If you would encounter a legitimate UFO, DO NOT APPROACH IT OR EVEN GET CLOSE TO IT!
People have been severely harmed just by being in close proximity to alien craft. There was a chapter in a Federal Fire Fighting Manual that dealt specifically with the radiological effects of landed or crashed alien space vehicles.
People who have approached UFO's have suffered the effects of radiation including retina burns and even hemorraghing 5 years after their contact with an ET ship.
So NEVER EVER get in close proximity to the exterior of an ET ship!
Apart from those of us who pilot alien craft and/or military craft back engineered from alien craft, people don't really understand space/time much less how we go about piloting these ships.
They are not piloted like earth aircraft are. Some are telepathically operated, the more advanced ET craft are actual biological entities.
It is not your observation per se that links to UFO's, it is the pilot and crew's consciousness linking with your own. For example, if you think in your head "I wish you'd flash your lights at us" the pilot telepathically 'hears' that and may oblige.
You can see this demonstrated in the video below with one of my contact's ships over the lake in front of my house. Obviously, he's too high up to audibly hear what the UFO hunter group on the ground is saying...but he most certainly telepathically picks up what they're saying. The UFO hunter group begin interacting with my contact at around 6 minutes into the video. Freeze frame the video at 8:51 and you'll see him light up the ship for the group. You'll even hear one of the UFO hunters say "OK make contact with them" before my contact piloting the ship gives them a show.
It is because of this one shared consciousness that the pilot and crew of a UFO become ONE with the ship they're operating, the ship responding to their telepathic thought commands. In fact, some ET's can utilize consciousness to become the ship THEMSELVES and communicate AS THE SHIP ITSELF.
The most advanced ships belong to the Arcturans' and they're actually biological entities. When you set foot aboard an Arcturan ship, you become one biological entity with the ship. It's monitoring all your vitals, your mental state, etc. and automatically adjusting to make you comfortable.
As long as the pilot and navigator can telepathically link to a ship from any location, they can fly that ship.
Incidentally, you'll only see a UFO if the pilot of that ship wants you to see the ship. We can make one motorist on a highway (for example) see the craft and 100 other motorists driving past the same spot won't see a thing. I used to chuckle at one of my contacts who'd land his ship right in front of my neighbor's kitchen window. She's be standing at her sink doing dishes or whatever, be looking directly at his ship and not even know it was there. He'd simply 'camoflauge' his ship using holographic technology that imitated the view my neighbor normally had out her window, essentially making the ship invisible to her.

Although there are hundreds of different shapes, sizes and functions of ET craft, they basically operate by the same principle. Most run on electromagnetic energy (some Lyran ships run on emerald crystals) but this is why you can see UFO's when there's a thunderstorm here. They're gathering electromagnetic energy, much like you'd recharge your car battery.
I'm going to keep this very simplified...but there's typically a stack of rings on top of which is a positron emitter on top of which is a wave guide - where the arrows are pointing.

These 3 elements could be considered the operating system of the ship. EM waves are pulsed through the hull of the ship and up through the rod in the center of the ship. This waveguide rod picks up the telepathic commands of the crew operating the ship, often from the seats in which the pilot and navigator are sitting. (Meaning the seats relay the telepathic commands to the operating system.)
No EM energy is wasted, it is recycled from the top of the ship back through the bottom of the ship. You can see the effects of this if you look out a viewing screen ('window') at the landscape around you when the ship powers up. Everything will have a washboardy ripply sometimes orangish look to it, similar to below - until a particular altitude is reached.

While the ships may sound silent to you, they're actually not. It's just that they have noise silencing tech on them.
Here's what a small ship sounds like powering up. Start with your volume LOW and turn it up from there. (Can hurt the ears)
A "gravity field" is created within the interior of the ship. You can be moving at many times the speed of light and feel like you're standing still.
The control room may have a visible control panel (or not depending on whose ship it is) but normally there will be a control panel and seats for the flight crew. On the walls or in front of the control panel (if there is one) will be viewing screens on which one can telepathically bring up star charts/maps, etc. as well as view the exterior of the ship in a full 360 degrees.
This same kind of viewing screen is used for jumping null time. Jumping null time is accelerating from the speed of light to many times the speed of light - during which a dilation of time occurs and the ship changes from a state of matter to fine matter. When that change takes place, the ship moves into what you would term "hyperspace" but what we call "null time". Basically, when the ship's protective screens are dropped, this enables the creation of a dematerialization. The ship dematerializes and then rematerializes at its destination during the millionth of a second when space and time are paralyzed in the jump to null time. This is a parallel dimension to ours where time and space becomes paralyzed. Through this hyper-space dimension even the most remote destinations in the universe come within range and can be reached, in zero time. There is no feeling associated with this as it happens so fast.
The Plejarens were the first to perfect the art of jumping null time. It can be a tricky business and if not done correctly, you can pull a nearby planet out of its orbit, or more normally end up with a crashed ship.

For this reason, there are devices on opposite sides of the ship that will project a beam that will pinpoint the precise jump point the ship must jump null time at - as illustrated at left by the beams of light coming from the ship.
This same technique is used for pinpointing a landing site.
While the hulls of our ships are made of a very thin ET metal, they can withstand the force of a nuclear blast.
(No, earth military cannot take down a UFO, they want you to think they can)
Defensive weapons are different depending on whose ship it is and these weapons are scalar and very advanced by our standards.
While I won't get too much into defensive weapons for obvious reasons, among them are scalar weapons that can hit with pinpoint accuracy and turn cement here to dust with one shot. Other ships don't carry weaponry but have deflective shields that protect them, like the Alpha Centaurian ships.
A kind of virtual reality tech is used in the construction of ships so they will appear much larger on the interior than on the exterior.
Most smaller ships can operate in earth's atmosphere but 2 propulsion systems are usually required to do this. At least that was the case last I knew. They must have one system to run in earth's atmosphere and another for deep space travel. The command and carrierships are normally too large to operate in earth's atmosphere so must remain in deep space.
Smaller ships can be assembled on a planet within about 15 minutes of our time. The larger ships like command and carrierships are generally constructed in space due to their immense size. The interiors may be finished on the planet surface or in space, depending on the size of the ship.
Some ship interiors are rather on the spartan utilitarian side, others are quite beautifully appointed.
The command and carrierships (motherships as you call them) are completely self sustaining - as you'll see in the section Ship Tour.
There's no such thing as "not my job" on a Confederation ship. Commanders do anything and everything their crew does as far as keeping the ship operating. (Commanders don't command anyone to do anything, it's a title denoting a certain level of spirituality and wisdom.)
While the following isn't by any means precise, it will give you a visual just to give you an idea of flying a ship (sans all the hands movement), the holographic/screen technology used and coming through an interdimensional portal.
The video is a clip from the show, Earth - Final Conflict by Gene Roddenberry.
Yes, in the true alien ships the crew can open portals. In fact, I'll show you some photos sent to me by my dear friend, Robert Hulse and tell you the story behind them.
Rob and a very psychic friend of his who is also a photographer, went to visit some sacred burial site located in England.
Just before entering this site, Rob got a very strong "Don't go in there!" feeling. Dave happened to be shooting photos at the time and captured photos of something I've never seen anyone capture before.
Finally, Rob's feeling of foreboding passed. Neither of them realized what Dave had captured on film until I pointed it out to Rob.
One of my ET contacts realized Rob was in danger if he entered that burial site and came zooming down to save the day and get rid of the nasty entity waiting to jump Rob.
When they got out of the site, Dave said to Rob "Who was that guy following you?"
Rob: "What guy following me? There wasn't anyone following me."
Dave: "Yes there was. He had a very neatly trimmed beard."
As soon as Rob told me this I burst out laughing. I knew exactly which one of my ET contacts had gone down to get rid of the entity waiting to jump Rob.
Here is Dave's photo of my contact's UFO that came down to save Rob.

© Robert Hulse DO NOT COPY!
And here is the doorway portal the ET opened to get to Rob...

© Robert Hulse DO NOT COPY!
For more info on ET ships, take the upcoming ship tour...