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To truly understand what the dark forces are about, one needs to listen to this video. It's all about demonic technology.

Currently due to the flood of Internet misinformation and disinformation most people believe the Draconian Reptilians are controlling the Earth sh**show. While they're most certainly cosmic pains in the a**es, that's not exactly the truth of the matter.

If I were to draw out the Sons of Darkness hierarchy it would look something like this:














At the very top of the pyramid is the AI Alien Black Goo. This video explains the Black Goo:


The Archons are parasitic entities which are intelligence driven mind predators. They exist on multiply dimensions, able to slip from one dimension to another within the lower frequencies of the 6th, through to 1st dimensions. They do not solely exist on the third dimension though they can directly affect our reality, often unseen.

They are often compared to the Wetiko virus. They invade a person's mind and take over that host mentally, emotionally and physically.

The Archon is a brain parasite that hacks divinity and was originally written about by the Gnostics.

There are different forms or strains of these Archon parasites. Some are visible to the naked eye, some aren't.

Lizard Form of Draconian Reptilians

The Reptilian Dracos are the most misunderstood and badmouthed species in the cosmos. Yes, there are some that are real badasses but this type of Draco comprises less than 1% of the Draconian Reptilians. There are NUMEROUS races of Draconian Reptilians that aren't bad asses at all. However, one must understand the Draconian mindset in order to understand the majority of the Draconian Reptilians.

They tend to look at us with a certain amount of chagrin because we live so much in fear. They don't particularly care about human feelings...they will put truth out there without caring one iota what your feelings are regarding the truth they give you. 

They are the fiercest warriors in the cosmos and there isn't an ET race out there that doesn't acknowledge that fact. They are STRONG in every aspect of their being and they actually respect terrestrial humans who show similar strength to them and have no fear of them.

I've experienced this on 2 occasions. The first was with a Draco that threatened to kill me.
He had no love of me to be sure but there was this grudging respect on his part that I'd stood up to him the way I had. 
The second occasion was when we had a captured Draco General aboard our ship. Although he was a prisoner, we treated him with respect. He even agreed to perform a task for us that he was under no obligation whatsoever to perform. But because we'd treated him well and with respect, he treated us with respect.

To believe all Dracos are in the 1% of nuisance bad asses is government brainwashing. 
Virtually all of us have some Draconian Reptilian hybridization in us. It pays to get to know the Reptilian side of ourselves because in doing so, we learn what the majority of Dracos are actually like and we can learn a lot from them.

But that being said, we'll concentrate on the bad ass nuisance Dracos that have wreaked chaos on earth.

While most consider the Dracos to be the most vile ET species out there, believe it or not there are regressive ET races that are far more vile than the Dracos. The Maitre are just one example.

To know the Draconian Reptilians (or "Dracs" as we call them) one must experience them. By that I mean physically encounter them while fully conscious - NOT the Surface Level Truther "I saw them in a dream/the astral" nonsense they claim so 'traumatized' them.​

They are not particularly nice, they are completely condescending, they are extremely arrogant, they are master manipulators and their level of deviousness is nearly unfathomable unless you have been in direct contact with them. They are also pathological liars.

Yes, they've been reincarnating as "royalty" for millions of years but does this mean they ARE royalty? Not for a Yankee minute. By their own admission they don't know their own origins and I have it from several other ET races that whoever created them, dumped them in this galaxy and isn't owning up to creating them. According to the Angelics (their sworn enemy for eternity) they were once magnificient looking creatures with huge wings and body scales that were irredescent and absolutely beautiful. Nor were they the assholes they are now. They got so wrapped up in technological advancement that they let their spiritual growth fall by the wayside and got mixed up with other regressive ET races - until they became what they are now. Cosmic assholes.

They are very much indeed a caste system. There are 2 reptilian forms of Dracos - the Ciakars and the worker class.

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The Ciakars resemble winged white dragons and they are the overlords that go around bragging to everyone that they're "royalty". The worker class are the subservient caste that answer to the Ciakars and are greenish to brownish in color.​

They stand anywhere from 9 to 12 feet tall and have the strength of 16 Terran men. They have 2 hearts so are extremely hard to kill. They are extremely psychic with very advanced abilities. Yes, they have the ability to make themselves invisible as well as shapeshift into human form. However, it's getting increasingly difficult for them to maintain shapeshifted human form.

My first Draco encounter was with an invisible one that I walked smack into. It was like hitting a wall of pure evil and their presence will make you very physically ill. Migraine headache and projectile vomiting ill. They smell as vile as they are.​

Because it's "their way or the highway" in their minds, they are very easily enraged when something or someone doesn't go their way - as evidenced in the 2 videos below.

When something doesn't go precisely their way, they turn into 2 year olds having the mother of all temper tantrums.
They're like sociopaths on steroids on their good days.  

I can't tell you of another ET race who doesn't acknowledge them as the fiercest warriors in the entire cosmos - because they are.
Life holds no value to them whatsoever, not even the lives of their fellow Reptilians.
In their eyes, everything and everyone is simply a natural resource they feel they have the right to use however they see fit.

Yes, they eat humans. I've seen 2 of them eat a live human male.
They need raw meat to stay alive.

They hate us with a passion so would just as soon turn you into Purina Draco Chow as look at you.

They are intelligent. In earth terms, their IQ's would start at 300 and a Draco with that IQ would be considered "retarded".
However, it's been my experience that while they have a DEVIOUS intelligence, as far as actual intelligence they're as dumb as a box of rocks. They are very 2 dimensional thinkers and are creatures of repetition - which makes them very predictable.​

The Ciakars remain off planet for the most part. They've 'colonized' over 500 planets via infiltration and then takeover of the planet. They have 3 main bases on earth: One in the Bermuda Triangle, one off the coast of Denmark and one off the coast of New Zealand.

There are actually 9 or more different races of Draco Reptilians and some of them inhabit Mars and the Antarctic bases. They basically control the Milky Way Galaxy as well as the moon and Mars bases.

Yes, they can shapeshift into human form however, their ability to successfully do this is degrading.
As evidenced in the video below.
(Depp's facial expressions are PRICELESS! LOL)

Imdugutk/Girku/Ušumgal and Kingú

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The Imdugutk are what you call the Tall Whites. They're descended from the Usumgal.

Who are the Usumgal? This tends to be a somewhat confusing and complicated answer.

We're going waaaaaaaaaaaaay back here in earth history. 
The Ušumgal are pretentious and very arrogant, doubtless because of their great height that rises above the rest of the breed composing the Gina'abul family.

The female Gina'abul are caught up in these quarrels and at times, the Kadištu (Designers of Life), have had to repair the damage caused by each of the two parties [Ušumgal and Kingú].​

The conflicts that directly make up the part of the history that occupies us relate to the events surrounding the creation of the Anunna. The ancient and up-to-the-minute war is between the descendants of the Anunna and the Kingú-Babbar... with humanity caught in the middle!​

The reptilians have been in conflict among themselves for a very long time and this war is always a reality on Earth. The entire human race pays heavily for it!​

The Anunna and their terrestrial descendants are at war with the royal Gina'abul called Kingú who believe themselves to be the owners of the Earth. This very ancient war [would] not have any effect on present-day humanity. However, the Gina'abul males use humanity as its cannon fodder -- humans who count, in their eyes, no more than the Á-DAM (Terrans), who destroy each other for the two clans through skillfully-interposed conflicts.​

The Anglo-American armed forces work for the Anunna faction and their direct descendants, while the royal Gina'abul used the Nordic countries to fight their blood-brother enemies. Those who consider themselves at the top of the Gina'abul social pyramid are the royals denominated Kingú-Babbar, that is to say, albino Kingús!

Told you it was confusing...

The Imdugudtk are your Men In Black. Or at least they were...

The deep black military got their Tic Tac ships from the Imdugud scout type ships. The Tic Tac released by Naval Intelligence is actually a MILITARY-BUILT ship, based on the Imdugudtk small ships.


Recently the deep black military and the Imdugutk got into it with one another over the fact the Imdugutk then refused to share their large craft tech with the military. The military moved the Imdugutk out into the Nevada desert in an underground facility called "The Hospitality Inn".
Eventually the Imdugutk got sick of being sequestered underground so started gambling in the Las Vegas casinos. Needless to say, the military wasn't enthused about them being in the Vegas casinos so told the Imdugutk "We're sick of your insolence and arrogance, you're going to do what we say!" when the Imdugutk informed them they wanted to live on the surface.

They got into a royal pissing match, the Imdugutk then visiting an open air market in CA.
The military retaliated by burning that entire CA town to the ground. They then discovered the Imdugutk had taken to traveling off planet again, having no idea where they were going (apart from the vicinity of Arcturus) or what they were doing.
Long story short, I imagine this is why lately we don't hear much about Men in Black showing up to discredit and threaten UFO/ET witnesses on behalf of the government.



The Mantids are who the Dracos take their orders from. 

Mantis or Insectoid appearing beings have led the Abductee-Experiencer phenomenon from the beginning of our modern day awareness of it. They appear to be at the higher, if not the highest end of the ET hierarchy since they are most always described as overseeing or have a supervisory role in the abduction procedure process.​

This is the case whether it is a medical procedure or Human ET Hybrid interaction. This takes place during situations involving baby or child presentations all the way to sexual instruction, interaction and possible telepathic absorption of emotions and sensations. In 

many such encounters, there is normally a Mantis or Insectoid being directing and observing the other beings and people involved.​


Some of the younger generation of abductees report encounterring beneveolent Mantis beings interacting with them. However, I am highly skeptical of this given the Mantids are involved in consciousness hijacking and the subsequent implantation of false screen memories as well as routinely passing themselves off as "benevolent" ET's to the unwitting who fail to use discernment so are easily fooled by these imposters.

Zeta Reticulans/EBENS

Although most people refer to them as "Greys", technically the Zetas aren't Greys but their own race.

Although the Zetas may have originated on Zeta Reticuli they haven't been back there in thousands of earth years.​

They are a dying race. There are only about 2000 real Zetas left and they boot scooted out of here after our forces captured one of their ships with 5000 human souls aboard. They very wisely decided to leave and hide out on Phobos.

The Zetas were the slaves of the Dracos. Now that all the real Zetas left Earth, what remains are the EBENS which are basically little computer-like Androids devoid of emotion for the most part. However, I discovered they do experience fear, one whom I had contact with being scared to death I was going to explode its head. (They seem to have a real fear their heads will get exploded.) But I've never found either them or the EBENS to be any real threat to me. They were simply trying to keep their race from going extinct just like humanity now is...and I guarantee you humans would do far worse things in doing that than the Zetas ever did. Yes, they did go about that entirely the wrong way.


I did attempt to convey this fact to the one I had contact with in my home...but their brains are so computer-like it was having trouble computing what I was trying to tell it. They are very logical in their thinking so its data banks couldn't compute "We hurt you! Why wouldn't you hurt us in return?"

All of the conversations with the Greys are telepathic. Their actual language is very complex when it comes to verbiage. They can speak any language on earth or in the universe and it comes very easily to them. Their thought process is unlike anything most have ever experienced. 

The Greys are scientists for the most part exploring and learning about other species through experimentation of DNA chromosomes and biological functions. And there you have the reason for their abductions of us.​

The Greys have a fascination with our life force or what we call our souls. They are obsessed with trying to capture it and duplicate its energy. But this is something that they cannot figure out completely. This is why they continue to collect human specimens to help them better understand us and our life force. It's also why they were the ones our Council caught messing around with soul transfer, tech they were not authorized to use. Which is why they beat a hasty retreat to Phobos and agreed to stay there or GOD HELP THEM and our forces better never capture any more of their ships with 5000 human souls aboard or there would be hell to pay.​

In comparison though to other species such as Insectoids and Reptilians, the Zetas are very docile, despite their experimentation agenda. They don’t purposely try to hurt anyone but unfortunately due to our biological makeup, complications do arise because of the extreme experiments that take place. For example, people dying of heart attacks from acute reactions to their medicines.​

They have taken back with them, approximately 250,000 humans to their planets. Yes planets. The Greys like other species, occupy multiple worlds. They have another 30,450 humans chipped for the same kind of future relocation. Whether this means they try to go back to Zeta Reticuli, taking these humans with them, who can say?

Their home planet is 36.47 light-years from Earth. They have a two-star system and they refer to the closest star or sun to their planet as Tza and the second as Aurek. It’s about the same distance from their planet as our sun is from ours.

Their closest sun is a lot cooler than ours so their planet is approximately 100 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit cooler during their equatorial shift. It’s something like our winter and summer rolled into one.

Their planet doesn’t rotate like earth does. Its poles shift every 300 to 500 earth days depending on where their orbit around their sun is. Both stars are less dense than our sun and the closest one, Tza, burns 50 to 75% less brightly than ours and the other Aurek, burns about 35% less than our sun.

Earth's atmosphere isn't particularly hospitable to the Zetas, which is why they often die from respiratory failure after spending brief periods here. Nor can they take our sunlight.

Other Regressive Races

On the next rung down the hierarchy ladder are the other regressive races that are either allied with the dark forces or operating independently on their own. All of these races conduct abductions of humans.

Here's a slideshow on each of them:

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Not even other ET races know a lot about the Maitre.

These guys work behind the scenes with the Dracs and Zetas and are far more vicious.​

They've been involved in several tragedies in human history. Some of the worst plagues were inflicted by them with the knowledge and agreement of the Reptilians, who never want earth's population to exceed 8 billion.​

The upside to the Maitre's involvement with Earth is that they're so nasty they keep other malevolent races away because they simply don't want to tangle with the Maitre.​

​The Maitre have 2 home planets in the constellation Megopei. They've colonized 25 planets. They've visited Earth at least 200 times and they were last spotted near Nome, Alaska in 2006.

They are considered by many ET races to be "parasites". They first visited earth during its prehistoric period. They're hemaphrodites with a life span of 120 years.

They carry out their abductions of Terrans openly and have abducted at least 5000 - all males. Their goal is to colonize earth themselves and the only reason they haven't been successful in this is the benevolent ET forces and the Council of Five have prevented it.


The Booteans are malevolent and working in league with the Reptilians as they originated from the Alpha Draconian Reptilians. They are genetic half breeds of the Dracos Ciakars. Like the Dracos, they eat humans.

Their specialty is the infiltration of galactic societies and civilizations. They are highly intelligent.​

Like the Dracos, they believe they are the ultimate warriors and that all other races are inferior to them.

Their goal is also to dominate the earth entirely and they are present in the DUMBS/underground bases.

They've also exchanged advanced technology with earth governments.


The Reptilians are part of this group as are the Zeta Reticulans doing abductions. The Buttahs do abductions primarily at night and they take children.


Reptilians genetically bred to enable themselves to appear 'human'. Also less-humanoid appearing Reptiloids (the Chameleons) who use a form of technosis, molecular shape-shifting and/or laser holograms to produce an outward "human" appearance. Reports of these have surfaced from underground joint-operational facilities near Dulce, New Mexico; Dougway, Utah; Groom Lake, Nevada; Deep Springs, California; and Fort Lewis, Washington and elsewhere.

They are reportedly involved in some type of infiltration agenda. These 'infiltrators' can appear remarkably human outwardly , however at the same time retaining reptilian or neo-saurian internal organs. Often the Chameleons are described as appearing 'bulge-eyed' with scaly, hairless skin behind their 'disguise'. One report alleged that the Chameleons may utilize artificial 'lenses' to conceal "slit-pupiled iris'". Some claim they are genetically bred 'mercenaries' who are part of an advanced guard of a planned silent invasion-takeover of human society.


The Dries also carry out human abductions for the purpose of human reproduction.
They come from the 3rd star in the constellation Cetus.
Like the Dracs, they have 'colonized' over 40 planets with the use of slaves, at least 10 of those planets taken by force.​

They don't interact with many other races but work with 3 other races to 'colonize' the planets they take by force.


Not much known about these guys at all except they also carry out human abductions. They're also related to the Dracos.


There's another Reptilian race here that is very often confused with the Draconian Reptilians.
They're called the Al Gruualix. Unlike the much taller Dracos, the Al Gruualix only reach a height of around 6' tall and live to be around 350 years old. They come from the constellation Cetus.
However, they don't share anything with the Reptilians other than appearance.​

This is one of 21 ET races that has more than 2 genders. The Al Gruualix have 8 different genders all able to breed with one another.


The #2 spot on the Threat to Earth list goes to the Antarcticans.

These are Nazis and what many refer to as the "Nordics". There are also Dracos at the Antarctic base. The following is a very factual report...

It's this group that are responsible for a good majority of atrocities committed against humanity.​

An anonymous source at the U.S. McMurdo base has reported an unusually high number of people entering and leaving Antarctica through McMurdo, which is the largest base in Antarctica, and maintains a year-round shipping port through which transport ships arrive with personnel and supplies bound for the US and other national bases.​

His intel proved to be correct as the world's "elite" just flocked there, reported having finally located an ancient "library of the gods" they've been searching for for quite a long time, that they were anxious to hold rituals in - which is precisely what I was told they did.

I've been unable to confirm this next part, so please take it with a grain of salt. However, given what's happened with the world SSP programs and Mars, it likely is true.
Nations of the world have been rushing to set up additional bases in Antarctica. The Chinese have set up about 9 bases, Turkey has been sending its troops in and quite a few countries from Africa and South America are bringing infrastructure in to set up their own bases. At the same time, there's been a huge influx of German speaking people rushing into Antarctica. I believe that the mad rush is because there is definitely something there that everyone wants to get in on.
Was it what was contained in this ancient "library of the gods"?

The other thing I've been told is that there is a portal down there with which these bad guys can escape Earth and that both the Nazis and Dracos are using that portal to try to escape to another solar system. Reportedly many of the Nazi are fleeing to Argentina. History repeats itself! This is where Hitler and many of the Nazis fled after WWII. This leaves a formidable source of natural resources open for the taking now that the 2 worse groups of baddies are leaving - not to mention control of this portal itself. So that could be another reason for all the sudden base building activity going on down there.

I was also told these bad guys were trying to escape to Aldebaran. I believe that's likely the case since Aldebaran recently became the dark fleet headquarters. I do see our fleet movements on a daily basis and we have moved a large contingent of ships to that area. Obviously then, something is taking place in that sector of space and our guys routinely engage in battles with the dark fleet.

There was a rumor circulating that all of the elite and their forces were surrendering at the Antarctica base...complete disinformation so disregard that rumor. There's no truth to it.


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The Illuminati is now composed of both shapeshifted Dracos and their human hybrids. They're just too arrogant and stupid to realize they're slaves themselves.

The leader of the Earth's Illuminati is called the "Pindar". The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is usually male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the Draco".

Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear.​

The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader. The true current Pindar is the head of the Rothschild family, as has been for several hundred years.​

The Illuminati here on Earth have established a pyramid structure of control identical to the system that exists in the Draco Empire. The pyramid with the Reptilian eye, located on the American one-dollar bill, is symbolic of this control structure.​

The Pindar is represented by the gold cap on the pyramid. The next layer, or "eye", on the pyramid represents the 13 ruling families. They are as follows:

Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) - Pindar
Cavendish (Kennedy)
De Medici
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

Each of the 13 ruling families is given an area of the Earth and/or a particular function to fulfill on the Earth. These particular functions include global finances, military technology / development, mind-control, religion, and media.

Each of the 13 ruling families has a Council of 13 as well. The number, 13, has great significance to them. They know that there are 12 types of energies that pass through the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The totality of the 12 energies equals a 13th energy. This is considered the most powerful knowledge.​

The next layer is the second-in-command families who do the support work for the Pindar and 13 ruling families. While all of the 13 ruling family members are shape-shifters, all members of the 300 supporting families are not. They do, however, all have a high percentage of Reptilian DNA.​

They are known as the "Committee of 300". These families include such notable names as Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, Campbell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delano, Douglas, Ford, Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson. There are many others.

The Committee of 300 use many well-known institutions to accomplish their goals, including the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgers, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Mafia, CIA, NSA, Mossad, Secret Service (SS), International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, Internal Revenue Service, and Interpol, to name a few. All of these are private organizations or corporations set up as public service devices, but this is far from the truth.

The Illuminati structure also creates artificial countries to further their goals. Examples of these are the United States, Switzerland, Kuwait, the Soviet Union, Panama, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, the United Kingdom, most of Black Africa, all of the Arab countries, and all of Central and South America.

These nations were created to amass wealth for the ruling families and their supporters, to hide or keep their wealth, and to create unstable conditions necessary to start wars or increase military budgets.​

Switzerland was created as a neutral banking center so that Illuminati families would have a safe place to keep their funds without fear of destruction from wars and prying eyes.

The United States was established with 13 colonies, one for each of the Illuminati families. The original flag had 13 stars, and still has 13 stripes. The eagle, the symbol of the United States, holds 13 arrows in its talons.

The United States is actually a corporate asset of the Virginia Company that was established in 1604 in England with direct involvement of the Rothschilds. The finances of the Rothschilds were necessary to fund the exploration and exploitation of the North American continent.

The assets of the Virginia Company, including the United States, are owned by the Holy Roman Empire via the Vatican. This occurred in 1213 when King James gave all English assets to the Reptilian Pope. Executorship remains with the British royal family, but actual ownership lies with the Roman Catholic Church.​

How was America actually named?

"Am" is the Hebrew word for "people"
"Ame" is also the command form of the Spanish/Latin verb "to love"
"Eri" or "ari" is a Hebrew term for "lion"
"Rica" is the feminine form of the Spanish word for "rich"
"Ka" is the ancient Egyptian word for "soul," or "spirit force" within a body

​Or it could've been derived from the Peruvian 'AMARUCA', which meant 'The land of the flying SERPENTS' (i.e. reptilians)].​

The Manifest Destiny of the United States was created to expand the territory of the Aryans at the expense of the native populations. As always, the Illuminati seek to destroy native peoples and their cultures. This was especially true of the Native Americans.

This is an attempt to destroy their knowledge of God-Mind, as well as the possibility that the natives will impart this information on to others. Especially important is their need to eliminate native cultures with ancient knowledge of Atlantis and Lyrae.​

The Rothschilds decided that splitting the United States colonies would double their profits. So they politically created, and financially supported, the Civil War. The Civil War was actually a global ceremonial ritual to bring slavery to its next level. This war allowed the North to win, and publicly abolish slavery.

The best slaves are the ones who do not realize that they are slaves. This alleviates rebellion and resistance. The majority of Americans today truly believe they are "free" and not slaves of anyone.​

Those in power consider us ALL useless eaters and have used divide and conquer techniques against us to keep us from uniting. What we "ALL" need to keep in mind is that once the bottom of the pyramid unites, the rest will collapse.​

Every year, the Illuminati hold meetings to plan the events of the coming year to accomplish their main objective formulated millennia ago of global control and domination. In the 1850's, they pinpointed their target date for complete domination with an agenda called Plan 2000. This has since been revised to Agenda 2030.

The fiasco election of George W. Bush Jr. to office was a key sign that they were on target. The public lesson of the United States presidential "election" of 2000 is that the citizens do not vote for anyone! (The Illuminati know who they will install in the White House 8 years prior to that person taking office as President.)

However, the Illuminati are now finding it increasingly difficult to conceal their plans. They're being outed on every front now - as was bound to happen eventually.

This was inevitable given their mindset. Within their own cult, their members are taught "Trust no one!" They are physically tortured beginning at age 2 by those who outrank them. In order to escape being tortured, they scramble to rise to the top of their ranks simply so they become the torturers versus the tortured. This sets them up to constantly pit each of them against all their fellow cult members - which is why there's so much infighting within their own ranks.
This alone has set them up to fail, not to mention the many mistakes they've made along the way due to their own arrogance - mistakes which have come back to haunt them as far as they and their agenda being exposed.​

Ashtar Command & Galactic Federation of Light


This guy in the video above has it essentially right. However, to say this Ashtar Command doesn't exist is incorrect.
It does exist...but it's malevolent in any case. It's an Orion disinformation front.

Our military made the mistake of enlisting the help of the Ashtar Command in cleaning out the DUMBS. This was announced in a Gene Decode (and confirmed by a contact of mine who is a Brigadier General) and at that time I thought OMG WHAT ARE YOU GUYS THINKING?!!

Sure enough, wasn't long and Gene came out with another video and stated the Ashtar Command had double crossed our Special Forces. Not only did they rebuild 22 of the DUMBS previously cleaned out...the Ashtar Command set off an explosive device that killed 200 of our Special Forces cleaning out the DUMBS and rescuing abducted and trafficked children.
This was confirmed by my Brigadier General contact and
here's the article about it.

So the Ashtar Command DOES exist...but the guy above has the rest correct and the New Agers and Surface Level Truthers all fall for this Galactic Federation of Light cult and follow it in droves.

​Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light is ASHTAR Sherran. ASTHAROTH is the Crown Prince of Hell or Satan. The dark forces make imitations of everything Angelic but that are dark and malevolent in nature. The Galactic Federation of Light is an Orion disinformation front parading as a "benevolent" entity, an imitation of the SOL army's Galactic Confederation of Worlds.
The New Agers and Surface Level 'Truthers' follow this malevolent entity in droves.

Ashtar =
Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), in demonology, is the Great Duke of Hell in the first hierarchy with Beelzebub and Lucifer; he is part of the evil trinity. He is a male figure most likely named after the Near Eastern goddess Astarte.

The way you tell the difference between these imposter Federations is the malevolent's will tack the word "Light" onto their Federation name to make you think they're of the light.
Also...the FEDERATION is the malevolent forces, the CONFEDERATION is the benevolent forces.

(A "confederation" is a better form of democracy than a "federation")

From Commander Lyur of our Galactic CONFEDERATION:
We all have to use a great deal of discernment these days, where psychic conflicts are still taking place inside the realms of the 3th and 4th dimension. It is even more so now that this planet is in full gear in the energy of the 4th dimension. ("astral" energy, "psychic" energy, "time" travel)

This 4th dimension enfoldment is permitting much more "astral psychic" communications, that could be very easily mistaken for "channelings" from higher dimensions, even with entities from this 4th dimension faking names of the command and of the spiritual hierarchy of the universe. The 4th dimension is also more the frequency of the Galactic Federation as explained in the text thereafter, while the Galactic Confederation is dwelling on the frequency levels of the 5th dimension and above.​

We, of the Space Command would suggest then to everyone on Earth to discern within One's Heart when encountering texts or "channelings" from the "Galactic Confederation" or from the "Galactic Federation", for those are totally two different forces. There are many fakers, such as a reptilian commander from the Galactic Federation, a usurper taking the name of space brother Hatonn and producing so-called "channelings".

This you have to do it by yourself and by yourself only. We of the Space Command are certainly not here to tell you what you should do nor think. This you have to determine by yourself, using the Universal Law of Free Will.​

Why would a truly benevolent Ashtar Alliance have used this same name change tactic as the malevolent Sananda did?

You're welcome to investigate the Galactic Federation of Light yourself, they have (had) 2 websites. One looks like it's since become defunct, the other states coming August 3rd.

Back when we investigated the first site, we found it to be poorly done and literally as long as a novel. They continued on and on with incredibly long paragraphs of everything that's supposedly "happening" with our world but they provided literally ZERO evidence of any of their claims. This was just one example:
"Dratzo! We return! We have been informed that several major banks worldwide are nearly ready to transfer ownership and management. This is part of the massive shift of financial power out of the hands of the dark into those of the Light, and is the result of recent maneuvers by the Ascended Masters."​

Right. That COMPLETELY makes sense.

$$ Multimillion (if not $$ billion) corporations giving up ownership and management of their companies to a supposed "Federation of Light"? That's not even in character with globalists like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. who can never have enough money even if they'd stolen and pocketed every penny ever minted. Quite clearly, the dark forces are still grappling to hold onto their wealth and their $$ billion corporations.​

Incidentally, when our forces captured Drac dreadnaughts, we confiscated technology off of them used to beam AI disinformation into the heads of "channelers" here. Tanaath spoke about this in her video previously posted.

So that's a rundown on the Sons of Darkness. Their forces also include the malevolent Sirians, a group of renegade Plejarans and several other lesser ET races than the ones already covered.

The Galactic Federation of Light deals in channeling and specifically targets channelers and psychics with disinformation.



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