This morning Rob Kalil dropped a fantastic interview with Dab Brad that includes some photos you don't want to miss seeing. Brad too works with the Angelics and the information he comes out with in this video jives with what my own Angelic contacts have taught me. THIS VIDEO IS A DON'T MISS!
Brad very accurately describes interaction with the Angelics and how they go about making contact. Yes, they are all around us constantly...but most people can't raise their vibrational frequency high enough to see and communicate telepathically with them. The Angelics are huge into nature so yes, they appear in nature in trees, etc.
What I found interesting about Brad's photos were all the Angelic things that came through. Many shots had images of angel wings (even though the Angelics don't have wings but that's how people here envision them), a couple of crowns (both malevolent and benevolent ET races acknowledge the Divine Angelics are the original royalty), the eagle which was the symbol of the Angelic original grail bloodline, and even Jmmanuel himself shows up in one of the photos. (Below)
More about the Angelics...
They have no actual need of ships or any other form of conveyance as they are quite adept at teleportation. As you can see in the video below.
No, they do not use Merkabahs. That's New Age BS.
As you can see above they aren't at all bashful and allow people to see them. They want people here to know they exist just as Brad stated in his interview.
If you think the above videos are far fetched, one of my fellow Angelic humans was saved being hit by a car and this incident was witnessed by several people. She was crossing a street in Australia when an out-of-control car came hurtling toward her. She ended up lying on the median with no idea of how she got there.
Witnesses then came running over to her and one man said "I SAW THAT! A HUGE ANGEL MOVED YOU OUT OF THE PATH OF THAT CAR AND ONTO THE MEDIAN!"
Had her angel not done this, she would most certainly have been killed by that car, being hit squarely head on by it.
They directly saved my life in each of the 7 attempts the cabal made on my own life.
The fact is, it is not at all unusual for Angelics to intervene here to save someone's life. I love the following story because I knew the 2 Angelics involved and Bruce confirmed this when he described them as being identical in appearance, like (quote) "matching bookends".
Jmmanuel and his twin brother, Teeds answered Bruce's call for help personally. They are so identical in appearance that they do look like matching bookends. (Both Jmmanuel and Teeds confirmed it was them.)
Pay attention to the image below, look at the proportion of Jmmanuel and Teeds in comparison to the size of the EMT's working on Bruce and you get some idea of how big these guys actually are.
(I actually chuckled when looking at the "angel" on the right. I'd know those sandal'ed big clodhopper feet anywhere! LOL)
The Angelic Wayshower
As I said before, the Angelics job is to teach. They have a very unique way they go about doing this on earth.
Every astrological age, they incarnate a teacher on earth called The Wayshower. The Wayshower teaches the lessons of the World Teacher or OCC, also called "the Father". The OCC is the Office of Christed Consciousness. The Christed Consciousness is simply the perfection of one's unconditional love for all living things.
Regardless of earthly gender, the Wayshower is called "the Son". It is considered the highest of Angelic honors to be appointed the Wayshower and there is only ONE per astrological age. (Again, you saw the Shadow Principle in play when the New Agers learned this and immediately began referring to themselves as "Wayshowers". They are not.)
The Wayshower preparation and training comprises 5000 earth years. His/her training continues on earth.
There are certain things the Wayshower has to agree to:
They will be born on earth in the traditional manner. No Immaculate Conceptions in other words.
They will depart their earthly life the same way, via a traditional death.
They must agree to sacrifice their earthly life for humanity.
While here, they will undergo 5 initiations.
Those initiations are:
Baptism (not religious)
Ascension (again, not religious)
Birth is self explanatory.
Baptism is the Wayshower's acceptance of his/her servitude to humanity.
Transfiguration is when the Wayshower's energy field around his/her body begins to glow white. This is visible to those adept at seeing auras, for example. It signifies the Wayshower is ready for the physical merge with the OCC and the "cleansing" that physically takes place prior to the actual merge.
Renunciation is the Wayshower's renunciation of and parting with everything earthly. It is the
most difficult of the 5 initiations because it involves the Council carrying out the Wayshower's pledge to sacrifice their earthly life for humanity.
Ascension is the Wayshower's formal admittance into the Order of Melchizedek.
When the Wayshoer completes their stint on earth they move into the Office of Christed Consciousness or the OCC. They then train the next Wayshower in line.
When the new Wayshower's training has been completed on earth, a merge between OCC and Wayshower takes place - but only after a 3 day cleansing takes place to purify the Wayshower to receive the OCC.
The reason for this merge and the 2 becoming 1 is simple: The OCC has intelligence beyond the comprehension of earth humans. It is the Wayshower's job to take the lessons the OCC gives him/her and break them down into terms earthlings can grasp and understand. This is what Jmmanuel was doing in teaching via his parables.
Yes, Jmmanuel was the Piscean Age Wayshower and he's now in the position of OCC.
What happens if the people of Earth don't learn the lessons the Wayshower brings?
The Law of Cycles kicks into effect - history repeats itself until they do learn the lessons.
People here learned nothing from Jmmanuel's stint as Wayshower so the Law of Cycles is in effect and history is repeating itself - as explained by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn in The Harbinger below:
The Shadow Principle
There's also something in effect called "The Shadow Principle". Because the Luciferian forces want to BECOME the Angelics and in order to confuse and deceive people here, they have made a duplicate of everything Angelic. These duplicates pose as being "benevolent" on their fronts but are actually Luciferian in nature. Lucifer ain't known as the great imitator for no reason.​​
These dark forces play both sides of the fence simultaneously - both bad guy and "good guy" via their Shadow Principle. This keeps everyone confused and in chaos and puts the dark forces in a win-win situation as far as the masses being deceived into following their "good guy".
Take for example the Trinity, which the dark forces themselves created in earth religions.
Playing both sides of the fence
And here's their Dark Trinity
Another example using the Wayshower...
Now I had an old website that Jmmanuel and I put together, he told me the cabal watched that website like a hawk. I never believed him until I saw the below incident happen.
I'd just posted about the Angelic Wayshower on that site.
Out come the dark forces with their imitation "Wayshower" - and Indian actor and economist their side called "Maitreya". The dark forces were under the belief our current Angelic Wayshower was Maitreya. out they trot their Wayshower imitation "Maitreya" or actor, Raj Patel.
Indian Economist Raj Patel Hailed As Maitreya By Secret Cult
So Jmmanuel says "Do a post calling them out."
I did just that..."Maitreya" (Raj Patel) then disappeared back under the rock from whence he'd come and who steps up to the plate? Lucifer himself. (Yes, he was in a physical body too)
He first advertised himself as Sumat Kumera. When we outed that as an adaptation of one of Lucifer's names, he then began calling himself "Sananda", then "Sananda-Jesus".
He even had the cajones to post on the Internet his life story as the fictitious "Jesus", based on Jmmanuel's life during that incarnation. When we called him out on that, that "autobiography" got immediately taken down.
Even more hilarious, the very day after posting about the Angelic Wayshower, all of the New Agers began calling themselves "Wayshowers"!
Actor, Raj Patel
Lucifer in his physical body
The sheer stupidity of Lucifer and his forces is hilariously entertaining if nothing else, especially when it comes to their Shadow Principle imitations.
The Galactic Federation of Light & Ashtar Command is another of their imitations, copying our Galactic Confederation of Worlds. A great many in the experiencer/spiritual community are still bamboozled by that one, believing it to be "benevolent". Not the Orion disinformation front it really is.
You'd think they'd have figured out the dark forces name game by now. Ashtar = Ashtaroth, the Crown Prince of Hell.
The New Age's "Ascended Masters"? The real Angelics have no "masters" among them and therefore, don't even use that term to in any way describe themselves. They are "Masters" of no one. It's the dark forces that want to be everyone's "Masters" and be worshiped like gods and Lucifer in particular.
I once did a composite of illustrations of their "Ascended Masters" next to an illustration of Lucifer in his physical body. THEY WERE ALL LUCIFER parading as the "Ascended Masters" via elementary minor changes to hair color and style, etc. As he did with Sumat Kumera, Sananda and Sananda-Jesus, he'd just change the name of the "Ascended Masters" he was presenting himself as to the New Agers. They followed him in droves being none the wiser.
Pat's trip to Earth from the Angelic realm
When those of us who were/are volunteers came to earth, our ET memories were erased. For some reason my memory of making the actual trip here wasn't erased - although I wouldn't understand this memory or even recognize it as an actual memory until many years later.
Since the age of four I had a "something" in my head I could neither understand nor explain. It was like a video that kept replaying itself in my mind over and over again.
I was someplace that I knew was not Earth. A teacher I loved very much and I were leaving a huge white marble Hall and walking toward what I could only describe as a "town square".
Both my teacher and I were dressed in white robes like a monk might wear. I was very sad at the thought of leaving this teacher I loved so much behind. I could feel his sadness at my leaving as well.
I had no idea where I was going exactly...only that it was very far away to help many souls in serious trouble.
I very distinctly remember looking at the night sky that surrounded us - a beautiful deep midnight blue filled with countless sparkling stars - and thinking Take a good long look at that sky and remember it because it's going to be a long time before you see it again.
As we walked, others like us began to join us - all dressed in the same white robes my teacher and I wore.
Watercolor for Pat Jackson by Mala Rama. ©Mala Rama. Based on Pat's original sketch.
I could feel the sadness at leaving in the others that I could feel between my teacher and myself. We all mounted a platform in this "town square" that I would later discover was a teleportation device. One minute we were standing on the platform, the next we'd arrived at our destination. Enroute, many others joined us. Some were human looking like ourselves, others were not at all human looking. We resembled the cast in the cantina scene in the movie Star Wars. Yet we were all united in our sense of mission.
The leader of our group told us we were in a "holding area waiting to be born". I was very confused by this. I already existed. Why would I need to be born?
This same leader then told us "Helper ships are standing by to help you on your mission."
At the age of four I couldn't have told you what an extraterrestrial or UFO much less anything about any helper ships. I was past middle age when I actually saw photos of these helper ships at the Probe Intl. Conference.
The photos had been taken by Jon Lenard Walson...
Sure enough, there were the Plejaran helper ships stationed around earth.
It was through the panel of experts that reviewed my case that I learned this "something" that I'd had playing in my head repeatedly since the age of four was an ACTUAL MEMORY of coming to Earth from the Angelic realm. The teacher I loved so much that I'd left behind? Jmmanuel.
At the start of my awakening journey, he'd told me "There's a surprise ending to this as to who you really are."
I really didn't pay much attention to that, being the cabal was beating the living snot out of me at the time.
As it turned out, there were several surprise endings, one more shocking to me than the next.​
That pretty much covers the Angelics. I'll leave you with this's one of Jmmanuel's favorites.
Do the Angelics have common personality traits or characteristics between them? If so, do Angelic humans share those same traits?
Yes, we have some common personality traits that apply to both 'above' and 'below':
The intelligence of the 'above' Angelics is off any earthly chart. Those of us who incarnated here generally have IQ's of around 150 and above. We have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. -
Musical and artistic ability. We seem to be adept at both.
Angelics live in the moment and don't worry about past or future. True of both.
Angelics hate the concept of money. That too applies to both. We just don't like to deal with it and see it as the root of all evil.
We have raucous senses of humor. Often witty with a bit of a sarcastic edge to it.
We abhor violence. We're gentle souls by nature.
Wild animals seem to recognize us, approach us without fear and bond with us.
Those are the main personality characteristics we share.
If Angelics have no physical bodies or gender, how do they make baby Angelics?
They manifest them into existence using their consciousness and intent. Two Angelics think the child into existence. However, these children don't appear as babies in physical form. They look more like an earth 4-year-old.
Other of the more advanced races like the Arcturans use this same method.
However, Angelic children are created only by societal decree when it's determined that a future cosmic service role will need to be filled by that child.
Where did the Angelics who are in physical bodies now get those bodies? Did they take them from dead people or???
LMAO! NO, they didn't take them from dead people. They're not graverobbers. LOL
Their bodies were created. (It's why they don't have nipples or belly buttons.)
However, those of us who incarnated have bodies identical to your own.
Thanks for your question and making me laugh. I was envisioning a UFO over a cemetery beaming up dead bodies out of their graves and our guys saying to one another "Here, try this one on. See if it fits you."
Your question was priceless.
Is it true Angelics have never lived on Earth in order to be Angelics? And has Mikael ever incarnated on Earth?
No. Some have lived on Earth, others haven't. Still others have incarnated elsewhere but never on Earth. Mikael has incarnated on Earth at least once that I know of.​
How do the Archangels dress?
Depends on where they are and what they're doing.
When not in battle they wear the same white robes the Angelics wear.
When in battle they kind of resemble a Spartan warrior - sans the helmet and cape. Their outfit is white, their armor gold.