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When I first began my journey, the Angelics told me "It will be necessary for you to learn about the dark side." I didn't like the sounds of that at all. I didn't want a damn thing to do with evil and the dark side. How however, I understand how critical it was I DID learn about the occult forces. I not only learned about and experienced them, I ended up training in demonology.
One cannot navigate their way through our life today without knowing about them and how they work.

Bernhard and Laura just did an EXCELLENT introduction to these occult forces. I highly recommend you viewers listen to this podcast.

The topic of entity interference and attachments has become more popular, and with it, many assumptions and distortions surround it. In this episode, Bernhard and Laura give a “beginners’s guide” to occult forces.

They talk about the various kinds of non-physical entities in spiritual and esoteric traditions, the deceptive shape-shifting quality of these forces, how the spiritual war of dark vs light is happening through us, and how we open ourselves up to their influence, consciously and unconsciously.

As Bernhard and Laura said, NO ONE is immune to these occult forces creating an entry point in you, to come in and make your life a living hell - to the point of attaching to you and taking you over completely.
This can happen without you even realizing it's happened.

Navigating your way around these occult entities is a 24/7 job and is akin to picking your way through a minefield because people (especially spiritual people) are under severe occult/demonic attack right now.

Bernhard hit the nail on the head when he said the end goal of these occult forces is to create an invasion through our bodies to achieve endless reincarnation opportunities. They want our bodies as vessels for themselves, to live through us.
As I've said elsewhere on this site, THEY WANT TO BECOME US.

Not so long ago I had a woman approach me for help with her son, who was in his 20's. His personality had changed completely, he'd become mean and violent - even to his mother. He'd abandoned all of his friends and spent all day and night in his room playing video games. He no longer did anything to help around the house. He'd attempted suicide on more than one occasion.

The woman reported the energy in her house was so bad even friends wouldn't come over or into her house anymore.

Her son had been attached to by one of these occult entities and it had taken over, causing the change in him. I told this woman what she needed to do, which in part involved tough love on her part. No, she couldn't do that to her son and gave me every reason under the sun why she couldn't - not even to save her own son from this entity and get rid of it. And in spite of the fact I told her it would eventually kill him, which was why he'd already attempted suicide. 

In speaking to her more, I realized she herself was entity attached. She'd given one of these occult entities multiple openings for it to get its foot in the door with her - shame, guilt, trauma from her past relationships. She blamed herself for her son's condition due to these past negative relationships. In not dealing with her own issues, she'd laid out the welcome mat for these occult entities. The entity attached to she herself was not going to allow her to do anything to get rid of it or her son's entity.
At that point I had to tell her there was nothing more I could do to help her if she wasn't willing to try to help herself. I honestly got the impression she expected me to wave my magic demonologist's wand and just make these entities disappear without any effort on her part.

Sadly, that's not the way it works and once these entities have attached and/or taken over they're nearly impossible to get rid of. And what Guenther said in his podcast is true - all one need do is come in contact with an entity attached/infested person on social media to get infected themselves. That's why these occult entities are so sinister. They have no boundaries outside of not being able to survive in higher vibrational densities earth is not a part of and are a challenge even for the trained demonologist to get rid of.

This is why we at Selamat Ja so heavily stress doing one's shadow or spiritual work on themselves. It's the best form of protection against these occult entity attachments. As Bernhard said, you have to work on correcting the entry points WITHIN YOURSELF to close them to these entities. It's fact they can pinpoint your weaknesses in a heartbeat and use them to try to gain access to you. I had it happen to me early on in my own journey. Luckily, I prevented the entity from attaching but not before I was subjected to an Alien Love Bite that was far worse than death would've been. (It failed)


What are signs of negative energy attachment?

  1. Feeling drained or exhausted all the time, even after getting enough sleep.

  2. Experiencing unexplained mood swings or feeling irritable, anxious, or depressed.

  3. Having unexplained physical ailments, such as headaches, back pain, or stomach issues.

  4. Feeling like someone or something is watching or following you, even when no one is around.

  5. Experiencing strange or unexplainable smells, sounds, or movements in your environment.

  6. Having recurring nightmares or experiencing sleep disturbances.

  7. Feel like you are experiencing a psychic attack and have intrusive thoughts.

  8. That your home or space feels like it has unwanted energy.

The best way to deal with these occult entities is to operate from a soul level vs. an ego level.


Identify your weak points (we all have them) and do the spiritual work on yourself necessary to fix them.  Unhealed trauma, the ego not being in balance with mind and spirit, grudges you're holding, forgiveness you're withholding...these are all open spiritual pathways these occult entities use to gain entrance to you.

Stay off drugs completely - this includes hallucinogenic drugs and any pharmaceuticals, especially anti-depressants; and alcohol in overabundance. 
This may come as a shock to you, but do you know how psychiatrists and psychologists come up with illnesses like ADHD, depression, etc.? They get together, say "That sounds like a good illness, let's make that one up!" and then they vote on adopting that illness into their APA diagnostic manuals. I kid you not - a psychologist friend told me that himself. It's why you see all these new "illnesses" that never existed 20 years ago - all of which require drugs from Big Pharma to treat, of course. 

I asked this psychologist friend what the definition of the mind was in the APA diagnostic manuals.
"There isn't one. We can't define the mind."

Do these occult entities try to get you addicted to things? ABSOLUTELY, WITHOUT QUESTION.
I'll give you an actual example of a gentleman that came to me for help with an demonic entity attachment that had turned him into an alcoholic. This is an actual copy of one of his journal entries he sent me.

It should scare the hell out of you. This is the demonic entity dictating to him what to write, it is this demonic entity speaking through him...

gabriels journaljpg.webp

If you're having trouble reading his journal entry, here it is:

"You won't see the danger of thinking they are angels [dark force imposters]

Don't you feel so special being nothing but a vessel

Your words are not yours but a puppet show of lost souls

as patrons from another stand in line to take their turn

Drink the poison and wake the demon

Give him the strings and go to sleep

When you wake up feel the fear

Drink the poison and wake the demon

No more fear your demon is here!

One step closer and it will be clear

Drink the poison and wake the demon

You made your choice for no more few

Good night old self, the demon lies here."

When this demonic entity would assume control this gentleman would not only drink to access but begin feeling suicidal.

We're seeing an alarming rise in the demonic and demonic activity. 

A Jesuit excorcist ( 1 of 50 in the Catholic church today) just reported he's getting between 10 and 18 new cases of demonic possession PER WEEK in the United States. It used to be one didn't see that many cases in 50 years, demonic possession being extremely rare in the past.

In May of 2013, Father Gabriele Amorth, a priest from Italy, said that he had helped perform over 160,000 exorcisms. He even asked Pope Francis to give all priests the right to perform exorcisms to deal with the increase in demonic possession.

Father Vincent Lampert has been an exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis since 2005 and is the pastor at St. Malachy’s in Indianapolis. He trained at the North American College in Rome and assisted with more than 40 exorcisms with longtime Italian exorcist Father Carmine De Filippi. 

In an interview with the National Catholic Register, he said that he sees an increasing number of people involved in Satanic rituals and opening themselves up to evil.

“The problem isn’t that the devil has upped his game, but more people are willing to play it,” Father Lampert said. “Where there is demonic activity, there is always an entry point,” he said.   Source

I'm not trying to attach any religious significance to this because there is no religious connection. It's simply a fact that the Catholic Church deals with the demonic more than anyone else on the planet.

"The important point to understand from a layperson’s point of view is that almost all of humanity is affected in some way by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.). But a more serious fact that was 

uncovered with spiritual research is that in the current era until 2025 (after World War 3), 30% of the population will be possessed by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.). This means that out of every ten individuals who read this article, 3 are entity possessed, 5 are affected by them and only 2 will be unaffected. Refer to this article on How much of the world’s population is affected by ghosts."    Source

Demonic activity and demonic possession can affect anyone of any race, gender, age, income level, geographical location, etc. The demonic doesn't have any boundaries. I'm not talking full blown demonic possession here per se, although that's become far more prevalent lately. I'm referring to entity attachments and entity possession, malevolent force walk-in's, and malevolent consciousness hijacking. For all intents and purposes, these are all forms of "demonic possession".
You don't have to be Linda Blair spinning your head in 360's and projectile vomiting green slime to be possessed. And in all honesty, that's Hollywood theatrics. Most forms of possession are far more subtle than those theatrics. In most cases, a person with an entity attachment refuses to believe they have an entity attachment and/or is completely unaware they have an attachment.

If a person gets possessed by an evil entity, they will start to express symptoms. There are hundreds of signs and symptoms. The symptoms vary widely because there are different kinds of entities responsible for possession all around the world.

There are three levels of possession: Mild, medium and severe.

In mild possession, the person who is possessed behaves abnormally and the entity inside the person has mostly manifested. The behavior could be a deviation from the person’s normal behaviour such as a high amount of aggressiveness from a docile person, hysterical laughter, talking gibberish etc. It is also possible to decide intellectually that a person’s symptoms are due to demonic possession when the symptoms subside with spiritual remedies. 

Mild possession is when the possessing entity has 25% control over the possessed person.


Mild possession is when the possessing ghost is a common ghost or an inferior level demon. At this level the intent behind the possession is generally limited to harming the individual being possessed. The relative strength of this ghost is 1-100.

At the medium level of possession the symptoms and tell-tale signs are far more subtle. This type of possession is generally unmanifest. However this is not always the case and a person could be fully manifest and yet be very calm and collected giving no tell-tale signs that they are possessed. Moderate possession is when the ghost controls the person to the extent of 50%.


Moderate possession is when the ghost is a female goblin (haḍal), jākhin or a medium level entity. At this level the intent is to affect the individual and society to some extent. The relative strength of this ghost is 1,000-10,000.

In severe demonic possession only an experienced exorcist would be able to diagnose whether a person is possessed because the possessed has usually been taken over by a high level demonic entity. Severe possession is when the entity controls the possessed person to the extent of 75%. The severely possessed can exhibit any number of behaviors but common ones are growling, 'speaking in tongues', levitation, a manifestation of extremely cold temperatures, violence toward the exorcist.


Severe possession is when the possessing entity is a subtle-sorcerer (māntrik). At this level the intention of the possessing entity is to create nationwide destruction or worldwide detrimental effect. The relative strength of this ghost is 100,000-infinity. An example of this would be Hitler who was possessed by a subtle very low vibrational entity from the lowest regions of astral plane. 

Black magic arises when black magicians cast evil spells through rituals. This is what the government "elites" routinely do. They are master black magicians. On the other hand, a demonic possession arises when an evil entity finds its way into a living host.

There are certain conditions that make some people more suitable to possession:

  • Suffering from a negative emotional state such as loss, fear, sadness, grief, trauma.

  • Athiesm or lack of faith in general

  • Past or present substance abuse issues

  • Dabbling in the occult

  • Living in unclean conditions, lack of personal hygiene​

  • Those who are self centered, everything is about them

  • Those who embrace victimhood

Here are the top signs of demonic possession:

  1. Prophesying: The individual starts foretelling the future and having unsanctioned knowledge of people and circumstances. They are able to possess this knowledge because the demonic presence in them communicates with them.
    However, we have to be careful on this one. Just because someone is psychic doesn't mean they're possessed and communicating with demons. By the same token, abductees are routinely shown future events by both malevolent and benevolent ET's so discernment is necessary to differentiate between the two.

  2. Psychosis: There can be repeated instances in which the individual starts laughing inappropriately in situations that didn't call for it. He or she may start indulging in childish acts and laughing at things that aren’t funny.

  3. Temperament changes: The possessed may experience repeated episodes of sudden anger/rage issues, violence and cruelty towards coworkers and family members. These symptoms can be a huge cause for concern. The victim can get scorned by the entire family and really feel solated or conversely, scorn and sever connections with their family members, loved ones and friends.

    Again, this is what we're seeing from the vaxxed toward the unvaxxed now on a huge scale. I've even seen apology letters from the vaxxed stating they treated the unvaxxed horribly and wished death upon them out of LOVE AND TRUTH. Their thinking has been inverted to the point they can't realize that wishing death on someone for any reason does not come via any source of love or truth.

  4. Personality changes: This includes abrupt behavioral changes that push people away. The person may suddenly start engaging in cruel and selfish behaviors. They can start saying hurtful words to their partners and coworkers. As a result of this, they can also become isolated. Everyone abandons them because they are no longer recognizable.
    They can start exhibiting narcissistic behavior.

  5. Irritable physical changes: These include appalling changes such as offensive body odor and breath. The hair can also take a sickly color and the skin starts turning to gray.

  6. Self-defeating behaviors: The individual may engage in acts such as alcoholism, adultery, and not recollecting their behavior. This might seem like an affliction because they wouldn't be able to stop no matter how hard they try.

  7. Recurrent blackouts and paranoia: Possessed individuals often end up doing things and then failing to remember after waking up. They may wake up somewhere with no memory of what they did earlier or how they got there.

  8. Delusion: They may start claiming that God is talking directly to them and that he is giving them instructions. However, they are not actually hearing God; the voice they hear is that of the demonic entity. Again, we have to be careful on this one though.

    The government mind control programming that has been instituted on the masses involves "Voice of God" technology where the handler/mind control programmer poses as the "Voice of God". Being subjected to this technology does not at all mean the subject of the programming has been demon possessed.

  9. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Possessed people may suddenly develop an obsession with cleanliness and order. This is peculiar to some demonic entities. Anyone possessed by these demons develops an obsession with orderliness. Up to the point that it drives their family crazy. If you notice this in someone you know they need urgent help.

  10. Uncontrolled filthiness: This works on the same principle as the sign above. Most demonic entities thrive in filth and disorder. Therefore, the people possessed by these demons get obsessed with being dirty. They may have once been well groomed. Suddenly, they will start wearing dirty clothes, and fail to brush their teeth, or cut their hair. They'll look truly disgusting, and they won't see anything amiss in their current behavior.

  11. Those in the process of demonic possession will avoid looking you in the eye when speaking with you. You may see them look to the left or right and then a change comes over them immediately after they do this. They appear cut off or even trancelike, almost like an invisible shield has dropped down between you and them.

It should be noted here that the usual protection practices like shielding/white lighting one's self, smudging/saging, salt, etc. DO NOT HELP IN PREVENTING THESE DEMONS FROM ATTEMPTING POSSESSION. Those practices will not keep them out of your home or away from you because these demons (even the lower level ones) are much stronger than those practices. They've learned to go right around them. 

Who is most at risk? Currently anyone spiritual that walks in the Light, especially Lightworkers. In addition, our younger generations (Millenial on down) have been specifically targeted.

If you notice, the Surface Level Truthers are comprised of nearly all younger people who were specifically targeted. 

How does one avoid an entity attachment?

  • Maintain your connection to Creator Source

  • Identify your weak spots and eliminate them. These are what these entities hone in on and use against you and to their benefit. They can spot a person's weak points in a nanosecond.

  • Watch what you put in your body. Nothing addictive or hallucinagens, avoid fast and processed foods. Limit your alcohol intake.

  • Do not channel. You don't know who it is you're channeling.

  • Take any ET communications with a grain of salt. This is true even if you know your ET contacts can be trusted and truly are benevolent.

  • Do not let the ET presence consume your life.

  • Do your shadow work on yourself.

What do you do if you have an entity attachment?

The first step is not closing your mind to the possibility that it could happen to you.
Since most who are entity attached don't recognize the symptoms, I play it safe and have trusted friends observing me for

personality changes and other symptoms of attachment. Others can see us more clearly than we can see ourselves as a rule. If my friends report to me "You're not acting like yourself" I'm going to take that warning very seriously!

Keep your ego in balance. Ego is what these entities use to get their foot into the door of your mind.

Ask the Divine for their help in removing the attachment. Or consult a priest even if you are not religious.

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TRY TO REMOVE THE ATTACHMENT YOURSELF! This is especially true if you are in the severe stage of possession by an entity, especially a demonic one. Demonic entities are very strong and very powerful and are even capable of killing. They are not to be trifled with by anyone without proper training in handling demonic entities.

Be wary of "spiritual gurus" who claim they can rid you of negative entities. Those who truly have the ability to do this are 1 in a million. Be especially wary if they want to charge you money to do this! Those of us who have the training to remove these entities and have the right intentions have the best interests of the affected person at heart - not our wallets and financial gain off someone else's misfortune.


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