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Rare are the people I've met who know we have an off world court system much less how it works.

Let's get the structure of the Galactic authorities down first.

Who oversees our Milky Way Galaxy? They're called the Guardians.

guardian races.webp

The Guardians are basically the Galactic Police. They are made up of the best and brightest and most ethical members of all the races in the Galaxy. They are more of a military than a police force as we know it on Earth, because by the time that most races encounter them, they are Galactic Level Zero Civilizations.

That means that the planet has one basic culture, one basic authority that answers for the population. They provide for the survival needs of every individual regardless of individual merit or 'wealth'. That means food, shelter, clothing, education, medical care and electricity for life support [heating/cooling/cooking food]. The population is free to pursue interests and talents rather than slave labor for survival. There would be no slavery. They are usually telepathic at this level.

In addition to the Guardians, there is the 
Council of Five. They're basically the Governors of the Milky Way Galaxy and they work with the Guardians.

council of 5.webp

Any of the other ET Councils utlimately report to them. And they play a substantial role in the Galactic Court - they are the 5 judges.

Penny Bradley was in the deep black projects like myself, is in the SSP (German Nachtwaffen). While Penny and I don't agree on everything (we have both similar and different experiences) she is extremely knowledgeable about earth/ET historical interaction as well as the workings of the Galactic Court.
I agree with much of what she puts forth in the following videos.

Video © Penny Bradley
Video © Penny Bradley

As Penny posted on her Facebook page:

First off, there are only a few outcomes:

You are innocent and let go. [Not often.]

You are guilty and executed--and your soul is turned over to the Lords of Karma for justice.

You are guilty and repentant--and you are given probation basically attached at the hip to a Guardian ready to execute you if you screw up again.

And if you twist words or make excuses or blame the victims, they assume you are lying and find you guilty.

I don't know that I agree with the last one [in full] simply because the ET's are telepathic and there are no secrets in telepathic communication so it's been my personal experience the guilty don't bother lying, knowing this.
They know if they try, the Court will see right through it by simply reading their telepathic thoughts.


But Penny is right about the outcomes and that it's a very primitive but effective system. Screw up and say goodbye to your head as it explodes.

Yes, the Prime (Directive) is absolutely real and it is a whole set of rules, not just one. All benevolent races abide by the Prime which is no interference with a developing race/free will AND if you do not verbally say NO to these malevolent forces that IS seen as being compliant with those malevolent races.

Yes, Baphomet went down in Galactic Court for his crimes against children in particular. This is true of Enlil, Marduke, Lucifer/Satan by his various names and high ranking malevolent entities.


The courts will not see them as being guilty of anything.
Likewise, if you say NO NO NO NO NO but your actions say otherwise and you comply, that is considered consent to those malevolent entities!

By Angelic accounting over 80% of earth's population has their feet firmly planted in the Luciferians camp. Why? Because even if they said NO NO NO NO NO but then complied with the Luciferians, they have given their consent to the Luciferians. And that alone puts them in the Luciferian camp among the "lost souls" Whether they realize that's where they are or not is completely immaterial in the eyes of the courts and the Divine powers that be.

Incidentally, this is why no one among the Divine, including the Creator don't have to judge anyone. We do that all by ourselves by virtue of our compliance or non-compliance.


And as Penny stated, these "elites" are leaderless. They began imploding on themselves once they realized their Lucifer was MIA as well, back in late 2017.

Back to the Prime Directive and how it is enforced. It regulates the interactions between advanced and primitive races. Primitive races like terrestrial humans are protectorates of the Galactic Authority and ultimately, the Divine Beings that govern the cosmos.
Advanced races must get permission to interact with primitive races in any way, shape or form. To interact without that permission is seen in the Galactic and Angelic courts as a violation of the Prime. Taking that even further, for advanced ET races to experiment on primitive races requires even more permissions and those advanced races must demonstrate being of a benefit to the primitive race in the view of the Guardians.
To take a primitive race and turn it into a slave race as was done to terrestrial humans, is a BLATANT violation of Galactic and Cosmic Law.


So, our very creation was a violation of The Prime by no less than 25 advanced ET races, all laying claim to having created us...but making no such claim to the Guardians. Furthermore, 2 races, the Draco and the Zha.a.mi, left hybrids in charge of us. Those hybrids have interbred with each other and us to consolidate their power over us over the millennia. This is not fulfilling their responsibility under The Prime to teach us to be responsible members of the Galaxy. 

Now do you understand why the cabal Luciferians are running so scared currently? They know their god-kings have been arrested, tried and convicted. They are nothing but puppets to these dark god-kings so they're seeing the handwriting on the wall as far as what their fate is going to be. They know if their dark god-kings can be taken down, so can they.

I think Penny Bradley summed up our position brilliantly:

"There is one thing that you should really know about all this as a member of a protected race that has been violated. You really have to learn to say no. OUT LOUD. Just like the archaic rape laws, the perps can't be convicted if you haven't said no. That is another part of Galactic Law that the hybrids left in charge are lying to you about with their crap that "what you resist persists" and "the Universe doesn't hear no". The Galactic Authority is helpless until you say no out loud.

How have we been convicting these guys? Simple. Preverbal children say no by kicking and screaming. We are convicting them on how they have treated our babies. The adults are too ignorant to say no.

So we have 25 races who are going to be showing up in the near future to get the Galactic Authority off their backs about parenting us as a race. We have the right and obligation to say no if we don't want them. They have abandoned us up til now. But those of us in space are in violation of every law there is out there and are being sent back to the Solar System. We will not be allowed back into the rest of the galaxy until we can live in peace with each other here - unless we decide to tell the Galactic Authority that we don't want to be a protectorate anymore. I personally don't think that is a good idea.


I recommend that we as a planet and Solar System continue under the GA. In part, that will protect us from having to answer for our own crimes in space. Also, it will keep every Tom, Dick and Harry off-world until we have some idea how to interact with them.

We have earned the right to have a say in how we are treated. Let's show some wisdom about it."

Well said, Penny!




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