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The earliest versions of what was to become the Bible were written over a period of more than 1,500 years, from around 1400 BC to 95 AD123. They was written by more than 40 authors, who wrote in three different languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. They were written on three continents: Asia, Europe, and Africa.

Biblical texts could have been penned in the early first millennium BC, using a national script called the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet.

1500-Year-Old Bible States That Jesus Was Not Crucified

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1500 year old bible1.jpg

Read the story here and here


What boggles the minds of the ET's and even of Jmmanuel himself is that a planet of 8 billion people largely all base their belief system on a book that was never designed to be a religious text but was written as a history book by mortal men with their own agendas. No, it is not the "word of God" according to Jmmanuel himself.  In fact, it's so much fiction he never bothers to read it himself.


What I have trouble comprehending is that so many Christiams apparently flunked math class. 
The church claims 2 of the disciples wrote many of the gospels - John and Matthew. Yet the version of the bible dating from that period wasn't written until 200 years after the fictitious "Jesus" was apparently crucified. Please explain to me how John and Matthew lived 200 YEARS to write those gospels?

It might also interest you to know the bible is written in code "for those with ears to hear".  Unless you know that code, you are not going to understand what the bible is saying. 

The Bible Code made a recent re-appearance in the public consciousness thanks to the work of author and fourth-generation antiques expert Timothy Smith.

His 2017 book “The Chamberlain Key" describes how following 25 years of research, he unlocked a “God code” in the Bible. He calls his book “the Da Vinci Code on steroids, but it’s true.”

Smith’s decoding work is based on his own ancient copy of the Bible titled “The Leningrad Codex” – it’s the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Old Testament. Smith used a computer-driven application of the ELS method, as well as code-breaking techniques and his intimate knowledge of ancient and aboriginal ceremonial devices like scepters, crowns and thrones to arrive at his reading of the Bible.

Smith is a devout Christian and his conclusions revolve around Christian motifs. Source


I'll give you an example here and you can see how the dark forces twisted it to sell you on their narrative.


What follows is an article I wrote several years ago:


Within the Nazarenes not only were there rules to govern the marriage ceremony of a Messianic heir, but so too were there rules to govern the marriage itself. The rules of dynastic wedlock were quite unlike the Jewish family norm, and Messianic parents were formally separated at the birth of a child. Even prior to this, intimacy between a dynastic husband and wife was only allowed in December, so that births of heirs would always fall in the month of September, the month of Atonement, the holiest month of the Jewish calendar.

Indeed, it was this very rule which Jmmanuel's own parents had themselves broken when Mary became pregnant outside of the month of December. And this was the reason why the Jews were split in opinion as to whether Jmmanuel was, in fact, their true Messiah.

When a dynastic child was conceived at the wrong time of year, the mother was generally placed in monastic custody for the birth so as to avoid public embarrassment. This was called being "put away privily", and Matthew states quite plainly that when Mary’s pregnancy was discovered, "Joseph, her husband, being a just man and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily."

In the case of Jmmanuel and Magdalene, however, the rules of wedlock had been obeyed to the letter, and their first child was properly conceived in December AD 32, to be born in September AD 33. This child was a daughter, named Tamar.

[I did not change the name "Jesus" to Jmmanuel...understand "Jesus" refers to Jmmanuel.]


AD 33 (September) - Mary gives birth to a daughter, Tamar the Sarah [Sarah meaning princess], 6 months after the resurrection (Jesus' 39 th September).  Jesus is, according to tradition, required to enter a fully celibate state for three years until the Times of Restitution. Also at this time, Jesus was admitted to the priesthood (the priestly Order of Melchizedek) - a ritual in which he figuratively "ascended into heaven" (See Acts 1:9.) "And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight." [A cloud is a symbolic representation within the Qumran fraternity.] Note also Hebrew 6:20 . Finally note Mark 4:11-12   Source 


From the moment of a dynastic birth, the parents were physically separated, for six years if the child was a boy, and for three years if the child was a girl. Their marriage would only be recommenced at the designated time of restitution. Meanwhile, the mother and child would enter the equivalent of a convent, and the father would enter "the Kingdom of Heaven". This Kingdom of Heaven was actually the Essene High Monastery at Mird, by the Dead Sea, and the ceremony of entry was conducted by the angelic priests under the supervision of the appointed Leader of the Pilgrims.

In the Old Testament book of Exodus, the Israelite pilgrims were led into the Holy Land by a "cloud", and in accordance with this continued Exodus imagery, the priestly Leader of the Pilgrims was designated with the title "Cloud".

So, if we now read the Acts verses as they were intended to be understood, we see that cloud was a priest, not a literal cloud in the sky. And the man in white (an angelic priest) said that Jmmanuel would return at the time of restitution (when his Earthly marriage was restored).

If we now look at St Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews we discover that he explains the said Ascension event in some greater detail, for Paul tells of how Jmmanuel was admitted to the Priesthood of Heaven when he actually had no entitlement to such a sacred office. He explains that Jmmanuel was born into the Davidic line of Judah, a line which held the right of kingship but had no right to priesthood, for this was the sole prerogative of the line of Aaron and Levi.


But, says Paul, a special dispensation was granted, and he tells that "for the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law". As a result of this express "change of the law", it is explained that Jmmanuel was enabled to enter the Kingdom of Heaven in the priestly Order of Melchizedek.

So, in September AD 33, the first child of Jmmanuel and Magdalene was born, and Jmmanuel duly entered the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no reference to this child being a son (as there is for the two subsequent births), and given that Immanuel returned three years later, in AD 36, we know that the couple must have had a daughter. 

By following the chronology of the Acts, we see that in September AD 37 a second child was born; and then another in AD 44. The period between these two births to the second restitution in AD 43 was "six years", which denotes that the AD 37 child was a son. This fact is also conveyed by the use of cryptic wording, the same cryptic wording afforded to the AD 44 child, so we know that this third child was also a son.

In accordance with the scribal codes detailed in the Dead Sea Scrolls, everything cryptic within the New Testament is set up beforehand by some other entry which explains that the inherent message is "for those with ears to hear". Once these codes and allegories are understood, they never ever vary. They mean the same thing every time they are used, and they are used every time that same meaning is required. 


"Ordained priests of the era were called "fishers"; their helpers were called "fishermen", and baptismal candidates were called "fishes". Jmmanuel became an ordained fisher when he entered the Kingdom of Heaven, but until that time (as explained by Paul) he held no priestly office.

In the rite of ordination, the officiating Levite priests of the Sanctuary would administer five loaves of bread and two fishes to the candidates, but the law was very firm in that such candidates had to be circumcised Jews. Gentiles and uncircumcised Samaritans were on no account afforded any such privilege. 

Indeed, it was this particular ministerial ritual which Jmmanuel had flouted at the so-called "feeding of the five-thousand", because he presumed the right to grant access to his own new liberal ministry by offering the loaves and fishes to an unsanctified gathering. Apart from eventually becoming a fisher, he was also referred to as "the Christ", a Greek definition which meant "the King". In saying the name "Christ", we are actually saying "King", and his kingly heritage was of the Royal House of Judah (the House of David), as mentioned numerous times in the Gospels and in the Epistles of St Paul.

From AD 33, therefore, Jmmanuel emerged with the dual status of a "Priest Christ" or, as is more commonly cited, a "Fisher King". This definition, as we shall see, was to become a hereditary and dynastic office of his heirs, and the succeeding "Fisher Kings" were paramount in the history of the Grail bloodline. 

Prior to the birth of her second son in AD 44, Magdalene was exiled from Judea following a political uprising in which she was implicated. 
Along with Philip, Lazarus and a few retainers (Knights Templar), she traveled (by arrangement with King Herod-Agrippa II) to live at the Herodian estate near Lyon, in Gaul (which later became France).


"From the earliest times, through the medieval era, to the great Renaissance, Magdalene’s flight was portrayed in illuminated manuscripts and great artworks alike. Her life and work in France, especially in Provence and the Languedoc, appeared not only in works of European history but also in the Roman Church liturgy, until her story was suppressed by the Vatican.

Magdalene’s exile is told in The Book of The Revelation which describes that she was pregnant at the time. It tells also of how the Roman authorities subsequently persecuted Magdalene, her son and his heirs:

"And she, being with child, cried...and pained to be delivered...and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads...and seven crowns...stood before the woman...for to devour her child... And she brought forth a man-child...and the woman fled into the wilderness... And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war forever with the remnant of her seed...which...have the testimony of the Christ."

It was to Gaul that Magdalene was said to have carried the Sangréal (the Blood Royal, the Holy Grail); and it was in Gaul that the famous line of Christ (Jmmanuel) and Magdalene's immediate descendant heirs, the Fisher Kings, flourished for 300 years.


The eternal motto of the Fisher Kings was "In Strength", inspired by the name of their ancestor, Boaz (the great-grandfather of King David), whose name similarly meant "In Strength". When translated into Latin, this became "In Fortis", which was subsequently corrupted to "Anfortas", the name of the Fisher King in Grail romance.

We can now return to the Grail’s traditional symbolism as a chalice containing the blood of Christ. We can also consider graphic designs dating back well beyond the Dark Ages to about 3,500 BC. And in doing this, we discover that a chalice or a cup was the longest-standing symbol of the female. Its representation was that of the Sacred Vessel, the vas uterus, the womb.

And so, when fleeing into France, Magdalene carried the Sangréal in the Sacred Chalice of her womb, just as the Book of The Revelation explains. And the name of this second son was Joseph.


The equivalent traditional symbol of the male was a blade or a horn, usually represented by a sword or a unicorn. In the Old Testament’s Song of Solomon and in the Psalms of David, the fertile unicorn is associated with the kingly line of Judah; and it was for this very reason that the Cathars of Provence used the mystical beast to symbolize the Grail bloodline.

Magdalene died in Provence in AD 63. In that very year, Joseph of Arimathea built the famous chapel at Glastonbury in England as a memorial to the Messianic Queen. This was the first ’above-ground’ Christian church in the world, and in the following year Magdalene’s son dedicated it to his mother. He had in fact been to England with Joseph before, at the age of twelve, in AD 49. It was this event which inspired William Blake’s famous song, Jerusalem:

"And did those feet in ancient time, walk upon England’s mountains green."

But who was Joseph of Arimathea, the man who assumed full control of affairs at the crucifixion? And why was it that the Christ's mother, his wife and the rest of the family accepted Joseph’s intervention without question? 


As late as the year 900, the Church of Rome decided to announce that Joseph of Arimathea was the uncle of Christ's mother Mary. And from that time, portrayals of Joseph have shown him as being rather elderly at the Crucifixion, when Mother Mary was herself in her fifties. Prior to the Roman announcement, however, the historical records of Joseph depicted a much younger man. He was recorded to have died at the age of 80 on 27 July AD 82, and thus would have been aged 32 at the time of the Crucifixion.

In fact, Joseph of Arimathea was none other than Jmmanuel’s own brother, James, and his title had nothing whatever to do with a place name. Arimathea never existed. 

The hereditary "Arimathea" title was an English corruption of the Graeco-Hebrew style ha-Rama-Theo, meaning "of the Divine Highness", or "of the Royal Highness" as we’d define it today. 


In the early fifth century, Jmmanuel's and Mary’s (Magdalene's) descendant Fisher Kings became united by marriage to the Sicambrian Franks, and from them emerged a whole new ’reigning’ dynasty. They were the noted Merovingian Kings who founded the French monarchy and introduced the well-known fleur-de-lys (the ancient Jewish symbol of circumcision) as the royal emblem of France.

From the Merovingian succession, another strain of the family established a wholly independent Jewish kingdom in southern France: the Kingdom of Septi-mania, which we now know as the Languedoc. And the early princes of Toulouse, Aquitaine and Provence were all descended in the Messianic bloodline of the Holy Grail. Septimania was granted to the Royal House of David in 768, and Prince Bernard of Septimania later married a daughter of Emperor Charlemagne.

Also from the Fisher Kings came another important parallel line of succession in Gaul. Whereas the Merovingian Kings continued the patrimonial ’male’ heritage of Jmmanuel, this other line perpetuated the matriarchal heritage of Mary Magdalene in a ’female’ line. They were the dynastic Queens of Avallon in Burgundy, the House del Acqs, meaning "of the waters", a style granted to Magdalene in the early days when she voyaged on the sea to Provence. 
(Incidentally, just as the Crown Prince always held the patriarchal title of "Joseph" and Jmmanuel held the titular "David",  Magdalene would've held the titular "Mary", which is likely why her name was later converted to Mary Magdalene.) 


Those familiar with Arthurian and Grail lore will by now have recognized the ultimate significance of this Messianic family of the Fisher Kings, the Queens of Avallon and the House del Acqs (corrupted in Arthurian romance to "du Lac").

The descendant heirs of Jmmanuel posed an enormous threat to the Roman High Church because they were the dynastic leaders of the true Nazarene Church. In real terms, the Roman Church should never have existed at all, for it was no more than a ’hybrid’ movement comprised of various pagan doctrines attached to a fundamentally Jewish base."


The Illuminati wasn't privy to the Bible code and this is how we ended up with the "official narrative" of Christianity when they rewrote history.


“The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving the world and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves…these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ.” - Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson got it exactly right.


So the Roman Catholic Church's "Ascension" myth was NOT "Jesus" floating up to a fictitious Heaven in a cloud as so many were lead to believe, in order to turn "Jesus" into a Divine Son of God savior or messiah and create their monopoly on the road to salvation. And you can clearly see how in twisting everything they came up with the religious myths they sold humanity on - Immaculate Conceptions, Ascensions, rising from the dead, blah blah blah. 


Their fictitious Jesus performed a miraculous 'Ascension into Heaven', floating up to Heaven on a cloud - when this actually meant Jmmanuel was taken up by the Cloud (the Leader of the Pilgrims) to the Kingdom of Heaven (the High Monastery). He didn't ascend anywhere, he simply became a priest in accordance with Jewish law at the time, after the birth of his daughter.


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