaia website and other Gaia outlets?
I don't waste my time on anything Gaia, especially since Corey Goode and David Wilcock were scamming people on there. I don't waste my time on anything New Age.

I've attached a video. I'd like to know if this sounds to you like a legitimate alien talking. I thought they were telepathic?

Well as I said above, I'm no ET language expert due to my memories of their languages being erased from my memory. But lay it on me, I'll give it a shot.

Don't know what to tell you on that one, wish the audio was a bit clearer.
If it is an alien language I don't recognize it or who it would belong to.

The most I can say is that some ET races' languages have that somewhat 'clipped' sound to their words and alien languages in general tend to have lots

of vowels in them. I'd really have to ask Aron on this one. He's the master linguist.

Yes, the ET's are telepathic communicators. But some of them have verbal languages as well. They rarely speak them, at least that I've seen because telepathy is so much faster and more efficient than verbal languages are.

Who are the top sources you follow online for accurate information?

Not many anymore! #1 would have to be DJ, Dark Journalist. He does deep dive info, is very in the know and well connected. #2 would have to be John Warner IV. 
Others would be Tom Montalk, James Bartley, Eve Lorgen, Rainetta Jones, Sacha Cohen, Laura Matsue and Bernhard Guenther, Mel K.

Who WOULDN'T you follow for accurate information?
Where to even start on that one! Chris Mellon, Luis Elizondo, Dr. Steven Greer, Elena Danaan, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Alex Jones, Linda Moulton Howe, David Grusch, Tucker Carlson, Gaia or New Age anything or anyone, I mean I could go on listing until the cows come home.

This is off topic but I hope you'll answer it. What's your favorite book or movie and why is it your favorite?
Lord of the Flies - both book and movie. It's my favorite because it shows what happens when people allow a society to break down into anarchy.

You can watch it here if you're interested...

What's your opinion on how this will end for the cabal and on disclosure?

The cabal is sitting on a pressure cooker that's about to blow. Remember, they're puppets too! But they believe if they leak everything a scrap at a time, everyone will be ok with what they've done. I think like John Warner said in one of his interviews that people are freaked out already and when everything comes out the masses are going to be literally immobilized by it - drooling, licking the windows, etc. because even those who think they're "awakened", most of them haven't scratched the tip of the iceberg on this mess. They know 101 surface level stuff. The ordinary person has ZERO conception of the level of evil we're dealing with. Well, that pressure cooker is going to blow on the cabal. They're desperate at this point because people have figured out a great many things faster than the cabal ever thought they would.

And it's like Warner said, they're like race cars on ice, spinning in circles. They keep applying more gas but that only makes them go in faster circles.

Disclosure - you're NEVER EVER EVER going to get full disclosure. Why would you think you would after 50+ years of them killing people in cold blood to keep it all covered up?
And let me ask you something...what would you do with full disclosure if you had it???
Feed your ego and say "SEE? I WAS RIGHT!" because that's all you could do with it!

ET's and their ships

When will we get full disclosure?


If you're referring to disclosure from the same government who's covered up the ET presence for over 50 years now, why would you think they'd disclose anything to you???

Anything you get from the government as far as "disclosure" is only going to be what suits their own agenda. They might give you 30%. Their next question would be "What do you think you're going to do with it now?" 
This is why screaming for disclosure is nonsense. If you haven't figured out something's going on in the skies over your head by now...what good is disclosure going to do you? And what would you do with it if you had it from the deep state?

I've read that if you go aboard a ship the dark forces have control of you?

I don't know where you read that, but I'd discontinue reading from that source. This is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! Virtually all of us on the whistleblower front lines and especially we Milabs have been on ships repeatedly and even flown them ourselves. Do you think if we were being controlled by dark forces we'd be WHISTLEBLOWING AGAINST THEM? Discernment!!!

What happened to the Dracos to make them what they are, so evil?

Draco past appearance.png
lightfoot comparison.png

What I was told was whoever created them isn't owning up to it and they just dumped the Dracs in this galaxy.

Left on their own to develop they became so focused on technological development they allowed their spiritual development to fall by the wayside until it disappeared altogether and they fell in with the dark forces.

Prior to that, believe it or not they were magnificent looking creatures with irredescent scales and huge beautiful wings. But once they went over to the dark side their appearance drastically changed for the worse.

You can see this when they take over a human and assume its form - like in the photos of Chicago Mayor, Lori Lightfoot at left.

With so many different races on the ship how do you communicate with one another?
Among ET's all communication is telepathic so communication really doesn't pose much of a problem. However, we do have small communication devices that will translate one language into any other language. 

Who are the Watchers?
Most people here believe they're fallen angels but that's not entirely true. Originally they were the creation of the now you have 2 split factions of Watchers, the good guys and the bad guys. They were originally created by the Angelics to watch over their "Planet of the Children" among other fledgling planets in their infancy - like earth is.

In the best-selling science fiction book series called The Horus Heresy, the Watcher Wars are described in incredible detail.

Sadly, most of the videos online approach the Watchers only from a "fallen angels" standpoint.

I've tried both telepathically communicating with the ET's and verbally communicating with them. I never get an answer. What am I doing wrong?

You're not necessarily doing anything 'wrong', per se. They communicate with those most like them.

I'm glad that in your introduction you warned us what ET contact was really like. Is it really that bad though or were you exaggerating?
It's really that rough. I wasn't exaggerating anything. The uninitiated tend to think ET contact is a magical cure all to all of their problems for some odd reason. It's exactly the opposite, your life will get 20+ times harder than it was before as they put you through your awakening paces and until they get you to the point they feel you need to be at. They can be quite brutal in their teaching methods, as I'd said.

What do you make of the UFO Tic Tac?
Staging for their fake alien invasion. I mean, let's face it...John Q Public has filmed FAR better and clearer images of UFO's and military ships. The Tic Tac video was laughable. That's actually a rebuild of the Tall White smaller ships they gave to the military.

Milabs, Monarch, MK Ultra, Programming, Abductees & Experiencers

I'm an abductee and someone suggested I undergo hypnotic regression to recapture some of my abduction experiences. I want to know your opinion on doing this?
The panel who reviewed my case wanted me to do this and I said no. I'd had my head messed with enough and I had detailed recall without hypnotic regression.

Remember that HYPNOSIS CANNOT FIGHT HYPNOSIS! And if you do uncover memories, the damage done by the experience is NOT being removed. So the people are sometimes worse off than before.
But that's a choice you have to make for yourself. If you do decide to do it, I'd take a witness with me who's present during the entire regression and also videotape the entire session.

Also, sometimes unpleasant memories surface. Are you prepared to deal with those?

I attend conferences on various ET related topics and notice that lately, none of the speakers have actual physical experiences like yourself and some of the more veteran experiencers have. They all say "This happened to me in a dream, that happened to me in a dream..."

Another SSP vet and I were just talking about this. This is just my personal opinion on what's going on, ok?
Those of us who were abducted in the black ops stuff 15+ years ago are older. Late 50's to 60's in age. Back then, the tech of both the ET's and military wasn't as advanced as it is today. In the alien abductions we'd be put back in the wrong place, our clothes would be on backward, etc.
In the military abductions, they'd physically break into our homes, drug us, load us on helicopters and fly us wherever. So our very abductions were far more physical in nature.

Now they can abduct your consciousness from your body without ever taking you out of your home. So that's one reason I think these younger abductees don't have the physical experiences we older abductees do. HOWEVER...

When we older Milabs, etc. began talking about the ET presence, no one gave a rat's ass - we were just tin foil hat wearing lunatics. But as people caught on we weren't raving lunatics and with the worldwide awakening going on, the ET presence has become "the in thing" and any time you have something like that happening, you get the fringe element and "wanna be's" jumping on the bandwagon. They watch a few videos and "Oh that happened to me!" - whether it actually did or not. They just need to fill a void in their lives. You see this with the younger crowd especially - "I'm a Pleiadian starseed!" etc.


So I think it's a combination of the 2 things going on simultaneously. You have the younger generation who have their consciousness hijacked so think in terms of "dreams" to understand what's happening to them and then you have the wanna-be's posing as legitimate abductees. 

Hi! Is there any programming that involves 'star beings', like, people that came from another galaxy? I have a bunch of alters that keep popping up that are all assigned different colors, and they all claim to be visiting from various different galaxies. They say they're here to help humans with enlightenment and ascension. I'm not sure if this is programming, or its just the way my system developed on its own?

You said a couple things that put up big red flags to me. First of all, yes there's programming that involves what you call star beings. There are numerous alien programming methods and scripts that use star beings - although from the info you gave me, I wouldn't necessarily conclude you're a star being yourself - as in ground crew from off planet. In fact, I'd lean away from that being the case just based on the information you gave me. I would say with almost 100% certainty you were/are Monarch programmed.

You specifically used the word "ascension". This is a New Age construct and the New Age Movement was the creation of the Illuminati - who gave mind control programmers the basics of mind control programming. Read our article Ascending to 5D Illusion.

But even more alarming is these alters you claim to have popping up that have specific colors attached to them and that are attempting to pass themselves off as benevolent ET's to you.

I don't know if you're familiar with Illuminati programmer Fritz Springmeier, but Disney’s Fantasia is one of the main programming tools used by the Illuminati to create Monarch mind-controlled slaves. The rainbow (Antahkarana, Rainbow Bridge) has special significance in programming as it represents a bridge between both worlds, the real world and the fantasy world created by the programmer. Remember, The MILAB program is a deceitful military operation performed to convince the targets of the operation that they have had an encounter with extraterrestrial beings, though it is actually a staged part of the programming. This is true of Monarchs too.

Real, legitimate ET's aren't color coded. However, these fake ones used in programming would be as that's a component of mind control programming and they present themselves as "benevolent ET's" to the one being programmed. 

Those of us who were/are Milabs have all encountered the human military trying to pass themselves off as aliens during our abductions, even humans wearing ET masks.

The next time you're presented with one of these color coded "ET's", demand they physically show themselves to you and see what happens. They won't physically appear because they can't - they're not real. 

If you've been programmed how do you get deprogrammed? 

Extremely difficult if not impossible to do. When one is programmed, the programmer uses very specific codes and triggers that only the programmer knows. So you'd need to know these same codes and triggers to deprogram you and no programmer is going to give them to you.
Be wary of quacks online advertising they can deprogram you, they're just out to make a fast buck and can't do anything as far as deprogramming you since they don't have the specific codes and triggers used.


How do we military abductee (MILAB) survivors recover true memory if the US military used advanced technology to wipe out original memory, and implanted fake/modified memories? Have you heard that US military is able to extract person's consciousness out and transfer to other person? In this case, how do you still be sure you are the same person and can maintain your original soul and spirit?
Great questions! Recovering true memories: Their programming isn't foolproof and eventually that programming breaks down. When that happens, fragments and even whole memories start returning. They might return slowly, in my case they came back in a rush for the most part although I'm STILL getting fragments of some returning that I'd rather not remember. But they're part of your subconscious so WILL bubble up to the surface.

I actually caught them trying to insert a screen memory in me one night. I was in a Walmart parking lot late at night when a ship appeared right above me. I was taken aboard for 30 minutes. When they returned me to the parking lot, I watched this ship fly away. As it did, they tried to insert a screen memory of that ship turning into a 1950's convertible.


Yes, they can transfer your consciousness out of your body. It is YOUR ORIGINAL TRUE CONSCIOUSNESS THAT IS YOU that they transfer out into a clone or whatever. Think of yourself as an original document and the consciousness they're transferring as a Xerox copy of your consciousness. They can then alter your Xerox copy consciousness and use it say, to create alters of you. They can gender change these alters, give them different beliefs than you have, make them speak other languages you don't speak, etc. BUT YOUR OWN TRUE CONSCIOUSNESS REMAINS INTACT WITHIN YOU. They can't modify that, only the Xerox copy of it. So you retain your original soul, spirit, etc . when they do these transfers. They've made 4 to 5 clones of me but I'm still me - original consciousness, soul, spirit intact.

Why were Milabs used as "double agents"? Why not someone who was on the inside all along?

James and I discussed this in an interview he and I did together but he explained it more thoroughly in the next video interview he did with others. Slide the timer to 52:22 and listen to what he says. He explains the whole thing very well.

As he said, we were the only ones who COULD successfully infiltrate these deep black programs and work within them because our abductors operated under the assumption they'd dragged us in from

the outside, kicking and screaming. They had NO CLUE who they were actually abducting until it was too late and we'd done what we needed to do within cabal strongholds.

Do Milabs have better recall of past lives than most of the rest of us?
We seem to although I can't say why this is. Many of us have recall of past lives in a battle capacity so maybe we draw on that experience for what we're doing now?

What's the difference between abductees, contactees and experiencers?

Abductess consider their ET experiences to be negative in nature. Contactees consider their experiences to be positive ones. Experiencers consider their ET experiences to be neither positive nor negative but just an experience.


What's your opinion on MUFON?

UFOlogy in general has been infiltrated by government disinfo agents. In fact, I just saw a documentary on cable today featuring MUFON and one of the military brass that interrogated and tortured many of us who were Milabs. In my opinion, the UFOlogy field in general now is completely useless. It's just become another disinformation front.

Is Alex Collier legitimate?
He sure is. In fact, I was told by one of the panel who worked on my case that Alex was consulted about my Andromedan experiences and told them "She's been to Andromeda or she couldn't know what she does."
Apparently while they were discussing my case who they took to be a CIA agent was watching them the entire time.

Like myself, the government destroyed every facet of Alex's life - to the point he was living in his car for awhile. They only bother doing that to you if you have pertinent information they don't want you exposing. Alex is the real deal and the info he gets from his Androme contacts matches what I get from my own Androme contacts.

What's your opinion of David Wilcock?
He and Corey Goode were just exposed as the disinfo agents they were. In fact, Goode is now in court over his lying.

With so many spewing disinformation, how do we know who's legitimate with accurate information?
Simply read their background bio. If they've been brutalized by the government/military and have had every facet of their life destroyed, been subjected to horrific harassment....that tells you the person is legitimate with information the government doesn't want them putting out there in the public arena. When it comes to the ET themselves, look for someone who's had ACTUAL PHYSICAL FACE-TO-FACE encounters with them...not "dreams", "channeled" information, not researchers with no actual ET contact, etc. Start with the Milab community.

The other guideline I'd offer you is get past social media and YouTube videos. You have to READ  because in the beginning of their contact with earth, the Internet didn't exist. You have to go back to the written original accounts and especially the ancient texts.

I don't have a question. I just wanted to thank you all for putting this site up. It's one of my favorites.
You're welcome and thanks for the compliment. My incredible team and I spend many hours a day keeping it updated, presenting new information, etc.

Cabal/Government/Black Military

Do you think Trump will be POTUS again?
I don't see him being POTUS again. I see the military being in charge over the next few years. My hope is we switch to an ET form of government after that. But if we did have another POTUS, I have no idea who it would be.

Can't you Milabs sue the government?
Our cases are dismissed on the grounds they're a "threat to national security".

Is Q a psy-op like many claim?
Just because the many say it doesn't mean there's a kernel of truth to it. Q was no psy-op. During the JFK presidency, JFK realized how corrupt the system was, especially the CIA, whom he planned to abolish. Since corruption surrounded him, he trusted a group of friends as his advisors. They called themselves "Q". 
Kennedy was assassinated before he could abolish the CIA, McNamara had already founded the DIA, a military intelligence agency that would have taken the place of the CIA had JFK managed to abolish it. "Q" continued on within the DIA. Today it is comprised of about a dozen individuals who act in a military intelligence capacity and particularly deal with nuclear affairs. Q is one of the highest security clearances one can have in the military. My own husband had a Q security clearance in the military.


Both JFK and JFK Jr. had the letter "Q" incorporated into their graves at Arlington. Ask yourself why.

We now know JFK Jr. is still alive and I believe he was the spokesman for "Q" all along.

Why is the government and military making so many clones?
The military knows they can't defeat the aliens so they made an army of "Super Soldiers" to fight the aliens for them. All Milabs have 4-5 clones for this reason. Also, when they send Milabs into battles off world, if the Milab is injured or killed they can just replace him/her with one of his/her clones.


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