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In order to give you some kind of visual as to what the ship actually looks like, I've gathered a few illustrations from the Net. Sorry if they look kind of Star Trekky but it's the best I could do.

[Earth photo and video equipment don't function on the ships because of all the electromagnetic energy present the ships operate on. Furthermore, showing photo/video of the ship interiors would pose a safety threat to their crews were they to fall into the wrong hands.]

What you call "motherships" we call command ships, biospheres, carrier ships. Different ET races have different names for them. Jmmanuel commands a command ship the size of a small planet that carries a crew of about 1 million of both human and non human crew. The ship is called The New Jerusalem.

I've used some Star Trek and other diagrams created by Deviant Art artists and illustrators just to give the reader visuals. They are not precise, they are only to give the reader a rough idea of what the ship actually looks like. A special thanks to Ex Astris Scientia for his diagrams.

naz ship.webp

The New Jerusalem is comprised of 16 decks. A kind of virtual reality tech is used to construct the interior of ET ships so they appear much larger on the inside than they do on the outside.

The uppermost deck is called the Pilot's Deck. Think along the terms of the Star Trek bridge. 

ship bridge.jpg

There are 3 Commanders chairs that sit side-by-side. These chairs operate via a Commander's brain waves and DNA. The chairs "read" each Commander's brain waves and DNA and enable the Commander to telepathically transfer his or her commands to the ship operating systems. This is a safeguard that were a ship to be captured for example, anyone attempting to hijack the ship would be unable to operate it.

ship commander chairs.jfif

On a command ship, both Commanders and Vice Commanders can command/operate the ship.

In front of the Commanders sit the Pilot and Navigator. As their titles imply, these 2 fly the ship through space. Their seats operate similar to those of the Commanders, sending their telepathic commands to the ship operating systems. The instrument panels in front of them contain symbols inset into the panel itself. These allow the Pilot and Navigator to operate in somewhat of a "manual" mode as well as telepathic.

instrument panel.webp

For example, 2 parallel lines is the symbol for landing or jumping null time. The 'button' can be activated by passing one's fingertip over it. Were this symbol activated, a screen would come up in front of the Pilot and Navigator that looks like this...

ship screen.webp

Photo courtesy of Lloyd Bushman Collection

The 2 yellow lines represent the 2 parallel signs on the symbol button. They then converge to show the precise landing point or jump point.

In front of the Pilot and Navigator is a large viewing screen that is visible only on the interior of the ship. This allows them not only a 360 degree view around the ship but they can also view atop and below the ship as well.

The crew on the Pilot's Deck is most often comprised of at least 2 Commanders, a couple of Vice Commanders, the Pilot and Navigator, the Operating System officer, Communications officers, a Medical officer, an Engineer, a Sciences officer and a Counselor. At times, a Defense officer is also on the deck. 

There's a lift that take crew up and down between decks as well as a vibrational chamber that raises the vibrations of anyone from the surface coming aboard, and a restroom.
The ships vibrate at a much higher rate than that of earth so those of us going aboard the ship know how to raise our vibrations accordingly but in the event we'd need help holding those much higher vibrations, that's what the vibration chambers are for.

Deck 2 contains the Commanders quarters. They're located close to the bridge in the event of an emergency or attack. 
This is where our quarters are. They're nothing fancy at all.

our quarters2.jpg

Each of us has a bedroom with bathroom. Usually the bedroom has either a small work area or the work area is contained within the bed itself at the foot of the bed.


There is a dining area off the kitchen. 

The red arrow on the quarters diagram shows where interior hallways link our union's quarters all together so we can access each other easily without entering the ship's main hallway. Also beyond that red arrow is Jmmanuel's personal office with small conference room.

ship conference room.webp

In his office is a workstation that we have nothing even similar to. The closest I could come to what this workstation looks like is the Scorpion gaming chair at right. 

It's a very advanced computer system that links Jmmanuel up to all of the Angelic libraries, all of the files and records 

Closets are hidden inside the ship walls so are not visible. We never do laundry, when you place an item in the closet it is laundered and sanitized automatically.

Each quarters has a living room, kitchen with both a food replicator and the tech to cook manually if one wishes to.

ship kitchen.webp

contained within them, Confederation records, etc. He can access the Internet here as well as other earth facilities.

There is another bathroom next to the conference room and on the other side of that, a meditation atrium with a meditation platform and healing pool. 

Drag your mouse on the image below for a virtual tour

Deck 3 contains the Great Meeting Hall. It is similar to what is shown below but is all white. It seats hundreds of thousands because this is where the star nation meetings are held.

Behind the area where whoever is hosting the meeting sits is a large area (designated by the white) where 3D holographic images can be displayed to all in attendance.

star nation meeting.jpg

Also on this deck are several smaller conference rooms for dignitaries to use while aboard as well as several upscale lounges for them to relax in during breaks from meetings.

Deck 4 is what I call the VIP deck.

It contains quarters for all visiting dignitaries as well as quarters for any evacuees that might be taken aboard.

The deck also has a kitchen with attached dining area that's set up rather like a restaurant.

The kitchen is manned by 'chefs' that have studied all over the cosmos and can make anything one asks of them. 
There are also several upscale lounges to relax in.

Decks 5 and 6 are crew quarters. They're designed exactly like VIP quarters are and come in single or family-sized units. All of the ship's walls and ceilings employ holographic technology so one can change the "scenery" of their surroundings any time they wish.

Deck 7 is the Community Deck and is the busiest deck on the ship.

Jmmanuel designed it himself. It's laid out in concentric circles. The outermost circle is where the maglev train runs for crew to travel longer distances around the ship.

The next circle in contains all the various shops, restaurants, the equivalent of our grocery stores, the clothier's, a large spiritual center, an enormous education complex, a medical center, a concert hall, a live theater building, etc.

There is no financial system. The crew walk into a shop, get what they need and walk out with it free of charge.

The ring in front of all the shops is designed like an outdoor cafe with a walking path that goes all the way around the deck.

The next ring in contains the track the smaller shuttle vehicles use carrying crew shorter distances around the ship.

The innermost ring contains a lake surrounded by beautiful gardens, walking paths, foot bridges over streams, sitting areas, a kind of playground for the crews' kids. 

There are what we'd call picnic areas around the lake, just off the kids' playground.

community deck3.jpg

Deck 8 is the Recreation Deck. This is where the crew dining room is located. It too is beautifully landscaped with a lagoon with waterfall at the far end of the room. One can swim in the lagoon and there are also dining tables around it. 
There is no kitchen for the crew dining, simply food replicators. However, they may eat in the VIP deck dining room when no dignitaries are aboard.

There are also gaming lounges for the 'teens' aboard on this deck, a fully staffed child care center, another concert hall, a second live theater complex, and a number of holodeck units in which one can create any virtual reality scenario they wish to entertain themselves.

ship dining area3.jpg

Crew dining

Virtual tour of youth gaming lounges

To illustrate what one can do on a holodeck, we have a dedicated holodeck unit in which we have a lake house similar to the one shown below. This is where we get away from the hustle and bustle of the ship when our shifts have ended. The holodecks are also a kind of virtual reality technology.

Deck 9 is the Medical Deck. There's housing for the healers, a hospital, healing bays, decontamination chambers, birthing rooms, a laboratory, cryo storage, a morgue.

All healing is done with energy, light and sound and is completely painless. Diagnostic beds are used for diagnosis. [Note: Med beds are obsolete ET tech and not on ships anymore.]

We do have medical transport ships although they're seldom used.

ship sick bay.jpg

Medical Deck

Deck 10 is the Navigation Deck. It's nearly as busy as the Pilot's Deck. This is where all fleet movements are coordinated, earth's Schumann Resonance is raised, and where all surface missions are planned by a special crew unit responsible for only planning those missions.

Where the arrow points is where holographic live (in real time) star charts can be brought up.

Navigation Deck

ship navigation2.jpg

Deck 11 is the Biosphere. This is where the ship's food is grown in huge gardens tended by autobots. Artificial light is produced from the ceiling. There are beautifully landscaped areas in the biosphere too with areas to sit and just relax.

ship garden.jpg

The deck also contains a hydroponics/aquaponics lab and other agricultural types of labs.

ship hydroponics lab.webp

Deck 12 is all of the Science offices and labs. It is also where ship Security is based, including a brig.

ship science lab.jpg

There are various security checkpoints throughout the ship. That's the primary job of the security force - to prevent unauthorized anyone from getting aboard the ship.
(Fighting between crew members is non-existent)

These security checkpoints have tech that scans a person's DNA, vibrational rate, etc. and pull up a person's "service record", which is actually a complete biography on them.

Decks 13, 14 and 15 house the ship operating systems and are used for ship maintenance and storage.

Deck 16 is the Flight Deck. This is where all smaller scout and transport ships are kept and maintained and from where the smaller craft and drones depart the ship.

ship flight deck.jpg

One thing I might mention is that terrestrial humans are not yet suited to traveling in deep space.
When traveling in space (space and time as you think of it being the same construct - to travel through space is to travel through time) you're basically being dematerialized and rematerialized.


This is why those of us who travel space wear compression suits like the one at right - they keep our atoms from being scattered all over the place when dematerializing and rematerializing.
By contrast, look what terrestrial humans have to wear to even venture out into space around earth.

Think of the Star Trek transporter as an analogy. The physical matter of those beaming on and off the Enterprise were being dematerialized and rematerialized during the transport process.

This is precisely what happens when a ship jumps null time - or what you all refer to as jumping hyperspace.

The ship and crew briefly dematerialize in one location in space/time and rematerialize in another location light years away from where they made their null time jump. This enables a ship and crew to travel light years in a split second.

One's being must be CALIBRATED to do this. Terrestrial humans do not yet possess this calibration that enables them to dematerialize and rematerialize. Yes, you can travel short distances from earth and venture into space...but only so far and not into what's truly "deep space".

compression suit2.png
astronaut comparison2.png

This CALIBRATION coding is contained within a 3rd strand of DNA that terrestrial humans don't possess.

Only if one has this 3rd strand of DNA vs. terrestrial human 2 strand DNA did they come from off planet.

Each realm has its own calibration - energy, frequency, vibration. To travel to another realm one must be calibrated to the EFV of that realm in order to exist there even for a few moments.

I know that will burst many bubbles of those shouting from the rooftops they're "Starseeds" of one ET race or another...but it's the fact of the matter. If one doesn't have that 3rd DNA strand they did not come to earth from space because they're not calibrated to. They would not have survived the trip here to earth.

UPDATE 9/22/2023

James (Bartley) just did a brilliant interview with Fringe. Like myself, Fringe comes from a law enforcement background, is also a Milab and pilots ET ships. She very accurately describes flying ET craft. 

In part 2 of the interview, James and Fringe deep dive into how Milabs are utilized as well as what the malevolent ET end game agenda is.

00:00 / 33:41
Q&A adobe.webp

What do Commanders on a ship do, what are their duties?
Commander is a title designating a certain level of spirituality and wisdom Commanders don't actually command anyone to do anything. That would be interferring with free will choice of their crews. Rather, the crews recognize a Commander's level of wisdom and spirituality so defer to their judgement in running the ship. 
We do anything our crews do. There's no such thing as "not my job" on a ship. 

Do your crews wear uniforms on the ship?
Yes and no. On the ship, crew are able to wear whatever they wish - or nothing at all since many ET races don't wear clothing. However, any time they're off the ship they must wear the standard royal blue compression suit of the Collective. These suits can be modified to indicate the wearer is of a certain ET race or whatever...

compression suits.webp

But they must still be the Collective royal blue.

With so many different races aboard, how does everyone communicate in different languages?
All ET's are telepathic so there really isn't a communication barrier. However, when 'verbal' languages are used, there are small communication devices that translate one ET language into another.

How does one get around a ship the size of a planet? Obviously one can't walk everywhere...

ship train2.webp
ship hovercraft.webp

There's 2 methods of transport. The first is a train similar to the Maglev train in the DUMBS. It runs around the perimeter of the ship.

For shorter distances, there are hovercraft type transport vehicles that operate on their own "track" down the center of the ship hallways. They're something along the lines of the above - without the windshield wipers, of course and more futuristic looking, rounded.

There are special lifts that can take them from deck to deck.

The smaller transport vehicles are telepathically operated.

Are pets allowed on the ship?
No, simply because with a crew of 1 million we'd be overrun if everyone had a pet. But most crew don't want pets anyway because of the long hours they work that prevent them from properly caring for a pet. Nor do ET's have the same relationships we do with animals. They don't share their homes with pets like we do.

Can earth military shoot down a UFO?
No, but they want you to think they can! The hulls of our ships can withstand the force of a nuclear blast.  If a ship goes down it's either a "mechanical" problem or pilot error.

Do your crews get time off or vacations?

To put things in earth terms, our crews work the equivalent of 12-16 hour shifts on a daily basis. They get time off every 3 months of our time.

Do crew members have their entire family aboard the ship with them?
Some do, some don't. It's a matter of personal choice.

What's your favorite part of the ship?
Mine personally? Our holodeck. The Community deck is also one of my favorites too though.

How is stuff on the holodecks made?
To put it in simple terms, whatever you want to erect on a holodeck is "computer programmed in".


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