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Reprinted from The Debrief

According to findings in a recent study, UFO witnesses may not be prone to misperceptions or related cognitive factors but instead may possess specific personality traits that increase their likelihood of encountering such phenomena. 

Clinical Psychologist Dr. Daniel Stubbings from Cardiff Metropolitan University and his team found there are numerous factors that contribute to an individual thinking they witnessed what the U.S. Department of Defense now calls unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). 

In the 1970s, two research teams—one led by Paul Costa and Robert R. McCrae of the National Institutes of Health and the other by Warren Norman and Lewis Goldberg of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and the University of Oregon—found that most human character traits can be explained by five dimensions.

Surveys of thousands of individuals uncovered these mostly distinct traits:


Neuroticism: Emotional stability; individuals with high scores are characterized by anxiety, inhibition, moodiness, and lower self-assurance.

Extroversion: Encompasses cheerfulness, initiative, and communicativeness.

Openness: Fond of innovation and displays of creativity. 

Agreeableness: Dictates how they interact with others. Other traits include being friendly, empathetic, and warm.

Conscientiousness: Gauges a person’s level of organization. Individuals with high scores are motivated, disciplined, and trustworthy.


Dr. Stubbings’ experiment involved 206 participants, including 103 who said they had witnessed or self-reported seeing a UAP. The team analyzed personality traits to see how participants naturally grouped together.

The study consisted of three groups. Group one had average traits, whereas the second group, designated the Neurotic/Schizotypy group, was high on neuroticism and schizotypy traits. The last controlled group, labelled O-ACE, was found to have high openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion but low neuroticism and schizotypy traits. 

“These were the groups that ‘emerged’ out of the data analysis,” Dr. Stubbings told The Debrief. “The latent profile analysis demonstrated these three patterns of personality profiles. Prior research looked at correlation and regression (predictive patterns) but not a latent (underlying) profile.”

“This was a new finding,” Stubbings told The Debrief.

The study concluded that the third group, O-ACE, was more likely to see UAPs. Over the years, stigma and stereotypes have helped create narratives that people who see UAPs are more than likely emotionally reactive; in other words, they may display neurotic behavior and are prone to perceptual and cognitive abnormalities.

However, the recent data does not appear to support this narrative. Instead, Dr. Stubbings and his coauthors state in their paper that the “descriptive UAP accounts by the general public were similar to the descriptions provided by military witnesses.” 

Stubbings, when asked why people with high conscientiousness see UFOs, said it is difficult to answer such a question based on the current data in-hand.

“Our data indicates that there is a small statistical relationship, but further research should explore why that relationship exists,” Stubings told The Debrief. “But my guess is that people who are high in conscientiousness might be more willing to admit to themselves that they have seen something and believe it is the right thing to do to admit it.” 

However, Stubbings notes that conscientiousness alone is probably not everything in this equation, but instead, combinations of other variables—specifically low scores in Neuroticism and higher scores in Openness, also contribute.

“We need further research to explore the nuances of these personality factors in the emergence of both belief and experience.”

Dr. Stubbings also noted that “only 28 percent of participants reported their sightings anywhere, and 14 percent used a UFO reporting organization, which suggests that events are vastly underreported.” His paper also suggested that stigma and a lack of proper reporting avenues were the main obstacles impacting their willingness to report their sightings.

Dr. Stubbings initiated his research by referencing an older academic paper on UAPs published in the Applied Cognitive Psychology Journal in 2011, which found that certain personality factors were predictors of an individual’s belief in UFOs. 

“This is relevant to the UFO topic more broadly because what people perceive and recall tends to be in line with their beliefs,” Stubbings told The Debrief. “If beliefs can be predicted by personality factors, then it supports the notion that it is a particular kind of person who is more prone to belief in UAPs, and in turn, they end up seeing and recalling what they believe to be true.” 

“In other words, people see UAP not because they are there but because of the conviction of their beliefs, which are influenced by their personality dispositions. 

“So the idea was born to change the dependent variable of ‘belief’ to ‘have you had a sighting.’ Those who believe in UFOs/UAP might not have the same characteristics [as] those that report to have seen what they believe to be a UAP.”

Fundamentally, Stubbings says that in addition to understanding the kinds of personality traits and psychological drivers that may contribute to a person’s likelihood of observing and reporting UAP, scientists need to be engaging in dialogue about the assessment, diagnosis, formulation, and treatment of mental health distress in individuals who claim to have observed UAP or even had direct contact with purported NHI. 

“This topic is one of the most fascinating areas,” Stubbings told The Debrief, “and I believe other scientists from around the world need to help address this mystery.”

Stubbings and his colleagues Sophie Ali and Alexander Wong’s new paper, “Who Sees UFOs? The Relationship Between Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Sightings And Personality Factors,” appeared in the Spring 2024 issue of the Journal of Scientific Exploration.

We at Selamat Ja are constantly asked "Why won't the ET's make contact with me?"


While it's great to finally see studies like the one above being undertaken, there is a MAJOR flaw in their study. Namely, which of their 3 study groups is having contact with WHICH ET RACES?
Which personality types are having contact with malevolent ET races, which personality types are having contact with benevolent ET races?

There's a huge difference between the personality types having contact with malevolent ET's and those having contact with benevolent races because each faction seeks to use their contactees/experiencers for their own agendas.

We've spoken with countless experiencers (probably in the thousands) with varying degrees of contact and ET experiences, with both malevolent and benevolent races. Or a combination of the two. 

It's been our experience that those:

  • In direct contact with malevolent ET races

  • Those who don't realize malevolents masquerading as "benevolent" ET's are in contact with them

  • Those who don't realize their consciousness has been hijacked and false screen memories implanted


fall into the study group Neurotic/Schizotypy. By their own admissions they've been diagnosed with a mental illness or a psychological disorder such as anxiety and/or depression and are often on prescribed anti-psychotic drugs. 

Often this is through no fault of their own, the malevolents have messed with their minds and consciousness and in doing so, have made the Neurotic/Schizotypy group like themselves in personality.
This is said not to malign these individuals in any's simply their personality type that makes them easy targets for the malevolent ET races and their human counterparts to prey upon. They are easily manipulated and controlled, which is the goal of the dark force entities.

These dark forces want them existing in a victimhood stance and that's what we see in general within the Neurotic/Schizotypy group. When one exists in that state one is easily controlled and manipulated. 
The benevolent ET's are not going to make contact with the Neurotic/Schizotypy group because they have nothing to offer in the way of helping the benevolent ET's with their own agenda.

The benevolent ET's make contact with the O-ACE group. We asked our ET contacts how they chose who on earth they made contact with and their reply was simple: "Those most like ourselves." In other words, like attracts like.

This has certainly been borne out in our own communication with those who would fall into the O-ACE group and the personality traits of our benevolent ET contacts.

The benevolent ET's are extremely spiritual beings of much higher consciousness than people of earth generally are so they choose to contact those here who share that same higher consciousness and spirituality they themselves possess. They seek out those who operate from the same soul level they do vs. the 3D ego level.

Their intelligence is off our earthly charts. Consequently, they choose contactees here who are of above average intelligence. You see this within the Milabs, for example. Almost without fail our IQ's are in the 150-160 range. The ET's don't choose us because we're any better than anyone else here simply because we have high IQ's. They choose us because we are so far below them in intelligence they need contactees who can at least partially grasp and comprehend the information they impart to those working with them. (And even we struggle with that at times!)

They look for individuals who are open minded and willing to shed belief systems based on lies and deceptions. This is a prerequisite to working with them. They want contactees who can "think outside the box", who are creative and innovative by nature. Often our work with them here on the surface requires us to be creative, innovative and willing to "think outside the box" we've all been programmed to think within as to what's possible and what isn't.

The O-ACE group was found to have high openness and agreeableness. Well of course the benevolent ET's want their contactees to be open and agreeable. In other words, accepting of them without fear. They aren't going to bring us aboard their ships or meet with us if we come loaded for bear, toting AK-47's with which to take them out! A battle we'd lose hands down but nonetheless...
They don't condone violence and don't want anyone working with them that would even entertain the thought of violence. But neither do they want contact with the "Love and Light!" crowd, knowing that's not reality and those are the most programmed individuals on the planet.

Posted on social media...


The aliens fear me and refuse to interact with me, those intergalactic arrogant stuck up assholes can shove themselves up their interstellar assholes, ( FUCK EM)... they can’t do nothing worse than kill me.


And he wonders why the ET's refuse to interact with him!!!

Fear him? LOL Hardly. They can do far worse to us than we can do to them. That's just male ego and wishful thinking talking.

And why would he think the ET's want to kill him anyway??? The malevolents most certainly do but if the benevolents wanted to they've already had billions of years in which to do that - and haven't done anything of the sort or even attempted to. 

The benevolent ET's also look at WHY a person wants contact with them. If you truly have a desire to actively work toward fixing the earth dilemma, they'll break your door down to get to you. If you want contact with them for egotistical reasons, because you think it's going to make you "special" somehow or because you see them as a source of entertainment, they aren't going to look twice at you much less contact you.

It's why conscientiousness emerged within the O-ACE group. They need earth alliances that are motivated to carry out their earth mission in helping humanity and are disciplined and trustworthy in doing so. 

Most importantly, they look for self-assured individuals who are very secure in themselves and emotionally stable - and who don't suffer from the lack of self esteem prevalent in the Neurotic/Schizotypy group. They look for contactees that have extraordinary inner strength so can endure a high level of suffering yet overcome it and put that suffering behind them.

strong minds.jpg

Again, the Neurotic/Schizotypy group Keyboard Warriors are of no use to the benevolent ET's whatsoever. They know memes and rehashed information are not going to fix this earth mess nor is constant complaining by those who have no idea what true suffering is because they haven't experienced it yet. Much less be able to rise above it and carry on with the mission work at hand.

We disagree with Dr. Stubbing's conclusion “This is relevant to the UFO topic more broadly because what people perceive and recall tends to be in line with their beliefs,” Stubbings told The Debrief. “If beliefs can be predicted by personality factors, then it supports the notion that it is a particular kind of person who is more prone to belief in UAPs, and in turn, they end up seeing and recalling what they believe to be true.” 

Most of us who have had significant ET contact held no belief about the ET's other than "Given the mathematical statistics it wouldn't make much sense that life didn't exist elsewhere."
Many did not believe in the existence of ET's at all despite our O-ACE personalities.
Rather, our beliefs that ET's did in fact exist was based on our personal experiences of contact with them! That none of us ASKED to have in the first place, we might add.

Bottom line, like attracts like. Those most like the ET's themselves are the individuals they make a point of contacting.


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