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For most of us, operating from a belief system is just a comfortable thing to do. We don't like to have our beliefs challenged. It makes us uncomfortable to think we might have been wrong about something, that's not something our ego likes to hear. Yet if one ever hopes to achieve higher dimensional thinking, it is inevitable that their belief system will undergo a drastic change. It's part of the awakening process.

Randy Cramer spoke brilliantly about critical thinking vs. beliefs.

The real ET's (vs. the imposter variety) contact those most like themselves in both thinking and behavior. They're very logical critical thinkers. In fact, our earth variety of "logic" confuses the hell out of them because it's so illogical

Generally speaking they do not tie themselves into concrete belief systems knowing they themselves are still a long way from knowing everything. That we can hold onto our erroneous belief 

systems like a rabid junkyard dog guarding its bone confuses the hell out of them, knowing that our current belief systems are based largely on deception, lies and outright myths propagated by government and earth religions.

When did Americans lose the ability to think and act rationally? Or did they ever, on the whole, have such ability? These are the questions at the heart of the Big Think video below, a supercut of interview clips from public intellectuals — Neil DeGrasse, Michael Shermer,  Tyson, Kurt Andersen, Bill Nye, and Margaret Atwood — opining on the state of the nation’s intellectual health. Unsurprisingly, the prognosis is not good, as Carl Sagan predicted over 25 years ago.

According to recent studies, the majority of Americans lost the ability to think analytically in 1986.

A large part of that was due to the introduction of false science and the cabal control of the media - both of which advance their agenda.

When it comes to the ET presence, we need to look at evidence objectively.

We need to leave our belief systems out of looking at that evidence objectively. Yes, that will cause us to be uncomfortable but it's the only way we'll ever get at the truth. "Feel good" is only temporary before the truth smacks us upside the head. As it inevitably will eventually.

Fake science is bought and paid for with cabal money. As the video stated, we've been conditioned by cabal bought scientists to believe whatever they want us to believe, whatever makes us feel good is truth. No, it's not! That's the inverted thinking the cabal is notorious for perpetrating because they themselves think in inverted terms - black is white, good is evil, etc.

Take the the Flat Earthers, for example. Their BELIEF the earth is flat flies in the face of established and known physics. There is no evidence whatsoever the earth is flat. None. I had a friend who was a Flat Earther. As Randy Cramer stated, these people are just plain dumb.

I told this friend the whole Flat Earth thing was a 
CIA psy-op. We've known this since 2017.
He refused to put any stock in the references I sent him that it is a CIA psy-op. I then told him "Look...I was in the SSP, I've been to the moon and Mars and I'm here to tell you the world is NOT FLAT! You've never been into space so how can you definitively state the world is flat? You can't."

Nope, the world is flat and that's that.

flat earth2.jpg

I finally asked him "What shape are the rest of the planets in the solar system?
"Round" he replied.

"Then please explain to me why Earth would be the only flat planet among 7 other round planets?"
Him: "I dunno. That's just the way it is!"

Complete lack of critical and analytical thinking skills. He spends all day online on social media trying to convince anyone who will listen that the earth is flat. This is an illogical system of thought based on beliefs vs. critical thinking.

What would make one believe something this ridiculous?

I believe Randy hit on it. Just because we've all be so lied to on such an enormous scale, that does not mean everything is a lie! Having come from law enforcement where we dealt with manipulators and liars on a daily basis, I can assure you that every lie and deception is based on a kernel of truth. One simply has to look objectively for that kernal of truth. If you shut down and believe everything is a lie, then you will never regain critical thinking skills because your ego will not allow you to. Binary thinking like that is a very dangerous path to put one's self on.

Randy also brought up another good point. There's so much disinformation out there now, who does one believe when it comes to actual truth?

I use a set of critical thinking guidelines:

  • What is the person's background? What does their bio say about them? Do they use their real name?
    If they are government affiliated in any way - scrap heap. If they're a member of the infiltrated field of UFOlogy - scrap heap. If they're a New Ager - scrap heap. If they're a Surface Level Truther - scrap heap. If they're a researcher with no actual ET contact/experience themselves - scrap heap. If they're a psychiatrist, psychologist or "spiritual guru" - scrap heap. (Normally)

  • What is the message that person is delivering? Does it make common, logical sense? What proof, evidence, data, etc. is there that substantiates that person's message? 
    Surface level "Truther": First contact is happening soon!
    Says who? Show me an official document that states first contact is happening soon. Show me any evidence that substantiates that statement. This is a statement based on belief, which is based on this person's own desire for the ET's to come rescue her. All she's doing in acting on this BELIEF, which is setting herself up for a huge disappointment when no one comes to rescue her.


  • What does the person stand to gain financially? 
    Most of us who are genuine experiencers make zip financially. In fact, we pay out of our own pockets to get the word out, to attend conferences, do lectures and podcasts, etc.


  • While it's not always the case, if a person is a "big name" on the ET stage, odds are that person is being ALLOWED to be because they are pushing the government narrative in some respect.
    Genuine contactees and experiencers are immediately silenced as a rule because we have information the government doesn't want you to know. If you look at ET-related conferences now, you'll notice you've stopped seeing actual experiencers on the stage. They've been replaced by governmen talking heads and "researchers" with no actual experience whatsoever.


  • Does the person have a background that includes being targeted and harassed by the government cabal?
    Those of us who have accurate inside info, especially those who were in the deep black military projects, are almost always severely harassed by the government to deter us from speaking out. That usually includes attempts having been made on our lives. We're not talking mere shadow banning here.


  • Be vary wary of anyone who doesn't use their real name.
    (You see this ad nauseum with the New Agers and "spiritual gurus". Those of us who are legitimate are not afraid to put our real names and identities out there in the public arena. Generally speaking, those who hide behind a fake name or identity are frauds. If you can't trust them to use their real name, can really trust the info they're giving you?

While this may sound off topic, it's not. You don't develop higher dimensional consciousness and thinking without using a whole lot of discernment and having the ability to sort fact from fiction. That is what critical thinking is.

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