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A Huffington Post 2012 article...

Solar Warden - The Secret Space Program


Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named 'Solar Warden' has been in operation unknown to the public...


Darren Perks

Investigative Researcher and Commentator

11/07/2012 12:44pm BST|Updated September 10, 2012


Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named 'Solar Warden' has been in operation unknown to the public...


Is this nonsense, is it a conspiracy or is it simply so sensitive that it will cause uproar around the world?


These are my own words after conducting research into the secret program. Whilst conducting an FOI (freedom of information) request with the DoD (department of defence) in 2010, I had a very unexpected response by email from them which read:


"About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed me that it was not a joint program with the DoD. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager.


I have ran your request through one of our space-related directorates and I'm waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back to me. I will contact you once I have a response from the other division. Did NASA refer you to us?"


The program not only operates classified under the US Government but also under the United Nations authority. So you might be wondering, how do I know this information?

Well there are a few people and many others that have tried hard to find out the truth, and have succeeded by leaked information or simply asking questions and have government departments slip up and give away information freely, just like what happened when Darren Perks asked the DoD. One notable contributor is Gary Mckinnon.


When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of "non-terrestrial officers" and "fleet-to-fleet transfers" and a secret program called "Solar Warden", he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed "the biggest military computer hack of all time", and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK. But trying earnest McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified facts, and his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under oath about the Navy's Space Fleet. To date the extradition of McKinnon to the U.S. has gone nowhere.


McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are approx eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small "scout ships. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command]. There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising.


Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, but with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada. United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA.


So should we just write this off as utter nonsense?


No we shouldn't and as time goes on the truth will slowly come out. Many people around the world are now witnessing craft moving around in the skies and sub space that completely defy gravity. Whether they are part of the Solar Warden secret program, military experimental aircraft or not, thousands of people know what they see.


Read about my investigation work here:


In my view Solar Warden is very real and a very strong possibility.

So no, I don't think we should rule it out as complete nonsense.

Anyone who suggests the SSP is a 'conspiracy theory' in my book, has the IQ of a damn jellybean. 

Financial gain hoaxters like Corey Goode, David Wilcock and GAIA TV aside, there are too many of us speaking out about our actual personal experience in these secret space programs and speaking out and without any financial incentive or gain to do so.

Established researchers and "insiders" have also brought the SSP to light.


Military veteran, Michael Relfe was the first SSP insider who spoke out about the Secret Space Program.

By Eve Lorgen


The Mars Records, authored by Stephanie Relfe, is a 300-plus page document chronicling the biofeedback sessions of her husband Michael who discovered he had been involved in a secret black project while in the Navy. Michael was astonished to find that he had been living a double life as a covert operative for The Mars Defense Force. Some of his assignments were covert ops, piloting spacecraft, remote viewing, psychic defense and even psychic assassinations.


Michael’s recruitment, training and service for Mars Defense Force was carried out via sophisticated alien and military mind control technology. This included implants, hypno-programming, dissociation of specifically trained alter personalities, advanced psi training, speed learning, psi enhancing drugs and time travel. Michael’s case is unique and very important because he is one of a very handful of persons who have been able to clear, recall and deprogram the sophisticated alien and military mind programming. His success in memory retrieval and deprogramming is due to deliverance prayer and the excellent therapeutic skills of his wife, Stephanie Relfe. She uses a combination of biofeedback clearing sessions and kinesiology.


Michael still experiences abductions by an alien and human military element working conjointly. But because of his level of therapeutic success with deliverance, clearing and kineisiology, Michael has a greater sense of personal control, awareness and is not as susceptible to the mind control that the abductors continue to try to use on him.


Many researchers in the field of Ufology, Paranormal and Mind Control have a tendency to view things as a black and white picture. Either all abductions are some military black project using aliens as a cover story, or it’s all aliens, because we don’t have such a high level of technology. Such is not the case in Michael’s experience, or in many other Milab abductees that I have interviewed.


I strongly encourage the reader to read the full Mars Records document. If this is true– and I think it is–we are dealing with such a high level of “alien” technology, that to gain control back into our lives, we need to do a lot of soul searching work.

The Mars Record


Here are excerpts from that interview with Eve Lorgen. I agree with Michael's answers.


EL: Tell me about the time travel jumpgates.

MR: I was not a jumpgate technician so I only remember things from a layman’s point of view. This technology was a result of the Philadelphia Experiment projects as described by Dr. Al Bielek. It’s one of those things that are “Ohh, Wow, Fantastic” the first time you see them, and then they become taken for granted. I also remember that they were guarded REALLY tight and that every moment of use was accounted for and logged.


I remember that there were several jumpgate stations on Mars Base. These stations were “hooked to” other places and they were defended against someone or something. I remember that RV technicians hooked to the machines assisted in that defense. Remember that Tactical Remote Viewing is not only used to terminate targets. Termination is a tiny percentage of all operations. It is used mostly to defend against the enemy. It is used to defend Very Important People (VIP’s), Very Important Equipment (VIE’s), areas and regions of the planet. In addition, some weapons systems require an RV operator to monitor and direct them. There are physical weapons systems (example like a particle beam projector) and there are other types of weapons that are energetic (Psi) types of systems. Also RV operators are commonly assigned to monitor attack craft on patrol.


The enemy also has Psi types of weapons systems that they direct against our physical type static shielding. Static shielding doesn’t change. It stays the same no matter what you throw at it. To augment the static shielding, you have RV operators that monitor and probe the shields looking for penetration. If penetration is discovered, an RV operator can trace the source through space-time and deal with the intruder. RV operators on duty are not alone. They have backup operators in addition to supervisor operators. They can instantaneously get backup if the need arises. I have seen many ads for books and courses for remote viewing. Most of what passes for RV at this time is about the first 3 or 4 days of training at Mars Base. And most people involved in this sort of thing would, unfortunately never survive the training. The drugs would kill them quick.


EL: I know from my own experiences working with abductees, that many distractions and even reprisals occur when they try to access their alien “programming” and abduction memories. How did both of you get around these roadblocks, and did you experience any major reprisals?

MR: We have received psychic attacks fairly often since The Mars Records were released. These attacks take the form of surveillance, monitoring and blocking of clearing sessions, energy “drains” being hooked into each of us, offensive attacks meant to hurt us using radionics, psychotronics and various “death signal” devices as well as RV and psychic attacks while sleeping.


In addition, during the monthly “medical check-up” abductions different techniques are tried to discourage us. Such as multiple layers to mind control commands, multiple layers of drugs as well as a new thing, putting the equivalent drug directly into the “etheric” body. This is especially bad, as most people don’t’ even know they have energy bodies!


EL: One of the most unbelievable aspects of your story is the age regression and time travel you experienced. What was this like?

MR: The age regression was pure boredom. Being kept in a dreamlike, semi-conscious state for weeks was very boring. That’s the only memory I have been able to recall. The 20-year time jump back to 1976 was over before it began. Walking through the tunnel was uneventful.
[Note from Pat: When one does a 20 and back, they are taken from their earthly life to the Mars or moon base. They serve a 20 year period, then via time travel are returned to the same time they were taken from their earthly life so that no one is aware they were gone those 20 years. One will look the same age they were when they were taken, even though 20 years have passed.]


EL: One has to wonder then, what could or would have happened if your future Michael who was working on Mars, somehow came into contact with the present day Michael (on earth) before 1996?

MR: This would NEVER be allowed to happen. The program works the way it does because NO ONE on duty (who will eventually be time shot back to their origin) is permitted to interact with any time event (or person) of earth while stationed on Mars Base. That means that visitors and VIP’s are OFF limits. Anyone visiting for a short period is “spending time” on Mars and will NOT be time shot back to their origin. They will just be moved by jumpgate to and from Mars.


To clarify: Remember there are 2 kinds of people that I remember.

1. People visiting Mars temporarily (Politicians, etc.) They travel to and from Mars by jumpgate. They visit for a few weeks and return. They are not time traveled back. They are VIP’s. They are OFF LIMITS!!

2. Permanent staff, They spend 20 years duty cycle. At the end of their duty cycle they are age reversed and time shot back to their space-time origin point. They are sent back with memories blocked. They are sent back to complete their destiny on earth.


EL: What could one look for if they suspect they are in such a position like you were. I mean there must be others involved who have had similar experiences?


1. Memories that don’t seem quite “right”. Memories that have a 2 dimensional “cartoon like” feel to them.

2. Interest in or understanding of technical things that you can’t remember going to school for.

3. Military records showing duty at places that you can’t remember.

4. Unusual rage as a result of abductions.

5. Abduction or missing time. Waking up extremely exhausted with marks or bruises on any part of your body.

6. Muscle testing showing that the body has been “taken”.

7. Muscle testing showing emotions of “no choice”.


EL: Do you think the Greys are working in conjunction with our own human military in the abduction scenario?

MR: Yes


EL: What about the Reptilians?

MR: Yes. They are racially related (Draconians, Reptilians, Greys)


EL: Do any Greys and Reptilians live on the Mars Base?

MR: Yes, some are stationed there. I remember the Greys as doctors or technicians. I believe the Reptilians stay camouflaged (cloaked) most of the time. They prefer to appear human because they are naturally fierce looking.


EL: One of the more fascinating and disturbing aspects of your experience is the mention of aliens or “bad guy mind controllers” fragmenting the soul and personality of the abductee. How do you think this is done, and what purpose do you think the aliens have for us?

MR: Soul fragmentation is mentioned in the Bible. Several times people are praying and thanking God for restoring their soul. I know that shock and trauma can cause soul fragmentation. Those involved in the occult have their own souls fragmented by their rituals and other involvements. Any severe act of sin, (witchcraft, Satan worship, Masonic ritual, homosexuality, violence against other people, etc) can fragment the sinner’s soul as well as the victim. I do not know the mechanisms for how this is accomplished. The reason for their programs is clearly explained in the Bible. The ultimate goal of all programs of mind control and enslavement is WORSHIP. Lucifer wants to be God and will do anything to trick, convince or control others to worship him. Everything else is detail.


EL: Do they have a method for draining our energy?

MR: Yes. They place a psychic “hook” into the person and drain their energy. They do it slowly so as not to arouse suspicion.


EL: Do you think you are still being abducted? How does this happen?

MR: Yes. The monthly “medical check-ups” continue. We will be sleeping when a jumpgate (portal) opens in our bedroom. They awaken me and trigger my programming. They say, “Come along Mr. Relfe” or something similar and I follow them through the portal. Most of the time it is a woman with short dark hair (like a pageboy cut). Once it was a soldier in the black battle dress utilities. During the clearing session I remember asking them questions and I threw them a kick at the soldier. I missed and hit the metal table and woke up the following morning with a large chunk taken out of my toenail.


It opens into some type of hospital like waiting area, where a nurse greets me, makes small talk and does a preliminary exam (blood pressure, etc.). I am then given a drug and led to a table on wheels. I am taken to the operating room where they give me more drugs and 1) take samples from my testicles, 2) they cut between my eyes and extract something from the organ that is there. I am then sent to the recovery area for a couple of hours. They then put these goggles or headgear over my eyes to insert the mind control commands. Then they leave me to recover from that procedure. Then they lead me back to the portal where I return to bed and continue sleeping. This last time I awoke with a raging fever of 103 degrees. I had this for 5 days before starting to feel better. It’s been 10 days and I am still not 100% better. Kinesiology showed that I had been “vaccinated” with something. I believe I was given a strong dose to make sure that I was immunized against whatever is coming. The effects were very painful.


EL: What do you think the UFO research and Mind Control community need to do to assist those who are going through Milab experiences?

MR: These are 2 different communities. Remember that with almost 10,000 hits on our and with over 6000 downloads of the book, ONLY 5 PEOPLE have requested more information. For most people this is just entertainment and they aren’t interested in helping anyone.


The Mind Control “community” is filled with “victims” who are so afraid of reading something that will be “triggering” that they isolate themselves from possible sources of help. They think that by talking amongst themselves that somehow their problems will vanish. I am here to tell you that it just won’t happen. These people need deliverance and they need it now.




And as for the “UFO RESEARCH” community, they sell T-shirts and chase lights in the sky. UFO research is now a business and it is controlled and compartmentalized by the intelligence agencies. (EL– I have to second you on that opinion!)


Inside the community is a small group of people that God has raised up to try to help abductees by giving them somewhere to turn. The problem is that when you are dealing with the demonic world and trying to do it without Jmmanuel, you are doomed to failure. Even though these people are trying to help as best they can, remember that HYPNOSIS CANNOT FIGHT HYPNOSIS. And if you do uncover memories, the damage done by the experience is NOT being removed. So the people are sometimes worse off than before.


My experience in the SSP was so horrific I haven't talked about it with anyone before now. Those are memories I'd rather forget and put behind me. The SSP is the most sadistic form of slavery in existence. SSP personnel are simply disposable assets to be used at will by the SSP higher-up's and orchestrators and the corporations involved. 

A shout out to Penny and Matt for pointing out those of us in the SSP now suffer from a variety of life-threatening illnesses (this is most definitely true of both Penny and I) and that one's adrenal glands are one of the first things messed with. It wasn't at all that long after I was put into the SSP that doctors found a mass on my adrenal gland that I still must take medications for - being that mass significantly screwed up my blood pressure among other things. Doctors refuse to surgically remove the mass, telling me "It could turn cancerous but it's nothing to worry about."


There was nothing cool or glorified about being dragged into the SSP. Those of us who were have paid a very high price as a result, a lifetime of suffering on physical, emotional, mental, psychological fronts that will follow us to our graves.


Those of us who were in the SSP don't bring religion or politics into our discussions about the SSP - we talk about our experiences.

In my own case, this is the first time I'm going public on the SSP front. As I said, it's not a subject I like to talk about in the least. My time on Mars was something I'd rather forget.


I was already being utilized as a Milab pilot by the deep state military when I was dragged into the SSP as a pilot.

This happens via the CIA. If you're in the SSP, 9 times out of 10 you got there 'courtesy' of the CIA.

As any of us who were in the SSP can tell you, these space programs are SLAVERY ORGANIZATIONS based on abuse of every form, including of young children being raised and trained to be in these programs. They're run by corporations and have been in existence for decades.

© Penny Bradley

You've been lied to about space every bit as much as you've been lied to about absolutely everything else by our shadow government and their space propaganda front, NASA.
Whoever controls space, controls earth and our government has been hard at work for decades now trying to weaponize space in order to be the Nazi dictatorship of our planet.

The globalists' plan is to escape to Mars and other colonies currently being developed on the Saturn moon and other moons, with the help of Aldebaran forces. 

The Moon

The moon is not a planet or any kind of celestial body at all. It's a spaceship camouflaged to look like the moon you see. It came here from Ursa Minor carrying 11,213 Reptilians that now live within inner earth and that are the ones taking a portion of our disappearing children.


The moon was built around the 17th planet, put in the tail of a comet and dragged here. Space travel has existed in this galaxy for 4.4 billion years now - despite what you've been told. 


As early as February, 1958 the NSA had created moon bases - 9 huge domed cities housing 5 million extraterrestrials and 35 million earthlings that were Aryans by birth. Which is to say, Nazis. At one time, the moon's population included 18,000 Greys but only 2000 real Greys are left, the rest are clones. The real Greys or EBENS are hiding out on Phobos.


Back in the mid to late 1990's our government already had 55 ships ('UFO's') on the moon.


There also 4 pyramids on the moon. Pyramids are weights that balance the planet. All inhabited planets have pyramids for this reason. 


The dark side of the moon is the side of the moon you never see and that's where the alien bases are located. 

moon surface NASA.jpg

Photo of moon surface taken by NASA during Apollo missions

A video I made showing you the moon and Mars...  (Best in full screen)


Yes, you can breathe on Mars. However, the air is much thinner so you can sit outside for a few minutes without any respiratory aid but if you're going to do anything physical you need to be in a suit.


Yes, there is life on Mars. It's a Draconian Reptilian 'owned' planet. However, most of the critters on Mars would just as soon kill you as look at you. 

I know of one guy who was basically 'infantry' whose unit was sent out on a mission without being told what the mission was. The powers that be sent that unit out to test a species there that was basically giant crab-like. He was the only one in the unit to survive, the rest were killed. That's how dispensable your life is in the SSP.

A Mars spider

mars spider.jpg

How did our government keep these kinds of space programs secret for so long?


September 10, 2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion dollars could not be accounted for within Department of Defense expenditures. The very next day the Pentagon’s budget analyst’s office was destroyed in the 9/11 attack. The mystery remains: Where are the missing trillions?


Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and Above Majestic. 

This documentary has now been removed, even on Bitchute! You can rent to watch it at this link:


Realize that all of these top secret black programs are highly compartmentalized so that one person working in one area has no idea what's going on in any of the other areas.

If these programs have been in operation for decades, how come President Trump only recently announced the existence of the SSP?

space force.webp

My personal opinion? Trump is one of the neocons and his going public with the SSP was part of setting the stage for the UFO threat narrative the government has now come out with.

What is an exosuit?
An exosuit is basically a hydraulic machine that gives a human super human strength, added speed and other enhanced abilities. I can't show you a current exosuit being used because this technology is kept top secret - like everything else.


Some exosuits are free-wearing, I'm told now they have ones for the ground infantry type personnel that are actually fused to their spines. Very painful I'm told.


What was your position in the SSP?
Pilot. I was already a Milab pilot before being enslaved in the SSP.


And you were forbidden to communicate with any of the politicians, etc. coming to Mars?
Yes, that was absolutely forbidden.

Is it true 90% of the UFO's we see in the sky are human and not alien?
Yup. And the truly ET craft you see have rights to fly in earth's airspace via all the secret treaties the governments have made with them. But nearly all the craft you see are human military.


How did the CIA determine who would be a candidate for the SSP?

One was a part of a secret black program of one kind or another to be harvested into these secret space programs. You had the megagene, a high IQ and other traits that made you a viable 'recruit'. 


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