I'm updating this section as the ship just put in for renovations to many decks.
I wanted to give viewers some kind of visual idea of what the interior of ET ships look like. This is very difficult to do given our photographic equipment doesn't work on ships due to all the EM energy on them and furthermore, photos/videos wouldn't be allowed to be taken anyway for the safety of the crew... and the ET's go to great lengths to keep their advanced technology out of the hands of earth's deep black military. (That always have eyes on websites of any contactees)
This afternoon I found 3 videos that will help viewers conceptualize just how massive these command ships and biospheres are. I can't verify the legitimacy of these 2 gals making the videos or that there's an Andromedan biosphere named Veira. What I can verify having spent a month on an Andromedan biosphere is that the videos somewhat represent what an Andromedan biosphere interior looks like. Of course, every ship interior is somewhat different even within a single ET race's fleet.
I hope that gives you some idea of the size and scale of these command ships so you can put the New Jerusalem ship tour I'm about to give you into proper perspective.
I apologize for the use of somewhat Star Trekky illustrations but I can only work with what we have here on earth to work with. They are not precise by any means, they are only to give the viewer a rough idea of what the ship actually looks like. A special thanks to Ex Astris Scientia for his diagrams.
The New Jerusalem is now comprised of 18 decks. It carries a crew of approximately 1 million of both human and non human crew.
The uppermost deck is called the Pilot's deck. Think Star Trek bridge. The crew on the Pilot's deck fly the ship. On our ship, there are usually about 12 crew personnel on the Pilot's deck when the ship is operational.
There are 3 Commanders chairs that sit side-by-side. These chairs operate via a Commander's brain waves and DNA. The chairs "read" each Commander's brain waves and DNA and enable the Commander to telepathically transfer his or her commands to the ship operating systems. This is a safeguard that were a ship to be captured for example, anyone attempting to hijack the ship would be unable to operate it.
On a command ship, both Commanders and Vice Commanders can command/operate the ship.
In front of the Commanders sit the Pilot and Navigator. As their titles imply, these 2 fly the ship through space. Their seats operate similar to those of the Commanders, sending their telepathic commands to the ship operating systems. The instrument panels in front of them contain symbols inset into the panel itself. These allow the Pilot and Navigator to operate in somewhat of a "manual" mode as well as telepathic.
On their instrument console are a series of 'buttons' with symbols on them, each symbol representing a different ship function.
For example, 2 parallel lines is the symbol for landing or jumping null time. The 'button' can be activated by passing one's fingertip over it. Were this symbol activated, a screen would come up in front of the Pilot and Navigator that looks like this...
Photo courtesy of Lloyd Bushman Collection
Two devices come out from the sides of the ship and show 2 parallel lines that converge to show the landing point or alternately, the null time jump point.
In front of the Pilot and Navigator is a large viewing screen that is visible only on the interior of the ship. This allows them not only a 360 degree view around the ship but they can also view atop and below the ship as well.
There's a lift that take crew up and down between decks as well as a vibrational chamber that raises the vibrations of anyone from the surface coming aboard, and a restroom.
The ships vibrate at a much higher rate than that of earth so those of us going aboard the ship know how to raise our vibrations accordingly but in the event we'd need help holding those much higher vibrations, that's what the vibration chambers are for.
Deck 2 contains the Commanders quarters. They're located close to the bridge in the event of an emergency or attack.
This is where our quarters are. They're nothing fancy at all - but they do look more futuristic than the illustration below.
There are different sized quarters for single crew members, couples and families. But they generally consist of an open concept kitchen/dining/living area; bedrooms with workstation; and each bedroom has a private bathroom.
This slideshow might give you a somewhat better idea.
All of the quarters walls and ceilings are holographic so you can change your scenery whenever you like. No closets are ever visible, they are hidden within the ship walls. And you gals will hate me for this...we never do laundry. You simply hang your clothes in one section of the closet and they come out clean and sanitized.
Our beds are like combination bed/workstation/viewing screen. They are temperature controlled for each individual sleeping in them, they can be raised and lowered as needed. At the foot of the bed is the screen one can change from workstation to something similar to a computer screen to something similar to a movie or TV screen.
Our quarters can be decorated any way we like, using the same type of virtual reality technology used to build the ships.
Our kitchens are something else. We have this machine I call "the gizmo" that cooks an entire meal instantly. We have coolers and warmers similar to earth refrigerators but will keep the food as hot as you took it "out of the oven" or as cold as if you'd just taken it out of the freezer. We have a food replicator. Our pantry is similar to a walk in cooler in design but has telepathically operated rotating shelves so what you want to get out of it is right in front of you. (Everything is telepathically operated) There's also a built in lighted and temperature controlled area for growing herbs and spices. Basically, our kitchens are every cook's dream.
Our bathrooms are where we depart from earth bathrooms. ET bathrooms are unisex, used by males and females simultaneously. (ET's don't have our modesty hang up's) The bathrooms don't use water, everything is done with light and energy. Energy waves disintegrate all waste so no waste has to be stored and later dumped. The showers also use light that cleans and sanitizes one as sterile as an earth operating room. So no towels or toilet paper to contend with. Nor do we have to clean any bathrooms. Units in the ceilings and floors do that periodically and sterilize everything.
Our quarters do have 2 additional features. On the quarters diagram above where the red arrow points is a hallway that leads to a private conference room and a meditation atrium.
Because we have a few Commanders in my ET family and we spend so much of our time in meetings, a conference room was a necessity. We just updated this conference room so that each seat has a workstation in front of it.
It also contains a more advanced workstation. We don't have anything like it on earth so the closest I could come to showing you what it's like is the video at right.
It's similar to a Scorpion gaming chair but crystaline in appearance. From it one can access all crew member records, ground crew member records, the Angelic Hall of Records, and even tap into our Internet and TV here.
Conference room
The atrium is one of my fave places on the ship and we recently redisgned it as well. It is basically a meditation area containing a healing pool. The water in that pool has healing properties. It's something like the photo below but all one level, no balcony. And a lot more plants.
Deck 3 contains the Great Meeting Hall which has also been redesigned recently. It's along the lines of an auditorium that seats hundreds of thousands. This is where the star nation meetings are held.
Behind the area where whoever is hosting the meeting sits is a large area (designated by the Earth hologram) where 3D LIVE holographic images can be displayed to all in attendance - for example, maps of different areas of space or maps of ship fleet movements.
On the deck perimeter around the Great Meeting Hall are smaller conference rooms and upscale lounge areas where star nation dignitaries can relax between meetings. These lounges have their own kitchens manned with crew chefs so the dignitaries don't have to chase around the ship to eat when meetings are being held.
Lounge area
​Deck 4 is what I call the VIP deck.
It contains quarters for all visiting dignitaries as well as quarters for any evacuees that might be taken aboard.
It also has a VIP dining room that's set up like an upscale restaurant, something along these lines:
(Sans the noise, our ships are silent)
The kitchen is manned by 'chefs' that have studied all over the cosmos and can make virtually any food asked for, as ET diets vary widely.
​Decks 5 and 6 are crew quarters. They're designed exactly like VIP quarters are and come in single, 2 person or family-sized units.
Deck 7 is the Community Deck and is the busiest deck on the ship.
Jmmanuel designed it himself. It's laid out in concentric circles. The outermost circle is where the MagLev train runs for crew to travel longer distances around the ship.
The next circle in contains all the various shops, restaurants, the equivalent of our grocery stores, the clothier's, a large spiritual center, an enormous education complex, a medical center, a concert hall, a live theater building, etc.
There is no financial system. The crew walk into a shop, get what they need and walk out with it free of charge.
The ring in front of all the shops is designed like an outdoor cafe with a walking path that goes all the way around the deck.
The next ring in contains the track the smaller shuttle vehicles use carrying crew shorter distances around the ship.
The innermost ring contains a lake
surrounded by beautiful gardens, walking paths, foot bridges over streams, sitting areas, a kind of playground for the crews' kids.
There are what we'd call picnic areas around the lake, just off the kids' playground.
Deck 8 is the Recreation Deck. This is where the crew dining rooms are located. They too are beautifully landscaped with a lagoon with waterfall at the far end of the room. One can swim in the lagoon and there are also dining tables in the lagoon area.
There is no kitchen for the crew dining, simply food replicators. However, they may eat in the VIP deck dining room when no dignitaries are aboard for star nation meetings.
What I love about the crew dining rooms is that their decor is very nature oriented. One feels like they're dining outdoors rather than inside a ship.
There are also gaming lounges for the crew kids aboard on this deck, a fully staffed child care center, another concert hall, a second live theater complex, and a number of holodeck units in which one can create any virtual reality scenario they wish to entertain themselves.
Kids gaming lounge
Deck 9 is the Medical Deck. There's housing for the healers, a hospital, healing bays, decontamination chambers, birthing rooms, a laboratory, cryo storage, a morgue.
All healing is done with energy, light and sound and is completely painless. Diagnostic beds are used for diagnosis. [Note: Med beds are obsolete ET tech and not on ships anymore.]
Surgery is performed in pods, robotically.
We do have medical transport ships as well.
Deck 10 is the Navigation Deck. It's nearly as busy as the Pilot's Deck. This is where all fleet movements are coordinated, earth's Schumann Resonance is raised, and where all surface missions are planned by a special crew unit responsible for only planning those missions.
Where the arrow points is where holographic live (in real time) star charts can be brought up.
Deck 11 is the Biosphere. This is where the ship's food is grown in huge gardens tended by autobots. Artificial light is produced from the ceiling. There are beautifully landscaped areas in the biosphere too with areas to sit and just relax.
The deck also contains a hydroponics/aquaponics lab and other agricultural types of labs.
Deck 12 is the Marine biosphere ecosystem. It's basically a replica of one of our oceans. There's also an underwater marine laboratory.
Deck 13 is all of the Science offices and labs. It is also where ship Security is based, including a brig.
There are various security checkpoints throughout the ship. That's the primary job of the security force - to prevent unauthorized anyone from getting aboard the ship.
(Fighting between crew members and insubordination are virtually non-existent)
These security checkpoints have tech that scans a person's DNA, vibrational rate, etc. and pull up a person's "service record", which is actually a complete biography on them.
Decks 14, 15 and 16 house the ship operating systems and are also used for ship maintenance and storage.
Deck 17 is a new deck added for the convenience of the Flight deck maintenance crew as they wanted their quarters closer to the flight deck. Their deck contains their own dining halls and lounges.
Deck 18 is the Flight deck. This is where all smaller scout and transport ships are kept and maintained and from where the smaller craft and drones depart the ship.
That concludes our tour. I hope you have a better idea of what our crews 'upstairs' call home.
Why won't the ET's at least let us come aboard and take a short ride on one of their motherships?
Simplest answer? Because it would kill you dead. And none of us want to kill you dead.
If one's personal frequency and vibration do not match that of the ship's they cannot survive on the ship. They would die within short order. It would be comparable to a diver getting the bends. That's the closest analogy I can make.
Then there's the issue of materialization and dematerialization.
Think of the Star Trek transporter.
When our ships jump null time to cover great distances in seconds, both the crew and the ship dematerialize during that jump, the rematerialize when the jump is completed.
That's basically what the Star Trek transporter did in beaming crew on and off the ship - it dematerialized them and rematerialized them.
​This is why we wear compression suits like the one below when traveling in space.
It keeps the atoms in our bodies from littering the ship in those jumps.​
That's a pretty elementary explanation of the whole thing but this is why you can't just hop on a command ship and go joyriding. In the future your bodies will be calibrated to travel in deep space but that's a few years off yet.
If it's any consolation, there are future plans to bring all of you aboard a command ship - when it won't kill you dead.
By the way, there's another SSP'er who talks about this space/time travel calibration. I think it was Tony Rodriques? Not sure on that though. I don't remember who it was for sure.
How do you know if you have that 3rd DNA strand?
You will have spent time (willingly or unwillingly) in the deep black military projects. They're aware of this 3rd DNA strand and who has it and they snatch up those individuals. If you weren't a Milab or SSP or you haven't been in the deep black ops projects you don't have that 3rd DNA strand.
What do Commanders on a ship do, what are their duties?
Commander is a title designating a certain level of spirituality and wisdom reached...so Commanders don't actually command anyone to do anything. That would be interferring with free will choice of their crews. Rather, the crews recognize a Commander's level of wisdom and spirituality so defer to their judgement in running the ship.
We do anything our crews do. There's no such thing as "not my job" on a ship.
Do your crews wear uniforms on the ship?
Yes and no. On the ship, crew are able to wear whatever they wish - or nothing at all since many ET races don't wear clothing. However, any time they're off the ship they must wear the standard royal blue compression suit of the Collective. These suits can be modified to indicate the wearer is of a certain ET race or whatever...
But they must still be the Collective royal blue.
With so many different races aboard, how does everyone communicate in different languages?
All ET's are telepathic so there really isn't a communication barrier. However, when 'verbal' languages are used, there are small communication devices that translate one ET language into another.
How does one get around a ship the size of a planet? Obviously one can't walk everywhere...
A train similar to a MagLev train runs around the outside interior of the ship. It travels many thousands of miles per hour so can get crew around the ship very quickly.
The train is used for longer distances traveled within the ship.
For shorter distances there are levitating transport vehicles that run down the center of the ship hallways.
They slightly resemble the ship at left.
There are special lifts that take these shuttle vehicles from deck to deck.
Are pets allowed on the ship?
No, simply because with a crew of 1 million we'd be overrun if everyone had a pet. But most crew don't want pets anyway because of the long hours they work that prevent them from properly caring for a pet. Nor do ET's have the same relationships we do with animals. They don't share their homes with pets like we do.
Can earth military shoot down a UFO?
No, but they want you to think they can! The hulls of our ships can withstand the force of a nuclear blast. However, I believe they now have a weapon that disrupts the EM energy of the ship and they can cause it to crash that way.
Do your crews get time off or vacations?
To put things in earth terms, our crews work the equivalent of 12-16 hour shifts on a daily basis. They get time off every 3 months of our time.
Do crew members have their entire family aboard the ship with them?
Some do, some don't. It's a matter of personal choice.
What's your favorite part of the ship?
Mine personally? Our holodeck. The Community deck is also one of my favorites too though.
How is stuff on the holodecks made?
To put it in simple earth terms, whatever you want to erect on a holodeck is "computer programmed in". It's basically virtual reality tech.