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Last night I got hooked on watching an LMN series called "The Ghost Inside My Child". It dealt with young children recalling their past lives in detail and tracking down those people they'd been in their past life they were remembering. Their stories are ABSOLUTELY FASCINATING!

One of the stories that really caught my attention was that of a boy, Jamey from my home state.

You can watch his segment here free on Tubi.
I recommend watching all of the episodes because they really are fascinating to hear.

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The reason Jamey's story caught my attention is that I too had a previous life on Titanic that solved a lot of mysteries in my own life, as it did in Jamey's. For example, as little kids we both had a deathly fear of deep water. I too was fascinated with ships just as Jamey was - and especially Titanic in particular. I've spent a lifetime studying everything about the ship and its sinking.

In putting Jamey's reincarnation puzzle together, I'd have to agree with he and his family. In his previous lifetime, he was Thomas Andrews - the chief naval architect at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast during the early 1900s. He brought the idea of 'Olympic class' ocean liners to life, overseeing their planning and construction, including Titanic.

This would explain why as a toddler, Jamey would draw incredibly complex drawings of Titanic that accurately portrayed every part of the ship - even down to the 4th funnel blowing no smoke while the other 3 were, that 4th funnel being a non-working funnel added for appearances sake. Jamey would never use "right" or "left" to indicate direction but "starboard" or "port".

In my own case, although I had memories that made no sense to me at the time, a psychic friend of mine would clear up the mystery of my past life on Titanic, leading me to discover who I was in that past life.

Johanna Ahlin.webp

I was a steerage passenger by the name of Johanna Piersdotter Ahlin who drowned along with her brother, when the Titanic sank.
We were traveling back to America on Titanic after visiting our family in Sweden.

And in researching this, the coincidences between Johanna's family and my family became downright spooky at times.

My grandmother, accompanied by her brother emigrated to America on a ship. She and her brother were also steerage passengers.

Like Johanna and her husband, my Swedish family is in the dairy business. Johanna settled briefly in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area as did my grandmother. Basically, Johanna's life and that of my Swedish relatives mirrored one another. My grandmother and Johanna even resembled one another in looks.

In the reincarnation scheme of things, these are called "carryovers". We bring elements of our past lives into our current reincarnated life. 

I know several of my past lives and I've found this to be true in my reincarnated life now.


In one of my past lives, I was the son of Lincoln, Edward Baker Lincoln. Eddy died at the age of 4 from a respiratory ailment.

Like Eddy, I too almost died at age 4 via pnuemonia.
During a tour of Lincoln's Springfield home, out of the blue I announced to the tour guide and entire tour "Eddy died in this room." 
That room had been restored into a parlor so there's no way I could have known this as a little kid. To say I shocked the tour guide would be an understatement.

Even beginning in kindergarten, I had this intense fascination with Lincoln. I attended Lincoln School, my dad's dental practice was above the Lincoln Pharmacy, owned by a man named EDWARD Wavro who treated me like a daughter. Eddy Lincoln's middle name was Baker, my grandparents lived on Baker Road.

Eddy's and my stories mirrored each other so precisely we even shared the incident of both Eddy and I pitching a fit to adopt a stray cat, our mothers (both named Mary) saying "Absolutely not!" and our fathers overriding them. Eddy and I both got our cats.

While visiting the Lincoln Memorial as a tween, when no one was looking I tried to scale the statue to sit in Lincoln's lap. (This was pre 9-11, of course.)
Things got even weirder when my friends laid photos of Eddy and myself side-by-side and remarked "You 2 could've been twins!" Eddy and I did look remarkably alike at the same age and we could have passed as fraternal twins.

My husband was a genealogist and imagine my surprise when he did some digging and discovered I was related to Lincoln by blood...Lincoln being my 5X great uncle through my mom's side of the family who lived on Baker Road.  So it's no wonder I've had all the rather unique experiences involving Lincoln that I have.  You can read them here

So we all have these carryovers from reincarnation to reincarnation that give us clues to our past lives. We just have to be able to make sense of them to solve the mystery of who we were in a past life.

This is important if you're someone like Jamey and I who have detailed memories we need to get beyond to get to the point of living as who we are now. Basically, we need closure and to put our past selves to rest. One can't live in the present and future as themselves without this closure.

This will differ from person to person. In my own case, just learning Johanna's identity and story put the matter to rest. In Jamey's case, his parents took him to the cemetery Thomas Andrews was buried in.

Jamey made a beeline to Andrew's grave, knowing exactly where he was buried. Jamey said his goodbyes and that gave him closure.

This video is based on Dolores Cannon's work and accurately explains reincarnation.


In other sections of this website I explained that the cosmos is a Melchizedek educational system teaching all different aspects of spirituality and metaphysics. Reincarnation enables us to travel to each of these different schools and study what a particular school teaches. You finish one grade, board the 'school bus' home for your final graduation exam (life review) and on to the next school to advance your soul's education. 

Traits of a Person Having Past Life Recall

There are some common traits that can occur in people having a past life recall experience, that can start as early as 2 to 3 years old.

  • Trouble sleeping through the night due to night terrors or nightmares or conversely sleeping in abnormal amounts of time. The latter usually occurring from newborn on. Sleepwalking or wandering through the house in the middle of the night happens occasionally.

  • Children will be born very advanced, well beyond their peers. They will have a command of language their peers won't have and can even know foreign languages even though they've never been exposed to them to learn these foreign languages.

  • In cases of violent past life deaths, kids and adults will exhibit seemingly irrational fears to the point of having panic attacks when confronted with elements of their past life deaths. For example, if they died in a plane crash and even though they may never have been on a plane in this lifetime, they will freak out and refuse to get on a plane.

  • They will usually have a keen interest in history.

  • They may know what their name was in their past life and insist on being called by their past life name. In some cases, they may even want their name changed to their past life name.

  • They will usually have very detailed memories, especially of their deaths.

  • Kids having a past life recall experience may have trouble making friends because they act differently than other kids. They may even be described by other family members as being "creepy".

  • They may have psychic mediumship abilities and see people from their past lives that others can't see. Others dismiss them as "imaginary friends" of the child.

  • They will describe knowing "God", being in "Heaven", "God" sending them back here in their new life.  One little boy described his reincarnation as "God put me on a white horse and I rode down here and I came in through your head Mommy." LOL

  • They will often describe watching their new life family from "Heaven" and choosing the family they're born into.

Past Life Regressions


Certainly! Exploring past lives can be a fascinating journey. Many seek out someone claiming to be able to perform past life regressions. Personally, I'd avoid that route. There are far too many "spiritual gurus: out there now trying to make a fast buck off this whole planetary transition thing and you have no real idea as to whether they'd give you an accurate regression. And why pay for knowledge you already have inside of you, that's free for your investigation? Your soul already has all of your past lives recorded, all you have to do is get in touch with it!

Here are some steps you can take to explore your past life memories:

  1. Create a Comfortable Space:

  2. Relax Your Mind and Body:

  3. Protect Yourself Energetically:

  4. Meditate or Use Hypnosis:

  5. Keep a Past Life Journal:

  6. Be Open-Minded and Curious:

I've found the last one to be extremely important if you really want to delve into your true past lives.
It's best to go into exploring your past lives with no preconceived notions of who you might have been. That involves parking your ego on the back burner during your regression. While it may be cool to think you were Cleopatra in a past life, that doesn't necessarily mean you were.

The simple method I use is envision an old calendar. Choose and year and a date and focus on "Who was I in this year, on this date?"

I'll begin to see a 'movie' play out in my mind's eye. I take a notebook and pen and automatic write as I do this - kind of as a backup to what I'm seeing in my mind's eye.

Most often I found I was not some famous or notable person but just an average Jane. 

You don't need to be a notable person because reincarnation is really about healing past trauma and fixing mistakes you made as that past life persona.


When you're first starting out getting into past life regressions, try guided past-life meditations from Insight Timer, Headspace, or Calm.

Many people elect to go to a person who does past life regressions. I'm personally against going this route. There are too many self-proclaimed "spiritual gurus" out there now who are just looking to cash in from the whole spiritual movement.

Your past lives are recorded INSIDE YOU. All you have to do is learn to access that information by connecting with your own soul and it costs you nothing to do this! No one is going to know your soul better than you do and you'll get a "sense of" whether your soul is giving you accurate past life information or not.

Once you've got a past life from your regression, RESEARCH IT! You may be astonished at what you find and identifying your past life persona is critical to integration of your past and present selves and healing any excess baggage trauma from a past life.

For Parents With A Child Experiencing Past Life Memories

Dealing with a child experiencing past life recall will be one of the most difficult, heart wrenching, confusing experiences you will ever deal with. Any parent wants to protect their child from hurting but in this case, you can't fix things for your child. Only they can come to terms with integrating their past life self with their present life self. You can't do it for them because it's not YOUR past life, it's THEIRS.

In cases of violent past life deaths, trauma is involved. In helping your child integrate their past and present life selves you're helping him/her heal that trauma. That's the reason these past life memories come up - to heal that trauma.  Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do this other than to support your child through that journey.

A big note of warning here: DO NOT BRING YOUR PERSONAL RELIGIOUS OR OTHER BELIEFS INTO THIS PROCESS! You will make a difficult process even worse for both your child and yourself!

There's not a religion on earth that has the reincarnation process right. Not a one. And it doesn't matter whether YOU believe in reincarnation or not - your child has and is experiencing it regardless of your personal beliefs!
You cannot tell a child experiencing past life recall that reincarnation doesn't exist because they've already experienced the process so they know it does exist and you risk alienating your child by negating that experience that they already know DOES exist.

Rather, keep an open mind and leave your personal beliefs out of it. You may find (as many of the parents in The Ghost Inside My Child series did), going through the process just may change your belief system about reincarnation and past lives.

SLEEP HABITS: Very often sleep disturbances are part of this process. Your child may start experiencing night terrors, nightmares, dreams about their own past life death, sleepwalking or running through the house in the middle of the night. Newborns may sleep for very long periods of time unlike other newborns or it can go in the opposite direction - they'll sleep only when exhaustion overtakes them.
Some children refuse to sleep alone in their bedrooms and will insist on crawling into bed with you.

While these sleep disturbances tend to scare the parents half to death, realize this is the past life memories moving from the subconscious to the conscious and this must happen in order for the child to integrate their past life and current selves and heal past life trauma. They can't acknowledge and heal what's buried in their subconscious. As horrific as they are in your eyes it's a necessary part of the process that these memories surface so your child can get on with healing and living as their current selves and not in the past as who they used to be.

Another warning: I'm not any kind of medical professional so am not giving medical advice here. I'm just stating what's normally been found across the board. Many parents conclude past life experiences and their "symptoms" have a medical or psychological cause so they rush their child to doctors who perform brain scans, etc. only for the scan to reveal there's nothing medically wrong with the child. Or they rush their child to a psychiatrist/psychologist who slaps a label on them.

You know your child better than anyone. If you feel medical or psychological help is needed by all means get your child that professional help! Far better to be safe than sorry. 
I just want you to be aware that in the majority of cases, no medical problem is found so that you can take an informed course of action.

These memories surfacing can cause high anxiety in your child and if this anxiety becomes debilitating then you do need to seek professional help to deal with that anxiety in your child.
If you feel your child does need psychiatric/psychological help then seek out a therapist who has experience dealing with these past life recall experiences. I can't emphasize that strongly enough.

What can you as a parent expect to experience with your child? Children react differently to these past life recall experiences. Some take it in stride, some don't - but the following list are fairly common tendencies and behaviors:

  • If your child remembers precisely who they were and their name in their past life, they may insist you call them by that past life name and some even want their current names changed to that of their past life name.

  • Kids will often say things like "No, you're my mom NOW but you're not my real mom from before". This is merely them differentiating between their past life family and their current family so don't take remarks like this personally. Others might say something like "Why did you take me away from my family?"

  • They may remember the actual reincarnation process taking place so will say things like "I was with God in Heaven and he sent me back here to live with you." One little boy described it this way:
    "God put me on a white horse and I rode him down here and I came in through your head, Mom."
    While that sounds amusing it is what actually happens. The consciousness or essence of that past life person prior to conception, enters via the mother's head and moves downward into the body!

  • These kids often describe people they knew in their past life and/or deceased family members they seemingly would have no knowledge of, visiting them and speaking with them. This actually happens but those who can't see these visitors as the child can chalk it up to the child having "imaginary friends".

  • Some kids will report watching you from "Heaven" and choosing you as their reincarnation parents. This actually does happen. We orchestrate our own reincarnations including who our parents and family will be in that reincarnation. We choose the family we reincarnate into.

  • Many having past life recall will instantly recognize specific geographic locations that played a role in their past life. For example, in one of the Ghost Inside My Child episodes a little girl who used to be a Rockefeller visited the Rockefeller summer home. The fact the dinner china was wrong, some of the furniture didn't match her memories, the placement of furniture in rooms didn't match her memories, greatly upset her. Yet when her mom told her it was time to leave she pitched a royal hissy fit that she was NOT leaving, this was HER house and her parents had to bodily carry her out of the house, kicking and screaming to get her to leave.
    So these kids can not only recognize these prior locations but feel that's where they belong.

  • The majority will exhibit seemingly nonsensical (to you) fears that are so severe they can lead to panic attacks. For example, a child who died in a plane crash but who's never been on a plane in this life may go into a panic and refuse to get on any plane. They may panic at the mere suggestion they board a plane.

  • The child may exhibit behaviors of their past life selves. Nick at right was a Civil War soldier. For Halloween, he assembled a replica of a Civil War soldier as his costume. His mother had the photo at right taken. Nick usually was the family clown in photos, making funny faces and goofing around.
    Not so with this photo.

    Nick refused to smile and posed as was customary in the Civil War period, even holding the gun correctly!
    This was his past life self coming through.

    These past life behaviors coming through can be disconcerting for parents. Why is their child suddenly not acting like himself or herself?

nick civil war.jpg

They are acting like himself/herself. Just their OTHER himself/herself and that "other" is part of who they are even in their current life. We are a compilation of all of our lives we've lived. 

Try to go with the flow with all of the above "symptoms" of past life recall and see them for what they truly are, as difficult as that may be to do. You don't want to negate what your child is experiencing because what they are experiencing is very real.

How To Best Help Your Child

  • LISTEN when your child gives you pieces of their past life experiences. They are clues to potentially discovering who your child actually was in their past life they're recalling. If you can discover who they actually were (not always possible) it speeds the entire healing and integration process along.

  • Encourage your child to draw out their past experiences. Give them crayons or markers and paper and let them have at it. Don't be alarmed at what they draw! If their death was violent, that's what they're going to draw - their death and the events leading up to it. They're showing you what happened to them in that lifetime. These events can include things like plane crashes, bloody battles, fires, explosions, etc. 

  • Keep a journal of everything they're telling you. As I said before, they're giving you clues as to who they were and what happened to them in that lifetime they're recalling.

  • Do your research. The ultimate goal is to discover (if possible) who they actually were in that lifetime so your child can lay that person to rest and move on in their current life as who they are now. When you feel your child is ready, share that research with them.

  • Don't be afraid to take your child to geographic locations they're describing as being significant in their past life. While it may be very emotional for your child, it helps him/her come to grips with "OK that was my life, that was my death but now it's time to be me in this lifetime."
    Let them confront those emotions, that letting go of the past. Those emotions are the release of trauma and separation from that past life that must take place for your child to heal.

  • Utilize historians of those locations to help shed light on who your child was. They can potentially help you solve the mystery of who your child was or give you confirmation information as to who your child believes he/she was and their memories of their past life.

  • Support your child from the standpoint "I believe what you're telling me. Let's figure this mystery out together."

  • A very simple ceremony of sorts can allow your child to release themself from their past life identity and lay that person to rest. If you watch the entire video series, you'll see many examples of these types of ceremonies that allowed their child to put their past life behind them and move on in their current life.

    Keep in mind that their past life self may have felt they died having unfinished business here!
    The goal is to complete that unfinished business for them if at all possible.

  • Be careful who you share your child's past life recall with. Your child doesn't need to be exposed to ridicule, mockery, bullying for experiencing what they are from closed-minded others. 

While past life recall can be an incredibly difficult experience to go through, normally it has a very rewarding ending for both you and your child.

It can definitely be a life changing experience in the best of ways.

Q&A adobe.webp

Do we plan who we are in our past lives and dictate what events take place in our past lives?
Yes. Nothing is coincidence. You and your spiritual guide plan out everything in advance of you incarnating into another life. You even choose who your parents and family will be.

How do we know that what we get in a meditation past life regression is actually true and not just our imaginations at work?
You have to learn to trust what your soul and intuition are telling you. You can ask for confirmations and the Divine will give you those confirmations that it's not just your own imagination at work.

Can you experience physical carryovers from your past lives?

ABSOLUTELY! For example, in one of my past lives I was a Native American Sioux boy hundreds of years before the Sioux Nation became the Sioux Nation. I was 16 years old, the men of the tribe were rounding up wild horses. The horse I was riding got bitten by a snake and threw me right in front of the stampeding herd of wild horses. My shoulder and head were badly trampled and I died as a result.

In my current life, I was training to become an Olympic swimmer. When I was 16 I suddenly developed debilitating pain in that same shoulder and blinding headaches. No doctor could find any cause for this shoulder pain and these headaches. When I turned 17 they disappeared as suddenly and mysteriously as they had appeared but they had put an end to my dream of becoming an Olympic swimmer.

I'm a huge animal lover except for horses. Any time I've tried to ride a horse, the horse has thrown me.
Both were carryovers from my life as that Sioux boy.

So yes, you can absolutely experience physical carryovers.

Do we incarnate all over the multiverses?
Yes because the spiritual education system is cosmic in nature.

Should we discuss reincarnation with our kids even if they aren't sharing past life experiences?
Well, that's a parental call. If it were my child? Yes. Children undergoing past life recall are sometimes reluctant to talk about it because of people's attitudes here. Discussing reincarnation gives them the opportunity to open up if they do have past life recall.


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