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The Angelics have a long and confusing story as far as their history and hierarchy go. Due to the malevolents' creation of deceptive earth religions, the original history of the Angelics has been grossly distorted and consequently, so have people's beliefs on that front. Nowhere is this truer than in the case of the Watchers.

What follows is what the Angelics have taught me and I'm just passing the information on.

Who created the Watchers and Angelics? Well, they don't really know but then they don't get wrapped up in the details of things like we do. Normally, if I ask them a "but why?" question their response is "Because it just is." They exist, does it matter who created them? Not in their eyes. They could've been the prize that came out of a box of Cracker Jack and they'd nonchalantly ​​


reply 'Alrighty then...that's the way it is."

At any rate, they claim they don't know who created them.
They're literally incapable of lying so I'll just take them at their word.

But from what I've been able to determine, the Watchers were among the first of them in existence. In today's context most people view the Watchers only as fallen angels but that's not the case. Like everything else now, there is a split faction among them.

The following video isn't 100% accurate but it comes close enough to the real story of the Watchers.

What the Angelics taught me is substantiated by a Milab raised in the deep black projects, in Project Mannequin:


"The Galactic Confederation has a policy of non-intervention in the history of a planet’s developing population; however, like any council, there will be different viewpoints. Now we get into the real secrets of the “Angels” and the ancient galactic battle known by the Pleiadians as the Luciferian Wars. The simple fact is that the beings known in religious texts as Lucifer, Michael, Azazel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel were/are physical extra-terrestrials.

Michael is originally based around Aldebaran in the Pleiades, Azazel from the Sirius, Raphael from Regulus, Gabriel from Fomalhaut, and Uriel from Antares. However, all these beings have ultimately deep connections with the Pleiades star system. Lucifer has a very complex story and cannot be covered here.


At one time, before the rebellion of the being, they were all ultimately taking orders from Lucifer, and Azazel outranked Michael. Some say Azazel was the first to rebel when God told him he must serve humans, as they were created in his image. Apparently, he said, “Why should a Son of Fire (angel) bow down before a Son of Clay (human)?”

This was the probable cause of the Luciferian Wars of the Watchers. At the time of the fall, Lucifer ordered all his forces and star ships to converge in the Lyra star sector. Michael, being the loyal soldier he is, came with his Aldebaran military forces. He was not aware their leader had rebelled against the ultimate authority and was following orders. When he arrived in the Lyra sector, he realised what had happened, and this was the first stage of the war. Azazel and 200 Watchers opened a stargate from Lyra and were the first rebels to arrive on Earth on My Hermon.


They were quickly pursued by Michael’s forces; however, Michael was warned by Uriel that he and his forces would be pulled into “incarnation” cycles, because of Earth’s gravity, if they prosecuted this military campaign against Azazel and his forces on Earth. If Michael was to go through with this, he would become transfixed and trapped in this solar system and the war would rage on for thousands of years.

He could not let this evil sweep unhindered across the planet and went ahead with his plan. We are now seeing the final stages of the Watcher wars played out in front of us."

This "secret of the angels" is the "secret" the 33rd degree Freemasons and above are privvy to.

Earth was seeded by the Angelics, namely the one you call "Archangel Michael" and a female Watcher from the planet Hoova. The Watchers job was essentially to act as guardians of earth.
But why bother to seed humans on the planet?

Earth was originally meant to be a kind of way station for galactic trade taking place around the galaxy. Our original reason for being created was to evolve to be guardians of the stargates that opened to this galaxy from other densities and dimensions of space travelers conducting trade. Keep out the riff raff so to speak. 
No, the Draconian Reptilians did NOT create us. They simply genetically tampered with the beings that already existed here. (Remember, they're pathological liars)

Until we evolved enough to become those stargate guardians, the original all-benevolent Watchers were put in place to watch over the Angelics' "Planet of the Children" as they call us, as well as guide us along in our development. However, even back then the benevolent Angelics followed the directive of non interference with free will so they could only guide us.

Then Azazel and other Angelics got it in their heads they'd become the "gods" of the earth in the fall of Lucifer (Azazel) and 200 of his fellow Angelics...and the rest of that story is pretty much history. This is where the split factions of the Watchers occurred. 

It was through malevolent created earth religions that the real story of the Watchers got convoluted to the point people today believe they were/are all fallen Angelics, as illustrated below.

Did the benevolent faction of Watchers come to earth, following the fallen Watchers?
Yes and they walked among terrestrial humans for a time but again, were forbidden to interfere with us. Michael (his name is actually Mikael, pronounced Me ky el) is named the head of the Watchers in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

According to the Angelics, there are Watchers in human form walking the earth now in the final round of this Luciferian War. Source (bottom of page)
According to Jmmanuel, these human Watchers work directly under him in the Christ Command.
To be clear, that doesn't mean everyone in the Christ Command is a Watcher. SOME of the 300 in the Christ Command are these human form Watchers.


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