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Between the Illuminati's New Age Movement and the cabal's infiltration of the Truther Movement and their creation of the Surface Level Truthers, everyone and their brother has jumped on the "I'm a Starseed!" bandwagon. To the point of absurdity.

As far as I'm concerned, that term should be eliminated from human language. We ALL came from the stars! It's why we and our DNA are a mix of 22 different ET races! Furthermore, labels only seek to divide and conquer - as is the goal of our enslavement adversaries. We only need one label if any - ONE CONSCIOUSNESS - for that label unites us and sums reality up perfectly.

The truth is most who believe they are "Starseeds" are not except in their own imaginations.
Case in point...

Jen desparately needs to believe she's a "Starseed", one of the 2nd Wave Volunteers. Yet under hypnosis, even Jen's subconscious says "She wants me to say yes. But no. No."

Question is, WHY does Jen need to feel she's an off planet "Starseed"? Having come from off planet does not make one "special" in any way whatsoever! Those of us who did come from off planet know there's nothing special about us and that every living being is fully equal to any other living being. We're no different than anyone else simply because we traveled a great distance to come here. 

Say you have a friend living in Boston and he/she travels cross country to visit you out in California. Do you see that friend as being any better or different than yourself simply because he/she traveled a fair distance to visit you? OF COURSE NOT! Logically then, why would you see someone from off planet as being any better or different than yourself simply because we traveled an even greater distance to come visit you???

Bottom line...Jen doesn't need to be anyone but who she is in order to have worth. She's every bit as capable of doing her part to help humanity as any "Starseed" who came from off planet is. 

And if one is crowing from the rooftops "I'M A STARSEED!" they most certainly aren't because their ego is in their driver's seat: "LOOK AT ME! I'M SPECIAL!" No, you're not.

A legitimate volunteer has their ego in balance with their mind, body, spirit and soul. That is one of the key characteristics of a legitimate off planet volunteer - their ego, mind, body, soul, spirit are all in balance with one another. It is of no significance to them whatsoever whether they came from off planet or this is their planet of origin. It doesn't change who they are.

We already covered the 3 soul classifications in our article Absolute Solution to Earth's Craziness but here's a quick refresher.

Earth Souls

Interplanetary Souls

Angelic Souls

The Interplanetary and Angelic souls are the ones who traveled here from off planet and possess that 3rd strand of DNA that is the sole method of determining whether or not one came from off planet.

Here's a news flash for ya....WE don't determine whether we're a "Starseed" or not! The ET's determine whether or not we're working for and with them. Our opinion on the matter doesn't count for diddly squat!

We aren't the ones running the volunteer earth mission show, now are we? *Smile*
So whether one believes they are a "Starseed" or not is completely irrelevant. We only are if our ET "bosses" acknowledge we are. 

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Some statistics to put things in their proper perspective:

Only 5% of earth's inhabitants are here carrying out soul missions.

That means of a planet of 7 billion people, only 350 million are actually carrying out soul missions.

Take into account all of the 1st wave of volunteers that lost their lives carrying out the earth mission plus those thousands of NWO resistors that were murdered in cold blood and that 350 million number drops drastically.

We asked our ET contacts what traits they looked for in choosing who they would send to earth to help them in the earth mission. This was the list of characteristics they gave us:

  • ​Interplanetary and Angelic souls come to earth with higher dimensional knowledge and a higher dimensional awareness terrestrial humans don't yet possess. They operate from an awake stance and from the soul level vs. the 3D earth ego level. Although they've already been through the awakening process, because their ET memories were erased in coming to earth they had to undergo a second accelerated awakening to restore that awakening knowledge which was erased along with their ET memories.

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Quote: "They had to possess extraordinary inner strength to withstand "earth authority", ridicule and persecution by the masses and such in order to successfully carry out their mission with little direction from us in how to go about doing that. They would face adversity at every turn and hardships earth inhabitants have not yet been subjected to for they had to know how to sidestep those adverse obstacles and work around them without becoming traumatized by them."

  • "We chose those with the most cosmic reincarnations under their belts, who were accustomed to doing what we were going to ask them to do on earth. Almost without fail those we chose had lived past incarnations as warriors in some respect."

  • "Our volunteers had to be open minded and non judgmental of others."

  • The volunteers had to be Service to Others oriented vs. earth's Service to Self.

  • "Our representatives/emissaries had to have very developed psi abilities as they would lose some of their natural psi abilities in going to earth - yet had to be able to function in spite of this loss."

  • "They had to be astute observers vs. emotionally reactive and be able to keep a cool head during a crisis. We chose those who would not create fear in their minds and succumb to it."

So according to the ET's themselves, these are the primary characteristics they looked for in their volunteers who would come here. However, they look for these same characteristics in a person regardless of what soul group they belong to. If you have those characteristics then the ET's have already physically been in contact with you - not via dream's, in your mind's eye, etc. They utilize all 3 soul groups in their work here, not just that of the off planet volunteers!

​In fact, in the eyes of those of us who did come from off planet, the earth souls are the most important group here. It's THEIR planet so they have the most invested in it. And they should!

It's the most beautiful and bountiful planet in existence! Why do you think so many malevolent ET races want to claim it as their own? So you earth souls, you're the most important and critical group within the earth mission! The grass isn't greener on the other side out there in the cosmos.

Bottom line, it doesn't matter what soul group you're a part of. The most valuable people on the planet right now are those who can be the LIVING EXAMPLE of what we wish humanity to become. It's that simple.


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