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I'm writing this to set the record straight on Jmmanuel. People can believe me or not believe me, that's entirely up to them. But it's amazing to me how many people will readily accept a fictitious "Jesus" and not accept the real Jmmanuel if he doesn't fit their preconceived stereotype of the fictitious "Jesus". That's the ultimate hypocrisy in my book and just goes to show how brainwashed the malevolent-created earth religions have made the masses.

But it's their loss if they don't want to open their minds enough to get to know the REAL Jmmanuel, for he's the most beautiful being to ever have lived. 


And believe me, I don't have any corner on the market in meeting him in the flesh.

I've made it a point to contact every person I've come across that claims to have met him. Each of them independently of one another told me something about him they couldn't have known unless they HAD met him. Things about him that aren't public knowledge...

Bonnie Meyer lives just south of me. She's met Jmmanuel several times, both on the ship and here on the surface.

Has he been here to the surface? Countless times to scope things out for himself.

I had to laugh when hearing Bonnie's account of Jmmanuel showing up in Pick n' Save as the dude loves our grocery stores.

I have no idea WHY he loves our grocery stores but he does.
He loves our hardware stores and Walmart even more.

If you want to know the REAL Jmmanuel you have to take him out of any religious context. He does not condone earth religions and teaches "Be of no religion".
He knows who founded them and why...and that they only cause division among people here. He also teaches "Do not be subservient to me."

Bonnie describes meeting Jmmanuel in Pick 'n Save at 2:34 in the video below...

He DETESTS the religious pedestal he's been put on and could give a rip what earth religion anyone is. He deals only in spirituality and sees every living being as his full equal because he IS unconditionally loving, seeing no one as his "enemy".

The best decision I ever made was getting to know the man he really is, sans all the religious hype. I truly consider him my best friend for he stood beside me, unwavering, in my darkest days when every person on earth abandoned me. He alone helped me rebuild my life after the Deep State destroyed every facet of it - often in ways that can only be termed 'miraculous'.

I'm no Judas and I hope you'll open your mind enough to get to know him as he really is.
Trust me, you won't be sorry you did!

Physical characteristics


Yes, he's back in a physical body. He makes frequent trips to earth's surface so must be in a physical body due to earth's density. Furthermore, he must be in a physical body to return here.

On the ship he stands about 7' tall but when he comes here to the surface (due to its density) he stands around 6' tall.

He's of medium but muscular build with a broad chest and shoulders.

His hair is brown leaning toward red and is the texture of silk. It's wavy to curly, thick, and he wears 

it shoulder length to just beyond shoulder length, parted in the middle.
He's an absolute fuss budget about his beard always being neatly trimmed.

He is perfectly proportioned although he'd tell you his nose is too big. (It's not)
His eyes are a unique shade of blue that I've never seen on anyone else. They're penetrating as he looks at your soul when meeting you and you can feel him doing this. He can change his eye color at will and sometimes changes it to brown or hazel. 

The first thing most people notice when meeting him is his smile. He has perfect teeth and his smile lights up a room. 

His complexion is flawless and medium in tone with a hint of red blush to his cheeks.

He has the long, slender fingers of a musician and very large feet for his size.

Many people claim "He should look Jewish!" Actually, he's kind of a mixture of Jewish appearance and how the Angelics looked before they surpassed the need for physical bodies - although he can completely change his appearance in an instant. Besides, that Jewish appearance was for what we jokingly call his "Jesus incarnation", he doesn't need to look middle eastern Jewish now.

There's no mistaking whose presence you're in when with him. His body physically radiates an aura of unconditional love that one feels to the depths of their soul.


Jmmanuel has 2 sides to his personality - what I call his "public" side and his "private" side, for he's a very private man.

His public side is more than what you'd envision "Jesus" to be - unconditionally loving and forgiving, compassionate, a master healer, intelligent and wise. 
He's a very sociable guy, loves celebrations and being the life of the party. He's very much a people pleaser and will do whatever is in his power to help someone in need out.
There's not a pretentious bone in his body. As I said before, he considers everyone his full equal in every respect. He even forbids anyone to call him by any of his titles, instructing everyone to simply call him "Jmmanuel".

He has a raucous Angelic sense of humor - witty and dry with a bit of a sarcastic edge to it.

If you've ever watched the Ice Age movies, Jmmanuel fits Manny the Mammoth's personality to a tee. 

Then there's the private side of him that he only lets those closest to him see. As I said, he's an intensely private man. This is the very human side of him in which his insecurities surface (yes, he has insecurities), that wants to be comforted when someone hurts him, that can be moody and withdrawn when he's upset about something.

It's also the side of him that has a WICKED BAD temper. One of the gals in the Christ Command compared him riled up to a tornado gathering velocity until it touches down, taking out everything in its path. It's a very accurate description.

When his eyes turn an icy blue gray and his fists begin to clench, just run for the hills and hide until he's over his hissy fit.
I've seen him throw and kick things across his quarters and once he even beaned his twin brother in the head with a book when he managed to annoy Jmmanuel.

Luckily, he doesn't stay mad for long...and then feels rather foolish he had a hissy fit to begin with.

Jmmanuel has a profound respect for women and prefers the company of females to that of males. Most of his closest friends and confidants are female. Although he comes off as completely masculine, he does have a feminine side to him that women are drawn to like a magnet. He can (and has) made himself right at home in my chick chats with my female friends, even handing out makeup tips to them.

He's a very simple man with simple tastes, not materialistic at all. His sole possessions consist of his clothes, his collection of books, one ring and his horse, Hally.

In what little free time he has, he's happiest when spending time with kids, reading, meditating, cooking, having his hair brushed and running around barefoot. He also loves being in nature.

His sense of humor emerges in the private side of him as well. One day we were gathered on the ship for a Christ Command meeting, waiting for him to come out of a conference.
As we waited, I was recounting my morning "shopping adventure" with Jmmanuel. We were all laughing uproariously, all of us knowing what he's like shopping. (5 year old with severe ADHD)

Finally, one of our members we called "Doggie" (from Sirus) said "Well for god's sake don't take him shopping at Walmart! You're likely to come home with the back seat of your car full of red Hawaiian print shirts or something!"

We could all envision that happening and we were now laughing so hard we were nearly crying.

At that moment the conference room doors slid open and in walked Jmmanuel...dressed in white shorts, sandals and a RED HAWAIIAN PRINT SHIRT!

We were so busted. He sees and hears everything, even what you don't want him to see and hear.

He never said a word, just got on with the business at hand, knowing he'd made his point that he'd overheard the entire conversation and we weren't putting anything over on him.

While he's extremely gentle by nature, he can be tough as nails when he needs to be. He's no pushover.


He also has very unique facial expressions that let you know what he's feeling - for example, his sideways glance. He'll tilt his head down and cock it just slightly to the side, then give you this glance out of the corners of his eyes. Something like this...

If you get the sideways glance it means:

A. Don't act stupid

B. You're annoying me

C. Keep going if you have a death wish

D. All of the above

You always know where you stand with the man just by his facial expressions alone.

jesus sideways glance.avif

He's uber protective of those close to him. I've had 20 major surgeries in the past 5 years, a couple of them having me on death's doorstep. 

I was about to have one of these surgeries, had been wheeled into the OR and put on the OR table. Masked surgical personnel were all around me...when I noticed one of the men watching me very closely. He finally stepped to the end of the operating table, pulled down his mask very quickly when no one was looking and winked at me. Yup, it was Jmmanuel.

He was with me every time after that when I was wheeled into the OR. I never knew if he was going to be my surgeon, my anethesiologist, a surgical nurse or what so he'd simply wink at me so I knew it was him.

He's saved my life numerous times.

doctor Jmmanuel.jpg

Why did he choose me as a close friend? I've asked him a gazillion times "Why me? Surely there are others better than myself that you could've chosen..."
Each time I'd get the same answer from him: "Why NOT you? You've proven you'd lay down your life for me. What greater love exists than that?"

Honestly, and this is just my opinion...I think it's because I accept him just as he is and don't put him on any kind of a pedestal. He knows if he steps out of line I'll be the first to call him on it. I've given him a butt chewing more than once already! He can just be himself with me, knowing I accept him just as he is and that's really all he wants - to just be accepted as himself.

Don't make the mistake of thinking "He'd never contact me!" because he'll surprise you! He does love to shock people and does so regularly, especially with the abysmal shape humanity is now in and their loss of faith in the Divine. He's not above rattling anyone's cage.

Certainly none of us in the Christ command ever dreamed in our wildest dreams we'd be working with the man. And yet here we are.

Jmmanuel trivia

  • He can speak every language in existence fluently.

  • His favorite color is purple.

  • His favorite earth food is Mexican and he's a fantastic cook.

  • His fave earth book is a collection of short stories by O Henry, specifically The Ransom of Red Chief. He loves that the kid gets the better of the adults in the story.
    No, it's not the bible. He knows it's mostly fiction written by human men with agendas. Ask him if there's any truth in the bible and he'll tell you (quote) "Depends on what page you're on."


  • He likes earth motorcycles, particularly Harley's.

  • Give him the title of an earth song and he'll sing it back to you without making a single mistake. He knows our music better than we do. 

  • He is a member of the Angelic Council
    but will take on an older appearance when

    acting as a member of the Council.


No, I have no idea why he does this, I've never asked him why.

  • His favorite earth song is Amazing Grace.
    But he loves all of our music except rap, heavy metal and opera.


  • He can't stand it when people use obscenities and will immediately correct you if you do.

  • He has a habit of dropping ancient Aramaic words (like "murad") into his modern day speech.

  • He can be as stubborn and hard headed as hell once he makes up his mind about something. Getting him to change his mind is like trying to shove a mule across ice.

  • He's very physically affectionate, a hugger.

  • Yes he'll be returning but not in a way anyone expects. He'll be here at least 2 months before anyone realizes he has returned. He jokes he'll "return as a janitor to start cleaning up that mess down there." No, he won't be returning as anyone's "savior" or "Messiah".


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