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Everything ever created has its own energy and amplitude that is unique to it. As I mentioned in the Truth About Starseeds article, people use the terms "frequency and vibration" but frequency and vibration are not a part of physics and not we need to raise. Amplitude is.
But for this article we'll use "frequency and vibration" to mean amplitude since frequency and vibration are more easily understood by anyone who hasn't taken physics.

Our consciousness and intentions set energy into motion. You are so powerful as a Creator doing this, that a particle vibrating due to your sound when you speak can affect a molecule inside a star at the edge of this universe instantly - or what's referred to as "quantum entanglement".


Just as earth is covered in an EM grid consisting of ley lines, so is the cosmos. The amplitude of that grid is affected by our collective consciousness and intent. The amplitude of that grid is called the Schumann Resonance. It is the essentially thevibratory rate of the planet.


Grid ley lines are the meridians of the Earth. The ley lines pass up and down the planet carrying magnetic energy. In our physical bodies we have veins where our blood is taken around our body. The veins could also be considered ley lines. Both are the life force of the planet and our bodies.

Some claim that ley lines carry a powerful magnetic field, while others say they hold a psychic power. Both are true.


Our collective consciousness and intent influence the energy of this EM grid. A good example of this occurred during the COVID lockdowns. The normal resonance rate of the Schumann Resonance is 7.8 Hz.


It was decided a worldwide meditation would be held. Look what happened to the Schumann Resonance Hz when that meditation was held.


Overnight the Schumann Resonance spiked to a whopping 76 Hz from 7.83 Hz.

One worldwide meditation session did that.

"EUREKA! We're onto something here!" They held an even larger meditation session involving even more people.


Look what happened as a result of that even larger worldwide meditation.


The Schumann Resonance went off the chart for over a day and a half with INSANE highs, spiking to 110 Hz, waaaaay into the Gama range. It then began dropping a little to 88 Hz but maintained that level. (Until recently a 90 Hz spike was considered incredible.) Nor had a spike like this ever been maintained as this one was.


Not only is the Schumann Resonance considered the Earth's amplitude, but also that of the human brain, as we are in sync with our planet.


What's interesting to note is that our brain's state is differentiated into different categories depending on its activity level. Typically, when we're awake, our brains stay in a borderline THETA (4-8 hertz) / ALPHA (8-14 hertz) range, which equates to a relaxed focus.


Thing is, when we get these spikes in Schumann Resonance, for the length of the spike, it kicks our brains into the BETA (14-40)/ GAMA (40+) ranges, which are associated with **higher alertness and higher information processing**.

schumann new.webp

With those higher-resonance effects in mind, understand that as of late, the SR has regularly been kicking us up more and more frequently well into the BETA and GAMA range. This means it's consistently been opening up our minds to higher states of information processing - the reason behind our planet "waking up" in consciousness as a whole.


For more info:

Hourly tracker:

In-depth tracker:…/

That we had discovered this set the Draconian government/cabal into a complete panic. By keeping us in their own low vibrational field of fear, trauma, violence, hatred they ensure their ability to remain here. This is why their worst nightmare is us uniting with one another. Doing so would raise the planet's amp;litude to a level that was intolerable to them, forcing them to leave.


Being lower 4th density creatures, they cannot tolerate the amplitude rate those 2 worldwide meditations spiked the Schuman Resonance to. They either leave the planet or die.

Their retaliation was swift - Ban the masses from communing with nature - shutting down parks, hiking trails, campsites, beaches, etc. It didn't matter that people were following their illegal, tyrannical social distancing Scamdemic mandates!


Look at what happened in Australia! This couple were following the illegal mandates so well they'd isolated themselves camping. What did the government do?

They were so well socially distanced the government sent a chopper to hunt them down even though they weren't breaking any of the illegal mandates! 

aussie chopper.webp

What terrified these Luciferians even more was that people had begun praying - which is a sure way to raise the Schumann Resonance, just as meditation did.


Satanists were vandalizing churches, worshipers gathering in their cars (observing social distancing) in parking lots to hold services were being fined, ministers were being illegally arrested, Joe Biden came out and announced they were putting an end to religious freedom. Forget the fact that they themselves created earth religions as a tool for controlling the masses!

At the time, I remembered listening to a video done by an ex-Vodaphone employee who was involved in the development and rolling out of 5G. Six times censors tore that video down within a minute or two of it being posted and reposted. Yet others along similar lines were left up. I wondered what made this video so dangerous to the dark forces that they kept repeatedly deleting it?
Ignore the religious rant at the end and listen to what he says about prayer and raising frequency and vibration (amplitude)!

I asked my Angelic guides to give me a sign I was on the right track with this prayer being one of the fastest and surest ways to raise the Schumann Resonance. 
That night this was posted by someone on my social media page...


Does one have to be on their knees to pray or even need to be religious? NO! When you sing, you're engaging in prayer. What were the Europeans doing during the lockdown? They were all out on their balconies singing with one another - and there wasn't a damn thing the cabal could do about that. When you're out in nature, that's another form of prayer! Look at the lengths they went to in order to try to prevent us from communing with nature! Meditation - another form of prayer. Look what THAT did to the Schumann Resonance! Again, wasn't a damn thing the Luciferians could do to stop it.


Praying is whatever causes you to have a connection to Creator Source - which is the most powerful energy there is. We have that direct connection right inside us. All we have to do is use it.


Our ET neighbors, the Procyons were the race that most recently battled the same forces we're battling now when the Archons decided they were going to enslave their home planet. It didn't end well for the Procyons. Most of their population was killed, a handful escaped to settle on Procyon. Listen to the advice they gave us:

"… it would be suicidal to attempt to fight the [dark forces] directly with the weapons now at your disposal. One must be rational in attempting to fight back, and understand the proper way to proceed. Your own consciousness is the most potent weapon that is available to you at the present time." "The most effective way to fight the [dark forces] is to change the level of your consciousness from linear thinking to multi-dimensional awareness.


They have the technology to throw your planet out of orbit, but there is one key ability that you have and they do not have: the ability to hold in mind imagery that inspires an individual to realize his or her direct personal connection to the Source Of All That Is… That is your key to victory."


I tried it myself during one of the countless Drac invasions of my home. As soon as they came through their portal I immediately visualized in my mind myself connecting with Source. The Dracs took off screaming, like bats outta hell. This visualization works! What happens when you visualize yourself connecting directly to Source? You instantly raise your amplitude to make that connection. I raised my own amplitude so high in doing that, it was literally intolerable to the Dracs. That's why they took off screaming like bats outta hell. They can't survive in that higher dimensional amplitude one makes connecting directly to Source.

As is often the case, these dark forces understand all too well what people here are failing to comprehend.
They understand amplitude, Hz so well they changed the Hz of the music we listen to, so that it would be detrimental to us and our very DNA.

frequency music.webp

The first thing I do in the morning now is blast music like that below as I work around the house and go about my day. (I have it playing right now)

What every person on the planet needs to be doing a few minutes a day right now is focusing on raising their amplitude/ That is the sole reason for our existence here, attending the school of Energy.

focus energy on wish to grow.webp

The most effective thing we all could be doing is taking our focus off the cabal as much as possible and quit buying into their fear mongering. By doing this, we are feeding it far less energy which only makes it grow stronger. Remember, these are energy vampires we're dealing with and fear is a negative energy they need to survive!

We need to stop giving them the lower frequency and vibration they need to thrive here.


At the same time, we're raising our own energy, frequency and vibration in doing this. In turn, this raises the Schumann Resonance of the planet.


There are many enjoyable ways one can go about raising their energy, frequency and vibration:

hamster wheel.gif


They have us living our lives at a breakneck pace for a reason! Doing this is dangerous. People are already "battle fatigued" and that's not a trap one can afford to walk into. The cabal's intent is to wear everyone down to the point they wave the white surrender flag out of sheer exhaustion and sell their soul in the process.

Take stock of your life as I did. I made a list of everything I do on a daily basis and prioritized it.

I kept the things I absolutely had to do in order to survive - grocery shop, etc. Then I looked at the extracurricular activities that didn't fall into that category and began eliminating those I didn't absolutely NEED to be doing. I slowed my life WAY DOWN so that I was no longer running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Now I do nothing at a breakneck pace so have far less stress in my life that served to wear me down. Jmmanuel said this same thing in his spirit box session! SLOW DOWN.

  • Every day take a few minutes to do what you enjoy that relaxes you - Painting, reading a book, taking a walk, yoga, whatever it is that relaxes you and takes you off fast forward and allows you to recharge your batteries. 

  • Practice one Random Act of Kindness per day for someone. 
    This not only brings up your EFV level, you feel good about yourself. It's how we change the world and stop all of this cabal Divide & Conquer nonsense by re-engaging with one another. 

  • Stop buying into low self esteem and a victim mindset.
    By virtue of the mind control the government has exposed the masses to since the 1950's, they've advanced their agenda by leaps and bounds by destroying people's self esteem as a critical part of that programming being successful. It's why we're seeing narcissism run rampant in society now and so many operating from the stance "I'm a victim". When you do that, you come to see yourself as being powerless. You are anything but!

    Know that simply by virtue of being a human being YOU HAVE WORTH. YOU HAVE VALUE, YOU HAVE POWER AS A CREATOR. If you hold onto that lack of self esteem and victim mentality you'll never achieve higher dimensional awareness. None of us are perfect, it's what makes us human. Spiritual awakening is about empowerment of one's self. 


Here are 7 of them...


**1ST - * THOUGHTS ***

Every thought emits a frequency to the universe and this frequency goes back to origin, so in this case, if you have negative thoughts, discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, all of this comes back to you. This is why it is so important that you're aware of the quality of your thoughts and learn how to cultivate more positive thoughts.



The people around you directly influence your vibration frequency. If you surround yourself with happy, positive and determined people, you will also enter this vibration. Now, if you surround yourself with people complaining, gossiping and being pessimist, be careful! Indeed, they can reduce your frequency and therefore prevent you from using the law of attraction in your favor.


**3RD - * MUSIC ***

Music is very powerful. If you only listen to music that talks about death, betrayal, sadness, abandonment, all of this will influence what you are feeling. Pay attention to the lyrics of the music you listen to, it could reduce your vibration frequency. And Remember: you attract exactly what you feel in your life.



When you look at programs that deal with misfortunes, dead, betrayals, etc. Your brain accepts this as a reality and releases a whole chemistry into your body, which affects your vibration frequency. Look at things that make  you feel good and help you vibrate at a higher frequency.


**5TH - * ATMOSPHERE ***

Whether it's at home or at work, if you spend a lot of time in a messy and dirty environment, it will also affect your vibration frequency. Improve what surrounds you, organize and clean your environment. Show the universe that you are fit to receive much more. Take care of what you already have!


**6TH - * THE WORD ***

If you claim or speak badly about things and people, it affects your vibrational frequency. To keep your frequency high, it is essential to eliminate the habit of complaining and bad talking about others. So avoid drama and bullying. Assume your responsibility for the choices of your life!


**7TH - * GRATITUDE ***

Gratitude positively affects your vibration frequency. This is a habit you should integrate now into your life. Start to be thankful for everything, for the good things and what you consider to be bad, give thanks for all the experiences you've experienced. Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.


From Sahara’s new book, The Evolution Revolution.


"We, collectively, have the power to shift timelines, avert catastrophe, and create a happy ending. Not only in terms of our precious biosphere—but equally as important, in terms of the ‘sociosphere,’ which term I am using to indicate the condition of humanity and its societies.


We have to act now, and we have to power to do so.


When I say ”Ignore the Drama—Vibrate Higher” I am suggesting, requesting, encouraging, and beseeching you to understand that you have the ability—and the responsibility—to “change yourself and change the world.”


How? Well may you ask.


Everything is energy, energy vibrates at different frequencies, and depending on the frequency in play we have Love, Joy, and Harmony—or fear, aggression, chaos and devastation.


Right now, on the surface, the collective frequency is exhibiting the effects of the latter—but what most cannot perceive is the groundswell of the former, precipitated by individuals worldwide who have lifted themselves out of the 3D static and have ascended energetically to a Higher Consciousness and Higher Reality.


The fact is, humans around the world are waking up, recognizing themselves as Light Beings in a human body, and cultivating a higher frequency in their personal energy fields, which in turn is contributing more Light to the Quantum Field and resulting in movement toward a kinder, gentler humanity.

[In case you don’t know: the Quantum Field—finally discovered and confirmed by science—is the energetic field in which we play and contains everything and everyone. Knowingly or unknowingly, we all contribute to it and are all affected by it. As conscious beings, we also have our own electro-magnetic field, and a personal frequency signature. We operate as transmitting/receiving stations: picking up signals from hither and yon, and constantly broadcasting signals based on the state of our energy field in any given moment: either emotional/mental static, or the harmony/serenity inherent in functioning as Consciousness itself.]


You have the choice—and responsibility—right now: exactly how you’d like to position yourself in terms of the quality of your contribution. Because it’s already happening either consciously or unconsciously, and simply calling yourself spiritual doesn’t cut it if you haven’t activated and embodied the Love you are, and developed sufficient self-mastery to affect the frequency you hold and emanate.


If you haven’t mastered your reactions to the thoughts that arise, if you haven’t mastered your speaking (in terms of intention, integrity and follow-through), if you haven’t integrated awareness in your actions, you are something of a pinball: bounced around willy-nilly, at-effect-of random societal or internal input, and subject to all the emotional and psychological static inherent in the 3rd dimension: Life on Earth as a mostly reactive human.


However, once you choose to activate and enhance the Love- frequency in your energy field, and cultivate the awareness necessary to become a master of thought, word and deed, you lift yourself out of that 3rd dimensional chaos and into a realm where Harmony reigns.


You have upgraded the frequency in your energy field, you are in closer alignment with the Light Being you are, and life becomes increasingly effortless as your trajectory continues on an upward path.


You are not only in sync with the Legions of Light that are doing everything in their power to uplift and inspire humanity in its transition, you are a making a definitive contribution in the focused endeavor to “transform the fabric of reality for the well- being of all.”


The Evolution Revolution 2021 is available on Sahara’s website and also on Amazon.

You can connect with Sahara via her website

A scientifically controlled study conducted by German researchers at the University of Kassel has shown that while the chest area of an average person emits only 20 photons of light per second, someone who meditates on their heart center and sends love to others emits an amazing 100,000 photons per second. That is 5000 times more than the average human being. Numerous studies have also shown that when these photons are infused with a loving and healing intent, their frequency and vibration increases to the point where they can literally change matter, heal disease, and transform negative events.



heart study.webp

Does this bring to mind Scamdemic social distancing the cabal had people following? Every one of us has an energy aura that emanates from the heart and extends out precisely 6 feet from our bodies. When these auras connect with one another we substantially raise the planet's vibration. This is why the cabal mandated a precise 6 foot social distancing. They cannot continue to survive here if we raise the planet's vibration rate to one they cannot tolerate, produced by our energy fields connecting with one another. Social distancing mandates had absolutely nothing to do with a fictional CV 19 "virus" that never existed, per the CDC's own admission to both American and Canadian courts.



These lower frequencies and vibrations can be lethal. It's why the deep state has blanketed us with cell phone and GWEN 5G towers that emit these dangerous lower frequencies - not to mention a shitload of radiation. The whole COVID Scamdemic was in fact, 5G radiation sickness!

If you want this earth shitshow of insanity to end, then we all need to learn how to raise and maintain our own amplitudes, which in turn will make this planet uninhabitable to these lower density entities.


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