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I've always had a keen interest in the origins of terrestrial humans or "Terrans" as my ET contacts call us.

The earth is FAR FAR FAR older than we've been lead to believe and humans have only been recording history for less than 5% of the earth's actual age. So we're never going to get the full picture of our origins unless a creator ET race decides to give them to us.


Nor can we accept as our belief system ONE ET race's version of our origins because they differ according to any particular ET race's viewpoint and motivations toward us and earth. Furthermore, we tend to think of our evolution in linear terms and we can't do that because there were a variety of human creations going on SIMULTANEOUSLY so it's not a case of "one size fits all".


I've spoken with several different ET races regarding Terran origins. Each race's version is slightly different but this video by Dolores Cannon pretty accurately sums up the jist of things. Which is why our Terran DNA is a mixture of the DNA of 22 different ET races.

Of one thing I have no was seeded by extraterrestials and I believe the Angelic's version that they originally seeded earth, namely via who every calls "Archangel Michael" with a female Watcher from the planet Hoova.  Source


The reason I believe the Angelic's version is because every ET race I've spoken with all agree on one thing - that Terrans are the ONLY ET race in existence that sprang from ONE single bloodline before we became a genetic petri dish for other ET races.

Furthermore, the Angelics are the oldest ET race in existence so had the original form of royalty - a King and Queen. Other ET races followed this original form of royalty. Both malevolent and benevolent races throughout the cosmos view Terran DNA as being coveted royal DNA.

So we can view the "Archaics" Dolores mentions as being the Divine Angelics. The malevolent ET races simply expounded on their divinity in creating earth religions as a mass control mechanism on earth.

The Angelics did form many councils to protect their "Planet of the Children", as they call earth. This originally began with the Watchers, then expanded to include the primary Guardian Races and Council of Five.
This is why Archangel Michael (his name is Mikael, pronounced Me ky el) is listed in the Dead Sea Scrolls as the head of the Watchers - before the fall of Lucifer and his forces that resulted in split factions within the Watchers.

guardian races.webp
The Guardian Races

As a rule, I do NOT follow Linda Moulton Howe as any credible source of information. However, she did get things partly right in the following video - at least as far as the EBENS go.

An alien Grey called EBE-2 arrived in April 1964 for the first "official" landing and contact. Location was a highly secured Area 17 at White Sands (now Holloman AFB) located just south of the present Shuttle landing site. EBE-2 was described during an interview on March 5th, 1983 with former AFOSI agent at Los Alamos as being 4' 9" tall and having a very thin body: He was dressed in a tight fitting jump suit and having only four fingers and no thumb. 


This interview reportedly took place at Los Alamos National Labs at a Site 30 inside TA49. EBE-2 departed in 1984, according to two CIA memos.


The purpose of the video below is not to dispute its authenticity. We know from document Q-94-109A signed by Dan Burisch (who later changed his name to Crain) who performed secret tissue analysis on EBE, that EBE was authentic. 
"This document (identified as Q-94-109A) is routed to the appropriate MAGIC-level directorate authorities of the Naval Space Command, pursuant to UNOST (adopted 19 December 1966: enforced 10 October 1967...the contents of this report are to be regarded as a

final report (spec. K-24) of the Principal Investigator, Working Group Leader (R-4800, Occupant Papoose Site 4). "The results of IN VITRO experimentation under NSA/NSC directed Project Aquarius (Subintegument Neuronal Aspirative Avulsion Sampling Subsection King-35 {K-24, Extraterrestrial Biological Entity {EBE} are herein related."

We always hear our evolution hinged on this theory or that theory when in reality all of those theories need to be examined as being part of the puzzle - not separate from one another.


From what my ET contacts have shared with me the EBE above has it right. The cosmos is comprised of many universes (and timelines). Some support life and some don't. Cataclysmic events take place in space daily and by sheer chance, one of these cataclysmic events sparked life in this universe - that happens to support life.

Think Big Bang Theory. For example, the exploding star below.

These cataclysmic events affect not just our timeline but many timelines, the inhabited planets and stars in those timelines and in the space/time continuum itself.


For example, the benevolent ET forces have prevented our military from using nukes because the detonation of nukes rip holes in the fabric of the space/time continuum - which affects life all over this galaxy.

Alex Collier has a pretty accurate take on human origins, given to him by his Androme contacts.

My own Androme contacts have backed up the information Alex has put out as being accurate.


The Dracos claiming they created humans is BS. Humans were here lonnnnnnnnng before they arrived on earth. They merely abducted one species of humans and genetically tinkered with them to create a slave race after the Igigi rebelled and left the planet. The Igigi were their ship crews when the Dracos arrived on earth. Lacking any other slave race at the time, the Draco leaders put their ship crews (Igigi) to work as their mining slaves. The Igigi grew tired of that nonsense, rebelled and left the planet - reportedly never to be seen or heard from again, although I was told they had no contact with terrestrial humans whatsoever.


The Dracos (nor Zeta Reticulans) do not have souls, therefore they could not create humans WITH souls. Souls only come from the Creator Source nor can humans live without souls. The Zetas discovered this in their attempt to create human/Grey hybrids. Since their hybrids had no souls, the hybrids died. (Confirmed in the video below)

The Dracos only tinkered with the humans that already existed here, creating Humans 2.0 through Humans 7.0, destroying all the previous versions as they came out with more advanced genetically modified humans.


Now only 2 species of humans exist as a result- Homo Sapiens and Homo Capensis.
Homo Capensis is an enhanced form of Homo Sapiens.


Homo Capensis is distinguished by its Rh- blood type vs. Homo Sapiens Rh+ blood type and Homo Capensis was genetically modified to be far more intelligent than Homo Sapiens, to act as overlords of the Homo Sapiens or a tier between the Draconian Reptilians and Homo Sapiens in their enslavement system. It is Homo Sapiens the Dracs are now intent on eradicating, just as they did all their previous versions of genetically modified humans.

Plejaran Elder's Account of Earth's History

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In 1947, the Hopi Indians came in contact with a Plejaran elder whose ship had crashed.


This Plejaran elder gave the Hopi a version of how earth came to be. 


Note: The malevolent faction of Sirians created earth religions. 


According to the Plejaran elder the story went like this:

"The Annunaki 'god' Enlil appointed himself God of this planet. He became the "God" mentioned in the Old Testament of the bible, part of that created religion.


According to Enlil, he had a brother Ea and a sister that created humans.

Here is the etymology of this story:
ZU = Ultimate Master
SU = A Master
EA SU = Teacher (Note: not Iesu but EA SU)
EA SU = Iesous = Jesus
DA ED is the root for all terms used for "God"
Suffix EAU changed to EAYU = EAWEH = YAHWEH = JEHOVAH


In the SOD's created bible, their story was the fictional "Jesus" they created was God's son.


Enlil's first born son also came to proclaim himself "God". This son later became known as Amen Ra.


Amen Ra's real name was Marduke. Etymology of Marduke:

MAR (MR = son of) DUK = dog = Sirius. Sirius is known as the Dog Star.
So Amen Ra/Marduke means "son of" a "bitch".    [Well if the shoe fits...]


Amen Ra told his earth slaves he was the one and only God, even going so far as to change the stela, hieroglyphs and pyramid descriptions to reflect his authority, while removing the existence of all previous gods.

At some point Enlil and his brother Ea had a falling out because Ea and his sister wanted to give their creations free will and Enlil wasn't having any of that.
Ea and his sister did end up giving the earth slaves free will. But many returned to being Enlil's slaves because that's all they'd ever known. In exchange for returning to him, Enlil assured the earth slaves that if they obeyed him they'd be redeemed in the afterlife."


How did Ea and his sister give the earth slaves free will? Here's where the Plejaren elder's story gets interesting.


"After being removed from his position by Enlil, Ea experimented with the sexual response of humans by cranking up their libidos. 

This was done to rebel against Enlil's hierarchy. Ea and his sister were approached by a being from another galaxy outside of the system. These particular beings in their own evolution left the need for their own physical bodies and learned to use energy to "climb the mountain". They didn't need a rope. They didn't need a ship. They were able to use their own energy. As they used more and more internal energy they needed less density. So these beings from another galaxy were able to generate a formula and plugged it into a humanoid bird." 

[Which is how all of you came to view Angelics as having wings]

Angelics as humanoid birds.webp

"As they evolved these beings lost their density and began to glow. And according to the Plejaren elder (quote) "even though they lost the need for a physical body they still liked "bonking"."


So these beings told Prince Ea that if he really wanted to give his creations free will and their independence from Enlil's slavery, they'd give him one of their DNA strands to hardwire into his humans. Prince Ea took them up on their offer. The second he hardwired that DNA into humans they were linked to this race of beings and suddenly they were aware, had CONSCIOUSNESS.

These beings were called AKU and they became known as Ea's lords or the Ahnk-KA - angels, who were responsible for the gift that came from them.


Prince Ea then endowed the Ahnk-KA with his own DNA - giving them the right of royalty. 


Enlil and his "system" (we now call the Matrix) said "Jesus Christ! DON'T LET THEM KNOW THIS STORY!" Because if 51% of them stand up and say "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore...I want the aliens out...I have a right to the thrones of this planet...we're going to take over and we have a right to do it!" it's game over for the enslavement system."


According to the Plejaran elder, in declaring himself the ONE "God", Enlil's son, Marduk even went so far as to change the stelas, petroglyphs, etc. to reflect himself as being the ONE "God" as his father had.


Enlil and Marduke were Reptilian. So above you see their reptilian form but they've added the wings of the humanoid bird as well as the crown of Prince EA's royalty.

At right, Marduke or Amen Ra has now shed the reptilian form completely and how has assumed human form with the head of the humanoid bird the Angelics presented Prince EA with in the form of that humanoid bird.

Amen Ra jpg.webp

Even today people believe the Annunaki are Reptilian. THEY ARE NOT and the name "Annunaki" has been misattributed to them. Here are the REAL benevolent Annunaki...

annunaki humans.webp

Note the fact they have 4 wings that crisscross on their backs and they are human, not reptilian. The principle "sky god" ancient earth civilizations worshiped was called "Anu" - who was the true Annunaki.


The confusion arose when Zacaharia Sitchen mistranslated the ancient texts.

Anu god.webp

The Angelics who gave Prince EA their DNA and humans consciousness were known as the Ahnk-KA or AKU who were followers of ANU. Over time, this all got misconstrued into the word "Annunaki" and in ancient earth civilizations they used the word "angel" to describe ANY being who came from the sky.


According to the Plejaran elder and the Angelics themselves, the AKU/Ahnk-KA's were completely human looking. Today most people believe the Annunaki were and are Reptilian, which is incorrect.

Go to 2:32:52 on the video at right and listen from there.


I can absolutely attest to the fact the real Annunaki are human with 4 wings on their backs and they are benevolent. I have met 2 of them that were working with the Angelics. 


Both the Angelics and Plejarans have earth's entire history recorded in holographic form - past, present, future.

I've viewed portions of both of those holographically recorded histories. They showed more than one species of terrestrial humans in existence and evolving at the same time via different methods.

We Evolved From A 1 Cell Marine Organism

This is not nearly as far fetched as it might sound. During my trip to the Ichaboid city I'd learn humans were descended from a marine species, the Merpeople. In fact, several ET races were descended from aquatic species that still exist today. Both the Andromes and Sirians have such races.


In reading the Russian Secret Book of Alien Races, I'd come across this: "According to several alien races, The Council of 5 (at the time the Council of 9) has monitored human evolution since primordial times, since humans were only a 1 cell marine organism and through natural evolution, when humans became primate-like creatures and beyond."


The KGB compiled Russian Secret Book of Alien Races is the most accurate book on the ET races that I've found to date on earth.

Additionally, Jmmanuel took me back to the planet that eons ago was their home planet. It's sun passed too close to the planet turning it into an uninhabitable white dwarf but its labyrinth beneath the surface that served as its first library remained intact. While looking at the walls of the labyrinth I noticed a drawing of a little shelled creature that did indeed look like some small marine creature.

Curious, I asked Jmmanuel what that little creature was.
His reply? "The first human".

Up until my trip to the Ichaboid city I'd just assumed Merpeople were a myth - until I saw them for myself. From the waist up they are human. From the waist down, they are fish with tails.


In fact the same is true of the Ichaboids. They are half fish, half frog and can inhabit either land or water, having 2 respiratory systems - 1 for living on land,
1 for living in the water.

Undoctored photo of a real Merperson taken by an oceanographer
NO, it is not Photoshop, AI or CGI

Shihtktik's Version of Earth History

Shihtktik is a benevolent reptilian whose race was on earth long before the Draconian Reptilians arrived and I was able to speak to him about terrestrial human origins.

But I want to show you 2 comparisons before we get into Shihtktik's version of human origins.
Shihtktik looks like the reptilian in the lower left of the photo. The other creature in the photo is a Merperson.

green reptilian comparison.webp

Note all the same head and facial features between Shihtktik's race and the Merperson.
But we came from apes! No, we didn't...but we'll get into that later.


Now look at how ape-like the mouth of the Merperson is.

green reptilian chimp.webp

So we can physically see the similarities between aquatic human, reptilian and ape species.


Keep in mind that different races of Reptilians are involved here! Not all the reptilians here are Dracos, although the ones who don't have an ax to grind with humans have been forced into the position of appearing to be bad guys due to the Draco presence. Simply put, they were as invaded by the Dracs as we all were because Shihtktik's race were among the original earth inhabitants here long before the Dracos arrived.


His ancestral species I'm speaking about were here 65 million years ago and died in a global cataclysm. This was not a natural disaster but the result of a war between 2 alien groups that took place in the high atmosphere of the planet. This was the first alien war on this planet but not the last. The opponents in this 65 million year war were 2 very advanced species.
One race was humanoid from this universe, from the solar system we now call Procyon.

The other species was a reptilian species which Shihtktik (who evolved from local saurians without outside influence) knew little about. Shihtktik does know they came from outside this universe but said we terrestrial humans are no closer to understanding the universe than we were 500 years ago. So to describe where this race of reptilians came from, he described it as being from a different dimension that is actually a bubble in the foam of the Omniverse. We'd use the term "dimension" although we have the understanding of the term dimension incorrect. What we call a dimension they would call a bubble.

The first species of the Humanoids arrived on Earth 150 years before the reptilians arrived and the Humanoids built colonies on some of the former continents, the largest being a colony in Antarctica. Another colony existed in Asia. These colonists lived with animal-like saurians without problems between the two races of beings. When the advanced reptilians arrived, the Humanoids tried to communicate peacefully but were unsuccessful.
(I would take these advanced reptilians to be the Draconian Reptilians.) As a result, a war between the 2 factions broke out within months of the advanced reptilians arrival. What was driving this war was not people but the copper to be found here. This having access to our copper is still important today. I won't go into the whole long explanation of why because most won't understand it anyway. Put it this way...combine copper with some other elements and the ET's can produce an impenetrable force field important for other tasks. 

The Humanoids were successful in the first round of battle but then the advanced reptilians decided they were going to set off an experimental (at the time) weapon, a special kind of fusion bomb that should have destroyed all life on the planet without harming the copper they were after.
The bomb was detonated from space into an ocean in what today we'd call Middle America.  Well, the bomb had a bit more oomph to it than the Dracs anticipated, causing a fusion radioactive reaction that plunged earth into a "nuclear winter" for 200 years, killing most life on the planet.


I should mention here I got the same story from the Angelics and that this was the detonation that started our Ice Age and the resulting radiation is the cause of the dark-skinned inhabitants on the planet, who were burned by this radiation. According to them, the first terrestrial humans were seeded in what is now Africa, which has a large black population.

At any rate, for whatever reason this caused the advanced reptilians to lose interest in Earth, mostly probably due to the radiation they themselves produced with their bomb. Planet Earth was on its own again and most of the animals on the surface died. Nearly all of the dinosaurs and reptilians had died within the next 20 years. HOWEVER (and this is important) the ones in the oceans managed to survive for the next 200 to 300 years. Eventually, many of them too died off due to the climate change resulting from the bomb. They included sharks, birds, reptiles and some (quote) "creepy little mammals that were your ancestors". OK so we've gone from a 1 cell marine organism to creepy little mammals by the time dinosaurs roamed the earth.


But among the survivors was a small dinosaur that evolved together with the last large animal-reptilians like the Tyrannosaurus. This reptile was walking on two legs and resembled a little bit our depiction of an Iguanodon. 

Iguanadon adobe.webp

During the next 20 million years Shihtktik's species was divided by nature into 27 subspecies. These subspecies went to war with one another for dominion of the planet. Twenty four of the subspecies became extinct through war and because their minds were not developed enough to adapt to survival. 


Fifty million years after these wars and the extinction of the dinosaurs, only 3 subspecies of the now mentally and technologically advanced reptilians of Shihtktik's species remained.


It had some humanoid features but a changed bone structure, a larger skull and brain, a hand with a thumb that was able to grab things, different digestion, eyes in the middle of its head like our eyes are now and most importantly, a new and better brain structure.

This was the predecessor of Shihtktik's race.
This little dinosaur continued to evolve over the next 30 million years. It learned to survive in caves instead of the outdoor cold. This included making the first tools and discovering fire. 

Through nature and crossbreeding these 3 subspecies united into one species of reptilians. Through genetic engineering around 10 million years ago, this final reptilian race became what Shihtktik's reptilian race looks like today.


Where were humans at this time? We were reportedly jumping around in the trees as a kind of small monkey-like animal while the reptilians built large cities (that have since disappeared without a trace) and were busy perfecting their genetic engineering. Our genes at this time were still those of small animals. Note I said monkey-LIKE, not actual monkey or ape!

But it was around this time we decided to come down from the trees to the ground again. We evolved very slowly and were it not for ET intervention, we'd still be sitting in our caves clothed in animal furs even today, while inventing twig tools and the wheel.

About 1.5 million years ago another alien species arrived, called the Illojim. They were unevolved unadvanced ape-like humanoids. Despite the presence of the reptilians, these Illojim decided they were going to "help" us evolve a bit faster, to serve them in the future as a slave race in coming wars. Our fate wasn't particularly important to Shihtktik's reptilian race but they resented the presence of the Illojim on what they considered to be their planet, while the Illojim didn't like the reptilian presence on their new "zoo planet". So our 6th and 7th creation was the reason for the war between the two. This is the war that partly appears in the bible - although Shihtktik claims it's written in a very strange way because we still had the brains of those creepy small monkey-like animals so couldn't comprehend a damn thing going on around us. (Which is still the case with many people today)

So it's only within the last 2-3 million years that we became intelligent and thinking while over 150 millions of years our physical bodies were evolving into different shapes and species. But it was during this small time period the reptilian claims we were created.

He claims we were in part, created by the Illojim, that they had evolved into a very tall race, with usually blonde hair and very white skin. They avoided the sunlight because it hurt their eyes and skin. They seemed intelligent and peaceful at the beginning of the talks the reptilians had with them until they showed their real intentions - to evolve the monkey-like mammals into a new breed.

They caught between 10,000 and 20,000 of our simian ancestors and left the planet for some hundred years. When they returned, they brought our now more human ancestor back. They again left the planet for thousands of years while the primitive pre-humans lived together with the reptilians, although Shihtktik claims we were afraid of their aircraft and technology. Well if we were still inventing twig tools I imagine we were.

The Illojim returned within 23,000 years, seven times and accelerated the speed of our evolution in certain members among our population.

The Illojim were Enlil's "fallen angels" that were opposed to humans having free will. What did Angelics look like before they lost the need for physical bodies? They were tall blondes with blue eyes and fair skin - just as Shihtktik described.

We were not the first human civilization on this planet. Advanced humans lived in conjunction with the less advanced pre-humans (because the Illojim had experimented with different speeds of evolution - speech and technology) around 700,000 years ago on this planet.

Our scientists don't understand this because they've only found the bones of the pre-humans and some cave drawings showing some advanced humans and flying devices. Shihtktik claims they only found some bones (recreating themselves the bones they were missing) and then put the skeletons together incorrectly. They knew they had it wrong but kept silent on this fact.

The genetically enhanced humans lived with Shihtktik's reptilians but avoided contact with the reptilians because the Illojim had mislead them, warning the reptilians were evil beings that lied to them. 

Some centuries later, the Illojim extincted their first creation to accelerate the evolution of their second creation and on and on. This made modern day humans the seventh civilization on the planet. It was the fifth civilization or Humans 5.0 that built the Egyptian pyramids, the Egyptians discovering them around 75,000 years ago. They tried very unsuccessfully to replicate them.
It was the sixth civilization or Humans 6.0 that built the cities in the Bimini area 16,000 years ago. We can still see these ruins under the sea today.

The creation of our "breed" (which is to say Humans 7.0) happened only 8,500 years ago. This explains our being the youngest ET race in existence and the Angelics referring to Terra as their "Planet of the Children". The preschoolers of the cosmos.

This seventh breed is the only breed we have memory of or that was written about in our history and to which biblical reference is made.

Archaeologist and paleontologists rely on artifacts to put together our history, that show us an incorrect and very shortened version of our history. Although we've found existence of the sixth civilization, we've misinterpreted and denied the facts of this sixth civilization - partly due to pure ignorance, partly programming of our minds. However, according to Shihtktik these civilizations are gone completely so should be of no concern to us.

There was a long war between the reptilians, the Illojim and Elohim because many of the Illojim groups themselves were of the opinion that this again and again creation of humans on this planet made no sense. The last battles of that war were fought on and around the planet 5,000 years ago. Powerful sonic weapons on both sides destroyed the reptilians underground cities but they in turn destroyed many of the Illojim surface installations and space bases. 

We terrestrial humans were caught in the crossfire and were very scared when observing these battles and because our minds were not yet able to comprehend them, we wrote them down in religious myth form.
The Illojim told the seventh breed humans that it was a war between good and evil and that our breed was the good and Shihtiktik's race of reptilians were the evil. This defended their point of view although the planet was not theirs to take but belonged to Shihtktik's reptilians until the Illojim began their evolution experiments here. 

Shihtktik claimed they had every right to fight for the planet that was theirs to begin with. And I'd have to agree with him if this history he gave me is true. I believe it is.
4,943 years ago (give or take a few short years) the Illojim left Earth again for reasons unknown. Shihtiktik's reptilians referred to this as a victory for their side although they really didn't know why the Illojim had vanished without a trace. The reptilians only found their surface installations had been destroyed by the Illojim before they left.

We were left alone again and our civilizations began to develop and Shihtktik's reptilians again were in touch with certain tribes of terrestrial humans. They were able to convince them they were not the evil beings the Illojim had convinced them they were. 

Between the time of 4,900 years ago and the present day, many more alien species arrived here and some of them used the old programming instilled in us to make us see them as "gods" but the Illojim themselves never returned. The reptilians believe they will return one day to extinct their seventh breed (us!) as they extincted the sixth breed before us. Those Illojim became known in today's vernacular as the "Annunaki".


Shihtktik did tell me that we know nothing of our real origins and past, about our real world and universe and little more about them. And we know nothing about the things to come in our future! He claims our enemies are already here and we still have not understood what's going on in this respect. He's absolutely correct!


He claims there are 14 aliens species here that his race is aware of - 11 from this universe, 2 from another dimension outside this universe and 1 very advanced from a very different plane. (Can't give us names because we are incapable of pronouncing them.) Most of these races pose no threat in they're just studying us as animals but 3 are hostile and working in collusion with our world governments, exchanging technology for copper. There is and was a "cold war" among 2 of these factions during the last 73 years, the 3rd faction seemed to be the "winner" in this useless struggle.

Shihtktik claims there have been rumors among them that a new 15th breed of human had arrived on Earth but Shihtktik's race have only been in contact with them just recently. 

What did these evil races want? Our natural resources, our water (or the hydrogen in it) and certain chemical elements in our air. Two species want our bodies, especially tissue and blood because their own species is now defect through evolution and radiation so they need intact strings (DNA) from us to repair their own species - although their DNA and ours is not fully compatible. Shihtktik's race of reptilian DNA is completely incompatible with theirs so they leave the reptilians alone for the most part and concentrate on making hybrids of us and them by use of artificial inseminations and artificial wombs. (Both the Zeta Reticulans and Dracos use this method as do other abducting races)

He claims that any abductees that returned from the abduction of these hostile races was a very lucky person indeed for our lives mean nothing to them. (Again this fits both the Zetas and the Dracos.) Of the 14 races here, 8 of them are abducting humans.


No, we did not evolve from apes. As Shihtktik explained, a small faction of human evolution included a "creepy little mammal" that was APE-LIKE. Not evolved from actual apes. And intelligent humans were already present at that point.


But even though we didn't literally evolve from apes, in comparison to our ET relatives we're still those creepy little mammals inventing twig tools - just more advanced twig tools.

It's why some ET races are still studying us as nothing more that slightly sentient animals and those that don't, most often just look at us and shake their heads.

apre twig tools_jfif.webp


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