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Consciousness dictates everything because we are all ONE shared consciousness.

What consciousness focuses on, is the energy (positive or negative) that focus creates.


Those who are truly awake do not focus their attention on the cabal and their hijinx because we know that creates negative energy which only serves to feed dark force entities and make them stronger.


Those who believe they are somehow helping the forces of good by flooding social media with constant posts about all aspects of the cabal are not helping anyone but the DARK FORCES. Everyone who sees their posts creates their own negative energy by focusing on those posts.​

Subsequently, what is produced with all this negative energy is an all-you-can-eat loosh buffet for these dark force entities to feed off - which only makes them stronger.

When you focus on the negative, you spread that to the collective consciousness and that negativity becomes a part of the collective consciousness. 


Consciousness and the energy behind it are like the ripples created when a stone is thrown into water.

The ripples spread ever outward without any kind of boundary to contain them.

You project these ripples outward as your consciousness is within you. It does not come from outside you or from out in space somewhere. Just like your energy, it radiates outward from the physical body.

Those ripples spreading outward will be the energy the collective consciousness projects - either positive or negative depending on what the majority within that collective consciousness have focused their attention on.

The most beneficial technology that's been hidden from us is the power of our own consciousness. (NO, it's not med beds!) They wanted to keep us 6 feet apart so that energy and consciousness wouldn't become strong enough to send them packing off the planet.


Grant and I disagree on a lot of things...but he nails it in the following video with the exception of claiming that your awareness is outside of you. It's not, it emanates from WITHIN you. Think of yourself as being a beacon, your light shining out to see to guide ships along their paths. That beacon is your consciousness.

Our one consciousness or awareness that is within us is responsible for manifesting into the physical and into everything around us that we take to be "reality" on both 3D earth and the "astral" plane, as we explained in Part 1. 


I see so many people posting things like this:
"I need full contact this year, we need full contact this year" and screaming for full disclosure. Or as Grant said, they're focused on who is having contact with whom, who sees what UFO and other such irrelevant nonsense that has caused the ET/UFO community to miss the boat entirely. What are you going to DO with full disclosure even if you got it? Say "SEE? I TOLD YOU ET'S EXIST!" BFD. Fifty gazillion people have already figured that out and no one cares what your ego is shouting from the rooftops. Nor do the ET's come from "somewhere out in space". They come from our awareness within, from that one consciousness we all share.


Grant is correct...we need to be questioning our old ideas and stop being skeptical of new ideas because we have everything ass backwards.


We project this awareness into what one could call a holographic image. This is why you hear it said "Everything is an illusion." That's a very basic way of putting how all of this works...but it's true. We create holograms that become our "reality". 


Does this mean we don't manifest things into physical form? Not at all! We are the CREATORS so we have the ability to do this. Not to mention, holograms appear very real to us. Do they not? ​

It's as Grant said of these Divine Beings..."You want us to take the form of extraterrestrials to teach you? Okay, we'll be extraterrestrials for you!"


And so that one consciousness, ours and theirs, created extraterrestrials to teach us. Those Divine Beings are the Angelics. In their realm, they exist without physical bodies as simply consciousness, energy, light.


But we wanted them to take physical form, they agreed and WALLA! Our one consciousness (theirs and ours) manifested the Angelics as extraterrestrial teachers in physical bodies.


"You need us to have wings and halos? Ok we can do that too! Here ya go..."


It's all ILLUSION our collective consciousness and awareness create to learn what it is we're here to learn!

As we said in a previous section earth is a school and its curriculum is learning about energy - how to direct it, how to manifest with it, etc.

In order to learn that, we first need to learn how to control our own consciousness and maintain focus on that which facilitates gaining that control.

The dark forces are trying to prevent that from happening as well. They've severely shortened people's attention spans to the point they can barely manage more than a few seconds of information longer than a single soundbite. They've even increased this further now by replacing standard videos with "reels" that are even shorter in length. 
If one can't focus their attention for longer than 10 seconds are they going to retain the ability to think rationally and critically? NOPE!

Grant brought up another very valid point - those who understand this one consciousness concept vs. those with a victim mentality.

If you look at those of us who grasp this one consciousness from within concept, we don't allow ourselves to shift into a victim mentality of "Oh whoa is me! Why is this happening to me?" 
We take each hardship or obstacle we face, we ask ourselves "What is the lesson I'm to learn from this adversity?", we learn the lesson and we move on to the next hurdle. We don't waste time and energy engaging in self pity, nor do we hold onto any trauma produced in learning that lesson. We leave it in the past and keep moving forward.

Anyone engaging in victimhood is still severely Matrix programmed. That's the bottom line. And where is their attention constantly focused? On negativity! Therefore, what are they doing? They're dragging themselves and others down, preventing them from focusing on that which produces positive energy and consciousness.

Those who have a victim mentality are always asking "Why is this happening to me?" as though some outside forces were controlling them and they had no control whatsoever of the activity taking place in their lives. So they keep going in an endless circle of victimhood, never evolving beyond that point. And they suck like-minded individuals in that trap with them. There's a difference between being compassionate and being a victimhood enabler who plays into their "OH WOE IS ME! LOOK AT ME! FEEL SORRY FOR ME!" charade.

Their consciousness will never move beyond that point until they lose the victimhood.


So how does one go about developing their focus and consciousness? The chart below can give you some idea of where you're at on the Consciousness scale.  When you get to the 200 or above mark, you're in the beginning stages at attaining higher dimensional consciousness and awareness.

consciousness scalej.jpg

There are 4 stages:


1. To me: Victim Consciousness

The belief that something is happening to you. Everything in your life—destiny, happiness, success, and well-being—is determined by external factors.


2. By Me: Manifestor Consciousness
The belief that things are happening by you. You’re able to use spiritual principles, like affirmation and visualizations, to manifest the kind of life you want.


3. Through Me: Channeler Consciousness

The belief that things are operating through you. Through meditation and visualizations, you often have peak experiences and live a life of surrender to the universe.


4. As Me: Being Consciousness
The belief that you’re at oneness with all of life as you. It’s the most profound state—the higher consciousness—where the line of separation is dissolved and you’re in harmony and coherence with who you are.


One thing to note, though, is that the stages of consciousness are not linear. Instead, they serve as a mirror to see where you are in different areas of your life.


For instance, in some areas of life, you may feel victimized. In other areas, you may be able to bring things into manifestation. And yet, in other areas, you’re able to be in flow.


The stages are “a way to understand and enter into dialogue about your own growth.”


It will be necessary for you to remove yourself from fast forward daily life and all distractions in order to do this. I took a notebook with me and sat alone outside against a tree. I'd choose an object to focus on and focusing only on that one item, writing down everything I observed about it.

Doing this on a daily basis will also help eliminate the "battle fatigue" many are now suffering from. Increase the time you spend focusing your mind by 5 minutes per day if you can, until you develop the ability to block out everything going on around you. By the way, this will also help when it comes to ET contact.

Unlike us, our space family uses 100% of their consciousness and awareness, that goes far beyond the use of the 5 senses people here limit themselves to. 
In order to shed the lies and deceptions that have been ingrained in us, to get us thinking forward rather than backward, we need to learn how to move beyond what the 5 senses perceive as they have.
We have to allow our consciousness to accept that anything is possible - because it is!


We like to see ourselves as very advanced and always being right. The reality of the situation is we are one of the most primitive races in existence and we know NOTHING about anything.

We don't have anything right, relatively speaking. We need to kick our egos and need to always be "right" out to the curb and start from scratch in learning how life itself really works by virtue of our consciousness and awareness.


Only then will we be able to get ourselves on the right track and create the New Earth we all want.

Introduction to the Allies Of Humanity

Click on the photo to read all 4 volumes

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