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Ninety nine percent of what one reads now on the Internet and especially in social media about the ET's is made-up earth bullshit - parroted by pretender 'experiencers' and those who've had their consciousness hijacked, of the many who use no discernment whatsoever and follow every disinfo agent out there, by self professed 'spiritual gurus' out to make a fast buck off the suffering of humanity, of podcasters who don't care about the accuracy of their guests and are only interest in how many views they get and monetizing themselves.
That may sound tactlessly blunt but it's the truth.

The whole ET issue has become nothing but a cabal-infiltrated 3 ring circus in my experience. Any actual truth about the ET's is virtually non existent.

I've had my ET experiences in fully conscious and aware state - not in sleep or dreams, in my mind's eye or astral traveling. I've physically stood face-to-face with them. My memories are detailed and I don't need any kind of aid (hypnotic regression i.e.) to recall them. 

Am I saying I have a corner on the market? Absolutely not! Everyone's experiences are going to be somewhat different. I'm simply writing this to share my conscious experiences with over a dozen ET races and report what they have told and taught me in my conversations and interactions with them. What anyone wants to believe is entirely up to them - including the dung heap of existing disinformation if they so choose. I've found most now in the 'experiencer' community only want INFOTAINMENT where the ET's are concerned - not any actual truth.

Let's start by clearing up some myths. 

The benevolent ET's are involved with helping earth because they love the people here

Absolutely nothing could be further from the truth. We have a HORRIBLE reputation among the vast majority of ET races. The video below pretty much sums up how they view us:

With the exception of less than 5 ET races people here would consider "benevolent", those ET races involved with are CARRYING OUT THEIR OWN AGENDAS that have nothing to do with any love of us.

And that agenda is 2 fold:
1. They don't want us weaponizing space, bringing the violence here out into space. When earth shoots off nukes or missiles, it causes trips/tears in the space/time continuum and also affects inhabited neighboring planets via the spread of radiation, etc. even more than that impacts earth.

This is proven by the ET's actions when it has come to their decades long practice of repeatedly and completely shutting down our military nuke silos and destroying any missiles fired from earth.


ET's neutralizing our missiles has been photographed and videotaped countless times.

So #1 they are protecting themselves and their planets/stars, the galaxy and solar system from us. It's why they quarantined earth eons ago. They see us as a kind of 'virus' they don't want spreading all over the galaxy and beyond. This is their primary goal. Not helping us - protecting earth from our own idiocracy. 

#2 - They could care less if we exterminate ourselves. It's the PLANET ITSELF they intend not to be allowed to be destroyed. Earth is the jewel of the cosmos as far as planets go, especially as it's rich in natural resources they need - for example, copper for the force fields they build. Simply put, they want their piece of earth's natural resource pie.


The reputation we have is of being violent barbarians. Many ET races still study us as little more than sentient ape-like creatures that just came down out of the trees and haven't evolved one iota in the past 500 years.

We're such a hot mess, many ET races don't want any contact with us because to do so would literally be psychologically damaging to them. Some won't even disclose where they come from because they don't want us showing up on their doorstep.

As one Androme Ambassador put it, "They don't respect themselves, they don't respect each other, they don't respect their planet. What good are they?"

We have a very egotistical, entitled view of ourselves that the ET's don't have about us. They see us exactly as we really are - the insolent preschoolers of the entire cosmos that have made a mess of ourselves and our planet.

NO, they have no First Contact event planned whatsoever with people here. For what purpose? They know humanity isn't ready for it for starters. And let's be honest here...what do we have to offer them to make


them want contact with us? Nothing. They're hundreds of thousands and billions of years more advanced than Terrans in every respect. We have nothing they'd want, that would encourage them to have contact with us. 

Think about something here...
They've virtually all mastered genetics and creating life forms. They know how to seed planets.

What do they need us for? Not a darned thing! If we exterminate ourselves it's no skin off their backs! Simply reseed the planet with a far more advanced life form that isn't the hot mess we are.
They can do that without having any contact with us whatsoever.

There's another reason they won't be showing up here anytime soon - all of the toxins and biowarfare agents the cabal has flooded the earth with, that the ET's have no defense or immunity to. They don't have a death wish! Nor do they want to take that crap back to their own planets and stars to infect their own populations.

I've found that much of the misinformation being spread about the ET's is just wishful thinking on the part of those spreading it - and nothing more, with no basis in any kind of fact or even common sense.


No ET's are coming to rescue us

There's a very simple reason for this. They know how successfully savior programmed people here are. They want the easy way out so they don't have to do anything themselves..."Someone will come and rescue us!" Nope.

The ET's know that as savior programmed as people here are, were they not to keep a respectful distance from us that people here would latch onto them as 'saviors' and they'd end up Terran babysitters for eternity. None of them have that desire whatsoever.

Furthermore, they also know full well that Terrans are not yet calibrated to traveling through deep space and if they loaded you on their ships and took off, the lot of you would die before ever getting out of the Milky Way galaxy. And they aren't about to litter the space/time continuum with your decomposing corpses.

Even if they could take you off planet, PUT YOU WHERE? They maintain their populations so that their planets have sufficient resources to maintain their entire society. Nor would you survive on that higher dimensional planet or star currently. In the Miilky Way galaxy only 16% of planets are suited to 3D/4D life. Only 16% are suitable to maintain 5D life. So put you WHERE?

Lastly, they know you'd learn absolutely nothing were they to rescue you and we'd just keep this same enslavement mess happening repeatedly no matter where they put us. So what's the point in moving you elsewhere? Again, this is just spreading the earth mess all over the rest of the galaxy. They quarantined earth for a reason.

We fell asleep at the wheel and allowed this enslavement mess to happen. It's up to us to fix it.

The "Starseed" fallacy


I'm sure this one will ruffle a lot of feathers...but I don't make the rules and honestly, I could care less if you think you're a 'Starseed' or not.

But no such thing exists. Physiologically impossible and that's just science - not my personal opinion.

The ET's (according to them) do not recognize those who proclaim themselves to be 'Starseeds' as having

an affiliation to their ET races whatsoever.

I'll explain as they explained it to me.

First of all, when the Angelics put out the cosmic call for volunteers it was AGREED UPON by all 


by all of the ET races involved that any of their races volunteering would be working under the

auspices of the Angelics orchestrating the earth mission and the Galactic Confederation of Worlds. They work under a hierarchy just as we do on earth. That being the case, they weren't about to go over the heads of the Angelics and independently send any 'Starseeds' to earth.

Secondly, humans are not yet calibrated to traveling deep space so those claiming they came from off planet to earth could not have possibly traveled multiple light years to get here without dying. 


Terrans have been mislead about the space/time continuum just as they've been deceived about everything else. There is no linear in space.

Space is like the torus at left. Each of those coils is a different density. Each of those densities has its own vary amplitude. Or frequency and vibration as most refer to it.

One must be able to adjust their own personal amplitude to that of all those different densities when traveling deep space. If you can't, you die.

Envision yourself as a car battery and someone is going to use you to jump their car.

But in doing so they switch the battery cables and connect the positive cable to the negative battery terminal and the negative cable to the positive battery terminal. What happens to the battery when they start the car that way? The battery fries. Same thing with traveling through all these various density amplitudes if you can't match your personal amplitude to that of the density you're traveling through. Like the car battery you'd fry yourself, it would kill you.

'Starseed' is an earthly created term. The modern interpretation of this concept can be traced back to the teachings of theosophist Alice A. Bailey, who described Starseeds as highly evolved souls from other planets. Additionally, the term was first introduced by Brad Steiger in the 1970s, marking its entry into spiritual discourse. The New Agers and Surface Level Truthers simply copied it and assigned it to themselves. It has nothing to do with the ET's whatsoever!

Starseeds: Psychologists on why some people think they're aliens living on Earth

These beliefs often intertwine with spirituality, New Age philosophies, and the search for meaning and identity. Case in point...

Jen is undergoing hypnotherapy and directs the hypnotherapist to ask if Jen is a 2nd Wave Volunteer. Jen herself replies: "She wants me to say yes. (Chuckle) She really does...but no. No."

Why would Jen need to think she's a Second Wave Volunteer? Why doesn't Jen see herself as adequate just the way she is? She's perfectly capable of helping humanity without being a Second Wave Volunteer! Jen's perfect just the way she is. She doesn't NEED to be a Second Wave Volunteer to accomplish great things! 

Understand one of the first components of mind control programming is to demoralize a person, destroy their self esteem, their very IDENTITY. This is why so many New Agers and Surface Level 'Truthers' have proclaimed themselves fictional 'Starseeds'. The ego looks to fill that void created by the mind control programming we've all been subjected to.

The fact is every person on this planet is a mixture of the DNA of at least 22 different ET races.
The ET's consider us to be more ET than they are for this very reason. We ALL came from the stars - which negates the term 'Starseed' in and of itself. Unless you want to consider every person on this planet a 'Starseed'. 


As Alex said, ALL human life originated on Lyra. This matches the information I got from all of my own ET contacts. Being from off planet does not make one "special" or "better: in any way than anyone else. They see all living beings as being full equals to one another and that we're all spirit and one consciousness.

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How did those of us who are from off planet get here without dying?

Simple. First of all, we were calibrated to travel deep space. We'd done it many times before. But when we incarnated here, we had to have a "boost" to do that as effectively as we once had, now being in a physical body. So we came equipped with a 3rd strand of DNA (versus Terran 2 strand DNA) that enabled us to not only travel deep space but travel easily through stargates or portals and a few other things we needed to do our mission here.
This 3rd strand of DNA contains the coding that gives us that "boost".

The deep black military discovered this 3rd strand of DNA and like everything else, sought to clone and weaponize it. The Angelics knew they'd try this so built in a safeguard to prevent them from doing it. This 3rd strand of DNA is very if you have it, you would've been physically abducted into the deep black military projects.

Less than 2% of earth's entire population are members of the 3 Waves of Volunteers, which is why this 3rd strand of DNA is so rare.

Nor did we declare ourselves to having come from off planet. In my own case, the CIA and then deep black military informed me this was the case and I didn't believe them for many years - until my ET contacts confirmed it to me beyond any doubt.

Quite honestly, those of us who did come from off planet wonder why anyone would want to be in our shoes! Our lives are chock full of hardships that go waaaaaaaay beyond daily earth life hardships. Nor do we identify ourselves by virtue of being from off planet. We identify ourselves by our earth personalities and view Terra as our planet of origin.

Incidentally, this 3rd strand of DNA is the SOLE indication one came from off planet. No, blood type and personality traits have nothing to do with being from off planet. Blood type only designates which species of human you are - Homo Sapien or Homo Capensis. It's Homo Capensis that has the O- blood type because the Draconian Reptilians engineered Homo Capensis off planet then returned to earth with Homo Capensis as their upgraded slave race.

You don't need to be a fictional 'Starseed'. You're special enough just the way you are and we're all in this together, regardless of where we may have come from.


What the ET's are REALLY like

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Like us they have homes, relationships, families, planetary governments, etc. but that's basically where any similarities end.

For starters, they think very differently than terrestrial humans do. They are very logical and analytical thinkers and our brand of "logic" simply boggles their minds. In their eyes, we're completely ILLOGICAL

Nor do they see things in black and white terms as we do. For example, they don't recognize good vs. evil. Everything (whether good or bad) is simply a lesson to be learned and nothing more. This mode of thinking is why they're not judgmental like we are. They shake their heads at how judgmental we are and know we take ourselves way too seriously.
in contrast, they center their lives around living in joy.

They do not hold onto the past or worry about the future. They live in the moment.


Earth is one of the very rare planets that still practice monogamy. ET relationships are generally multiple partner or polyamorous - meaning equal ratio of males to females, unlike polygamy.

In addition, many ET races have oversight of their relationships. Take the Plejarans...
They don't date until they're 75 years old. The prospective couple is together for 1 year in order to get to know one another. At they end of that year, they separate from one another. This is to give them time for serious thought about entering into a long term relationship with the person they're dating. 

At the end of that year they're brought together again. If they're still serious about becoming a couple, they enter into a kind of 'pre marriage counseling' with one of their councils. Only when that counseling is completed can they become a couple.


In the case of the Angelics, the Council pairs up 2 Angelics who are the perfect match to one another in energy and personality. The Angelics don't have physical bodies at home and this match is made when they're not in physical bodies.

However, if they do take on bodily form then the pairing will consist of 1 male and 1 female, one of whom works 'upstairs' and one of whom works here on the surface.

The only purpose of an Angelic is to be of spiritual service to the cosmos so the Council then combines a number of these pairings into what's called a "union". These unions are nothing like earth marriages, the focus is completely different. They work together in unconditional love as a kind of spiritual cosmic service team.

One can find their own partner(s) but if they do, they must obtain the sanction of the Council to ensure the relationship will be a lasting one.

Because of this oversight, ET's don't have separation, divorce, nasty custody battles, domestic violence, rape and date rape, incest, pedophilia, teen pregnancy or any of the other problems earth relationships suffer from.

Why are terrestrial humans so against multiple partner relationships?
Well, if you're going to conquer and control a planet of 7 billion people one must start by destroying the foundation of that planet's society - marriages/partnerships and the family.
When the Dracs were tinkering with terrestrial human genetics, they hardwired a monogamy gene into our DNA.
Monogamy gene found in people

They then subjected terrestrial humans to a religious marketing campaign of sorts, demonizing multiple partner relationships, eventually making them illegal altogether.
If you research you'll find that multiple partner marriages were fairly common in ancient earth societies and existed right up until 1,000 years ago.
But it's much easier to destroy the foundation of a society if you're tearing apart a 2 person relationship than a multiple partner relationship. And the Dracs have been very successful on that front - over 50% of earth marriages now ending in divorce.

However, try as they might they've never been successful in tearing apart an ET multiple partner relationship.

Family & childrearing

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Family is the #1 priority among the ET's, especially their children. They see their children as the future of their races so invest a great deal of time and energy in their kids.

​Their childrearing rules are quite simple and successful.
#1 - Be the living example of what you want your children to become themselves. They know kids learn by imitation.


The #2 rule is never spare the rod and spoil the child. What does the verb to "spoil" mean?
For something to turn rotten. The ET's don't want to raise rotten kids and don't. ET kids are considered fully mature adults by 16 of our years old and they are FAR FAR more mature than earth kids are. Never ever would one hear an ET kid disrespecting any of their elders. Just the opposite - they value their elders' life experience and advice and even like socializing with their elders. ET families are extremely close knit, even after their children are grown with kids of their own.

In some ET races, grandparents aren't treated as grandparents. They act as a second set of parents to their grandchildren, with the blessing of the child's parents. (Why fix what ain't broken?) This is actually a pretty smart move on their part. It prevents the child from playing parent against grandparent and sets very consistent boundaries for the child. The kid knows if their parents say "no" to something, so will the "grandparents" because they're both on the same page.

Nor will ET parents concern themselves with being their child's friend. They know their role is to PARENT and they don't confuse those 2 roles. 

I can't speak for all ET races but among the Angelics all of the partners in the union see every child as their own and all partners raise the children.


ET parents spend an extraordinary amount of time and energy educating their children. As Alex said in his video, Androme children attend school for approximately 150 years learning every subject, trade and occupation imaginable. They're then free to pursue whatever interests them and can change their minds on that front whenever they wish to.

On the ship, children have 4 forms of education:

  • What we'd call homeschooling

  • A kind of combination day care and preschool until age 4 in earth years

  • Formal education at the educational center

  • Private tutoring.

Homeschooling begins when the child is a toddler. There's a phial that fits in a wall slot in the home and it turns the room into a 3D classroom.

We have a combination daycare for crew members who have infants and toddlers are enrolled in a kind of preschool. But this isn't your typical preschool. By the time the child leaves this preschool program, they are at a high school to early college level. They're fluent in multiple languages, can do complex math equations, etc.

I'll tell a story on myself here. I bombed out of the preschool math class on Day One.
Their numbering system is a bit different from ours. They deal in 10's, not 12's like we do.
And they use the hand kind of like we'd use an abacus to teach the kids to do these complex math equations.


Each section of the finger is assigned a number. They do have a number 12 but it's called DO - like doe as in deer.

The thumb is used to point to the finger sections to do the math equations.

I was holding my own until we got into the 100's. Then I was completely lost. Prompting one of these preschoolers to comment "You Terrans aren't very smart, are you?" (Apparently not)

So yeah, I bombed out of preschool math on Day One, much to the amusement of all the preschoolers.

After they complete preschool, it's on to full time classes at the ship's educational center. It kind of resembles a futuristic college campus.

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But we don't plop kids at desks for hours a day and expect them to learn anything. The ET educational system is nothing like earth schools, which are now nothing but indoctrination centers.

There's no mandatory attendance. Kids go to classes because they want to. There's no prerequisite classes; no grades, tests or exams; no age separation in that kids and adults attend the same classes. Every subject, trade and occupation is taught and students are free to take what interests them. All learning is hands-on.

For example, if a student is interested in agriculture, there's a mini biosphere on campus in which they grow their own crops. They spend time in the ship agricultural labs learning how to hybridize plants and grow plants where they wouldn't normally grow. They travel to other planets to see how other ET races handle their agriculture.


There's no graduation. When an instructor feels the student has learned everything the class has to teach, the instructor tells the student they're ready for a more advanced class.

Because students are allowed so much freedom in education, ET kids LOVE their classes and learning in general. Often after they've completed their education they'll continue to take a class here and there in their free time.

At the same time, a student can enlist the help of a tutor. Our eldest son, Taavi wanted to be a Cosmic Ambassador. So he took his regular classes at the education center for half a shift and spent the other half of the shift with his tutor, who was an actual working Comic Ambassador. Taavi's now a very successful Ambassador in his own right.

There's no charge at all associated with ET education. Everything is free, even the tutors. When they've completed their educations at the educational center students are free to pursue whatever they like and that interests them.

Financial systems

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The ET's know money is the root of all evil so they don't have financial systems or money.

They freely work to contribute to the needs of their entire society. As a result, they don't have greed, poverty, homelessness, etc. Everyone thrives and there are no financial classes of inequality like there are here.

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The Andromes have kind of a neat set up. Walk into a store there and you just pick out what you need, no charge. You 'check out' similar to our stores but the clerk only records what you took for their inventory purposes. You walk out paying nothing.

Then about 4 times per year they hold a combination carnival/flea market/arts & crafts show where all the Andromes bring items they've made. Stores are restocked and everyone is free to pick up whatever they need at any goods display. Services are freely exchanged as well. 

They consider this a celebration of respect to the Isness and it's a very joyous occasion.


The ET's do not work 8 to 5+ jobs like we do, only to have over half of the money we earn doing that stolen from us. In earth time they spend about 2 hours per day working toward supporting their society. After that they're free to spend their time however they wish.

They do not pay any form of taxes. They do not pay utility bills. They do not pay licensing fees. They do not understand why we pay to live on a planet we were born on.

For the most part their societies are self sufficient.

According to them, the toughest challenge we terrestrial humans will face in the future is learning to work freely without getting a paycheck.

ET ancient protocols and etiquette

I have to chuck to myself when I hear someone say ET's appeared to them in a dream and engaged in an earthly behavior like waving to them.

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The ET's do not engage in earthly customs like waving, hugging, high 5'ing each other.
They follow very ancient protocols and etiquette, even when greeting one another because they are very big on RESPECT.

Take their cosmic greeting with meeting someone.

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You bow at the waist while maintaining eye contact with the ET. You state your name, rank and planet of origin - in the case of earth "Sol 3 Terra".
You then ask the ET for their permission to enter their personal space in order to communicate with them and they will do the same with you.

ET's have 3 forms of language so to speak:
Formal, diplomatic, informal. We only speak in the informal so one must then ask their permission to communicate with them using the informal.​​

Only once this has been done are the 2 of you free to communicate with one another. It's a sign of respect and as I said, they're big on respect.

I've personally discovered there's a HUGE learning curve in getting to know the ET's and them getting to know us. Remember...many of these races came from considerable light years from earth. They never heard of Terrans, didn't even know we existed much less anything about them.

I very quickly learned you never touch an ET without their prior permission. One of the gals in the Christ Command that works here on earth went to hug my Cetian contact, Shaid 'A.
He went into self defense mode, believing she was attacking him. They didn't know what a hug was.

I made plenty of mistakes myself. Once while meeting an ET female for the first time, I smiled allowing my teeth to show when I did. She went into "I'll kill you if necessary" mode.
My ET contact had to explain to herr that this is how Terrans smile and it does NOT mean we are preparing to EAT THEM for dinner! Yes, she thought showing my teeth meant I was about to devour her, having heard through the ET grapevine what violent barbarians we Terrans are. I ended up having to explain to her that nearly all of us find canabalism in any form absolutely disgusting and we don't go around eating ET's - or anyone else.

I also discovered we have many of the names of their races wrong due to all the parroting of misinformation and that they consider this highly insulting.
Pleiadians - They are not Pleiadians, they are called Plejarans. (Pronounced play-are-ans)

Pleiades is the name of their star system. I got my butt chewed royally on this front when I accidentally addressed a Plejaran Ambassador as a "Pleiadian".

The Andromedans are not called Andromedans. They're called Andromes. (Pronounced And-row-mees)


The Arcturians are not Arcturians. They are ArcturANS. (no i in there)

We need to make an attempt to get their names right if we don't want to insult them.

ET communication


I have yet to hear any of these pretend "experiencers" or fictional 'Starseeds' accurately state what ET telepathic communication is like. No, they don't communicate with us in English sentences.

All ET's are telepathic communicators. Telepathic communication consists of BUNDLES of information being transmitted at a machine gun pace and they must be received and 'translated' using more than the traditional 5 senses. Telepathic communication is actually a soul connection one makes with the ET being communicated with.

I'm not a follower of Linda Mouton Howe but I do give credit where credit is due and she has the following on telepathic communication absolutely correct.

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If you are not a natural telepath, telepathic communication with an ET will render you unconscious after feeling that overwhelming fear. And it is just as described in that 7 movies playing at once accompanied by alien symbols.

Even those of us who are natural telepaths struggle with telepathic communication initially. See
my visit with the Arcturans.

Nor do they communicate with us from 'somewhere out there in space'. We are one consciousness so their communications take place within our consciousness, which is INSIDE us. Messages are normally personal (one-on-one) short and sweet, to the point. The ET's don't talk just to talk. Nor do the benevolent races any longer channel information to people here, knowing the dark forces hijinx taking place on that front. They do not want the information they impart being confused with the AI beamed "channeled" information coming from the malevolent ET's.

They now only communicate telepathically. Incidentally, many of the ET races don't even know the English language. Example: The Plejarans have their telemetry ships here recording our languages so the Plejarans can learn how to speak them.


Telemetry ship



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There's a whole lot we can learn from the ET races we consider benevolent if we knock off this 3 ring circus nonsense and stop seeing them as nothing more than INFOTAINMENT designed to entertain us.

Unlike we terrestrial humans, they have their acts together and priorities straight. 
We can use how they've set up and developed their own advanced societies as a blueprint of what we want earth to eventually be.

It doesn't matter who's having what experiences with what ET's. It's a moot point.

What we need to be addressing is how do we fix ourselves and the horrendous mess earth has become? That's something I don't hear anyone in the so-called experiencer community talking about AT ALL. And isn't that the whole point of being here and this earth mission?

Isn't that ultimately what we all came here to do?

Doesn't matter if one is an earth soul or off planet soul. Our job is one in the same and we need to get doing it!


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