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When Jmmanuel took me under his wing (so to speak) and began teaching me, he told me "It will be necessary for you to learn about the dark side." I wasn't enthused about that AT ALL.

Yet he turned out to be right as usual...and I actually eventually ended up training in demonology.

There's a whole lot going on behind the scenes now that the vast majority of people aren't aware of at all. 


Most aren't even familiar with the demonic hierarchy that humanity is currently dealing with. In fact, it will sound like woo woo science fiction to most people.


There are specialized multidimensional groups or teams within the volunteers that carry out the war against these demonic entities and their hierarchy.

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Until now these specialized groups or teams have worked very quietly behind the scenes, knowing most weren't even familiar with the demonic hierarchy and therefore, lacked the necessary training and experience to deal with it.
Not to mention those with an incomplete understanding of the multidimensional will find what we do to sound like so much woo woo. It's not, believe me.


Alobar Jones runs such a team. He too is a demonologist who knows the demonic hierarchy all too well. 

Alobar is asking for volunteers to join his team in doing this. Alobar's website.

While he'd prefer very seasoned astral travelers, he is willing to train volunteers to work with he and his team in this endeavor. 


While I don't agree with absolutely everything Alobar comes out with, he most certainly has the jist of our reality right as far as the demonic hierarchy and its influence on earth goes.

I know this entire subject can be really confusing with all of the different names given to these various demonic entities within the demonic hierarchy. If I were to draw out the hierarchy it would look like this:


The AI BLACK GOO I have listed at the top of the pyramid is the same one Alobar shows at the top of his more simplistic diagram below. This AI demonic entity is the galaxy gobbler.

demonic top echelon.webp

Below the AI planet gobbler/black goo is the spider. No one is more knowledgeable about the spider than Rainetta Jones.

Below the spider and her army were Lucifer and Satan, Satan being the far more dangerous of the two as Satan is the king of chaos - which is why our planet is as chaotic and insane as it is currently. 
Furthermore, our forces captured Lucifer on May 3, 2017 so he's been taken out of action.
(This is fact, I was involved in that battle.) It was announced here in August, 2018 but most people missed it:


"It takes an interest in metaphysics and spirituality to discern that a new age is now already dawning. That the time of your watching over humanity is at an end. Indeed, that it is ending without the return of your master, your dark god-king. And that there is no longer any real hope that he ever will return. You are on your own. Your secret prophecies have come to naught." Source


Although I don't put much stock in the bible, his capture was prophesied there too in Revelations 20:3 and the battle went down pretty much like that. But let me be clear here...Satan and Lucifer are not the same entity. It was LUCIFER that was captured and is now imprisoned.


Did Lucifer and Satan combine their energies as Alobar claims? Personally, I don't see that being possible given where Lucifer is imprisoned. And why would they need to combine their energies? There would be no reason for them to have to do this. Both are equally strong and they've each in their own way managed to take down a planet of 8 billion people.


Pistus Sophia is a demon of sex. She has a rather Jekyll Hyde personality - sometimes appearing to be rather ambivalent, the rest of the time being a real B*TCH.
These evil entities have used the Draconian Reptilians to mess with human sexuality big time.
Monogamy programming is just one method they've used. I'll write more about that near the end of this article.


Below Satan are the Archon AI parasites we've already discussed in a previous article on this site. These are the parasites that have infected over 80% of the planet's population, that essentially turn their hosts into zombies.

Al-guhl is one of many lower ranking demons and yes, it is the entity that uses alcoholism to take one down. (Each demon has their own function). 
I've dealt with Al-guhl in a young man that came to me, claiming to have demons talking to him. He is indeed an alcoholic although he's made repeated attempts at sobriety.

Even these lower level demons are extremely powerful. This is a journal copy the young man sent me while intoxicated, in which Al-guhl was doing the talking.

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It reads:


You won't see through the danger of thinking they are Angels 
[Remember we've written about these demonic entities passing themselves off as "benevolent Angelics" to those not using discernment and whose egos can be preyed upon]

Don't you feel so special being nothing but a vessel

Your words are not yours but a puppet show of lost souls

As patrons from another stand in line to take their turn

Drink the poison and wake the demon

Give him the strings and go to sleep

When you wake up feel the fear

Drink the poison and wake the demon

No more fear your demon is here!

One step closer and it will be clear

Drink the poison and wake the demon

You made your choice for no more few

Goodnight old self the demon lives here

While all of this may sound like doom and gloom, it's actually not. Keep in mind these demonic entities HAVE NO POWER OVER US WHATSOEVER APART FROM WHAT POWER WE OURSELVES GIVE THEM!


We have to stop giving them power and feeding them loosh for starters.

Rips/Tears in the space-time continuum and black cubes

These multi dimensional demonic entities don't need any kind of portals to access us. However, they DO need them to utilize their technology on us and the black cubes Alobar mentioned are an example of this.

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These cubes are a form of Drac ship BUT when we captured some we discovered they were loaded with AI technology that was beaming disinformation into the heads of channelers and New Agers here. (There's your Orion front, the Galactic Federation of Light!) They're being used on the Surface Level 'Truthers' as well now to control their minds.

Monogamy Programming

I promised you I'd say something about the Draconian Reptilian monogamy programming of terrestrial humans.


When the Dracs were tinkering with terrestrial human genetics they hardwired a monogamy gene into earth humans - the RS3 334 gene recently discovered by Swedish scientists.


If one is going to conquer and control a planet of nearly 8 billion people, then one must start by destroying the very foundation of that planet's society - marriage and the family. They've done an outstanding job of this, over 50% of earth marriages ending in divorce and families in a shambles.

On top of that, they deluged the masses with the mother of all religious marketing campaigns - that of demonizing polyamorous multiple partner relationships, which you all call "polygamy".

Rare is the ET race that still practices monogamy and if you go back to ancient earth civilizations, "polygamy" was an acceptable form of relationship right up until about 1,000 years ago. ET's left monogamy behind knowing multiple partner relationships are far more difficult to break up than relationships involving 2 people. Unlike on earth, the Dracs have been unable to tear apart their multiple partner relationships. Nor do they struggle with things like divorce, separation, nasty custody battles, domestic violence, rape, date rape, incest, pedophilia or any other such negatives  inflicted on earth by these negative dark forces.


Unlike the ET races, among terrestrial humans the Dracs have cheapened earth sex to little more than a recreational activity vs. the spiritual bonding form of sex ET's engage in. Doing so enabled Pistus Sophia to feed far more often on the "loosh" created during orgasm. 
(These dark forces have actually hid the "secret" of orgasm the ET's experience from terrestrial humans, preventing terrestrial humans from bodily absorbing the extremely powerful Source energy directly into their bodies as the ET's do during orgasm in its purely spiritual form.)


Yes, sexual perversion is her forte and it's why you're seeing all this insane "there are 52 different genders" and transgender BS we're being deluged with...and so many people actually falling for this insane BS. 


Pista Sophie especially likes to primarily screw with men and their relationships with women, breaking up healthy, loving relationships. The same is true of the spider and her army.


The topic of entity interference and attachments has become more popular, and with it, many assumptions and distortions surround it. In this episode, Bernhard and Laura give a “beginners’s guide” to occult forces.

They talk about the various kinds of non-physical entities in spiritual and esoteric traditions, the deceptive shape-shifting quality of these forces, how the spiritual war of dark vs light is happening through us, and how we open ourselves up to their influence, consciously and unconsciously.

In the following video James and Judith make some very excellent points when it comes to the government/cabal/Vatican official narrative: "There are no ET's, only demons."

Bullshit. Both exist but we must keep what many consider demons in proper perspective and not buy into the official narrative(s). 

The most important point to make here is that if you suspect you have a demonic attachment, DO NOT TRY TO FIX IT YOURSELF! Nor should you trust any "spiritual guru" who claims they can remove demonic attachments or infestations! I don't care what line of BS they sell you!


The demonic are extremely strong and powerful. They can not only physically harm you but can kill you - even when you do know what the hell you're doing, as any trained demonologist can tell you. 

Case in point: Father Malachi Martin who died from performing an exorcism on a 4 year old girl - as witnessed by a CIA agent.


Hostage to the Devil: Catholic 'Exorcist' priest's death involved possessed child and invisible force

Equally tragic is the case of a North Carolina couple who were amateurs and attempted to perform an exorcism on their young son, Skylar. The boy died as a result and his parents were jailed, charged with murder. 


Dealing with the demonic is not for amateurs!

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Father Malachi Martin

Your best defense is to make yourself unattractive to these demonic entities. 

There are certain conditions that make some people more suitable to these entities:

  • Suffering from a negative emotional state such as loss, fear, sadness, grief, trauma.

  • Athiesm or lack of faith in general

  • Past or present substance abuse issues

  • Dabbling in the occult

  • Living in unclean conditions, lack of personal hygiene​

  • Those who are self centered, everything is about them

  • Those who embrace victimhood


​The best defense is a good offense.


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