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The Grenada (Not "Greada", that was a misspelling that was parroted) is very basic 101 research but I'm including it for newbies to the ET presence.


The following video explains Eisenhower's signing of the Grenada Treaty.

Of course, this was long ago established as fact and not "conspiracy theory" and lead to the formation of MIEC - Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex.

Eisenhower himself addressed the existence of the MIEC in his final farewell address in 1963.


Several present at this meeting attested to it as fact prior to their deaths and we now know beyond any doubt that the Deep State shadow government that sprung from that meeting does exist.


Earth world governments have been involved in treaties with ET's since the 1930's if not before. Hitler had a treaty with the Plejarans, he broke the treaty, the Plejarans washed their hands of Hitler but the malevolent ET's were only all too eager to take the Plejaran's place. It was where Hitler and his Nazis got their Foo Fighter technology from.

So earth government treaties with ET's were nothing new by the time Eisenhower signed the Grenada Treaty.


But what happened as a result of Eisenhower's signing of that treaty was absolutely disastrous.

The conditions of the treaty were such that our military would build undergroun bases for the ET's and in return, they would give us advanced ET technology and be allowed to abduct a number of unsuspecting Americans for "medical experimentation".


Against the advice of the benevolent ET's present at the Muroc Airfield meeting, Eisenhower ahd signed the treaty with the Zeta Reticulans - often referred to as the Greys although technically the Zetas are their own race, not Greys. 
It didn't take long for Eisenhower & Company to realize they'd been royally duped by the Zetas.


The technology they received under the Grenada Treaty turned out to be largely junk tech that they attempt to back engineer to this day. But there was an even worse discovery they'd made.
The Zetas were abducting millions more of unsuspecting Americans than the number agreed upon under the treaty and these abductees were not being used for any mere "medical experimentation". Our government discovered this when the mutilated, drained of blood bodies of abductees began littering the countryside worldwide.


Eisenhower & Company knew they'd completely circumvented the Constitution in agreeing to allow the Zetas to abduct Americans so knew they were in some deep chit if Americans discovered what they'd done.


Eisenhower immediately formed the Jason Society (now known as Majestic 12) to figure out a way to deal with the aliens. The Jason Society came up with what were known as

Alternatives 1, 2 and 3


Eisenhower rejected Alternative 1 because it involved the use of nuclear weapons. However, Eisenhower did approve the implementation of Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 (as did the Soviet Union). It was from Alternative 3 that the SSP or Secret Space Program emerged.


Due to the access to certain alien technologies-including interplanetary space flights-which became available to the American government as a result of the Grenada treaty, the JASON Society proposed that

operational bases should be set up on the Moon and Mars - which would also provide a safe sanctuary for the highest of the elites when the 'self-destruction' of the earth was going to take place a little after the turn of the new century. Bases on the Moon and Mars have indeed been built and have been in operation since the late 1950's.


All three Alternatives included recommendations for population "control". They included:
1. Birth control (birth prevention and abortion - 43.8 Million babies 
aborted yearly worldwide.
2. Sterilization (today includes vaccines) and
3. The introduction of deadly microbes to reduce or otherwise slow the growth of the earth's population. 


All hell broke loose. The whole conglomerate broke into opposing factions, all at war with one another.

Lacking any moral compasses and not being the brightest crayons in the box to begin with, our government/military sprung into action. LET A COVERUP UNPRECEDENTED IN HISTORY BEGIN!

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Nevermind the fact UFO's were already over our nation's capitol...

Aliens and UFO's did not exist. Period. Anyone who said otherwise or was a threat to exposing the cover up usually were murdered in cold blood.


Knowing they'd lost control of the planet and had no way of defending against the aliens, a large faction of the government crawled in bed with them. If you can't beat em, join em.


But an even yet bigger surprise awaited these traitors. 
The Zetas were simply the forerunners and slaves for a far more dangerous alien race, the Draconian Reptilians. Not that the Dracos hadn't been on earth and controlling it since nearly the beginning of history...but now they made themselves known as well as the fact they had no interest whatsoever in "playing nice".

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Eisenhower & Company had signed over control of Planet Earth to them.

Twice more the benevolent ET's stepped in and offered to help our government deal with this problem and both times they were rebuked. The last time being by Richard Nixon, who claimed the economy would collapse if the inhabitants of Earth found out ET's existed.


Knowing earth and humanity were incapable of freeing themselves from the Draco enslavement system, the benevolent ET's or Angelics put out a cosmic-wide call for volunteers to come to earth and try to help humanity out of their enslavement. These off planet volunteers became known as the "3 Waves of Volunteers" and they comprise only 2% of Earth's entire population.

The Gerald Light Letter

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