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"Shadow Work has become more popularized over the past few years & with it, many distortions & over-simplifications.

Anyone who claims to have no triggers, no projections (positively or negatively), and says he/she is "done with shadow work" is lying to him/herself.


It would be the same to claim that one is fully Self-realized and enlightened.

You can also waste years & decades of just intellectualizing the process of shadow work without progressing one bit. 


Shadow work needs to happen somatically on all levels, for the body stores everything. Most of all, before applying and doing shadow work correcctly - which can be very uncomfortable, messy and painful at first - one needs to know HOW to do it and WHAT it implies.

It requires a certain level of detached self-awareness [without disassociating], the witness within, and the ability to observe the projections, transference, triggers, etc., in oneself [& and how it feels in the body] WITHOUT acting on them, justifying, externalizing, or attaching a story to any of them.

That is easier said than done because the shadow is, by definition, unconscious. It is your blind spot. Hence doing shadow work by oneself is also limited to a degree.


But you can do it IF you know HOW to do it and put the mirror on yourself.


This process requires sincere study and practice first and foremost, so it becomes "second nature" - 24/7 and more refined.


It also requires humility, for the ego-personality will revolt and deny the shadow with all the externalized blame and entitlement, self-pity, or self-importance.


It activates the wounded inner child trapped in an adult body as all the suppressed internalized shame, grief, sadness, fear, and anger you never acknowledged want to express themselves - to be transmuted, brought to light, and released - as all your exiled parts become integrated bringing forth the true Self.


Making the darkness conscious [within] is the gateway to the Divine - to become Whole - to be reborn in the true Self.


You can only truly rise into higher levels of being as deep as you are willing to go into the shadow & darkness of yourself, revealing trauma & wounds accumulated over lifetimes.

That is the Law of Ascent and Descent.


The path towards awakening is not a linear road up to "heaven," but it spirals up, down, in, out, back, and forth, expanding on all levels and bringing up everything.


Anything asleep within us (unconscious) will be put under the spotlight of Truth.


There are no shortcuts; if you think there are, you have been duped. [Lots of those traps in the New Age making empty promises]


It’s an ongoing process for any of us engaged in The Work."

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Anarchist Truthers who believe every politician is part of the swamp, that everything is "scripted," and think the only solution is no government and no voting [but just "exiting" the system] are as short-sighted as statists believing that we must vote for their chosen candidate who they think will bring about genuine change and governments are there to protect them.


What's the blind spot?


Lack of Psycho-Spiritual [Self] Awareness, work, and lack of spiritual vision, which means that whatever you see outside is a reflection of yourself and the collective unconscious, all the "good" and "bad" parts.


All that you fight against is part of yourself. Hence, the wise don’t just fight and project evil “out there” but face their darkness within. They do their shadow work.


And then there is also Divine "Will" that overrides all human "will."


Does that mean and imply we should only look within and do "inner work," no action, and everything will change magically? Isn’t that spiritual bypassing? 


No, I'm not implying that at all. First of all, most people don't sincerely engage in psycho-spiritual work even though they say they do, or they intellectualize the process - as I used to do as well back in the day [and can still fall into for the mind is the trickster and I’m far from “perfect.”]  See our article Spiritual Awakenings.​


​Trump is a good example of projecting our own shadow projections. 

He’s the target of the projections from the left, conservatives, and the truther community alike – billions of people on a global level.


One side sees him as Hitler and dictator, or controlled op, shill, Luciferian, or false savior. The other side sees him as the savior/messiah who can do no wrong.

​Most people are caught in these oversimplified good/bad either/or projections.


If you know how to do shadow work and withdraw your projections, you will start to see him as he IS [the arising “third force” beyond the black-and-white duality], not as you think he is or want him to be beyond any label.


This is an extremely difficult internal process. It’s not an intellectual exercise of “neutrality” or “balance.” It’s not a moral question and cannot be reached via logic and the mind. It’s not a thought process. It’s a continuing “trial and error” process that becomes more nuanced over time.


Anyone who claims they don’t project, don’t get triggered, don’t have a shadow, or are “done with shadow work” [huge red flag!] doesn’t grasp what shadow work is and is lying to themselves. It would literally imply that you are “enlightened” without any unconsciousness.

Most people, normies, and self-proclaimed “awake” truthers alike indulge in their projections (sometimes truthers even more than normies, ironically).


The mind and reality (by extension through the process of projective identification) will always give them a “reason” and “justification” to indulge in their projections—augmented with thought injections by occult forces that trigger their unconscious shadow to feed off the emotionally charged projections of the suppressed shadow.


As Paul Levy explained in his work, this is also the modus operandi of wetiko tagging into the shadow – it feeds you what you want to see to feed off you even more.


That’s why trying to expose all the lies, psy-ops, and conspiracies “out there” in the world is an endless feedback loop because “you” and the collective psyche will “dream up” more of the same, living under the illusion that the outside world is separate from “you.”


Until you stop externalizing, withdraw your projections, focus the vision within, and start living from within—grounded and embodied in Self.


It requires internal willpower not to give in to the “justified” projections but to use them to ignite the alchemical fire within as fuel for the shadow work to bring forth Essence/Self.


Hence, the real battle and psy-op is within and working THROUGH you.

The less aware you are of your shadow, projections, and triggers, the easier it is to be controlled by unseen [occult] forces tagging into your psyche.


The more you are a slave to occult forces outside your awareness, regardless of whether you call yourself a “truther” who thinks he is awake and has figured it all out or the average person who may not be aware of any conspiracies.


Starting the process of withdrawing your projections (by becoming aware of them) is the most critical part and foundation of inner work before deeper spiritual/esoteric self-work can begin - or you’ll fall into the trap of spiritual bypassing.


The conditioned ego-personality stuck in pride and victim/blame consciousness will deny and resist this process.


It will vehemently protest the idea that “whatever is wrong in the world is in himself” with various reasons and justifications to mentally shield itself from disillusionment – a crucial threshold to break through in doing shadow work.


Withdrawing your projections not only helps you see clearly beyond your mechanical, programmed, and reactive likes and dislikes, attractions, and repulsions, but you do more for the betterment of humanity than trying to figure out any conspiracy or psy-op intellectually.


Integrating your shadow will also give you more access to Self-energy, your essence as a vessel for the Divine, and, by extension, more access to creativity, life force, and true FREE WILL with CONSCIOUS action and not mechanical and emotional re-action.

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​Note that you do not make progress doing shadow work on a yoga mat or in meditation. It happens when you're in the midst of great conflict and/or under attack, when you're angry, frustrated, scared and you react with your typical lower dimensional response. 
We humans learn best when facing adversity.


Like an awakening itself, the goal of shadow work is to change your lifelong habit of issuing lower dimensional responses in situations to those of higher dimensional responses that you learn to give on a consistent basis - in both thought and action. You come to know and react as your True Self as habit.


Nor is shadow work something you complete in 2 years, 5 years or even 10 years. 

Shadow work is actually a never-ending process. This is because completed shadow work would mean we'd evolved into perfect

human beings and none of us are perfect.

How To Do Shadow Work


This is the first step I took in doing my own shadow work. Rarely now do I post responses to anything on social media, get into senseless arguments with people, etc.

Voicing one's opinion (and the need to be "right") comes from ego. One of the goals of doing shadow work is to bring the ego into balance with mind/consciousness, spirit, soul, body.
The truth is, no one cares what opinion we might hold because they are so focused on voicing their own opinion. So why even voice our opinion unless we're specifically asked for it?



When a population is subjected to unrelenting trauma and chaos that population becomes demoralized. Once that happens, that population will do the bidding of the leaders no matter how morally and ethically wrong it is.


This is the point we're at in America. The entire nation has been demoralized to bring us to do the bidding of the insane, narcissistic neocons running the show. What's happened to a large segment of the population, espeically our younger generations who were specifically targeted? They're acting exactly like those insane, narcissistic neocons.

In mind control programming, this is called deflection. You see our government do it all the time. They project their own narcissistic misbehavior and crimes THEY are guilty of onto others. You saw them do it repeatedly with Trump. 
When you respond from a lower dimensional stance, are you DEFLECTING? If so, why? What are you deflecting from that you don't want to face within yourself? Unhealed trauma? Lack of self esteem? Jealousy of another?


A critical step in doing shadow work is learning to recognize when you are deflecting and why. Then you must learn to change that deflective behavior and accept personal responsibility for it.



This means a complete opening of your mind to a new belief system, telling yourself and your ego "Everything I think I know is wrong" and forming a new belief system based on

truth. It also means examining YOURSELF and the lies you tell yourself about YOU.
This is one of the most critical steps of the whole awakening process. None of us like to admit to ourselves we've been played for fools with nothing but lies and deceptions. But the fact is, we have been and these dark forces have played us brilliantly. 


This step is going to be the most difficult for those who are religious and hold onto their belief systems like a rabid junkyard dog guarding his bone. Just last night I was talking to a friend who is very religiously programmed (whether he realizes it or not) but claims he wants the truth. There is nothing truthful in earth religions whatsoever...yet what research does he focus on to get to the "truth"? Earth religion. 
As I told him, "You're not going to find the truth of anything at the end of a path of lies and deceptions. Ain't gonna happen."
His response? "But it's so hard to let go of."


Yes, it is. But if you're not willing to shed the lies and deceptions you bought into, you're never going to get to the truth and you're never going to complete your "shadow work". It's that simple. If you don't rid yourself of the brainwashing, you will remain brainwashed.

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