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Before we get into the Angelics, one should have a basic understanding of how this entire war began and about the original Angelics. The following videos, although not entirely accurate based on the Angelics' recorded holographic history and what they told me themselves, does come close to explaining how this war we're currently involved in began.

Keep in mind the Lyrans were the original "children" of the Angelics...

We tend to think of Angelics as always having been the "good guys". They weren't originally. They were involved in the "battle of the gods" every bit as much as what we now know as the Luciferian forces were. Basically, they were ALL "playing God" when it came to creating life forms they sought to worship them as gods.

But at some point in time a faction of the Angelics or Paa Tal saw the error of their ways and a split occurred among the Angelics. Today we think of this split in terms of the "fall of Lucifer" when Lucifer refused to "bow down to a man made of clay". 
A very accurate account of the Luciferian wars


Because so much of our history was not recorded for millennia, relative to Earth's actual age, today there exists much confusion about terms like "Paa Tal", "Elohim", "Annunaki" etc.
The faction of Angelics who realized the error of their ways I call simply "the Divine Angelics" although they claim they're known as the "Bene Elohim". Unlike their adversaries, they believe all humans should have free will choice and the reason they're leading the charge in freeing us from enslavement is to right the wrong - or error of their ways - as far as (in large part) playing a major role in the creation of the Luciferian wars. 


Did they create the Draconian Reptilians? I've never been able to get a straight answer on that one from any of the ET races. The Dracos themselves admit they do not know their origin.
Another theory is that whoever created them and was "experimenting" in creating life forms chalked them up as an experiment gone awry and simply dumped them in this galaxy. I personally suspect the Angelics did create them (prior to the split occurring among the Angelic factions) or at least, Ahriman (Lucifer) did because he wanted his own slave race.

Either way, the Dracos were left to their own devices for the most part and in their quest for dominance and technology, their spiritual evolution fell by the wayside and they became what they are now - predatory locusts of the Milky Way Galaxy. 


Incidentally, the Angelics and their allies did create the Galactic CONFEDERATION of Worlds - not the Galactic Federation of Worlds. There's a difference between a confederation and a federation. 

A confederation is a group of sovereign states united by common interests, while a federation is characterized by a central authority that holds significant powers. 
The Galactic Confederation or "Collective" as it's often called, holds no powers over anyone as that would be considered a violation of their directive of non interference with free will.

In this section, we'll be talking about the Bene Elohim or Divine Angelics advocating free will.

The Angelics are the oldest ET race in existence, over 10 billion earth years old. They are the most highly spiritually evolved race in existence and the most advanced ET race on all fronts.

They can think anything into existence, teleport anywhere, heal with a thought, bring back the dead with a touch, and send a telepathic or holographic message across the superuniverses.


The Angelic Corps are the architects of advanced spiritual technology and incorporate them into worlds ready for an upgrade.


The Angelics also maintain the calibration and Living Light across the universe, and also assist its creatures by delivering curriculums of Living Light to worlds ready to rise up and out of duality.
The existence of the Angelics is based on being of spiritual service to the cosmos. Period. 


Currently the Angelics inhabit the Isle of Paradise, located in the center of all creation. But that is not where life began for them, according to them. Their original digs were on a planet called Absalom in the Van Maanan system and they took me there when I first began working with them in earnest. (No, not the computer game planet Absalom). Now Absalom is nothing but in uninhabitable white dwarf, its sun having passed too close to the planet - forcing the Angelics to find new digs. However, the labyrinth beneath the planet's surface still exists and its walls contain the Angelics first rudimentary library - including a drawing of a little creature with a shell that they claim was their first blueprint for our physical bodies. 

The 3 remaining craters on Absalom that once resembled our oceans

What I found most interesting (being it was Jmmanuel who took me to Absalom) is what the name Absalom refers to in its biblical sense - Absalom was the son of King David, the bloodline of Jmmanuel. If you noticed the craters on the planet's surface have biblical names, give yourself a gold star.

At home the Angelics have no physical bodies. They are pure energy, light and consciousness without gender. Or you could say they're the perfect blend of male and female energy. They surpassed the need for physical bodies eons ago but when they did still have physical bodies they were blonde haired and blue eyed humans.
(This is where Hitler got his nutso idea of creating the perfect Aryan Race and even today the Luciferian deep staters are obsessed with blonde haired, blue eyed kids for their abductions, satanic rituals, etc.)

They do have the ability to manifest into human form or take on any other appearance they wish within an instant. No, they don't have wings and halos although if that's what it takes for you to realize you've just been visited by an Angelic, they'll take on whatever appearance you're comfortable with and can identify.


When they do manifest here, they typically manifest wearing their white robe that symbolizes purity.

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Not Photoshopped or CGI. This is an actual un-retouched photo
of an Angelic manifesting in Lisbon. Note the white robe.

The Angelics have a rather complex hierarchy, although one can't really call it a hierarchy since the Angelics believe and operate by the premise all living beings are completely equal to one another. There is no "rank" among the Angelics for this reason. We'll get into their hierarchy in a bit.​


​Angelic society is governed by a King, Queen and Council of Elders. Should any differences of opinion arise, all (including the King and Queen) accept the Council has the final say on the matter.

The Council is comprised of the King, Queen, some of whom you call "Archangels" and other highly evolved spiritual beings.

The highest Council (there are many) consists of 12 Angelics.
Standing before them is akin to being an ant in front of the Sears Tower and the power they hold and wield will literally put one in headspins. They are INCREDIBLY powerful.


The Angelic Corps is a multiplicity of cosmic created beings who physical appearances mirror cultures from across the cosmos.


All Angelics work directly for the Creator Source, which they call "Yunasai" - Central Point of all union-eternal consciousness of THE ONE-ALL.

Angelics work through co-creative agreements based on the principles of the Law of One and genuine non-patriarch Melchizedek/Melchizedek Order - Inner Christos teachings.
(Those of who work in the Christ Command are inducted members of the Melchizedek Order just as Jmmanuel was inducted into the Order in Sept. 33 at the Mird monastery on the Dead Sea.)


They have a rather complex hierarchy:

Yanas: Eternal Collectives of Consciousness projected by Source/God to form the 3 primal sound fields (Khundaray) of the energy matrix beyond our 15 density time matrix is seeded. Last seeded the current life-wave into our time matrix 950 billion years ago.
The Yanas are also called Ultra terrestrials, the Cosmic Trinity (legitimate), or collectively the Melchizedek Cloister Order.

Their Founder Races: 3 eternal gestalts of consciousness projected by the Yanas to form the 3 primal light fields or Kee-Ra-ShA, of the 13th, 14th and 15th densities in our time matrix.
They are known collectively the 3 Founder Races of Consciousness, the Universal Family of Consciousness or the Universal Trinity.


The 3 Founder Races are broken down into:

  • Emerald Order of Elohim - First Light manifestation of Source Consciousness. Seeded Anuhazi feline hominid Elohim Christos Founders Race 950 billion years ago on 4D pre-matter planet Lyra-Aramatenavia Universal Stargate 12. Royal house of Aramatena Eieyani Grail Line and Oraphim Turaneusiam Angelic human Grail line primary founders. Primary guardians of our time matrix.
    They founded the Emerald Covenant Evolution Agreement of 950 billion years ago.
    It was the fallen 11D Anyu Feline-Aquatic-Ape race of planet Lyra-Aveyon that became the Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic race line 250 million years ago. Creators of the many Annunaki fallen Angelic races of the Sirius star system, including Pleiadian Nibirulan-Annunaki hominid and bipedal dolphin people of Sirius A.

  • Gold Order Seraphim: Second Light manifestion of Source Consciousness.
    Seeded Cerez Avian (Bird People); Aethien Mantis, Insect-Reptile-Dinoid Seraphim Christos founders raced 950 billion years ago on 4D pre-matter planet Lyra-Vegavia, Stargate 10.
    Royal House of Vega Eieyani Grail Line and Oraphim-Turaneusiam Anglic-human Grail line secondary founders. They are the appointed secondary guardians of our time matrix and also appointed custodians of fallen Draconian race rehabilitation efforts.
    Second Light Manifestation of Source consciousness.

  • Amethyst Order Bra-ha-Rama: Third Light manifestion of Source Consciousness.
    Seeded Inya Cetacean Whale people; aquatic dolphins; Pegasus Avian-Horse-Deer and Yonei Aquatic Ape and Bra-ha-Rama Christos founders race 950 billion years ago on 4D pre-matter planet Lyra Aveyon via universal Stargate 11.
    The legitimate Royal House of Aveyon Eieyani Grail line and Oraphim-Turaneusiam-Angelic human Grail line. Also appointed as secondary guardians of our time matrix.
    Like the Gold Order Seraphim, they also work on fallen Draconian race rehabilitation.


It's the Emerald Order of Elohim we'll concentrate on as they're the ones running the show as far as conducting the worldwide awakening taking place on earth and the ones the ground alliance here on earth work with. They're also who the benevolent ET forces upstairs "report" to. When we mention Bene-Elohim or simply "Angelics" it's this order we're referring to.

This was the original cosmic royalty from which the original earth Grail line stems.

When Earth was originally terraformed and seeded, the Angelics put in place guardians of this galaxy, called the Guardian Races.

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The Guardian Races

Some of those guardian races are:
Zionite - "Arion" Gold Order (Human-Aethien Zephelium hyrbrid Fish-men)
Turananeusiam1-Azara - Emerald Gold Order (Original Terran Angelic human)
Zeti Reticuli Grey - Amera Emerald - Gold Order (progressive bio-regenerated Orion Zeta)
Anuhazi - Elder Emerald Order (Sirian White-Lyran-Sirian-Elohim High Council
Human-Zionite hybrid Jonathan - Emeral Gold Order (A priest of UR Inner Earth)
Aethien - Gold Order (Mantis, Pegasus system)
Queventelliur - Emerald Gold Order (Inner earth ape-human, Big Foot types)

Arcturan Dravlov - Gold Order (Amphibian Hominid)
Rhanthunkeana Suehenatumaz - Gold Order (Lyran Crystal People, Procyon Bird People hybrid)
Azurites - Sirius B Emerald Order (Sirian Blue Elohei-Anuhazi-human, Feline Hominid
Leonines - Emerald Order (Cat People)
Hathor - Emerald Ruby Order (Leonine-Anunnaki hybrid progressive)

Pouix - Amethyst Order (Pleiadian Blues)
Serres-Ceres - Gold Order (Plejaran-Orion Bird people, some winged)
Shambali - Amethyst Order
Breanoua - Melchizedek Emerald Order
Ramas Ruby - Gold Order Mixed Cloister Humans from Inner Earth


Throughout human history, humanity was always at the center of this interstellar conflict because the human lineage was created as a master race to serve as guardians and keepers of the complex system of stargates, time portals and free energy systems within our 15 dimensional time matrix.


Are you shocked to hear that? Yes, you were part of a created master race to serve as guardians and keepers.
The original plan was for Earth (and its twin planet which was destroyed) to serve more or less as hub trading centers for the Milky Way Galaxy inhabitants travelling back and forth in order to trade with one another.
This is why earth humans were going to be controlling the stargates and portals in order to control the traffic going into and out of the trading hubs from the multitude of inhabited planets and stars.

This was the plan before some ET races got too big for their britches and decided they wanted Earth for themselves. 

At the same time, the Angelics intended to make this a school - which they did and the toughest one in existence. The Melchizedek Order is an educational system. In the Mira (Omicron Ceti) Galaxy, they have a string of 490 planets, each of them having a school that specializes in a different aspect of spirituality and the metaphysical.

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The Mira (Omicron Ceti) Galaxy

The Angelics could be considered to be the Teachers of the Cosmos for it is they who run the various schools in the Mira galaxy.

They also run the Earth school. 
And they can appear to be brutal in their teaching methods at times. 

The Angelics have many ways of instructing us in such matters, one of them being the ECCO Office. It's their job to "make you people evolve to the next levels, to teach you, to kick you in the pants when necessary."

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The Angelics have a number of such"offices", each of them serving a different function. Each office function has to do with education for the Angelics are primarily teachers.

The Christ Command & "Archangels"

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For the purpose of this final round of the Luciferian Wars on Earth, Jmmnauel founded what's called The Christ Command, the work directly for him. Much to my shock, I discovered I was a member of this Christ Command, which is how I was introduced to and got to know Jmmanuel.

There are only 300 of us (give or take) on Earth at any given time. Our job is to be teachers just as he was himself. 


Our preparation to become a member of the Christ Command takes some 3000+ Earth years. We must have undergone a specific number of incarnations all over the cosmos for starters. Then we must attend the schools within the Mira system. From there, we take classes lead by Jmmanuel himself, that focus on how he expects us to behave as his representatives, moral/ethical lessons, and his specific method of teaching.
When we've completed those classes, we're inducted into the Order of Melchizedek just as he was himself in 33 AD at the Mird Angelic mystery school on the Dead Sea. When we reach this stage, we are given our Melchizedek swords that look something like the illustration below.

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Once we've received our swords it's off to Aghartha to complete our training and earn the keys to Aghartha, the Agharthans being the earthly arm of the Angelics. 
Only when we've completed that training are we then considered full fledged members of the Christ Command. One must also be a member of an Angelic grail line in order to work in the Christ Command - the Emerald Order specifically.

We do work closely with what you call the "Archangels". Dan Armstrong referred to them as the "Sword bearers". Well technically that's correct, all 7 have swords but then so does every Angelic inducted into the Order of Melchizedek. We don't call them "Archangels", we call them the EL - because all of their names end in "el". 
(And contrary to New Age BS there are only 7 of them: Mikael, Gabriel, Chamuel, Raphael, Ariel, Urial and Jophiel. And it's Mikael (pronounced Me ky el), not Michael.)

Some of them do command fleets of their own. Mikael was originally based around Aldebaran in the Pleiades, Azazel around Sirius, Raphael from Regulus, Gabriel from Fomalhaut, and Uriel from Antares. Mikael generally spearheads the coordination of these fleets.

© James Bartley & The Cosmic Switchboard
© James Bartley & The Cosmic Switchboard

What are the EL like? Well, I can only comment on 4 of them as they're the only ones I've worked with so far. 

MIKAEL: I call him "the Surfer Dude" because that's what he reminds me of - a CA surfer.
See the AI construction I did of him below.


Mikael and I got off to kind of a rough start as I didn't recognize him at all when I met him and brushed him aside, telling him "OUTTA MY WAY, KID!" (Well he does look like he's about 19) We still laugh about our first meeting.


Mikael is a sweetie except when he goes into warrior mode.
Then you don't want to cross him. But apart from warrior mode he's very laid back and rather on the quiet side.

GABRIEL: Gabe's the adventurous adrenaline junkie.


I once dared him to eat a handful of bugs and he had those suckers down the hatch before I even finished daring him.
He'll do whatever anyone dares him to do. Well, almost anything.


Gabe's also very laid back but much more outgoing than Mikael is. Gabe's about having fun and being in the moment.

CHAMUEL: Cham is a big ol ginger teddy bear with a heart of gold.

EL Cam.jpg

Cham is very much a people pleaser, he just wants everyone happy so will do whatever it takes to make one happy.


Like Jmmanuel, Cham adores children. 
He just kind of goes with the flow in everything and is up for pretty much anything.
He works on board the New Jerusalem.

RAPHAEL: Raphael is the "take no prisoners" EL.


Raph reminds me of Larry the Cable Guy..."GIT 'ER DONE!"

​He comes off as very stern and no nonsense. This isn't to say he isn't a nice guy, he is. He just comes off as stern as hell generally speaking. 


Nor does he mince words. He just lays it out there and you'd better be listening. LOL
He also commands a fleet of ships and I'll give him this...his crew have the utmost respect for him. They always know where they stand with him. LOL

So that's a little about the 4 EL I know if you were curious as to what they're like. I found them to be not at all how I'd always envisioned them being. 


Beneath the EL in the hierarchy are the following:



Celestials ascended from the astral realm. Their heart and mind consciously a part of everything in the seen and unseen worlds. They are celestial realm creators and there are actually 2 kinds of Celestials - created and ascended. Both program the heavens through light via the light of solar consciousness. An ascended Celestial might oversee their bloodline and share enlightenment though the dream state, a visitation, or from behind the veil.



The most well known Created Being is Val Valiant Thor (not his real name) that spent time at the Pentagon.

Created beings are defined as magistrates of the heavens and throughout Earth's history have also been known as the Elohim, in their plural form. Some created beings are mighty messengers whose hierarchal duties are performed for the benefit of all universal-kind. They may activate a Living Light program on a world ready for advancement, or educate an individual whose purpose is to teach the masses about cosmic reality. Some created beings are commanders of motherships, starships, and fleets. 

Although an Angelic, Val was stationed on Venus. He's still in service to the cosmos and did return to earth in later years.


Digital immortals originate from the Mira System. A digital immortal is a hairless human form standing uniformly six feet tall. Even though these are androgynous sexless beings, some might take on more masculine or feminine qualities. They have uniform faces with slight variations in features, translucent milky white skin, and vivid blue eyes.

They are categorized as superbeings able to process and execute enormous amounts of data. When enlisted to a craft, their hyper- thinking has averted catastrophes, crashes, and sudden cosmic anomalies, saving many lives. They are dispersed throughout the star nations and are commanders of various classes.

They can process equations, distances, interdimensional calculations, and more in record time. They are the brainiacs of the cosmos.


Slides #4 and #5- THE MELCHIZEDEKS

The illustrations are of (Father) Melchizedek and his son, Machiventa. Their origins lie in the Mira System, an outer space city of 490 planets comprise the University of Melchizedek. All beings ascending from across the universe will pass through and learn from these worlds before their next incarnation world experience.
Yup, you study there between your incarnations.


The Melchizedeks are indistinguishable from Earth humans. Father Melchizedek is the architect of Melchizedek, and he works in union with EL Michael and Gabriel. Machiventa Melchizedek, one of the beloved Melchizedek high priests, once served as Vicegerent Planetary Prince of the Earth and has helped man throughout the centuries. Both are now stationed in Aghartha and run the Library of Porthologos.


Melchizedek is a spiritual university of the most advanced, and the Melchizedeks are known as the first order of creator sons. They assist all worlds in the local universe as emergency sons, who administer knowledge, wisdom, and resolution when conflicts arise.



Solar light beings have attained their status either through multiple ascensions or created status. They have ascended multiple times and are a part of every race; therefore they exist in every constellation.

Solar light beings are pure light and formless, maintaining pure bodies of energy. 


Solar light beings teach that throughout every being's journey their soul gathers light, and being part of the one soul of creation, this light increases the light within Source. It is their great privilege to facilitate learning programs so that every soul may fulfill their life contract on what it is they designed to come into physicality to learn.



They are from the Isle of Paradise and are androgynous beings. These guys are who you think of when you think of "angels".

Some created angels in the past believed that ascended beings who achieved status equal to angels did not deserve such universal classification. Superangels work in twos, one ascended angel and one created angel, to set a constant example that both fractions can work together harmoniously. (This is one of the factions of original Angelics when the first split took place among the Angelics, followed by the Luciferian War.)
We'll get into these Angelic pairings in a bit.


Their superangelic consciousness works directly with (Archangel) Mikael and other Paradise Sons. Their minds are divine.

Superangels are masters of the multiverse. With hierarchal permission, they can travel to any of the seven superuniverses or into one of the 700,000 local universes each superuniverse houses.

Superangels also monitor energy fluctuations across the universe and its bandwidth growth. From broadcast stations across the cosmos, they transmit and receive celestial broadcasts, universal information vital to all unified worlds. Citizens on their home worlds gather in outdoor coliseums to hear the broadcasts in a social setting. Interaction and stimulating conversations ensue about a wide range of topics on any given day.

The superangels will again broadcast to Earth once the planet has rejoined universal society.



Earth humans have the Watchers generally wrong, believing all Watchers are malevolent beings. NO. The dark forces created the malevolent faction of Watchers and we'll get into that in the second section on the Angelics. 

Watchers are from Central Control, which is like the nerve center of the universe. They're taller than earth humans but other than that, undistinguishable from humans. They are elders of the universe, indefinable by age, and have a variety of skin tones. Their hair is usually long and snowflake-colored. Some male Watchers prefer facial hair, some prefer a more youthful appearance. The older looking ones look like you'd picture Moses looking. 


They monitor younger races to protect them from aggressive races that might rape and pillage their lands or cause harm to the populace - which is why they're called Watchers. From galactic command centers located within the inner Earth around the globe, they monitor and record the daily comings and goings of Earth's society. They watch over people of interest, including its leaders, aggressive citizens thinking about perpetrating negative acts against humanity, and invited, unannounced, and restricted otherworldly visitors. They send daily reports to the universal hierarchy with recommendations that will not interfere with the evolution of the planetary consciousness and their right to spiritually evolve.

People generally think of the Watchers as being malevolent but that's not entirely true. There are split factions upon split factions in this war and that's the case with the Watchers.

Mikael is head of the benevolent Watchers and is named as such in the Dead Sea Scrolls.


To learn more about the Angelics go to page 2...


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