The "Truther" and experiencer communities contain very little truth anymore. They are chock full of fake "experiencers", hotbeds of misinformation and disinformation, "spiritual gurus" out to make a fast buck, those who've had their consciousness hijacked, government talking heads and disinfo agents. gaslighting and infighting, and outright BS about the ET's spread by egotists and "Starseeds" who want to sound like they know what they're talking about - which is why so many of we veteran experiencers have backed away from these communities completely.
We simply don't want to be a part of the 3 ring circus those communities have become.
If you only want INFOTAINMENT, then stick with the above communities. If you want some real TRUTH then you're in the right place.
One does not get to know what's going on by reading memes on censored and controlled social media. One does not get to know the ET's through research, sleep and dream states, in their mind's eye or astral travel. One can only get to know the ET's through fully conscious and aware, physical contact with them.
Just one example of ET BS:
First of all, they get highly insulted if you call them "Pleiadians". That is the name of their star system. They are called "Plejarans" (pronounced play are ans) and expect to be addressed as such. If you do not address them as such, they will immediately and rather sternly correct you.
While it's true they practice tantric sex in some instances, they DO have genitals like ours, they can have sex apart from tantric sex and the females give birth just like human women do. And yes, they are one of the ET races that still have to eat - just not as often as we do. Nor did they lose their root chakra or have mouths smaller than ours.
While taller, leaner and less dense (like most ET's) than we are, the only way they physically differ from us is that they eliminate waste through their skin.
There's no ET race more misunderstood and about which more parroted BS is spread, than the Plejarans.
AI created likenesses
I have an ET family on the ship, our eldest daughter Taaya's partner is Kelshay, the son of Plejaran Ambassador, Kayterra.
Taaya and Kelshay have 3 beautiful children - daughters, TK and Malyah and son, Shiloh.
She did not get pregnant 3 times via tantric sex, trust me.
We need to stop spreading BS about the ET's because it's very annoying and irritating to them.
After all, YOU wouldn't like it if people were spreading falsehoods about YOU, would you?
They're no different from us in that respect and they have an intense pride of their races and ancestry. Which is why they get so bucky about falsehoods being spread about them.
So we're going to start with some myth busting here...
Those of us who work with Jmmanuel in the Christ Command went through extensive training with him personally, during which time he laid out how everything worked and the misconceptions people here would have about everything in general.
The ET's are involved with humanity and earth because they have an undying love of Terrans
With the exception of the Angelics, Arcturans and Agharthans nothing could be further from the truth. We have a godawful reputation among the benevolent ET races in general. I had to laugh when I saw the following reel for it epitomizes how they view terrestrial humans.
On the whole they see us as being violent barbarians and the monkey-like critters we once were, that just came down out of the trees and haven't learned a damn thing in the past 500 years.
Many races still study us as nothing more than slightly sentient animals.
They aren't involved with us or earth because of any undying love for us. They are serving THEIR OWN AGENDAS - primarily protecting their inhabited planets and stars from us. They see us as a kind of 'virus' they don't want spreading throughout the space/time continuum and infecting it - which is why they quarantined earth eons ago.
All ET races have mastered genetics, they know how to create life forms and reseed planets. So if terrestrial humans end up annihilating themselves, no skin off their backs.
There is only ONE thing we have to offer them that they need - our royal DNA.
Because they've done so much genetic tinkering, they have severely degraded their own DNA. Some races (like Zeta Reticulans) can no longer reproduce.
Others, like the Andromes have begun having birth defects showing up in their babies.
The book Secret Vows - Our Lives With Extraterrestrials tells the story of a consensual breeding program between some Terrans and the Andromes, using our DNA to repair those birth defects in Androme offspring.
It was written by authors, Bert and Denise Twiggs who were involved in that consensual breeding program - which so far has been successful in eliminating the Androme birth defects.
Because we are descended from the Angelics, both benevolent and malevolent ET races view our DNA as being royal DNA - the Angelics being the original cosmic royalty.
Therefore, our DNA is considered the gold standard of the cosmos and it is the ONLY thing we have that would be of the least bit of interest to the ET's. And since they already have it, oh well! If we destroy ourselves, they'll just repair the planet and reseed it.
In fact, the Angelics already have a contingency plan in place and waiting in the wings if it should become necessary to do this.
Their interest isn't in saving us. Their interest lies in SAVING THE PLANET because it truly is the gem planet in the entire cosmos - not only beautiful in appearance but rich in natural resources the ET's use to build things like force fields - which is why so many malevolent races want to claim this planet as their own.
We scare the bejesus out of the ET's, truth be told. Aboard a ship I made the mistake of smiling at an ET and allowing my teeth to show when I smiled. She immediately went into self defense mode, ready to kill me if necessary. Luckily, one of my ET contacts was right there when this happened so could explain to her that my teeth showing when I smiled did NOT mean I was preparing to EAT HER. That's just one example of how prevalent our reputation as violent barbarians is among the ET's. They even see us as cannibals.
There is no such thing as a "Starseed"
I can already hear the New Agers and Surface Level 'Truthers' getting their undies in a twist. "But a psychic told me I was a Pleiadian Starseed!" I recommend you find yourself a new psychic because being a "Starseed" is physiologically impossible for starters.
The term "Starseed" was an earth created term introduced by Brad Steiger in his 1976 book Gods of Aquarius. (If you truly were a 'Starseed', for starters you'd know that the Plejarans resent being called "Pleiadians" for starters.)
First of all, when the Angelics put out the cosmic-wide call for their 3 Waves of Volunteers, all ET races involved AGREED that any volunteers they sent would be working under the auspices of the Angelics and the Galactic Confederation of Worlds or "Collective". They all know the Angelics are master orchestrators that govern the cosmos, so knew precisely how many volunteers they needed to get the job done - LESS THAN 2% OF EARTH'S TOTAL POPULATION. So they would not have gone 'rogue' and over the Angelics's heads to send their own 'Starseeds' outside of the 3 Waves of Volunteers. The ET's work under hierarchies just as earth does.
The space/time continuum is comprised of parallel timelines, densitites and dimensions that are always in motion, at times overlapping one another as they move like waves in the ocean.
If you've ever watched a UFO flying in the sky at times it will disappear, then reappear. It has not gone invisible when it disappears. It has merely entered one of those overlapping waves of another density or timeline, at which point it disappears to the naked eye. It reappears when it exits that parallel density or timeline and becomes visible again when it returns to this 3D timeline/density.
Each of these parallel densities has their own level of amplitude that differs from the other densities. They vibrate at different speeds. Unless one can adjust their personal amplitude to those varying frequencies and vibrations as they travel through them, one would die from the difference between those varying frequencies and their own personal frequency.
Imagine you're a car battery and someone is going to jump you. They hook up the cables to the wrong battery terminals. What happens to the battery? It fries. The positive and negative leads on the cables overload the battery when the car is started.
The space/time continuum, each coil representing a
different density of varying amplitude
Unlike the ET's, terrestrial humans are not yet physiologically calibrated to travel deep space.
If you doubt that, then look at what a human astronaut must wear just to venture into space around earth vs. what the ET's wear to travel deep space and through those varying amplitudes.
Furthermore, terrestrial human astronauts are prone to space sickness, space madness, etc. whereas the ET's aren't because they are physiologically adapted to traveling deep space and do so routinely.
Therefore, it would be physiologically impossible for all of these self-professed 'Pleiadian Starseeds" (for example) to travel 40 light years from the Pleiades system to earth - as the self professed 'Starseeds' claim to have done. They'd be dead before leaving the Pleiades system. Nor would the ecologically minded ET's be littering the space/time continuum with their dead carcasses, launching them out of their ship's hatch!
Then how did the 3 Waves of Volunteers get here without dying? First of all we were ET before incarnation into human bodies, we were accustomed to teleportation and traveling through deep space. Secondly, once we'd incarnated into human bodies our calibration needed a "boost" and we came prepared with that "boost" to enable us to travel between earth's surface to our ships 'upstairs', to easily travel through stargates, etc.
We came equipped with a very rare 3rd strand of DNA
that boosted our space travel calibration.
The deep black military eventually discovered this 3rd DNA strand, which is how they track our incarnations before we actually incarnate on earth. This 3rd strand of DNA is the sole determination as to whether or not one is coming in from off planet.
The deep black military seeks to clone and weaponize this 3rd strand of DNA so if you possess it, you will physically be abducted into the deep black military's top secret projects so that they can attempt to clone and weaponize it.
Many of the Milabs were off planet volunteers with this rare 3rd strand of DNA. We were 1st wave Volunteers who were the 'double agents' of the Angelics. It was our job to infiltrate the enemy camps (such as the DUMBS) and shift the table of power to humanity while exposing the crimes against humanity. You're seeing this exposure now.
James (Bartley) and I discussed this briefly during one of our interviews together and in his next interview with Milab, Emily Moyer they discussed this more at length and how they track our incarnations. 48:47 - 53:24 on the video timer.
It was always the Angelics' plan to work from the inside out and Dolores Cannon discovered this as well...
Those of us who did come from off planet did not declare OURSELVES as having come from off planet. We were told we were. In my own case, by the CIA then a high ranking military abductor. My own ET contacts were the last to confirm it. And quite frankly, we live lives so full of hardships FAR worse than those experienced in daily earth life that we don't understand why anyone would want to be in our shoes! We don't even like being in our shoes...and can't wait to get the hell off this little rock of insanity of yours!
Sorry if I burst your bubble but no such thing as a 'Starseed'. Nor do you need to be. There's nothing "different" or "special" about us whatsoever. We put our pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else here. You're just as capable of helping humanity being an earth soul.
Incidentally, no blood type has nothing to do with whether one comes from off planet or not. Rh negative or Rh positive only denotes whether or not you are Homo Sapien or Homo Capensis, both of which were Drac engineered slaves. Homo Capensis was just a more upgraded slave version than Homo Sapiens. Homo Capensis has the 0 negative blood type.
There's also the fact that terrestrial humans are a mixture of the DNA of at least 22 different ET races. That makes us unique. The ET's see us as being more ET than themselves for this reason.
Every person on this planet came from the stars - which negates the term 'Starseed' in and of itself. Or you could look at it from the perspective that we have nearly 8 billion 'Starseeds' on this planet, not one any more "special" than another.
The planetary transition
Most don't really understand how the planetary transition works. Jmmanuel saying "The planet will split in two" didn't mean the planet would literally split into 2 planets, Old Earth and New Earth. Nor is there any "Ascension" as the New Wavers rant about.
No one's going to be floating up into the sky in a Rapture-like event, least of all any "chosen ones".
All transition means is that the planet is shifting locations in space that will move it into a higher amplitude locations.
Each of the planets orbit around at the sun at a different speed. The transiting planets can move quickly or slowly through the zodiac signs.
This is a NATURAL OCCURENCE that happens all on its own. The space/time continuum is energy and energy is always active. Therefore, the planets and stars are always active and moving.
In 2011, a black hole appeared in this universe. It created 3 new densities that earth scientists can't explain because they do not yet understand black holes. We went from having 12 densities to 15 densities.
Black holes could be driving the expansion of the universe, new study suggests
So earth moving is a natural occurrence that results in part from this black hole expanding the universe.
What the planet will split in two means is that what you'd call "5D New Earth" will be an OVERLAY covering 3D Old Earth. That overlay will be of a higher amplitude than 3D earth. It is basically a timeline split in overlay form. Again, think of those overlapping waves we spoke about earlier.
5D Earth represents a higher dimensional state of consciousness characterized by unity, unconditional love, and expanded awareness. Unlike our current 3D reality, 5D consciousness transcends fear, separation, and scarcity.
In order to inhabit '5D New Earth' one must do the spiritual work necessary on themselves to shift to that higher '5D' dimensional awareness and LIFESTYLE, being able to raise one's own personal amplitude to match that amplitude of 'New Earth'. It's no different than traveling deep space - if one can't do that, one literally cannot survive physically on 'New Earth' with its higher amplitude.
We do not decide which realm we're fit to inhabit. The Angelics decide that. You can say "I'm ascending to 5D!" all you want...your opinion doesn't mean doodly squat because we're not the ones calling the shots in this transition, knowing we humans don't have a very realistic view of ourselves.
So what is '4D' then? It is the extreme separation leading to whether one will transition or not.
It is the dividing of the planet into 2 camps - those who follow the Luciferians and those who follow the Divine. Not in words but in ACTIONS. You can look at '4D' as the portal that splits people into those 2 camps. And no, being a "nice person" has nothing to do with which density you will end up inhabiting. (The Deep Staters believe they're "nice people" too!)
What happens when the split actually happens? Well, first of all it's not a team event. It is an individual event depending on the spiritual work one has done on themselves. It will happen automatically and the person transitioning will have no memory of their 3D life here. This will be done so no one has to go through the grieving process of separating from spouses, family members, etc. Same with those remaining in 3D. They will have no memory of you so that no one suffers.
Those transitioning will experience other physical changes. Their bodies will become like those of the ET's - taller, leaner, less dense with longer life spans. In addition, their psi abilities will be enhanced. They will become part of galactic society as well, some with seats on the various ET governing bodies that regulate trade, galactic law and what not.
Those inhabiting the 'New Earth' overlay will live in spiritual communal communities. There will be no financial systems or 9 to 5 jobs. These 'New Earth' communities will mimic ET communities where everyone contributes freely to the maintenance of the entire society.
There will be NONE of the Matrix system control mechanisms the Deep State are currently using in existence nor will any malevolent ET's be allowed access to that overlay.
The drones and other objects in the skies are the good ET's here to rescue and make contact with us
I know what Surface Level 'Truther' started that BS and the less than reputable source he got that idea from. There is no truth to it whatsoever.
The objects you're seeing in the sky are human Skunkworks made UAP's. They're not ET even though they appear to be able to do maneuvers our traditional aircraft can't.
As far as the drones go, they're also human made and are searching for a shipment of
nuclear material our less than brilliant top military LOST in transit. OOOPS!
The benevolent ET star nations involved have NO PLANS WHATSOEVER to be sending ships here to make contact with terrestrial humans.
1. That would violate the directive of non interference they fanatically adhere to.
2. Knowing how savior programmed Terrans are, they have no desire to be those saviors thereby ending up as earth's eternal babysitters.
3. Quite a few ET races do not want contact with humans here because we're such a hot mess that to have contact with us would literally psychologically damage them.
4. They know full well that people here are NOT ready for physical contact with them and this would be the result:
Believe me, if there were any plans for an ET contact event I'd be the FIRST one shouting it from the rooftops! Sorry, but there isn't any contact event planned. They know how steeped Terrans are in living in fear and to initiate such contact would only result in deaths on both sides.
They've stated all along that they aren't coming to "save" or "rescue" anyone here and that still stands. We allowed this mess to be created so it's our job to fix it, not theirs.
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