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I love the work of Bernhard Guenther. He always manages to put into words what I'm thinking but can't nearly vocalize or put in writing as well as he can.

By Bernhard Guenter


Have you ever considered that "they" want you to get outraged, upset, mad, and angry for their mockery and fairly obvious symbolism, just like you do at any given recent official "ceremony," Superbowl half-time show, or any other mainstream mass event?


So you get upset for a few days, post about it on social media, vent your disgust, and "expose" the "satanic symbolism," point out the "predictive programming," etc.


Like so many times before.


And then you go straight back to do what you always do.


And nothing changed. In fact, things are getting worse, don't they?

But you feel better after you give them what they are really after.


I'm not taking myself out of the equation but putting the mirror right on myself.


Who do I mean by "they?" It's not the Woke Leftists, the creator of the opening ceremony, the drag queens; it's not the "satanic elite," the Klaus Schwabs, Zionists, the Illuminati, or whoever you point the finger at.


There are forces in occult [hidden] realms, subliminal and not perceivable with your five senses, that feed off of all the "loosh" you give them with your projected outrage. It sustains them. It feeds them. They work through you and humanity at large.


They want you to project it on their human puppets as you mistake the effect for the cause. You are their sustenance.


It feeds them just like the emperor in "Star Wars" wanted Luke to get him to hate him [when he was fighting Darth Vader] to give in to the "dark side," so you become what you fight against.


It's a version of an occult "trap of agreement" with hostile forces.

A soul entrapment.


We are in a massive global psychological and spiritual war. It’s a war over your mind, consciousness, and soul.


But it's not really out there. It works through you.


It’s Fifth-generation warfare conducted via social engineering to manipulate you psychologically and emotionally.


It’s a war of controlling your attention and perception and manipulating you into specific emotional reactions, behaviors, and physical actions as your strings are pulled without your awareness.


They – the occult matrix forces – know your psychology better than you know yourself, especially if you lack psychological self-awareness.

They know your weaknesses, blindspots, addictions, ego hooks, bias, beliefs you are identified with, cultural/religious programming, wishful thinking, fears, hopes, and dreams, and they use them against you.


They know how easily you can get emotionally triggered and manipulated, tagging into your shadow and all kinds of unconscious wounds you are not aware of.


They want you to externalize all evil and push you into a "holy war" based on corrupted religious programming and "prophecy" as if "Satan" is separate from God - as if there can be any division in reality between your inner being and the outside world, in the creation and mind of God, which most people have projected human qualities and human morality on.

All is One.


"....For you can wholly respond to [Divine WIll] only when you are impersonalized [embodied] by knowledge and widened to see all things in the self and in God and the self and God in all things...”

- Sri Aurobindo


We already see the rise of a medieval, regressive fundamentalist type of Christianity of "self-righteous" believers and "moral apostles" who see everything that is not Christian [in their twisted perception] as "demonic," including yoga and many other ancient spiritual practices.

Ironically, this dogmatic Christianity is a product of "demonic" occult forces that have "inspired" many self-proclaimed Christians with these beliefs. You can find the same corruption in Islamic fundamentalists and other dogmatic religions.


So, think logically and with common sense. What is the best defense, protection, and weapon against mind control, psychological, and Fifth-generation warfare and not giving them the "loosh" they are after?


It's not about turning a blind eye to everything, passivity, denying evil, falling into the trap of "blind compassion," or suppressing negative emotions. It's not a New Age cop-out.

It's not either-or.


There is a third option, but it requires work, commitment, and soul strength.


It is about YOU becoming psychologically awake and aware of yourself, learning and embodying psychological knowledge, doing the inner work to KNOW YOURSELF [beyond your ego personality and your superficial likes and dislikes]


It’s about becoming self-aware and observing your emotions and thoughts without identifying with them or mechanically reacting to them, but TRANSMUTE them into the alchemical fire within to be reborn in the true Self.


It's about anchoring a higher consciousness within yourself to bring forth your Light to outshine the Darkness in the world. But you can't access the true Light unless you face the darkness within yourself first.


The most critical skill and superpower for this time is practical psychological knowledge to counteract the psychological warfare on your mind and, more importantly, engaging in the inner work, for an intellectual understanding of it alone is limited (and can deceive you that you have “already done the work,” over-estimating yourself)


Then, you won’t get manipulated or distracted.

Then, you will truly change the world from within outward.


It’s also the foundation for everything else in your life: your relationships, creative potential, abundance, prosperity, joy, and true freedom based on deeper values and your soul purpose [as opposed to the conditioned desires of your wounded ego personality programmed by cult-ure]

Know your triggers and projections and how to work with them.


Be aware of the shadow you project externally, which the matrix forces want you to do as they target your triggers and projections to get more of that “loosh” to feed upon.


By taking responsibility for your triggers and projections and making the darkness conscious within yourself, you will help the collective and the world more than any external activism or information-sharing can possibly do.


If you don’t know the concepts of psychological splitting, projective identification, repetition compulsion, the different types of trauma, and how to work with them and, most importantly, spot them WITHIN YOU, then you are easy prey and target for the matrix forces engaging in this high-level psychological warfare through you while you project it on to the world stage.

It doesn’t matter how much you think you “know” and are “aware” on an informational level. If you don’t know yourself and include the inner work, the [occult] matrix forces will have their ways of getting to you THROUGH you.


You will be programmed to act a certain way and perceive the world in a certain way while you live under the illusion of free will as you create their desired reality through you.

Without psychological self-awareness and continuing psycho-spiritual inner work, your discernment skills will be very limited, and you will become a pawn for forces outside your awareness.


You will be tempted to end up in a fringe conspiracy rabbit hole maze that is designed to be dead ends to distract from the truth and what awakening to your true nature and transcending the matrix is really about.


You will see traps, shills, and controlled ops everywhere in your black-pilled, paranoid, psychologically split mind – a devastating matrix program based on unconscious trauma [and internal psychological splitting], which is also increasing.


It’s where the matrix forces want you to get stuck in as they feed you with more symbolism and predictive programming for you to point out and keep you distracted by the external shadows on the wall while you believe to be "awake."


Some things can’t be spoon-fed via a social media post but require your 100% commitment, sincerity, attention, and focus to learn more.


No one can do it for you.


Psychological awareness and self-work combined with spiritual awareness and esoteric self-work with sincere aspiration to the Divine [without falling into the trap of spiritual bypassing] are the superpowers that any spiritual warrior needs to have and embody, for we haven’t seen anything yet.



Bernhard Guenther

Once again Bernhard hits the nail on the head. The power of NO RESPONSE is something my Angelics taught me not so long ago.

A lot of the time, we don’t seem to understand that no response is a response and a powerful one for that matter. 


In our increasingly digital world, silence has taken on new dimensions. It can be seen as a lack of engagement in online conversations, a refusal to respond to messages, or even an intentional form of ghosting.


It can also be used strategically as a way to exert power or control in relationships, arguments and other similar situations.
That last one is particularly important when it comes to emotional manipulation by these regressive entities that feed off your emotional responses or "loosh".


These entities play on our emotions brilliantly. They know exactly what buttons to push to elicit the desired emotional reactions from us. Simply observe social media these days...everyone is at everyone else's throats - fighting, arguing, blocking, ghosting, unfriending. It's a cesspool of conflict even between members of the same groups. Those engaging in such behavior are simply playing the cabal's Divide & Conquer game and giving these energy sucking entities precisely what they want and need to survive.

We've stopped LISTENING to others. We're more concerned with voicing our opinions and/or getting the last word in. (I used to be really guilty on the 'last word in' front)

I'd come to learn it was far more mature and productive to realize that often silence is more powerful than having the last word. One is more powerful when in an offensive position of controlling a situation versus emotionally feeding into it from a defensive stance.
And let's face one particularly cares what our personal opinion on any given matter is anyway.


The “power of no response” can be quite impactful in various contexts:

  1. Setting Boundaries: Not responding can be a way to set boundaries, showing that you won’t engage with certain behaviors or topics.

  2. Maintaining Control: It allows you to maintain control over a situation, especially in conflicts or negotiations.

  3. Avoiding Escalation: Sometimes, not responding can prevent a situation from escalating further.

  4. Self-Preservation: It can be a form of self-care, protecting your mental and emotional well-being.

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